I have been playing GW2 since early beta. I have spent the majority of my time playing in WvW and have earned some level of respect commanding in WvW. I have reached the point, though, where I will no longer be able to recommend GW2 as a game where someone can go to have a fair chance at one on one battles. It seems that your development team has taken the stance they want to ignore the input from the players of the game. Since the early days of this games release players have been telling you that the thief class is overpowered and needs to be adjusted to allow all players an equal chance on the battlefield.
I will state this as simply as I can so your development team will not be able to misinterpret my points.
1. Thief’s should not be able to spike while stealthed. No other class has this ability and it makes defense against a thief while down impossible.
2. Thief’s should not be able to heal others while stealthed. Again, no other class has this ability and makes it impossible to defend against this tactic.
3. Thief’s are able to remain virtually invisible 100% of the time. There are various threads on the internet that confirm this. Your team needs to take the time to read a bit.
4. It is not uncommon for a single thief to overpower and defeat 4 or 5 experienced WvW players, and that is simply not right. It demonstrates how overpowered the class is!
We have complained to your staff on numerous occasions about these characteristics and yet your team seems to think that thieves need additional abilities not reduction of abilities. Case in point this latest patch where you increase the damage a thief can do with daggers! What are you thinking? Is your team composed entirely of theif’s? Was someone a thief in another life and felt left out of things?
Seriously, it is time for you to take positive action to bring the abilities of the thief class back in line with other classes so there can be honest one on one fights. This is possible for most other classes but not the thief class and hasn’t been since the release of the game.
There are other games with greater WvW battlefield size, which eliminates the problems of the zerg’s that plague GW2, there are other games that allow a more varied use of siege equipment, there are other games that offer good Pve content in the WvW arenas. Even with all of this many of us still like to play GW2 but this lack of attention to the thief class has done much to degrade the ratings one gives to GW2’s execution of the WvW concept.
It has been said before that the squeeky wheel always gets the most attention, so perhaps we just need to be as vocal as the thieves are when someone mentioned nurfing their characters.
I hope that your development team will take an honest look at the thief class an make the adjustments necessary to bring this class into line with the other classes. Make it possible for an honest one on one battle in the open field, theif vs any other class. Make it so the skill of the player dominates the battle not one-sided abilities that the development team overlooked.