Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Hey guys I am on the Borlis pass and the guild leader of Krew. Yesturday we spent 5+ hours building a tower/keep up with max upgrades. We then attempted to take the garrison which had the orb in it. We managed to take the garrison but the orb completely bugged out and was grey in the keep but still gave the orb bonus to shiverpeaks. We had no choice but to just leave your map because it was pointless to fight in a zone where there is no orb. For us players on the Borlis pass, we cant see the orb on your map. I was wondering if you guys are having the same prob as well. Atm you guys have 3 orbs, but we can only actually fight for 2 of them. On the other hand, we have had some great fights these last few days. I must say the numbers you guys can put out at any given time of the day is impressive. Overall I feel the match up is great. Just a little upset the orb is bugged on your map after we took it.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Player One.4932

Player One.4932

Shiverpeaks took the orb twice from Anvil Rock Border Lands; once on Friday and once tonight on Sunday. Both times we ambushed them and broke them up pretty good. The only problem is that 20 seconds after they took the orb it disappeared from the world map, both times. Since we killed most of their zerg, and could not see the orb in first person OR on the world map we assumed it had been reset. Only to find out two minutes later the orb appeared in NSP keep. The Orb never reappeared on the world map until it was in Ask hills controlled by NSP.

I have read that this is an exploitable bug and that the first orb carrier can drop the orb and when it is picked up again, the orb does not show on the world map.

People are also saying that a thief can almost perma-invis and that is why the orb will not show up on the map.

What are your thoughts?

Nice fight at Bay tonight (Sunday) btw =) You guys held off Anvil and NSP at the same time for quite a while

Violator Xx

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Yea we have seen this as well. We assumed the Orb would just reset but like you have said it ended up in NSP keep. Not saying NSP is hacking or anything, truthfully i highly doubt they are hacking and its just game bugs.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


Yeah like I said in a different thread, Orbs are just really buggy. With fly-hacking happening every once in a while and the orb disappearing from the map, ANET should just disable them until they are fixed. They’ve done it before it wouldn’t be hard to do again.

My original post is here, you can read it for a full set of explanations on what happened from the NSP side: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Props-to-Anvil-Rock/first#post307831

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Yeah i did read your post. One thing i am wondering though. Does the orb on NSP borderlands show for you guys since you are the one with it? As i stated before we cant see the orb on that map. Is that a bug for everyone or just the other 2 servers who dont have the orb?

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


and when i say we cant see it. It doesnt even show it in a keep.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


I just went to check, it doesn’t show anywhere on the map for us, nor is it physically on any of the pedestals. Nor is there an orb reset event. That’s very weird.

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

(edited by MasterofKhaos.8903)

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

I just went to check, it doesn’t show anywhere on the map for us, nor is it physically on any of the pedestals. Nor is there an orb reset event. That’s very weird.

yep. was defending our borderlands last night from anvil and borlis, the orb is/was no where to be seen on the map. hoping for an orb reset.

Second Law [Scnd]

Orb bugged on Northern Shiverpeaks map

in WvW

Posted by: Fella Feller.4936

Fella Feller.4936

We (Gunner’s Hold) are having exactly the same problem with the Orb on Elona’s Reach borderlands. Early this morning we took all three keeps on the map – the Orb was in none of them, nor was it at it’s original location. When on other boarderlands the Orb shows on the map as being at the Garrrison, and Elona’s Reach have the buff for all 3, however when on the map in question the Orb does not appear on the map, and cannot be seen or interacted with at any of the 4 alters.

The Tally family of Desolation-
Victor(Ranger), Astral(Ele), Martial(Warrior), Erroneous(Mes), Ticker(Engi), Ravin(Thief)
with special guests Hematophagia(Necro) and Grace Burns(Guardian)