Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Diem.3529


This is my first post on these forums, but recent events in WvW have made me reach out to find how others feel about WvW. I do NOT want this thread to turn into a discussion of what is broken or needs fixing, just personal opinions of WvW as it is right now. I’m sure this topic has come up before, but I didn’t see it recently, so… Here’s the questions:

1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

3) What tier are you in?

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Diem.3529


Some people love WvW. Some avoid it like the plague. Everyone has their own preference. I’m assuming that most of you looking at this forum like it more than hate it, cause otherwise you wouldn’t be here! I’ll start with my own answers:

1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

I love the chaotic nature of the fighting. The fact that you don’t know how many people you will be fighting with or against keeps things interesting and the fights different. The best moments are those that give a shot of adrenaline, like to see an enemy zerg while roaming alone, or when taken by surprise from an unseen foe, or those that give a feeling of ease, like when happening across allies while outnumbered, or taking an objective after a difficult fight. I don’t mind if I win or lose a fight or even a matchup, so long as I have the feeling that my efforts made a difference, no matter how small.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

My least favorite part of WvW is only when the numbers of the opposing forces are consistently much larger than your own (I’m talking 3 to 1 ratio totalled across all 4 zones or worse), that even with good tactics and player skill, little can be done to compete. Since it is less fun when the stakes are so high against you, I see many fellow players give up on WvW for the week, or entirely, or even change servers, making the odds even worse. Every effort has substantial resistance and is often short lived if achieved at all.

3) What tier are you in?

Bronze (Fergusen’s Crossing)

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

No. I switched servers almost 2 years ago, but that was to follow a guild and before I even tried WvW.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Dreadforce.6980


1. Human opponents is what I like the most

2. I get annoyed when people are afraid of dying and in turn get everyone else killed

3. Bronze (Sorrow’s Furnace)

4. No been here almost 2 years and will stop playing the game before I transfer.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


This is my first post on these forums, but recent events in WvW have made me reach out to find how others feel about WvW. I do NOT want this thread to turn into a discussion of what is broken or needs fixing, just personal opinions of WvW as it is right now. I’m sure this topic has come up before, but I didn’t see it recently, so… Here’s the questions:

1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

3) What tier are you in?

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

1) a. Strategy b. insanity? c. Taking things that others say can’t be taken

2) If you made a mistake and went to the wrong server the first time and then move, you better not have any reason to need to talk. You are irrelevant and can’t possibly have a good idea or strategy that has worked… So now we are nomads looking for what may not exist – a home where our talents are seen as useful – not seen as a critisizer when making logical obervations and suggestions that have worked on other servers…

part b – The fact that many guilds are not community builders but rather more like gangs in the real world. Just as mean, just as selfish, and just as destructive.


4) Yes, family chose my first server but I didn’t like the lack of community. They won the first season by getting all the pve’ers into WvW – we recruited many into WvW that first season. After the season ended FA became toxic – they know it – they fixed it to some extent but they bought many guilds – which is connected to #2 in your list. Some guilds jumped only when they were bought and that made for more toxic events… If you are not of the server originally, you are now seen as a pariah unless you bring a guild presence.

Want to understand some of us?

…Go read the lyrics of People Are People – Depeche Mode

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

(edited by atheria.2837)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


1) The fights & my guild most of which are friends. Trolling around in bearbow ranger nights also helps.

2) There is no incentive to win or even defend anything making it difficult to find fights at times.

3) T2 NA

4) Never. Because most of my friends are on the server and I’ve known them like 2 years.


Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Lert.6287


1. As in any other game – PvP. I like roaming (possibly outnumbered) at best. It’s challanging, I’m keep trying to push “limits” a little further. In my opinion it’s the aspect of the game where skills matter the most.
2. Zerging, blobbing, PvD, Karma. Each of that. It’s like only viable and rewarding WvW playstyle. But since vast majority of WvW players is doing that, nothing will be changed, tho many great suggestions (such as splitting wxp/karma/exp etc. between players participating) were dropped.
3. Tier 9.
4. I have plenty of times. From less populater servers to overpopulated (SFR) expecting enemies will be more skilled there – they weren’t. It was just too blobby to handle. Then GH (current silver league), but soon enough it became zerg fest as well. And then to Vabbi which was nice for roaming at the beginning, but now it’s nothing but zerging as well. And few other servers for in-between, but servers I above were like half a year or so.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: FirstInfantry.2795


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more?

opponents to fight and having a purpose for that fight.

What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

the community, the people I run with keep it entertaining because even if there are no fights we still use voice chat talking usually theorycrafting strategies.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

I dislike when wvw is not taken seriously and is simply as a means to karma train (continously hit doors to accumulate karma, and loot).

3) What tier are you in?

Devonas Rest atm, I think t4
4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

my old tier had a lot of blob lag on lag fights, so I moved down in an attempt to avoid such fights but then my new server ended up rising in ranks anyway.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

1) The most intense and satisfying not-planned-at-all roaming and 2vWhatever fights. Win or lose, it gets the blood pumping, it’s exciting, and I love it.

1b) A successful defense against incredibly overwhelming odds. Last week during the late night hours, CD’s [TL] and other guilds attempted a pugmanded steal of our keep. We beat back 3 waves of 30+ (hey, sorry to inform yall, but there were only 5 of us in there the whole time) until a fourth showed up and trebbed our entire inner to swiss cheese from our own outer wall. We stood fast, I suicided 6 times taking down those trebs, and in the end it was 5 people on 5 superior ACs aimed at every corner of inner that took yall down and you finally quit. You dragged the lord so far outside that he was standing on the outer wall after we repaired inner. Much respect, and we’re (not really) sorry if we hurt any feelings.

2) Blobs. I’ve taken part in them and I’ve been up against them, both as a driver and a recipient of defeat. Sometimes it just becomes so chaotic there is little left in the way of a controlled and articulate fight, and it just becomes people raining down meteors, wells, hammer stuns, etkittenil one side just has nothing left.

3) HoD, Tier 5.

4) Nope. For the Henge.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


1) Nothing, I stopped playing/caring about it. When I did, it was the fun I could have with my guild.

2) Its stale.
Devs have a lot of stuff to catch up QoL wise before any new “content” like a new map is even imaginable.
But whats worst about it is the ammount of wasted potential I had to witness in the past 2 years.

3) T2 currently (EU)

4) Yes, twice actually. In the beginning of 2013 from WSR to AG cuz WSR WvW was already dead back then. Sometime before season 2 because some leading AG figures didnt want my guild on their server, so we left them.

~ Gandara

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: AgentChaos.4932


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?
I kill people. I kill more people. Killing people

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).
Not enough people to kill. People are hard to kill sometimes. EoTM people are too easy.

3) What tier are you in?

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?
I switch server to kill different people.


Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

1. I’m a gamer, an old gamer and old habits die hard. I also have a lot of time on my hands.

2. I play GW2 because it’s free to play, no subscription. I’ve gotten my money worth of entertainment from the original box price.

3. I play WvW because it’s better than playing against a brain dead AI, and playing with brain dead players who think there is only one viable build.

4. I am desperately looking for something else to play because I really don’t like the direction that Anet has taken this game.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Robin Hood.3850

Robin Hood.3850

1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?
Its the only good MMO out right now and WvW is a great game mode with GW2’s dynamic combat style.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM?
Not enough attention to it from the developers. Just waiting my month or two for Archeage to come out.

3) What tier are you in?

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?
I have to have some variety if Anet won’t provide it for me.


Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: arthurlient.1572


1-) being in some structive pvp zone 7/24 alive, is nice and unique
2-) being in some pvp zone where ur realm is Outnumbered 7/24, totally hilarious seriously ..
3-) t6
4-) i couldnt. i was on a break when it was free. I wish i could transfer to somewhere with ppl fighting 7/24

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

I play for all the, “you know a lot of the most support” WvW gets.

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


_1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

It has a bit of everything in it and can be very challenging if you want it to be.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

Some players attitude that literally kill the game and pollute the server atmosphere. They hate it, but they can’t help playing while whining about how it should be otherwise… sight

3) What tier are you in?


4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

Once because my friends wanted to move there. I may eventually change again to go on a more community friendly server. Need to convince others though…

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

Fighting actual people. The chaotic ecosystem that is open world" PvP(as close as GW2 is going to get anyway). The people I play with.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

Some aspects of the game design plus the level of support make it a hot bed for laziness and cowardice. After two map completions and a strong dislike for dungeons, The Living Story and standing in small circles on small maps with limited stats, I log off when I’m done WvWvWing. I ktrain in EotM when I need levels on a new character and even then it’s painfully boring.

3) What tier are you in?

T1 NA.

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

Yes, twice. The idea of server pride seems silly. The server I was on since launch was stuck in constant PvDoor matchups with dwindling allied forces and enemy ktrains that were easily wiped. The bags were nice but it got old really fast. Fun is becoming elusive in WvWvW lately and so I won’t pay to transfer again, most of the people I play with are already playing Archeage beta.

Whispers with meat.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


I really love the concept behind Realm versus Realm.
It just needs adjustments, some stuff is really anoying right now:

- the superiority of the melee train
- Condi minus duration/plus duration buff food
- the stacking of some boons like swiftness or stability
- its easier to attack a keep than defend it
- not all professions are equaly good in WvW, some dont even have a niche
- specs that get over the top with food and stacks (cough hammer warrior cough)
- nike warriors
- the uselessness of conditions in zerk fights

3) Tier 1 EU

4) Never switched servers. Kodash is always the underdog in match ups but its fine as it is.

(edited by Mayama.1854)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


I don’t I just people watch now

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


1) My guild, people I have known for nearly 2 years now make me come back. (WvW guild)

2) Golems and superior siege on the trading post – IMO: Tactics was thrown out when this was implemented (if anyone else remembers being amazed at an omega knowing it cost 5g + SP + MATS)

3) Gates Of Madness.

4) Yes, GoM> FA for commander training > GoM > IOJ for season 1 > GoM again to rejoin old friends > soon to be EU to see some more friends for a week or 2.

All in all: I only play this game for it’s community and to have a chat, this game has little else going it for it now with bigger and better games being released.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Zakurai.7290


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

3) What tier are you in?

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

1. The fighting (even though I’m really bad at it). Also the fact that the community and guild I’m in for WvW is really good. Being on TS and listening to people keeps it fun.

2. Dislike that I’m EU based on a NA server so my peak time is lunchtime on the East coast. Makes it a little hard to play at decent times. The zerging can get boring pretty fast at times.

3. I don’t even know anymore but I’m with SF

4. Haven’t switched. Almost did to a higher tier but then found a lot of really great people and a community I’d miss. Also not seeing familiar names and styles after a year of on and off WvW’ing.

Sorrow’s Furnace

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


I like to play with 25 other guys. I like to work together. I like kill people.

I dont like there is no charcter collision. Thats why a lot of things not viable in wvw. I dont know wvw why just a second class citizen after esport and/or living story.

I changed servers, now im on Desolation. I always search the good fights. If a shipis is sinking i leave.

Just the WvW

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

for a new player wvw is good as it is , for a veteran it lacks of missing ( guild real meaning in wvw , “fortify” , reward after matchup ) or broken mechanisms ( rally ) that make him don’t want return if he jumped to another game.

24/7 siege gameplay in paper is good but simple it doesn’t work for most of european servers that i know .

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

they added one extra open field pvp map ( eotm ) the same time where the game is dropping its wvw population . this created a toxic environment in european servers .

this was the biggest mistake anet did so far …..

3) What tier are you in?

my server is in eu silver league , but someone in anet trolling us 4 weeks now and they macthup us with at least one golden league server .

anet seriously what you think ? people log-off from wvw because of that . this is not make us log on more in wvw …

in eu silver league the enemies home maps have only roamers to flip camps or pvp , not zergs out of prime time , but when the PPT servers want blob at midnight, they take everything without resistance . this is what is happening in eu silver ……..

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

why to do that ? all servers have the same 4 wvw maps …what supposed to find if i move ?

cookies ? i don’t like cookies …..

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Vespertilionidae.5018


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

I enjoy the variety of combat opportunities that WvW offers. from roaming to zerging, huge fights and small ones and the great feeling of meeting the enemy and beating them when outnumbered. I primarily play during off peak hours and it can be a lot of fun to see what small groups can accomplish. I like the utter freedom it allows.

Want to run about on your own and do your own thing? You can have fun and help your team at the same time. Maybe you’d prefer to defend and upgrade, you can help to build something and defend/scout it. Want to run with the zerg and see large scale battles, or maybe be part of a smaller group that tries to do big things with smaller numbers. Epic feeling battles await you either way.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

EotM- some great ideas and a lovely map but it is nothing like the rest of WvW and has really become just a big train where the primary enemy is NPCs. After the first weeks it was introduced I never saw any real effort to defend and hold any objective.

The last time I was there the commanders didn’t even want to engage enemy pcs in battle and avoided them After the first week it was introduced I never saw any real effort to defend and hold any objective.

Situations such as being severely outnumbered are frustrating when the bottom line is, not much you can do but retake when they are busy and lose it again when they come back to flip until you get better numbers. Just being outnumbered in general isn’t a bad thing but sometimes you’re so outnumbered, a map ends up one color and you really couldn’t prevent it.

Gates that can be destroyed by pc attacks. (You destroyed their rams, then their catapults, you even took out that omega golem in your defense efforts but now they are going to finish the gate off and power it down without any seige at all because you drained their supply with a treb. They don’t pull off for a bit to resupply but instead ‘manmode’ down what is left of the gate—because they can)

I see WvW as a great part of the end game that is often ignored or misunderstood when it comes to developing.

3) What tier are you in?

EU Silver, currently 11

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

I’ve not switched servers (for any reason) and wouldn’t even consider it until guild influence is across home worlds (for my bank guild is tiny and I like my tiny bank)

Successful opportunism is often indistinguishable from a masterful plan.

(edited by Vespertilionidae.5018)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Geiir.7603


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

I love WvW for its chaotic nature. It is a place I go to test builds, gank players, troll zergs, challenge myself or just some relaxation. I love to fight outnumbered on my thief, and I always look for those fights. Trolling zergs with fellow thieves is just as fun as ganking people. Having an entire zerg follow me for good 30 minutes just to jump off a cliff and see about 90% of them follow me to their deaths is beyond satisfying ( Actually happened :p )!

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

When constantly get ganked by superior forces or witness spawn camping. I tend to play all game modes (except for EotM) almost equally so there’s really no special reason for me to not play WvW.

3) What tier are you in?

Not sure really. I play on Gandara and I really don’t care what tier. I get what I want (outnumbered fights, ganking and trolling).

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

I have never switched for WvW. I started on Seafarer’s Rest, but transferred to Gandara when most of my friends on SR stopped playing. Felt like I had to join some old guildies on Gandara then instead.

Melder – Thief

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

Fighting other players.
The strategy involved.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

Unbalanced populations and coverage.
Stagnation. Lack of updates to WvW.

3) What tier are you in?

T3 NA.

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?

Switched briefly to Gold League during S1 to see what it was like because the matches on my server were so unbalanced. Always had the intention of coming back and I did toward end of the season.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Not one Conan quote… COME ON!

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Gut Jai.4591

Gut Jai.4591

World verse World (“WvW”)
To me, WvW is a school playground, no guild, no gang, no group, no isolation, no racism, etc.
But I was wrong, to date, WvW is more like Guild verse Guild. You get hater who hate you for thing you can do but they can’t. Commander with no heart to his/her Zerg. Avoid fight when they suppose to rally his/her to stand their ground.
In my option, the commander rank should be earned and not some thing you can buy for 100 golds.
I know you maybe thinking I’m crazy but the fact is the WvW that Anet created is way to far to call it WvW.
Anet, please take always the odds and let build a real WvW.

Guild wars die heart. Peace everyone

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


I still play WvW alongside my Guild and any friends I’ve made on my Server over the past 2 years. Also I love running about the borderlands fighting some fights wherever I can, the combat system IMO is quite addictive and I still enjoy playing my Thief as my main.

2) What do you like least about WvW?

Coverage Wars and population imbalance. People who take WvW a bit too seriously and Bandwagoners.

3) What tier are you in?

Tier 1 EU

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


1.Sadly..Have you seen what other fantasy MMO options
are available for open world PvP?
At least this one is free.

2.It’s a sidekick of the main game,and a fraction of what a proper
RvR game should be.

3.Silver league.EU AG.

4.Never changed server.I prefer fighting for and underdog.Easy wins are boring.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

(edited by Aenaos.8160)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: alvinjason.3109


Competition hooked me and I’ve been here for as long as i can remember. Also having a non-toxic community who do stuff together and organize stuff for fun helps to keep it exciting at least since wvw has been the same 24/7 since launch it gets stale and burns out alot of people.. Currently on T4 NA. Never switched servers but have thought of it once when we were losing hard but I stayed cause of the great people here.

Devona’s Rest → NSP [SA] [TeaP]

(edited by alvinjason.3109)

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Morsus.5106


1. To farm, map completion, or level alts.
2. Other players not coordinating so the rest of us can farm.
3. Silver (Fort Aspenwood)
4. Nope.

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Waiting on next game to come out.

Mag Server Leader

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: Waylander.5106


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?
- The people on my server who have been very friendly & helpful, can’t thank them enough. The fights even though I’m not so good at it. Good & patient Commanders, don’t know what we’ve done to deserve them but many thanks to them all.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).
- To be honest not a lot, even when we’re massivley outnumbered we still manage to have some fun. (I must frustrate some of the more experienced WvW’ers with my poor skills! although I think I’m getting better)

3) What tier are you in?
Tier 9 EU – Whiteside Ridge

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?
Never switched and have no plans to do so, can’t see any reason why I would.

Helmut Von Luckless, Ranger [EVO]
Whiteside Ridge o/

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

I enjoy the mystery of what will happen. With dungeons and PvE, there are differences with each day but the differences aren’t always that significant. The dungeon clear might go a little bit faster, you might get a talkative player, that’s really about it for the most part. With WvW, especially if you enjoy roaming such as I do, you never know who you might run in to or what situation you might find yourself in. There have been a lot of strange encounters worthy of story-telling and lots of friends have been made even from the offending servers. PvE is great in it’s own respect but I don’t feel it’s as diverse as WvW. So even if there isn’t action every single day, I still enjoy spending my time in WvW because I never know what might happen.

2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).

I’m big on defense. I enjoy scouting and roaming and I take WvW very seriously. I don’t expect everyone else to take it as seriously as I do but when people ignore my scout calls (which are always very specific so as to add the most viable information possible) I get pretty frustrated. I also get very frustrated when people just give up on defending things because we have fewer numbers. Yes, WvW is definitely in favor of the larger force, however that doesn’t mean it’s always going to win. If people actually tried and sieged a tower/keep until it’s siege capped, everyone man’s a siege unit and defends to the death, they might be surprised at what they can defeat. Overall, poor defense or just in general, lack there of, is probably what upsets me most. People put a lot of time and effort in to upgrading things, it would be nice to see that effort respected.

3) What tier are you in?

T1 because as I’ve mentioned I take WvW very seriously and I enjoy being around people who feel similarly. I was previously on Jade Quarry but transferred to Desolation just last night for personal reasons. We’ll see how things go on this new server, so far the people here are very nice!

4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?[/quote]

Hah, as I said in the answer above, yes, I have transferred servers. This is only my third time however. I started playing the game on Dragonbrand and that’s where I learned everything about the game basically. When I started to really get in to WvW, I transferred to a higher tier and had been in JQ for quite a long time. I’m not sure how long exactly but I’d say 8 months give or take. Most of my time with the game, basically. And in Desolation, as it stands I haven’t even been here 24 hours!

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Opinions on WvW! Why do YOU play?

in WvW

Posted by: mysticalrk.9673


My apology for bad english, but my burden wants me to answers those questions. I hope you’ll understand what is like to be on a low tier server.

1) What do you like best about WvW? What keeps making you come back for more? What keeps you interested or keeps it fun?

I started playing WvW more before WvW Tournament Season 2 was about to start. I’ve learned many things from experienced WvW players with a good community. I felt glory on being part of huge group to fight against other players all night. Sometimes we lost, sometimes we won. Overall: We’ve fought hard work to reach top 3 place and that was a greatest moment that I have ever been on a MMO game.

And now those moment are gone since people are either stop played WvW or transfered to better server thus making server even less populated.


2) What do you like least about WvW? What makes you frustrated about it or makes you want to stop WvW in favor of something else like PvE, PvP or even EotM? (I consider EotM play separate).
One and only: Being outnumbered. It’s sad that a low population server is still getting overun by more populated people and I still can’t believe that there is no fix for that.


3) What tier are you in?
Bottom Tier at EU Bronze


4) Have you switched servers for WvW? Why?
Only once for WVW Tournament season (Btw, thanks for a free transfer, ANET)
And before people ask why I didn’t transfer to better tier server. I’ll ask to you: should you follow a lambs to too small gate? Shame that a huge amount of people are still Meta game on WvW.


Nowdays, I’m at WvW only because it’s fastest way to get Daily Achievement done. Other than that, there’s no nice thing to say about WVW on low population server and it’s why I stop playing WvW seriously. And no, I will not pay gems just for transfer to other server. I keep those gems by self for now.