One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Quite simply, week long matches. Just about every server has a huge turnout on reset, every single week. In the majority of the matches by Monday or Tuesday once leads get established the losing servers populations begin dropping rapidly. And it just snowballs from there, the point difference gets bigger and bigger and we in up in landslide matches.

By wed/thur people on the losing servers have major losses in moral and you see complaining about the match pop up all over map chat.

Just the idea of a score reset gets the casuals excited, everyone looks forward to it.. As I mentioned there is always a huge turnout for reset nights.. The matches across the majority of the tiers are usually very close within the first 3-4 days of a match.

As I think back to when we first went from 3-day matches to week-long matches, it seems like that’s when things took a turn for the worse in terms of WvW participation. So I propse to Anet to turn back the clock and return to the 3-day system.

I think this would not only increase WvW population and provide more exciting and close matches, but also allow the glicko system to work at a much faster rate and allow the ratings to more quickly and accurately balance themselves.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m all for this too, maybe even a 3 day weekend match and then a 4 day weekday match every week.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


ANet doesn’t want huge turnouts … their servers can’t handle it. WvW apathy is their solution to lag and culling.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: REAL.7483


Don´t agree much, so you need to have a stable force to win, instead of huge guild raids (zerg fests) on weekends to win, no problem in that. As per the tight scores on the first days, ofc, we all start from 0 and have decent amount of players across all servers.

I think this isn´t the WvW problem, im from Seafarer’s Rest and i have seen comebacks during the week, including an epic win against VS on the last few hours of the match. If you lose moral than your server ain´t strong enough and doesn´t deserve to comeback, simple.

Dolyaks in Disguise [DD] ~ Seafarer’s Rest Server

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


yup..a week is way too long

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Don´t agree much, so you need to have a stable force to win, instead of huge guild raids (zerg fests) on weekends to win, no problem in that. As per the tight scores on the first days, ofc, we all start from 0 and have decent amount of players across all servers.

I think this isn´t the WvW problem, im from Seafarer’s Rest and i have seen comebacks during the week, including an epic win against VS on the last few hours of the match. If you lose moral than your server ain´t strong enough and doesn´t deserve to comeback, simple.

I don’t think you understand me very well.. I don’t care about the win or lose. I care about keeping people interested in WvW to avoid that part of the game dying. Your reasoning is selfish and elitist. “Well if people aren’t hardcore then well they don’t deserve to enjoy themselves”..

I am one of the guys that sticks in it till the end, 5v20 bring it on.. But the fact is tons of players in this game aren’t like that and when they see that they are losing by 100k points, they give up.

I want people to enjoy the game, and feel like it is worth participating. Close matches with close outcomes are exciting and make people want to work that much harder. But the FACT is that a close match or a comeback during the week long system is RARE. Under a 3 and 4 day match system, they would be the norm, not the exception. Thus a more fun and exciting WvW experience (for everyone).

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I completely agree. Week long matches that are decided by numbers and coverage are the bane of WvW. They are a huge part of why people feel the need to jump ship to a different server, to constantly move into a stronger server – because winning a tower or a keep isn’t enough to win the week, you have to do it all week long, 24/7. The intention was to create servers that fought together, but it’s what tears servers apart and results in a handful of servers with viable WvW while the lower tiers are deserted.

We need to get rid of the score board completely. It doesn’t mean anything (other than your server has more people for a longer period of time) yet it still dictates where players want to play and how long they play for. I’ve seen people play WvW for much longer than they enjoyed because the map started to look bad for the server and they knew this would impact on the weekly score board. We also see matches which are long over by the end of the week and players who don’t even bother to log into the game at the end of the week when the score is decided (both on the winning server and the losing servers).

When WvW is less about weekly scores and more about logging in and playing on a map and holding your corner of it (or pushing forward) and less about dominating the entire map for as long as possible, players will feel like they are getting a worthwhile experience even if all they hold is their spawn tower. When they siege the bay keep from their spawn tower and eventually cap it and hold it for a while, all that fighting will be enjoyable, strategic an valuable. Currently, all that hard work and effort is barely a scratch in the weekly PPT and in no way is it enough to be competitive. Playing WvW for the PPT is what devalues everything you do unless you are capping far more of the map than your opponent.

The only thing winning means is that you have more people at more times than your opponents. That’s always been the case and it will always be the case. The score board is what people play for, but it’s also what destroys the competition in WvW. Too many people are focused on the unrealistic goal of holding most of the map most of the time (even in tier one, only one server can do this, the others don’t come close), it devalues what people do during the time they are on.

We need to take power away from the PPT and we need to give it to capturing and defending towers regardless of whether we have more or less than our opponents. There aren’t enough people spread out evenly across three servers for the PPT to be a healthy focus of the game. It causes more problems than it solves.

The design of the WvW system doesn’t foster competitive play, it fosters server stacking and map zerging. The arena was never going to be as balanced as AB, FA, JQ, HA or any other PvP format of GW1, but the current design is far too imbalanced and offers little incentive for weaker servers to even bother participating and too much incentive to transfer to one that can win.

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: dooger.2640


The problem here is trying to make world pvp an instanced battleground and assign a winner for pveing keeps at night.

You add that to a generic blue – green – red fight with no names and free transfers and you get pure garbage out

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: bretk.6019


The problem does occur during the week, especially when population/time is unbalanced. It would be nice if Anet could have two types of match-ups as mentioned above: A weekend slug-fest match-up and a weekday match-up based on W3 population curves. Plot the W3 participation over a 24 hr period (Monday -Thursday) and put servers together who have similar curves during the week.