Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


I dont think there will be a problem with orbs or any complaints about making the stronger stronger.

When the field is matched up equal it will be very hard to take another servers orb, it will be too easily defended being that close to the port in when the defending side actually has EQUAL numbers to the attackers. when one side does manage to take an orb it will actually be an accomplishment but will be harder to hold and probably be lost within that same day as there will be 2 servers trying to take it from them 2x the number of attackers. i don’t think you will see a server with all 3 orbs very often.

but you wont see this until the servers are matched up with equal power. So lets hope anet is able to make that happen soon. there is too much complaining about things that arent the real problems and too many flat out bad ideas

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


I’m on the winning side. I don’t even want the stupid orb buffs. This isn’t DAoC. The winning side tends to have a numbers advantage, as Dragonbrand (my server) does right now vs the other two servers. This is compounded in GW2 by an AOE limitation and the downed state allowing zergs to rally easily.

All I want is for the actual PvP part of the game to be even stat wise. I want the winners and the losers to be able to achieve the same level of stats. Nothing will fix one server being dominated, nothing will fix being outmanned. Whatever, just let people fight on even footing so that the small scale battles aren’t lopsided. I don’t enjoy killing people knowing I have 30% extra HP (yes, that’s what I’m getting at the moment from the orbs+robust bonus) and 150 to all stats (minus vitality, I included this in the HP boost).

I’m sure some would tell me to go do sPvP, but to be quite honest it’s a bore. Open world PvP is much more fun. I could care less about getting ganked/ganking, as that’s a situation a player puts themselves in. But there is nothing one individual on a losing server can do about me having such a huge advantage over him, and that is lame.

P.S. Are you really so naive as to think the servers will ever be very balanced?

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


Why would they not ever get balanced? once each servers power is determined and placed with other servers of equal power you dont think it will be a close fight? there are ALOT of servers there has to be some very close to each other in power.

So if there is somewhat of a balance eventually, orbs shouldnt be a problem and you wont have to be bothered by your advantage most of the time

how is the server balance being naive? this is anets main WvW focus and has been since launch and they even stated it would take a while for the balance to take effect. once the free transfers are gone… that will even help balance faster

yes the fights will never be 33/33/33 but i think 36/34/30 will happen and is close enough and will take the orb problem away because right now its like 50/30/20 out there

(edited by Pirhana.8935)

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Tito.3270


There will never be equal servers, at night its not 150v150v150, its 25v10v7, the 25 can take 100% of the map, simple as that.

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


yes that how DAOC tended to be sometimes too at night but everyday it became pretty even again with each side getting its own stuff back. I know this inst daoc but with equal servers and especially at prime time the map should start to equal out where you get stuff close to your border back. points closer to you are easier to control, harder for the enemy to take

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


orbs blow, trying to justify a mechanic that blows because it’ll blow less isn’t very sound.

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


@ hashinshin i dont even think i should do a response to that sad statement but i think your too blind to see what orbs do in a Balanced Server match. they will be very hard to take and hold onto BUT the power they give will always make them worth trying for and trying to hold on to. but in most cases each server will hold their own orb most of the time.

Orbs are a goal to try to take because they are worth it. but alot people here are only seeing the efefcts they do when one overpowered side runs threw everyone and takes all 3 with teh current matches

(edited by Pirhana.8935)

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Ananda.8241


@Pirhana take a look at the list of 24 NA servers and manually design 8 matchups that will all be even after 1 week. By even, I mean that in a match, the highest server’s score will not be more than 50% higher than the lowest server’s score. I tried, and the best I can do is by sacrificing 1 matchup and have HoD fighting against Devona’s Rest and Kaineng (because these 3 servers are going to produce a blow out no matter who they are facing for one reason or another). I don’t think their algorithm will be able to magically produce balanced matches when it is not even possible in the first place

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


@Ananda well i hope they can, if they can do good match up then everything will work. but that probably wont happen until free server transfer stop as well as que times being easier to get in. all im trying to point out is the orb system will work and be a good inncentive / goal for your server and attack the enemies lands but only if they get some what of balanced matches going.

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: Frice.8746


But there is nothing one individual on a losing server can do about me having such a huge advantage over him, and that is lame.