Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


150 to all stats is like wearing a whole extra set of exotic jewelry, and then throwing in an extra 15% health on top of that. And this is granted to the entire server, and all its NPCS, across every battlefield. I’ve been fortunate to be on the receiving side of this buff, and it is a huge advantage.

If you’re going to have a bonus this powerful, it needs to be hard to keep. But that’s not what happens. Once you’ve got the orb, you’ve now got a buffed force to protect it and locked in the middle of a buffed keep you can’t even capture until you’ve also stolen the orb.

Maybe if you’re an invading force and holding the orb in your keep, then the keep is weakened in some way? Doors are weaker, NPCs are weaker, seige equipment within that keep is also weaker. Maybe even players defending that keep are also weakened. This wouldn’t apply to defenders keeps who hold the orb for their homelands.

I dunno, something so you can’t just take that buff and sit on it, you’ve actually got to put in some work to keep it.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Kiiinnndddaaaa maaakesss sense….

Like, you get 15% more health with all 3, but all walls, siege and doors take 15% more damage as a recourse. I could see that. Lets you even kill off enemy siege with your own faster if you get it up in time to exchange equal numbers of shots.

But really, not having the orb FORCES you to zerg, which is the correct strategy, and to coalesce and take out targets as a massive force which has no need for buffs. All the 3 orbs do is make my 5 man groups that much more effective at taking out 10 man groups.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


But really, not having the orb FORCES you to zerg, which is the correct strategy, and to coalesce and take out targets as a massive force which has no need for buffs. All the 3 orbs do is make my 5 man groups that much more effective at taking out 10 man groups.

Huh? are you saying not having the orb is a good thing because it forces you to play properly? I don’t think that’s much of a benefit.

And that’s not “all the 3 orbs do”. It makes a dominant force that much more dominant in everything it does. I don’t think that’s a very good idea unless there is some sort of downside also associated with holding the orb. You should have to keep paying for that power even after you’ve captured it.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


Make the orbs give your PVE realm a ton of bonuses. Put the orbs bonuses on the Overpowered buff. A lot simpler.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


3 orbs is key to domination. It was key to SBI’s success this last weekend, and it’s been key to HoD rebound.

Orbs need to be made a priority by any server attempting to succeed.

They are powerful, that’s why you want them.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Daish.6139


it already is your more likely to be the target of 2 servers in the 1v1v1 turning into a 2v1

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Shep.7356


Orbs really shouldn’t alter any stats at all. Since WvW is ultimately a game about points, instead, holding the orbs should just give you a point bonus. They’re still important but they don’t make you overpowered, either, and it’s still possible to get your orbs back without simply outnumbering the other server (and let’s face it, as it is, people don’t want to join WvW when they see one server has all of the orbs, so the likelihood of doing that isn’t great).

Not having the orbs is frustrating because it’s easy to blame your server losing on one server having all of the orbs. At the same time, having all of the orbs is boring because you eventually just roflstomp the other two servers.

(edited by Shep.7356)

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


They ARE a double edged sword.

They give you a bonus but people tend to attack the keeps they are in more than they normally would. (And sometimes the other 2 servers will team up (on purpose or by accident) to get that keep down.

So I have no Idea what you are talking about. If you DON’T see this on your server, maybe you shouldn’t blame the system, but the players?

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Make the orbs give your PVE realm a ton of bonuses. Put the orbs bonuses on the Overpowered buff. A lot simpler.

So Orbs to give faster lvlups gathering etc…resulting into even bigger zergs because of ppl who finish lvling/gearing up faster?

…No thank u

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


They are fine as they are. If you do not see that: Here have some cheese with your whine.

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


So Orbs to give faster lvlups gathering etc…resulting into even bigger zergs because of ppl who finish lvling/gearing up faster?

impossible: there’s a limited number of places in WvW. People who finish leveling faster will end up in the queue.

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Rebound.3409


I prefer having lvl 80 well geared ppl with me rather then a zerg of “upscaled lvl10 ppl” who die 2-3 hits. U are upscaled but gear still effects u.

Not to mention that can be exploited….I can just create over and over again low level chars, join with them, farm, and then put it in the bank, thus taking the spot of a lvl80 who is not there to farm (not on the same level as a lvl10 char atleast)

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Rebound, go do sPvP. You will have all lvl80s with you with good gear. (I promise!)

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Rebound.3409


But i don’t want to do sPvP why should i be forced to do something i don’t want because of ppl that want the game to be more and more easier for them. Be happy u atleast get automatically capped to lvl80. Go to any other mmo and u would be flamed in a biblical way for even mentioning (u as a low level) wanting to go to pvp. Here, in this game,u won’t find that.

I am sorry lowlevels…u have to work your way up….that’s how it is. ANet already gave u a huge bonus of being automatically capped…but that doesn’t mean you’re work stops there. U actually need to work to get better even if capped.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


I think they should flip the orb bonus with the outmanned bonus.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: JustKarma.2985


imo the orb should only have a place to be put in the garrison then each server has the advantage of being able to keep/take back their orb easier

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: lipidro.3964


The orbs should each reduce score by 15-30 points per tally if you own more than 1. Keep the 50/5% buff at the risk of losing 45-90 points every point tick. Would go a long way in making them more strategic than “buff the zerglings for no penalty”

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


They ARE a double edged sword.

They give you a bonus but people tend to attack the keeps they are in more than they normally would. (And sometimes the other 2 servers will team up (on purpose or by accident) to get that keep down.

So I have no Idea what you are talking about. If you DON’T see this on your server, maybe you shouldn’t blame the system, but the players?

How is this different with or without the orbs? Keeps are extremely valuable on their own by the points they grant and they’re easier to defend than towers or supply depots. And the orbs make it even easier to defend due to the orb buffs.

And I’m not whining, my side has had 2+ orbs on a number of occasions. And while it is fun to run around with everyone else at a disadvantage, it just doesn’t seem right. Games, typically, are more fun when they’re competitive. And if one side can collect all 3 orbs, then they’re probably pretty dominant. Tacking on a bunch of stat and hp buffs with no downside to the already dominant side doesn’t strike me as good for keeping the game competitive.

And, no, it doesn’t necessarily make the orb keep a target. By nature of having the orb, that keep is going to be harder to take than, say any other point on the map owned by the side that doesn’t get +150 to all stats and 15% extra hp. So there’s just as strong encouragement to take the weaker side’s nodes as there is to try to take an orb, knowing it’s going to be a much more difficult task to break into that keep than it normally would.

Besides, having some sort of more serious drawback to the orbs makes it a more interesting and strategic decision, rather than “hur, dur, i gotz the orbz, i go smash now!”