OP has become OP
The OP is right about the OPness of OP, this OP has to stop.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Few days of ban for forums trollers OPening threads “xxxxx is OP” will be OP
Yeah I agree it’s about time OP was nerfed:
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]
Love this thread! lol
Tee See
I agree with this guy! If this dosen’t change I’m quitting forever! Don’t try to stop me, I’ll do it!
Ocean Pacific
we’ve finally made it guys. the forums are officially more fun than the game.
this has got to stOP……
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Just don’t get mixed up ANet, careful you don’t add another P to the OP because as far as I’m aware that’s Other Peoples kittenes your messing with.
And now this trend of OP threads can die.
I’m down with OPp, yea you know me…
what is this? OP thred day!? some even complain about thing that even dont make sense…
just so many op threads, but op has right :]
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I’m down with OPp, yea you know me…
http://www.gw2opp.com • http://www.youtube.com/user/oppveretta
The term OP has become OP. Pls Anet nerf it now or I will quit your game, for realz.
Possible suggestions:
Remove caps i.e. op. (takes the edge off I feel)
Change meaning to On Par (as in on par for the course, meaning to be expected)
Remove the O and P keys from everyone’s keyboards (a logistical nightmare)Whatever the solution I want it fixed yesterday so you best be getting a move on or there will be consequences!
/shakes fist angrily
Your ability to post clever OP threads is OP. It’s not fair that others cannot think of humorous ways to express their discontent or point out glaring examples of whinny posts.
ANet please make every one in game and on forums the same. I’m pretty sure it could be done by typing a few lines of code.
See you in Tyria.
It’s Nerf or nothing.®
This thread is OP!
I demand its nerfed (or deleted) straight away, for being far too OP!?!
Oh wait, I forgot the OMG OP!?!?! OMG OP!?!?!