Hello folks,
I’m opening this thread in WvW forum because I feel like it’s where it belongs : PvP uses different mechanics, and PvE is less critical on this matter. I want here to share some thoughts abot balance, diversity, the condi meta, and the fights in general. I don’t want to rant or ask for nerfs or say whatever way of playing is lame. I’ll focus mainly on small scale. Zergs work because of numbers.
There’re mainly two ways of dealing damage : direct damage and condi damage. From my point of view, I’m seeing two main trends :
- Use of condi damage ; it has not always been.
- Fast paced fight, and/or “one-way fights”, i.e. long range kiting or stunlock. Hence “one-way”, because the other protagonist can’t really take part.
Why condi damage ?
It’s a matter of effectiveness, so, how are damages mitigated ? Through stats and boons. Vitality, healing and regeneration provide broad sustain. Toughness and protection are specific to direct damage, while resistance is specific to condi damage. As a result (or is it just a coincidence ?), access to vitality is harder :
- 4 stats gear : major in one, minor in 3 ; toughness is major in 4, and minor in 2
- 3 stats gear : major in 2, minor in 6 ; toughness is major in 5, and minor in 6.
I didn’t quote them all, yet vitality stats don’t seem to be the most popular ones, dire put apart. Adding to the boonshare effect, and liberal access to protection, it leaves most classes more vulnerable to conditions than direct damage.
How can balance and diversity be brought ?
Here’s my suggestion. Make fights longer by strongly increasing base HP in every classes. The outcome of a fight will then be determined by whom can have the better sustain. And thus, allow class-gimmicks. They’re not hard to find, here’re some examples :
- Warrior : high baseline stats
- Ranger : long-range, pets, access to boons
- Mesmer : use of decoys
- Guardian : high heal, condi cleanse, access to boons
- Elementalist/Revenant : jack of all trade, switch between mechanics
- Thief : hit and run tactics, stealth and disengage.
I’m mentionning here ways of dealing with a long fight, not ways of dealing damage on purpose.
Currently, I feel like the most unbalanced thing is the ability for direct damage to kill in roughly one spike, meaning the other one won’t be able to activate its own mechanics. It’s “thief tactics” (no offense here), not suited to every class.
Condi system may be slightly better on this topic, because it takes time to work, so the fight can linger. Yet, the “dire” stats makes it really hard for the victim to do a comeback, usually because of its lower HP pool.
Last but not least, having a higher HP pool would prevent stunlock tactics because once all the CC are cleared or expire, the victim still has enough HP to hold its land.
Condi currently works better because there’re more ways to mitigate direct damage than condis. Access to vitality stat thus becomes critical.
The best way to bring more balanced fights and diversity would be to increase base HP in every classes. As the fight wouldn’t end at first strike, it’d allow profession specific mechanics to become efficient in sustain management.