Out number not showing up
Outnumbered is severely broken but all SJW here on this forum claim it is the best change ever.
Revert the changes.
This is the first negative feedback I’ve seen on the outnumbered change, and it has worked as described for me since the change. I’m a big fan . . .
Missed like 100-200 pips yesterday because of this. What is point that some players have outnumbered and other players can’t get outnumbered at all? I get one dc, come back and won’t get outnumbered in whole night while party member have outnumbered whole time.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)
This is the first negative feedback I’ve seen on the outnumbered change.
Yeah, everyone I see is complaining about participation. I thought outnumbered was working as intended and everyone thought it was a good change . . .
Outnumbered is broken
I was just on a border where we where clearly outnumbered and I ran there for about an hour. 5-10 on border vs 2 zergs and yellow swords, 50+ enemies. Not much roamers because we had nothing other than spawn camp and tower at the best of times.
But guess what: One guy had outnumbered the whole time. The rest didnt. I asked if he got outnumbered pips and yes indeed he got them. No one else on the border got them.
Anet fix your kitten.
This is a bug. I experienced this today too and missed out on probably about 50 – 60 pips because of it. While I don’t know what causes it, I DID at least find a possible workaround.
The next time this bug happens to you, go sit at spawn and wait until your participation starts to decay, then go out. The next tick should apply Outnumbered to you properly.
Yes, can confirm.
Was on an outnumbered map and 5 of the 8 people in my squad had the buff showing throughout 4-5 ticks while 3 of us never received it.
normal stuff in this game, getting borked up, expect some stupid change as a work arround to band aid it.
outmaned had always a few issues :\
Yeah same thing happened to me last night during reset…2/3 of our squad got the outnumbered buff while the rest didnt(me included). First I tought that was because I still had some of the participacion saved from the last match(got in the map with T4 partcipation), and that might have triggered the bug, but seeing that other people also have it, then i guess it was just complete random.
Wondering what Anet will do about it…considering that people in my group allready made it to Silver chest, while I just completed the Wood chest(We didnt play for long, but for a good 60% of the time we were outnumbered).