One picture says more than a thousand words
The truth is that such huge server imbalances are not fun for the servers on the losing end, resulting in players giving up and quitting WvW and possibly leaving the game altogether. The only thing that can really be done to help out is to either stop free transfers all together or put them on a 2 week or even 1 month timer. This whole 24 hour free transfer is ruining WvW.
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace
WORKING as intended.
easy 3-4 o`clock in the morning?
should have put that picture in the trailer, save ppl some money
ArenaNET really needs to do some major adjustments, there’s no doubt. One thing that really bothers me is how some servers are teaming up to dominate one server — not all of them are doing this, but we’ve had a couple of weeks of this on ours.
Then you have server spies where guild members of servers transfer over to the other servers to relay where the Commanders are on the map so that their guild and others can attack on demand. (our guild has decided to not use the commander icon anymore until ArenaNET locks server transfers)
Another aspect of WvW is IT IS Zerg vs. Zerg — I don’t care how ArenaNET labels it; it’s Zerg Vs. Zerg and I am not a fan of that. Three servers on a battle field is a bad idea in the current state of WvW. Personally I would rather have two servers battleing it out each week instead of 3, but the WvW map was designed for 3.
I think WvW should be done in layers to allow more players to join WvW and not just the 100+ per server and sit in queue all day. At the end of the week the points could be tallied up and posted.
I think Anet has done a great job releasing GW2 and create a very fun game. However I think some understanding of how WvW was supposed to work was left in the closet and the janitor needs to dust off those notes and have a few meetings.
The truth is that such huge server imbalances are not fun for the servers on the losing end.
Honestly it’s also absolutely no fun for the winning server.
it IS fun for some, and not for others. The ones who find it fun are the bandwagoneers and like easy wins. I can only suggest that the ones who like competition move to a lower ranked server.
Ruins of Surmia
If you don’t want, or expect zerg vs zerg, perhaps one should stick to Structured PvP. It is what it is. Some people don’t have skill and need to zerg to get anything done. It’s up to those that DO know how to get around in small groups to break up said zerg, thus have them running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off.
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