Ok, ok... I have the answer to WvW balance
I like your #1. More communication options is always a good thing. I kind of miss having the bugged team chat that you could see on the PvE maps from the BWEs. I also think WvW heralds in Lions Arch should be giving map updates or announcing outmanned buffs. Hopefully some of this better once they get the extended experience app out there. I want to see the WvW map before I queue up or when I am in PvE.
I don’t think #2 is necessary once they get worlds better balanced but that means something needs to be done to address that issue sooner rather than later (and no a blog post telling people you want to them spread out more is not enough).
I think #3 might take too many resources for ANET at this time. Not sure what all goes into their re-match up and patch protocols but I am sure it greatly simplifies things to treat all worlds the same. I’ve seen lots of other possible ways to address this issue that would be less labor intensive on the Devs. Remember, we are not paying a sub for this game tho I expect a lot of us would like to if only for full WvW maintenance staffing.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
Personally, I just think a reset every day or two would be fine. Keeping the scores and the servers the same, but giving people a chance to have a fight again after the third day would be nice. Especially on the lower end servers like Devonas, Kaineng, Borlis, etc.