Not Getting Event Credit for Stonemist
This has happened to me many times in the past and hope they fix it soon. Some of the battles are so epic and costly…it hurts when you get robbed of any credit.
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
Since the patch 2 weeks ago, I have been denied of event credit for at least 4 Keeps, 3 towers, 8 time stonemist (out of 10) and even a sentry which I soloed. It was not that frequent before the patch. As mentioned, for the few hours dropping seige, taking down guards, dying, taking kill credit for the lord (experience popped up) and nothing.
I have sent several bug report ingame and not reponse. Its getting frustrating.
Its been more than a month and still having the same thing over and over.
Reinstalled, repaired (which comes out nothing wrong).
Sent bug reports which is totally ignored.
Sent Tickets which gave me no answers to the question.