Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Hey, everyone! So, I took about a four month break from Guild Wars 2 and just recently returned. Played a lot of WvW before I left. Now, when I left, Northern Shiverpeaks had a pretty strong WvW community, and we were doing pretty well for ourselves in rankings. Not top of the board, but certainly not at the bottom. Kaineng was below us, and I remember them being in a crappy position as far as their WvW community goes.

Come back, aaaand Kaineng is towards the top and Northern Shiverpeaks is towards the bottom. I rarely ever see anybody, the map chat is not lively at all, and obviously the WvW community is gone lol. What happened? Where’d everyone go? And which server should I move to for a good WvW community?

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Well Kaineng at least got a bunch of server hoppers that all went to a lower tier so they could combine with a strong Oceanic time zone coverage. Then they exploded even more with band wagoners when people saw that they had decent coverage. And going to cost you now to move.

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Hmm 4 months – you’ve missed alot. As happened with every server, as soon as we settled in the ranking and stopped winning, the bandwagoneers left. I think we peaked at T5 for the week long matches and have since then settled in T6 for a long while now. We lost our Oceanic coverage to the Kaineng bandwagon and have had a trickle in and out since then. Current NSP is the least populated T6 server but has a pretty good showing except during Oceanic times. As for the WvW community, its good on NSP. Logging in on superbowl weekend for the 3rd straight week of AR/BP/NSP is not a good indicator of community. If you want massive zergs, move up. If you want to hear about NSP, read here:

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: DaBleuberry.1780


What happened to the guild Angry Army/Angry Millitia [AA] the youtuber AngryJoeShow owns those guilds, thought they were in Northern Shiverpeaks.

Ássurance [ÆSS] ~Lablueberry

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Were still very much alive just much smaller than we used to be and only have dedicated and loyal people left who love the server and community that’s still here…kaineng is the bandwagon server they got probably well over 500 hardcore wvw players

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


You know what, the Superbowl thing never crossed my mind lol. But yeah, I feel like everything has changed since I was last on. Thanks for that link, though, airtsu. Reading through it right now. It’s definitely changed my perspective lol. It’s just sad seeing a lot of the WvW players I knew are gone. But the thing I loved about NSP to start with was how we were pretty much abandoned by…I forgot their name (the something Alliance), and managed to climb the ranks and make a name for ourselves. I’d love to see that happen again, and it seems like that’s the goal. So I’ll definitely be sticking around and signing up on the community site.

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Dont blame you for feeling that way, i feel like NSP is dead after today. There are people who still play, but none of them are interested in defending their own borderlands. They all just want that castle.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Hey anvil get out of here…and it’s the weekday and day after superbowl shouldn’t you know we don’t have as many on weekdays

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


I recommend Kaineng.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master |

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Mezri.5890


NSP is not dead. It’s just that it seems to be a negative loop destroying all of our fight. It seems to be as simple as; a few guilds moving around but the thing that seems to hurt us most is: empty maps during certain time blocks.

The timeline looks something like this:
Fight all day to capture, lose it all at night.

Consequently as a whole we have no desire to hold locations when our opponents dominate our map. It makes us as a world seem to believe we have to capture and ignore defence because defence is not possible. Without putting the emphasis on defence where it should be, we end up losing what little we have and en up utterly demoralised by that. Less people log in believing it’s because we’re against superior numbers.

The only people who remain in WvW are the die hard WvWers and those who don’t care about points. So it’s a very troubled time for NSP WvW really, despite that there is no true deficiency. We just need to be reminded that our world is worth fighting for but more to the point: worth defending.

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Teach the pugs to defend and SM doesn’t win us the game and were good to go

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Mezri.5890


That’s what I have been spending my nights doing. I log off when players start to rage about it for the third time in that night however.

EDIT: I log off at that point because you can’t help people who you have to fight to teach … and that’s not fun, and this is a game.

(edited by Mezri.5890)

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Teach the pugs to defend and SM doesn’t win us the game and were good to go

It’s common knowledge that Castles are autowin. Please stop trolling this thread, were wise to you now.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master |

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


But ocul you love me!!!

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


NSP is not dead, but you guys do need numbers in the match up against BP and AR. You have [Os], which is a huge credit to your team, but they usually run as a guild zerg, not a pug zerg, so it follows that it would seem more dead than it is. While your small group game is very impressive, it won’t win the match ups. I realize you guys take pride in them, but wars on this scale need armies. And armies you don’t have. Start fielding a few more CO’s that can gather some numbers and stay out of EB. The bottom half of your BL is 35 points. That’s the same as holding SM. You guys may be at a deficit now but I’m pretty sure if you moved down you would stomp them. Tier 7 is where server death starts. you guys are just the runt of the litter at the moment.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


You guys were good i remember the fight we had while i was on yaks bend. 600-700 points difference at the end. I would come to your server if you got back to where you were before “dominator” of tier 6", perhaps a few friends would too. I remember when your server started dying out, it started with beating AR, then drawing with them, then losing to them by more and more and more….

Best of luck hopefully big guilds will go there

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Teach the pugs to defend and SM doesn’t win us the game and were good to go

It’s common knowledge that Castles are autowin. Please stop trolling this thread, were wise to you now.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Last evening, our BL was left without any kind of protection/commander. BP took it in less than 1 hour.
I tried to rally people, I spammed map chat, running between our different towers to check the siege etc… but people only showed when we took back Longview.
Most frustrating moment was at Cliffside. There was a lot of siege weapons there and I was the only one defending it. I was spamming chat way before BP attacked this place because for me, it was the best place to wipe their small force with that many weapons.

I guess no-one is interested in defending our stuff.

Not having a commander tag on map didn’t help either I guess.


Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Coming from AR who NSP is fighting this week I can tell you NSP is most certainly not dead. They can field a very respectable force.

But as others have pointed out, in the lower tiers no one can guard everything all the time. We dont have the coverage. And compared to BP and AR, NSP just has less.

Dead? No. But after all the chaos that will come with the ratings reset, hopefully we all end up in places where our numbers and coverages match those who we are playing. I know, wishful thinking.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


We’re in a post-transfer rebuilding phase, I’ve actually noticed more players from new guilds in the last week. Os is still the only big WvW guild we have, but we also have smaller guilds joining in and organizing small parties.

But compared to AR/BP, we’re never going to win, just do not have the numbers. Hopefully the reset will find us facing better matchups.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Last evening, our BL was left without any kind of protection/commander. BP took it in less than 1 hour.
I tried to rally people, I spammed map chat, running between our different towers to check the siege etc… but people only showed when we took back Longview.
Most frustrating moment was at Cliffside. There was a lot of siege weapons there and I was the only one defending it. I was spamming chat way before BP attacked this place because for me, it was the best place to wipe their small force with that many weapons.

I guess no-one is interested in defending our stuff.

Not having a commander tag on map didn’t help either I guess.

Last night was bad. That was my first real extended look at WvW in a while and man, that was disappointing. It really didn’t look like we had many people, then everyone showed up to take Long back. Then they all disappeared! You were the only one really communicating for a while. I threw a bit of info out there, and tried to go where you needed me, but I’ll admit I was nowhere near top form.

And that commander got on, and a few others, and they KINDA communicated at first but then it just turned into “Let’s all follow the icon!” after we lost Hills.

If last night is any indicator, then there’s a lot of work to be done. I can only hope that the community site helps get us on track.

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Last evening, our BL was left without any kind of protection/commander. BP took it in less than 1 hour.
I tried to rally people, I spammed map chat, running between our different towers to check the siege etc… but people only showed when we took back Longview.
Most frustrating moment was at Cliffside. There was a lot of siege weapons there and I was the only one defending it. I was spamming chat way before BP attacked this place because for me, it was the best place to wipe their small force with that many weapons.

I guess no-one is interested in defending our stuff.

Not having a commander tag on map didn’t help either I guess.

Last night was bad. That was my first real extended look at WvW in a while and man, that was disappointing. It really didn’t look like we had many people, then everyone showed up to take Long back. Then they all disappeared! You were the only one really communicating for a while. I threw a bit of info out there, and tried to go where you needed me, but I’ll admit I was nowhere near top form.

And that commander got on, and a few others, and they KINDA communicated at first but then it just turned into “Let’s all follow the icon!” after we lost Hills.

If last night is any indicator, then there’s a lot of work to be done. I can only hope that the community site helps get us on track.

I’m a very discrete player usualy, but I was so sad to see BP taking our bl that I had to do something. I guess it would have been a lot more efficient with a tag over my head. Like someone said, we still have people who don’t know tower/keep’s names ect… Oh well, next time, we will have to ping locations instead of naming it. It was my mistake. I was a bit nervous and I’m quite a no-name using broken english so…

Fortunatly, it should be quite different tonight. My guild has a strong presence in our borderlands. Monday was just our day off.
I hope to see you again later ! And thank you for your help last night. At least, we took something haha


Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


While I am not on NSP, I respect the tenacity of it’s players. Before I got my commander tag, I did find linking locations in the chat to be the easiest way to show newer WvW players where you were talking about. Quite a few people on any given map really couldn’t tell you the names of most towers or camps.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


We definitely don’t have anywhere close to the former size or organization of our night crew now :/ other than that though were still decently strong!

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


I started to feel like GoM was in a similar state a few weeks ago, and perhaps we still are, but in the last couple weeks we have seen steady positive progress. Hang in there, this is a very frustrating time in WvW because people abused the free transfers to the point of ruining whole servers. Now that it takes actual investment to move we will see population regrowth on many of them. However, if it becomes too unbearable, GoM would be happy to accept all serious WvW transfers. Best of luck.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks