*Introductory note: I dislike creating threads with the same topic as some old thread, but search/sort function of GW2 forum is, quite unreliable. I suspect SOMEONE must’ve had the same idea and posted it on the forums, but couldn’t find any through search function.
First I would like to introduce my world: Kaineng. We constantly battle against Eredon Terrace to not be the first (from last).
Of course, WvW being WvWvW, any other world we face against other than ET has a lot more participants. 90% of the time I have this neat “buff” saying we’re “outnumbered”
But let’s look @ the buff benefits.
“The enemies greatly outnumber your forces, be careful out there!
+33% Experience
+20% Magic find
+25% World Experience
Take no armor damage on death”
In my opinion, these “buffs” are too self-centered when the WvW should be about the team (world) and thus should give more “worldly benefits”.
1. Experience : 33% more Experience? Great! But it’s only for you and your teammates, but not to the world itself.
2: Magic Find: Same goes with the +20% Magic Find. Seriously, if you find a precursor in a WvW drop, the chances are you’re leaving WvW game immediately to craft legendary or something.
3. World Experience : This would be the only real benefit to the World-game itself would be +25% World Experience. This, in my opinion, is fine.
4. No armor damage: Now that armor repair is free, I don’t even know why this would be a “buff”.
Some suggestions:
1. Longer “Righteous Indignation.” The standard length of time of RI is three minutes. Three minutes is a long time to wait, but it’s a short time to get somewhere, and cap a point. This means, by the time you’re done capturing a point, get the RI up, and move onto your way to another capture point, the chances are the previously captured point has lost its RI hence re-capped.
The argument may be that WvW isn’t just a capping game, but also a defending game. But seriously, you are “outnumbered” good luck defending against a swarm of zergs.
The longer RI would serve to give the outnumbered team to strategically time their cap points to get the resulting World-Points.
2. Give a buff that actually DOES help when you’re facing off a larger force. This would mean not more experience. And there would be tons of way to do this.
a. Reduce cooldown time of elite skills.
I’ve read the forums that some of the elite skills have way too long CD, but the power they give are too underwhelming. I agreed, and thought to implement it somewhere.
Self explanatory.
c. Faster capture speed
Self explanatory.
d. Bonus expendable World Ability Points (that is nulled when the “outnumbered” is finished)
Doesn’t have to be ability points, but rather the buff to give one or two more “sub-ranks”
e.g. If I wanted two more subranks on the “Guard Killer” Upgrade from rank 7 to 9, I would’ve needed 45 WAPs.
e. Easier to demoralize/help mercenaries
These are some examples that DON’T directly buff our characters, but rather the World itself. Frankly, I thought the direct buffs like the movement speed buff mentioned above are quite “boring” and “dull.” If the Anet isn’t too creative, then they could just replace the buff to like “+n Power, +n Vitality, +n Toughness” whatever.
The point is that the current buffs don’t buff the World as a whole, and I think it is quite serious to the Worlds that are frequently “outnumbered” and everyone knows being outnumbered in WvW is an extremely hard challenge.