Overflow Server needs you!
This is unironically my favourite thread on the forum.
I’m Gaiawolf, and this is my favorite thread on the forum.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
I would also like to spuriously offer Consortium endorsement contracts to all Overflow joiners joining (left-outer joins are prohibited) before January 28th.
Join within the next week and receive a second contract of equal or lesser value for free.
Hurry, act now!
Offer void where prohibited which is pretty much everywhere. Content may be disabled at this time. Consortium not responsible for delivery of contracts to beneficiary. That responsibility belongs to the overflow dove who is on strike. See official rules (which will not be posted) for details.
Please be mindful of your joins, Cartesian results wreck havoc with the database and cause culling.
Yak Cultist and follower of the Great Golem God
Offer void where prohibited which is pretty much everywhere. Content may be disabled at this time. Consortium not responsible for delivery of contracts to beneficiary. That responsibility belongs to the overflow dove who is on strike. See official rules (which will not be posted) for details.
Rofl @ the disclaimer above xDD
That really made my day.
Entertaining me at work, indeed. lol
That disclaimer makes this recruitment advertisement topic even more legit.
Oh, thankies to the mod, who’s not locking this fun topic <3
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
This thread perfectly summarizes my feeling towards all these recruitment-threads.
Seeking new players for a night team? Are you kittening serious? Who even HAS a night team, who would want to be a part of that?
I’ve never seen anything as ridiculous as this.
Oh and inb4 lock!
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
Overflow server B7 Is lacking in a night-team those martians keep kicking us where it hurts moar, we need more at Overflow at night or we can’t even enter!
Ruins of Surmia
LOL, the ‘clucking at the palm trees’ & ‘LF1M FoTM’ really nail it!!!
Overflow server is always losing in WvW.
Overflow server is always losing in WvW.
Ikr. They don’t even have one person in WvW
We really should think about moving to Overflow to help that server winning in WvW, at least once. \o/
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
I want to come over but I have some questions first.
1. I couldn’t find you guys on the server list — did you transfer to a different game?
2. I’ve heard rumors that you guys aren’t very dedicated, and sometimes don’t even bother to show up. Is this a true statement?
Please let me know asap, my 800 member guild (Night Caps [ZZZZ]) is running out of time to make our decision.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Overflow server is always losing in WvW.
That’s because they spent most of the time ‘LFG’ in LA. Once Overflow does get serious about WvW, we will be facing folks with full dungeon & ascended gears. Very tempting to make the transfer to there ^^
This is utter BS. You guys already outman Queensdale overflow 24 hours a day and now you want to stack even more players? Bunch of easymoding raidbabies. You guys already had a bunch of bandwagoners join you during that karka event, but I guess that still wasn’t enough eh? Dispicable.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
Overflow Server! No Travel, No Mercy!!!
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
Dont tell [Xoac] they will be hopping there next lol.
Victrixx [xVx]
Please don’t come to overflow server. Our queues are big as it is during prime-time with all those randoms hopping in on a bandwagon.
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
This thread perfectly summarizes my feeling towards all these recruitment-threads.
Seeking new players for a night team? Are you kittening serious? Who even HAS a night team, who would want to be a part of that?
I’ve never seen anything as ridiculous as this.Oh and inb4 lock!
You realize, of course, that these things called time zones exist. One person’s night is another person’s day.
This thread perfectly summarizes my feeling towards all these recruitment-threads.
Seeking new players for a night team? Are you kittening serious? Who even HAS a night team, who would want to be a part of that?
I’ve never seen anything as ridiculous as this.Oh and inb4 lock!
You realize, of course, that these things called time zones exist. One person’s night is another person’s day.
Correct, which is why my bank guild (Night Caps [zzzz]) is so delicious. I can wear the tag whenever I want and it’ll make someone angry.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast