EU Roamer, Dueler, Commander, Fighter, Scout
Open Baruch Bay please (EU)
EU Roamer, Dueler, Commander, Fighter, Scout
That opens up a can of worms you dont want to tangle with.
For example, I would love a Swedish server that’s always open. Not that many Swedes, right? Of course I’d invite everyone anyway – Germans, Spaniards, Brits, Americans, hell maybe even some French if you push me. And we’d dominate because the server would never ever be full. Come one, come all, win every matchup!
Yeah no.
Open Deso too, but don’t link them again, or better yet merge servers and lower the transfer costs, it would help balance out populations, the only problem is measuring and changing population ATM, is too slow.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
Baruch Bay, the only Spanish server, should never be on Full status.
And realised its terrible consequences.
Thanks to think about us, Theather!! ;DDD
It is something that is not understood, the serious consequences of the bad decision that arenanet took and that continues to maintain.
If there would be one swedish server, dont doubt that i would ask to them the same advantages and opportunities as any other server . If they speaks Swedish in it, as is to imagine, I doubt that all those germans, spanish, french and another people wanted to go there.
In fact, that is our problem, in Baruch: we have castilian language, spanish, so rarely comes people from another countries.
We need a solution!!!!
This is a competitive game. Really, I do not care if I have to face servers with more poblation, like so many times before, it’s the law of life, but only if so the players decide.
When it does not happen, when it is not the people who decides, if not the referee who should watch over the balance of the game, we are faced with an aberration. .
When, who puts the board, decides on their own that one of the players is NOT GOING TO WIN NEVER, something very serious happens with the game. I’m still stunned that someone in that company thougt that it was an acceptable choice.
It’s not, it’s a shame, honestly. And time passes and we continue the same. No changes. No hopes. We play… i dont know why. As i said, we can’t win!! Arenanet decided that to us a priori. In advance.
Please, understand me. One thing is to be good or bad in game (i am only a player girl that like to play and try to learn day by day) and another, very different thing, is to see a priori that you do not have the advantages that other servers. And is to read that the reasons of the responsibles is manipulate the oportunities of the servers, to get 3 in top1, the ones selected by them.
Not the best servers, neither the most fierce servers, Does not matter the effort that players can put into the game. Not even the most populated server by voluntary decision of the players themselves, no. None of that matters.
And, in this “genialous” idea, Baruch is forgotten. Does not matter. It is a server more in the competition for the win, but dont mind. “We the referees decided that no, they will never win for reasons not related to the game itself, but with our technical interests…” ¿¿¿??? Ja! Really?
In this moment, any server can aspire to number 1, for example (if it fights, improves, goes stable people, etc.), except Baruch. Baruch can’t, because it always has a problem of FULL poblation ¿¿¿¿? with EMPTY maps for many hours in mvm (who in the hell analize the poblation? we have a lot of pve players, yes, but NO in wvw).
And no satellite servers for us, never. Never.
It seems to me that it is not too much to ask a solution to our problem, we only want justice in the game. Fair play, and those things, that should be offered from the company that sell the game.
Please excuse my English, and the Bible that I have written to you, so looong; DDD
Comandante. Organizadora en el clan comunidad.
[AdH] [BAY] Bahía de Baruch / Baruch Bay
On the plus side, Baruch is the one truly national server. 95% Spanish, 99% Spanish speaking. It probably has the best community in the whole game. Still, WvW players are a competitive bunch, and this can lead to disagreements and people/guilds quitting the server. As Tiamat said, BB will never get linked and it will slowly decline if it’s kept at Full. It should be switched to High for a month at least.
(edited by escoces.4870)
That is a really tough situation. Its certainly one of the only times I’ve read a valid reason for opening a server. I wish you the best with this, it just feels like it would set up a potential for interpretation if Anet made an exception.
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)
As Tiamat said, BB will never get linked and it will slowly decline if it’s kept at Full. It should be switched to High for a month at least.
If it decline it will go back to Very High… That’s how it works.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
As Tiamat said, BB will never get linked and it will slowly decline if it’s kept at Full. It should be switched to High for a month at least.
If it decline it will go back to Very High… That’s how it works.
Very High, my mistake. But the first part…linking mitigates the problems of “full pop” servers who still strugle in WvW. Deso linked are No1; unlinked can end up a long way down. End of March, they’ll be linked again. All EU servers bar BB have been linked at least twice. BB is a special case. I think ANet needs to open it up to transfers for a short period. I think that would be fair.
edit…Now I think about it, maybe Riverside or Kodash have only had the one link. I’m not sure.
(edited by escoces.4870)
Here is a solution: Join an international server like the Italians, Portuguese, etc have to.
Not the ideal solution but not a bad one either.
Here is a solution: Join an international server like the Italians, Portuguese, etc have to.
Not the ideal solution but not a bad one either.
No sorry. That is the worst solution. In fact, if you think about it, it is not even a solution. Its like say that if an ill person dies, finished the problem ;DD
Baruch IS a server with its own existence and entity. There has never been an Italian server (maybe it should have, I do not know), or Portuguese (same thing). I guess it answers market requeriments.There are a lot of spanish native players, in europe and in america. It is the second native languaje on the world, after chinese. I suposse that they thougt it when they created it.
The important thing is that Arenanet sold, from the beginning, a Spanish server. Like the Germans or the French, who I imagine would also be surprised for hearing that, for an absurd situation like the one that has been organized, the solution would have to go for leaving their servers and to pile themshelves in other international ones where, yes or yes, they will have to speak In a language that is not his own and that, surely, many do not speak.
I ask for balance in the game “that i bought” (i never would have be bought gw2 if i would have to play in english, I can assure you).
And, by the way, we do no provoked the situation, we do no have to be more harmed for solutioning it. We have our community and play in our lenguaje. The solution there must come from Arenanet, not from our sacrifice.
I will give you another solution: return to previous situation. Everyone on their servers, no sattelite servers, and the players decide where to go. That is simple to do.
And this, not force an entire community that speaks in another language to disintegrate around to speak in a language that is not theirs.
Please, we are not debating about the convenience to have a koiné, an universal languaje, nor similar. This is not the time to tell anyone how important it is to speak other languages and open up the mind to the world. As you can see, I try (jajaja sorry, really i try to do it well ;DD) to write in english, i understand this ideas, very well.
But, now, whe are speaking the situation we have. And this is the reality.
Thanks, guys, all of you, for the support that the thread is having ;DDD
Comandante. Organizadora en el clan comunidad.
[AdH] [BAY] Bahía de Baruch / Baruch Bay
(edited by Tiamat.6948)
I have been played Gw2 for 2 years and i ve never seen game emptier than now, so I don´t believe that any server is full.
Having the only spanish speech server closed only make potential new players to refuse to join the game. or, if they do by free accounts that won´t be used.
Unlinking a server and closing it means the absolute sink of a server.
Moreover, if Anet offers a product in spanish having a spanish server open is an obligation.
i don´t play for Baruch anymore and have no plans to going back.*
As I said, I want not to enter into discussions about languages, they all deserve the same respect, exactly the same.
But, we were offered a product in our language, the reason we bought it and, too, the reason why they are obliged to continue offering it as is. It is not so difficult to understand. We want to continue in our server, talking in our langueaje.
I will never go to another server to speak in a language that I do not handle myself correctly. Whether I want to learn it or not, it’s up to me. But arenanet can not forced me to do it, sorry. And it is VERY unfair to propose it.
So, please, please, do not insist on dissolving Baruch.
Focus on the debate: we ask that the referees dont being the ones that cause the imbalance. Only that. They have do it, so solutions are needed. And the solution can not go by a “I think everyone should speak English, force to dissolve the community and spread it all around out there. They must speaks english in 2017!.”
Jaja, no, sorry no. Some people prefers learn swahili before english, or what they want, who knows? ;DD
The only solutions are open server or return to the previous situation ;D
Or the second spanish server, Jeknar, yes, i had not thought of that, THANKS! ;DDD
Comandante. Organizadora en el clan comunidad.
[AdH] [BAY] Bahía de Baruch / Baruch Bay
(edited by Tiamat.6948)
So all French and German servers should always be open ?
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
So all French and German servers should always be open ?
Following the logic: One of them should always be open. The issue is that Baruch Bay is the only Spanish server (unlike German and French who have multiple) and the single option for spanish speaking players that (cannot/don’t want to) speak english. The creation of a second spanish server seen to be needed if the only one goes full. There are plenty of low populated servers out there which can be removed (if population wasn’t so low across the board we wouldn’t be having server links) in favor of that.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Not, mate, please read well the messages of the thread (I understand that I write very long messages, authentic bibles haha)
But I think the problem is clear. And it is a problem that neither French nor Germans have. It makes no sense to compare situations ;DD
Comandante. Organizadora en el clan comunidad.
[AdH] [BAY] Bahía de Baruch / Baruch Bay
All EU servers bar BB have been linked at least twice. BB is a special case.
edit…Now I think about it, maybe Riverside or Kodash have only had the one link. I’m not sure.
Neither Riverside nor Kodash nor (i think) Elona ever had a link.
Anet stated, that they won’t link national and international worlds thus making it impossible atm to link these servers without reducing the total number of matchups.
That led to a lot of motivational problems on Elona (and to a lesser extend Kodash) with loads of peeps leaving for Riverside (which is now full as well).
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash
(edited by Lemoncurry.2345)
All EU servers bar BB have been linked at least twice. BB is a special case.
edit…Now I think about it, maybe Riverside or Kodash have only had the one link. I’m not sure.Neither Riverside nor Kodash nor (i think) Elona ever had a link.
Anet stated, that they won’t link national and international worlds thus making it impossible atm to link these servers without reducing the total number of matchups.
That led to a lot of motivational problems on Elona (and to a lesser extend Kodash) with loads of peeps leaving for Riverside (which is now full as well).
Yeah, but stop and think: there are 7 German servers and 5 French servers which can be linked with each other to balance population with other server. It also give plenty of open options for players who desire to be in a server whos their main language isn’t English, but their own. However, how many Spanish servers there are? One: Baruch Bay. A server that will literally never have a link because Arena Net will only link National servers with other national servers.
So what happen to the spanish-speaking person that want to play in the spanish server if the only spanish server is full? They either go have a undesired experience in a international server or don’t play at all.
I am against opening full servers (except BG. OPEN BLACKGATE!). There is need for a limit. So keeping Baruch Bay permanently open is not a viable option. Another Spanish server is needed and it can be linked to Baruch Bay in the same way French and German servers get linked with each other. With the links they don’t really need to keep the number of servers as a multiple of 3 anymore. They can just reduce/increase the number of hosts accordingly. In fact, that’s what they wanted to do when they offered to make new smaller servers to try balance matchups better.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Another Spanish server is needed
You have already put the Spanish in their own box simply on the basis they are Spanish. Introducing a second server that’s not allowed to link with anything other than the first Spanish server is eqvivalent to increasing the size of said first Spanish server beyond the limitations of “full”.
It’s like having a siesta and running around in circles at the same time. It doesnt work.
Another Spanish server is needed
You have already put the Spanish in their own box simply on the basis they are Spanish. Introducing a second server that’s not allowed to link with anything other than the first Spanish server is eqvivalent to increasing the size of said first Spanish server beyond the limitations of “full”.
It’s like having a siesta and running around in circles at the same time. It doesnt work.
That could be a problem, yes, that can not be linked more than Baruch and that is why the problem could be worst.
In this respect I would like to ask how important is the “full” of a server regarding the game in mvm? Because I can understand that someone from a server does not want to let enter more people on it for not having him / her more queues in mvm, but … what does it matter to someone outside if another server has more people?
Because, as i can see, in mvm maps you never would note the change, there will not a desembalance: there are x slots for x players. If I have to wait two hours to enter to play, dont affect to you. But, perhaps i am wrong and the system is another.
In any case, there are a very serious problem: Baruch cant touch the top of the clasification not for its good or bad game, if not because of those who are supposed to be the referees of the game, those responsible for a balance and a justice between all participants. ALL.
We need a solution. I would like to return to previous situation, but, perhaps somebody finds another.
I hope I made myself clear, excuse my mistakes. I find this level of conversation exhausting jaja (thank you, saint Google; DDDD), but I make the effort to see if it helps to solve something.
pd “siesta” jaja, nice spanish word, thanks for using it!!! ;DDDD
Comandante. Organizadora en el clan comunidad.
[AdH] [BAY] Bahía de Baruch / Baruch Bay
If there is really a high demand of spanish speaking players, let’s introduce a second spanish language server and offer free transfers from BB for the first 200 people or so. If they are growing too big, they will just get linked to an international server instead if each other.
Another Spanish server is needed
You have already put the Spanish in their own box simply on the basis they are Spanish. Introducing a second server that’s not allowed to link with anything other than the first Spanish server is eqvivalent to increasing the size of said first Spanish server beyond the limitations of “full”.
It’s like having a siesta and running around in circles at the same time. It doesnt work.
The big difference here is that with a second server it can be unlinked should BB+New Server reach a imbalanced population level. Whereas leaving the server open indefinetely does not allow control over population.
Yeah, it problably would end with 2 server that would stand alone if people stack it hard. But you would still have a second spanish server open, thus not having a issue in keeping the first closed while it’s above the population threshold.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Anet should consider linking international servers with national servers… it makes sense since sPvP and open world people with different mother languages meet.
I understand that people want to speak in their own language, they can keep doing it.
Most of the words used to comunicate in chat are in english. I know spanish nomenclature are lightly different from international but don´t see major problem apart from salty people trashtalking.