Obsidian Sanctum
So you are saying you cant complete the jumping puzzle cos of enemies?
Why not make it a solo instance, that way everyone can do the JP without any hassle from anybody :P
There are a lot of ways to get past people in this JP, if you cannot do it then you simply are not a good player. Try running with a friend, maybe that way you can kill those who are killing you instead.
PvP happened in PvP zone go figure….I have one advice to you OP.Deal with it and stop complaining.
Try to shrug off the sentiments from above…GW2 has about the most supportive and tolerant player community of any MMO I have walked into but there’s always “those guys”.
Unfortunately, they do have something of a point. Obsidian Sanctum is not a JP you should attempt solo. It was one of the last jumping puzzles I had left in the game…and was resigned to leave it as the one I never finished simply because I knew what it would be. I had heard the infamy of “the dark room” and the amount of spots players could camp and pick people off. Were it not for a friend more committed to 100% completion of all jumping puzzles than I, I probably still wouldn’t have it done.
Having been though it though…here is my advice. First, youtube it. Then youtube it again. Know the path you’re going to take inside and out before you go in there. The more time you waste looking up where to go next the greater the chance someone is going to catch up to you.
Second…bring a friend. Bring two friends. Bring everyone you know. One man won’t pose much threat to someone camping…looking for an easy mark. A pack might make him reconsider his use of time.
Third…always be looking ahead. Most of the path is pretty visible…there are some tight spots like ascending the platforms on the inside of the “tower” or whatever that was supposed to be…bring stability and pop it near the top. Necro is one of my least played alts and even I recognized that would be a good spot to fear bomb someone to their death. If you see someone camping and you don’t think you can take them out…WP back and come back another day. It’s not going anywhere…save yourself the frustration.
Having said that though…don’t rush to instigate a fight if you do meet someone. Keep in mind…there are people like you out there that don’t want to fight and just want to get through that place. We agreed going in…we only fight in self defense. We met two enemies on the way through…a warrior and an elementalist. The warrior gave us space…he got to finish with us. Live and let live. The elementalist attacked us after we had already walked by her. She didn’t finish.
To your original question of “should it be changed?”…as much as that place irritated me and held me off for so long…probably not. Yes people can be obnoxious and ruin other peoples day but I think that’s part of the point of OS. The challenge isn’t really in the jumping…the JP in Malchor’s Leap held me up longer (though admittedly I studied it far less going in) than OS did…the challenge is dealing with a JP in a pvp situation. And after two years in all likelihood they would have changed it by now if they ever planned to…so all I can say is do what you can and good luck.
or just wait for a mesmer to port ¥øu?
As it is now obsidian sanctum is broken. Why?
Noone is using traps[which are funny!] – instead bunch of 2-5 griefers camp in a place you cannot go while being in stealth from fountain and either kill you or push off a cliff.
Solution? NPC which gives ‘determined/unable to attack’ but you’re still fragile to traps.
And everyone is happy – duelists still can fight, others can do gvg, griefers can use traps to annoy people who do jp and players who don’t care about griefers – “imma the best monkey here bow below my mightyass 5vs1 skills!” – egos can finish this jp with little problems due to previously monetioned subhuman beings.
Such simple solution yet still not done :/
(edited by Azeldoh.1389)
I actually remember one time when two rangers above the chandelier room stopped ten people trying to get up. Griefing is possible at that place, we tried to get up for 45 min before we gave up. We managed to down them several times but they healed each other and kept going.
Still, I don’t want the JP changed. It is fine as it is. If someone kills you, call in a friend or two to get even – or do something else for a while before going back.
Try to shrug off the sentiments from above…GW2 has about the most supportive and tolerant player community of any MMO I have walked into but there’s always “those guys”.
Unfortunately, they do have something of a point. Obsidian Sanctum is not a JP you should attempt solo. It was one of the last jumping puzzles I had left in the game…and was resigned to leave it as the one I never finished simply because I knew what it would be. I had heard the infamy of “the dark room” and the amount of spots players could camp and pick people off. Were it not for a friend more committed to 100% completion of all jumping puzzles than I, I probably still wouldn’t have it done.
Having been though it though…here is my advice. First, youtube it. Then youtube it again. Know the path you’re going to take inside and out before you go in there. The more time you waste looking up where to go next the greater the chance someone is going to catch up to you.
Second…bring a friend. Bring two friends. Bring everyone you know. One man won’t pose much threat to someone camping…looking for an easy mark. A pack might make him reconsider his use of time.
Third…always be looking ahead. Most of the path is pretty visible…there are some tight spots like ascending the platforms on the inside of the “tower” or whatever that was supposed to be…bring stability and pop it near the top. Necro is one of my least played alts and even I recognized that would be a good spot to fear bomb someone to their death. If you see someone camping and you don’t think you can take them out…WP back and come back another day. It’s not going anywhere…save yourself the frustration.
Having said that though…don’t rush to instigate a fight if you do meet someone. Keep in mind…there are people like you out there that don’t want to fight and just want to get through that place. We agreed going in…we only fight in self defense. We met two enemies on the way through…a warrior and an elementalist. The warrior gave us space…he got to finish with us. Live and let live. The elementalist attacked us after we had already walked by her. She didn’t finish.
To your original question of “should it be changed?”…as much as that place irritated me and held me off for so long…probably not. Yes people can be obnoxious and ruin other peoples day but I think that’s part of the point of OS. The challenge isn’t really in the jumping…the JP in Malchor’s Leap held me up longer (though admittedly I studied it far less going in) than OS did…the challenge is dealing with a JP in a pvp situation. And after two years in all likelihood they would have changed it by now if they ever planned to…so all I can say is do what you can and good luck.
No offense man, but you’ve way over complicated this. Generally there aren’t too many people in there and the ones who are aren’t generally trying to kill you.
YouTube it once to see the path, then go have fun. If you die once or twice don’t have a rage fit, just try again. If someone attacks you, fight back. Don’t run. If too many people are in there constantly camping you, try it another day. Also maybe YouTube the spots where there is stealth. It’s honestly not that hard.