Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


After this weekend, seeing you guys HoD sat in third place, we were getting a little worried.

We were talking about it in guild chat and all sorts of ‘theories’ came up, such as a lot of your guys had transferred off HoD so they didnt have such long que times and the such Or you were backing off a little to get matched against lesser servers next time… all theories I might add.

Short story is, after such great fights last week Against us (SBI) and JQQ we were feeling somewhat worried about you. We like a good HoD fight, win or loose it’s always exciting.

Just logged in and took a peek, however, and as it stands, if NOTHING changes, HoD will take second place in overall score in about 4.5 hours and take first place from us (SBI) in a little under 48 hours (yes I’m sad enough to have created a quick spread sheet hahaha).

We can breath a sigh of relief that HoD is back! Looking forward to some great fights and if you see a little Azurian Thief with a large feathered hat bowing at your corpse or (more than likely) laying at your feet chewing dirt, wave and I’ll see you around.

What a great sport you gu….. WAIT A MIN, did you take StoneMist?! I’ve changed my mind.. LOL Jk

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruore.2486


I think it’s safe to say HoD will not finish last.
What’s not sure is who will finish first.
This ppt discrepancy will change this evening if only for a few hours, but it will solidify our hold on first place.
All we need to do is ensure we have a decent ppt every day, we don’t need the highest.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!!!!

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Like i said, my calculations stand if NOTHING changes. Its more an estimate but i agree, things WILL change and as it stands, its fairly unpredictable atm and i LOVE that! This is a pretty close fight, lets see how it looks after tonight, I for one am looking forward to it.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruore.2486


True, it’s still much too early to predict and I agree as well, this is what makes it interesting.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!!!!

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


Good work guys, you successfully logged in more players than the other servers combined!

some terrible idiot in [pre]

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: siiz.7014


Good work guys, you successfully logged in more players than the other servers combined!

pretty much what this person said

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Good work guys, you successfully logged in more players than the other servers combined!

hmm maybe so but the fact still stands, they are pushing back and this is anyone’s match

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


ET will finish last, no fault to them and the amazing effort they put up during the weekend, but they simply don’t have a nightcap team to be heard of. SBI still has a shot at 1st if we can regain leads over HoD during peak hours…but idk.

I hate to say scores only matter in the first few nights, because they’re easily skewed over a smaller amount of time, (for example, ET having a deathwish on Hod, JQ bashing on SBI, orbs being an entire other discussion completely), but everyone knew HoD was going to have the advantage on the weekday nights. Personally I’ve kind of given up on scores as a reliable way to judge servers, it’s fun to go by scores the first few days the scores reset, after that its just kind of fun in general.

I’d hate to see people stop doing WvW just because HoD masses score during morning hours. If anything, just go keep track of the score yourself on weekdays during peak hours and use that as an “official score” if it bothers you that much.

(edited by Talesslaser.7813)

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


Week isn’t over. It can go either way still.

In case HoD loses, I decided to make a list of premade excuses.

1. Quaggans are overpowered. And biased to SBI.
2. Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 just came out. how are we supposed to concentrate on WvW when we could be fishing in Torchlight2?
3. Angry Joe xfered off HoD, and how are we supposed to compete without him?
4. “Real” wvw fights don’t start till the solstice. These are just prelim.
5. Obviously, too many people. and its all everyone else fault. I’m awesome.
6. It was a 7v1 fight. Forum warriors totally count. It hurt our feelings. The emotional damage impacted our ability to fight.
7. Football season bro. Can’t play WvW with the game on.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Oh the scores dont bother me. I play even when we’re last and have a great time. On the flip side, however, I find it fun to watch them, see trends etc.

I agree scores are meaningless markers as to how well a server plays; a server fielding 50 ppl will loose against a server fielding 500 ppl. That doesnt mean the higher server plays better just means…. they have more ppl.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347



Due to the nature of W3, you will never – ever – be able to use it as proof of “better players”, or “higher skill”.

Never. Not even when you win.

If you want that kind of achievement, you should start looking at tournament matches.

EDIT: Even comparing the “skill” of HoD vs. Kaenig is not possible. W3 is not a measurement of player skill, at all.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


@ sky… whoa! I am NOT looking for proof of better players sheesh I just enjoy watching the scores, seeing how other servers are doing and have a little ‘server pride’ now and then.

When it comes to W3, i fully understand it’s mechanic; its an entire server contribution not just a 6 man v 6 man tournament. Believe me i know.

I’m just enjoying how unpredictable and exciting this whole match is. If i want to say “hey we’re the best” Yes, i’d play SPvP – that is what it’s for. W3 is fun for the whole server

just though others would find is at interesting as i Do is all

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


  1. HoD
  2. SBI
  3. ET

SBI doesn’t stand a chance against the numbers that HoD can put up 24/7 and ET REALLY cant.

As someone from SBI, I honestly don’t care who is #1 or #3 as long as good fights are to be had.
One has to be realistic though. We (SBI) got a nice lead this weekend, but there is a lot more week left for HoD to come up from behind and expand their lead while being fairly uncontested.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


@ Karicus:

hehe… okay well maybe I was wrong for calling you out specifically, but I’ve been seeing a lot of the mentality my first post pushed back against lately on the boards.

I too enjoy watching the points and trends… but I almost wish they would find some other way to build the bonuses.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Can we get a points update / screenshot?

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Can we get a points update / screenshot?

^ +1

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Taka.3957


Good work guys, you successfully logged in more players than the other servers combined!

Thats all it is. HOD isn’t better… they just have daytime players. They basically had to wait til SBI was asleep to take Stonemist.

And for the update:
SBI: 104,010 – +255
ET: 80,374 – +95
HOD: 77,527 – +350

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


In the previous match up, HoD vs SBI vs JQ was the only match up in the world with a points gap of less than 100k between 1st and 2nd place. During that week, HoD had all 4 maps full of players 24/7.

This weekend we saw what the match ups really look like when all 3 servers have people logged in.

Now that HoD’s pesky opponents have logged out, some other stuff is happening.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


This weekend we saw what the match ups look like when all 3 servers have people logged in.

Now that HoD’s pesky opponents have logged out, some other stuff is happening.

And it was glorious. This last weekend I played basically from the moment the match restarted until Sunday night with a few breaks for sleeping. It was bad for me, but it was oh so good!

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


It’s all part of the game, you just have to decide which is more important for you. Prime time domination or internet points after a week?

I just hope we stay in the top tier to keep getting great fights.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: kousei.5914


After this weekend, seeing you guys HoD sat in third place, we were getting a little worried.

We were talking about it in guild chat and all sorts of ‘theories’ came up, such as a lot of your guys had transferred off HoD so they didnt have such long que times and the such Or you were backing off a little to get matched against lesser servers next time… all theories I might add.

Short story is, after such great fights last week Against us (SBI) and JQQ we were feeling somewhat worried about you. We like a good HoD fight, win or loose it’s always exciting.

Just logged in and took a peek, however, and as it stands, if NOTHING changes, HoD will take second place in overall score in about 4.5 hours and take first place from us (SBI) in a little under 48 hours (yes I’m sad enough to have created a quick spread sheet hahaha).

We can breath a sigh of relief that HoD is back! Looking forward to some great fights and if you see a little Azurian Thief with a large feathered hat bowing at your corpse or (more than likely) laying at your feet chewing dirt, wave and I’ll see you around.

What a great sport you gu….. WAIT A MIN, did you take StoneMist?! I’ve changed my mind.. LOL Jk

A lot of us on SBI expected HoD to return to potential points lead outside of US primetime during the work week because they have better 24/7 presence. I think someone figured out that if we can get potential points lead back every night this week, we can win this anyway.

Leader of Marked Souls [MkS]
Jade Quarry

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


LOL people on other servers have jobs.. lol yep thats hod.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


@sky – that’s ok I have been getting fed up of that mentality too. I was hoping (and it seems to have worked) to have gotten a great, exciting discussion, using points as the basis of that excitement RATHER then a measure of overall greatness.

I hope we do win but even if we dont, it sure sounds like everyone is having some serious W3 fun and the uncertainty of it all is great.

Any predictions on final order?
mine is ;

BUT HoD will be nipping at our ankles, i think it will run down to the wire.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


You guys have allot of time left you must believe in yourselfs your welfare zerg can do it.

Hopfully the other players servers will turn it around now since there all getting home from work now.

OH NOOOOS!!! some of them might be tired from doing things all day.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: nuance.1806


Seems odd… SBI (and presumably HOD) have server queues up 24/7, you’d think we’re full up, right? We sure do have a lot of people logging in and then going AFK in the valley for hours on end. Moving little places here and there, but never going anywhere. Is it the same on HOD?

Rootling ·:· Branch Walker ·:· Root Hacker
Baruk [BYOB] on Stormbluff Isle –

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Taka.3957


SBI has not had server queues for at least the Borderlands today between 4am and 12pm EST.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Muaziz.7253


After playing in EB for about 4hrs last night, not only did we have to defend SM from constant trebbing from 3 sides we also had to combat HoD and ET who were co-ordinating the attacks together.

Was quite amusing to see a group of 40+ ET breach the NW wall of SM and then run away so HoD could take the inner….

Juggernaut Smith – 80 Norn Guardian

“Forgive me, I do not wish too impose but I am the Ocean”

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


Especially now that Anet is banning a lot of the Henge players for the hacks and bugs they used to take keep lords.

Strong words, so I seriously hope that you can back this up !?

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


Last night during the Oceanic primetime there were no queues for either Green or Red borderlands on HoD; I can’t speak to the other maps, and obviously we might still have had more people even without queues. It is what it is though, WvW is a 24/7 week long match. It will be interesting to see how the week plays out.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Good work guys, you successfully logged in more players than the other servers combined!

Congrats you unwittedly double teamed us during the weekend!

Not on purpose of course but what do you expect to happen when both servers your fighting are gunning for you…. 2 skilled servers at that in the top tier.

Now HoD is striking where you are weak no need to be snide about it.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Lets see how well you do with 2 equally skilled servers gunning for your server lol…. the heat is off and they are doing their thing now.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


About that battle last night in stone mist there was somthing fishy going on there idk if its posable to lagswitch WvW but after hod grabed sm and not before the lag was so bad you could not use your skills with out a at least 10s delay. I have been in larger battles with no issues.

intel i7 gtx 470 sli

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


About that battle last night in stone mist there was somthing fishy going on there idk if its posable to lagswitch WvW but after hod grabed sm and not before the lag was so bad you could not use your skills with out a at least 10s delay. I have been in larger battles with no issues.

intel i7 gtx 470 sli

lag happened…. i logged in the other night same thing while out pve’ing. Logged in 4 hours later… lag gone. It happens.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


About that battle last night in stone mist there was somthing fishy going on there idk if its posable to lagswitch WvW but after hod grabed sm and not before the lag was so bad you could not use your skills with out a at least 10s delay. I have been in larger battles with no issues.

intel i7 gtx 470 sli

Intel i7 3930
Asus Sabertooth x79
Crossfire Radeon 7970
Game runs on SSD

It’s not your computer. It’s not just HoD. It’s really not limited to any specific server. I’ve been in plenty of fights in plenty of places with plenty of servers and have had the skill delay as well as invisible fighters. It has nothing to do with my computer nor my 30 MB down internet. I’m sure other servers have experienced it against us too and it can really be chalked up to the game could use a rendering touch or two.

(edited by Tali.4259)

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Brome.7036


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Hah, I can’t wait until HoD plays SBI without ET gunning at us.

SBI is either trolling or… nah it is trolling for sure. SBI Owes all their lead to ET. They should be very, very grateful that ET gave them free points all weekend long. Hell RUIN Admitted this and still people sing praise at SBI.

It was a very tough battle Friday, Sat and Sunday on HoD and at 7pm sunday night we on EB held every one of our sides objectives. Give credit where due. HoD played one hell of a defense during our NA prime time.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: aeroh.8930


Am I reading this right? SBI worried over HoD coming in last. And now they’re breathing a sigh of relief because HoD is making a come back, and might even usurp first place by Friday?

That’s so sweet…

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Lets see how well you do with 2 equally skilled servers gunning for your server lol…. the heat is off and they are doing their thing now.

The heat is off, as in their opponents are not playing the videogame at this time? And they’re “doing their thing” of capping undefended / outmaned objectives? OK

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Hah, I can’t wait until HoD plays SBI without ET gunning at us.

SBI is either trolling or… nah it is trolling for sure. SBI Owes all their lead to ET. They should be very, very grateful that ET gave them free points all weekend long. Hell RUIN Admitted this and still people sing praise at SBI.

It was a very tough battle Friday, Sat and Sunday on HoD and at 7pm sunday night we on EB held every one of our sides objectives. Give credit where due. HoD played one hell of a defense during our NA prime time.

Little irrelevant all the e-peanz waving don’t you think? You want to only take credit and not give it.. Did we come and discredit HoD last week by saying “All HoD winz belong to JQ” ? I mean we were focused from both sides as well? Did SBI cry about it? In Wx3 there will always be focus. Focus should be a huge part of the strategy.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Lets see how well you do with 2 equally skilled servers gunning for your server lol…. the heat is off and they are doing their thing now.

The heat is off, as in their opponents are not playing the videogame at this time? And they’re “doing their thing” of capping undefended / outmaned objectives? OK

now your just trolling, good-day.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Muaziz.7253


It is not even possible to take the wvwvw seriously at this point…24hr CD for server swapping during a week long battle = yeah right

Juggernaut Smith – 80 Norn Guardian

“Forgive me, I do not wish too impose but I am the Ocean”

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


Hah, I can’t wait until HoD plays SBI without ET gunning at us.

SBI is either trolling or… nah it is trolling for sure. SBI Owes all their lead to ET. They should be very, very grateful that ET gave them free points all weekend long. Hell RUIN Admitted this and still people sing praise at SBI.

It was a very tough battle Friday, Sat and Sunday on HoD and at 7pm sunday night we on EB held every one of our sides objectives. Give credit where due. HoD played one hell of a defense during our NA prime time.

Let’s not be kitteny, there’s one person trolling from SBI no need to taint their entire server. SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Re the green borderland, I was on it during NZ primetime most of the weekend and we were under constant pressure; it’s just the nature of the map. The path of least resistance is for blue to push up the west side and red to push up the east side. I saw a few skirmishes on the towers to the south but nothing significant – we tend to do the same thing on the other borderlands it’s just the nature of the game. Guess what I’m trying to say is that when you have two dedicated opponents pressuring you on two fronts it’s pretty impossible to do much. Please note that this is not an accusation of collusion it’s just what happens on the home borderland.

On Saturday night NZ there was an epic 3 way battle in the garrison keep room. SBI managed to take the top floor and set up arrow carts and came out on top though.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


HoD only does well in off hours because they have a lot of foreigners getting free caps. That’s why they lose during primetime and comeback when everyone is asleep or at work / school.

Hey now let’s be fair.

They don’t “lose during primetime”. Seriously, the HoD primetime guys are good. You give them an hour without constant pressure, and they take their keep back and begin pushing you out of their land quickly.

But they also aren’t better than everyone else.

Did HoD make any progress beyond their 2 towers + keep this weekend on HoD map? They certainly didn’t on Friday and Saturday…

Lets see how well you do with 2 equally skilled servers gunning for your server lol…. the heat is off and they are doing their thing now.

The heat is off, as in their opponents are not playing the videogame at this time? And they’re “doing their thing” of capping undefended / outmaned objectives? OK

I saw quite a bit of SBI on blue map earlier in the day, and not once did I see the outmanned buff on any of them.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Rito.9205


SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Speaking as someone from HoD, this bit is right on. SBI should be proud of how well they’ve done this weekend. They’ve put up a hell of a fight, and I can’t say I’ve seen a server play a cleaner game. Aside from the debatable validity of hitting garrison trebs with 90 degree ballista, I can’t say I’ve seen a single exploit/glitch/cheat using SBI player or guild.

They’re in first place because they’ve fought hard. I could sit here all day crying about how ‘ET has an axe to grind’ or ’we’re being 2v1-ed’, but at the end of the day SBI is a class-act of a server and probably the best competition we’ve seen since launch.

Hat’s off to you guys, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the week against you.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Speaking as someone from HoD, this bit is right on. SBI should be proud of how well they’ve done this weekend. They’ve put up a hell of a fight, and I can’t say I’ve seen a server play a cleaner game. Aside from the debatable validity of hitting garrison trebs with 90 degree ballista, I can’t say I’ve seen a single exploit/glitch/cheat using SBI player or guild.

They’re in first place because they’ve fought hard. I could sit here all day crying about how ‘ET has an axe to grind’ or ’we’re being 2v1-ed’, but at the end of the day SBI is a class-act of a server and probably the best competition we’ve seen since launch.

Hat’s off to you guys, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the week against you.

i believe the ballistas are intended since there should be nowhere on a map that siege equipment isn’t able to be hit by other siege equipment

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Nightbird.2871


Let’s not be kitteny, there’s one person trolling from SBI no need to taint their entire server. SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Why not? You guys did it to JQ when a handful were crying alliance and gave us that wonderful nickname JQQ. All it takes is a few people from a server to give that entire server a bad name apparently.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Let’s not be kitteny, there’s one person trolling from SBI no need to taint their entire server. SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Why not? You guys did it to JQ when a handful were crying alliance and gave us that wonderful nickname JQQ. All it takes is a few people from a server to give that entire server a bad name apparently.

Is this a JQQ member QQ’ing?…again?

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Rito.9205


Let’s not be kitteny, there’s one person trolling from SBI no need to taint their entire server. SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Why not? You guys did it to JQ when a handful were crying alliance and gave us that wonderful nickname JQQ. All it takes is a few people from a server to give that entire server a bad name apparently.

I don’t frequent the forums much, so maybe I’m out of my depth here, but who cares? There’s always going to be a vocal minority that’s crying about X, Y, or Z.

I’m more concerned with how players conduct themselves in-game, and I’ve had a hell of a fight on my hands every time I’ve been matched up vs SBI.