POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


  1. is better than #1 as it allows servers to not be stuck in their tiers, but it breaks the competitiveness, makes ranks too volatile.

Losing when winning by a blowout doesnt make sense. Use the ratings and standard deviation + rand to generate matchups, no problem. But use something else, more stable to determine actual ranks, maybe treat it like a sports season. Or reward the winners of the matchup with something.

Losing rating points while winning matchups is exactly what is needed to fix the lower tiers. Ratings outside of the top 5 or 6 servers almost all inaccurate, and the artificial gaps created by the last system can’t be corrected unless you can steal points from higher rated servers. That is this system actually working.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Atine.8623


You’ve missed the point completely…
For instance its not fair for TC lose rank to DB just beacause db got a matchup where they can hold all maps for most of the day while TC has to fight round the clock and is losing rating even though its winning.

THAT is what sucks with this system, and it will keep happening. And the way this system works with its randomness, it will never “stabilize”

You’re not looking at the big picture. Currently most of the red server (except SoR and HoD) is gaining ratings, which indicates that the blue and/or the green servers aren’t doing as good as they are supposed to be. Which means that the OLD rating system, with the tiers, doesn’t indicate real server’s fighting power. Without the interactive match-ups between tiers (random match-ups), we would never know, from the old system, that the red server actually deserves more ratings then they actually have. It will stabilize.

Sanctum Of Roger “Oldroar” Rall
Cras es Noster!
My posts are strictly my own, they do not represent my server nor my guild.

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


option 2.

WvW is fun again.

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


2, but they need to revisit the math behind this, so at least it is random between 1 tier to top and 1 tier to down. (It will make T1 will potentially fight T2, T2 will potentially fight T1 or T3, and so on until last tier Tx will potentially fight Tx-1).

Edit: Better add difference in score to the math (not only volatility).

(edited by deviller.9135)

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


You’ve missed the point completely…
For instance its not fair for TC lose rank to DB just beacause db got a matchup where they can hold all maps for most of the day while TC has to fight round the clock and is losing rating even though its winning.

THAT is what sucks with this system, and it will keep happening. And the way this system works with its randomness, it will never “stabilize”

You’re not looking at the big picture. Currently most of the red server (except SoR and HoD) is gaining ratings, which indicates that the blue and/or the green servers aren’t doing as good as they are supposed to be. Which means that the OLD rating system, with the tiers, doesn’t indicate real server’s fighting power. Without the interactive match-ups between tiers (random match-ups), we would never know, from the old system, that the red server actually deserves more ratings then they actually have. It will stabilize.

The fact that SBI and SoS are getting blown out and still gaining points is a problem. When this system ‘stabilizes’ the top server will be around 1850 rating and the bottom server will be around 1500 rating. Making a T1 vs T8 match up very much possible.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Murderous Clown.9723

Murderous Clown.9723

You’ve missed the point completely…
For instance its not fair for TC lose rank to DB just beacause db got a matchup where they can hold all maps for most of the day while TC has to fight round the clock and is losing rating even though its winning.

THAT is what sucks with this system, and it will keep happening. And the way this system works with its randomness, it will never “stabilize”

You’re not looking at the big picture. Currently most of the red server (except SoR and HoD) is gaining ratings, which indicates that the blue and/or the green servers aren’t doing as good as they are supposed to be. Which means that the OLD rating system, with the tiers, doesn’t indicate real server’s fighting power. Without the interactive match-ups between tiers (random match-ups), we would never know, from the old system, that the red server actually deserves more ratings then they actually have. It will stabilize.

The fact that SBI and SoS are getting blown out and still gaining points is a problem. When this system ‘stabilizes’ the top server will be around 1850 rating and the bottom server will be around 1500 rating. Making a T1 vs T8 match up very much possible.

If the ratings were to stabalise like this, the deviation and hence the possible range of matchrating of most servers should go down. So this shouldn’t be as much of a problem as you might think.

Jimibabob – Valkyries of Dwayna [VoD]
Piken Square

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Terkov.4138


I think it’s hard to judge new system after 1 reset, that got addionally screwed by 2 short resets during it. I say give it time.

Note that it’s said by guy from GH (T7) who got matched with T3 and T4 servers

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: AmphibianX.7042


I am having a hard time counting the votes, but so far I have counted around 50 votes for #1
I think something like this should have been better.

(edited by AmphibianX.7042)

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Winners moves up tier.
Loser goes down.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739



Just wait for it to stabilize jeez.

You’ve missed the point completely…
For instance its not fair for TC lose rank to DB just beacause db got a matchup where they can hold all maps for most of the day while TC has to fight round the clock and is losing rating even though its winning.

THAT is what sucks with this system, and it will keep happening. And the way this system works with its randomness, it will never “stabilize”

Thought TC had a truce with FA when fighting with DB, which made DB wvwers had to fight around the clock in order to not drop tier(and spies). Now seems like you guys’ plan didn’t work as intend lol. Also, please remember that anet mentioned rating now doesn’t solely determine how your server will advance in the future. Why so seriously about you guys getting a lower rating than DB? Because that TC-FA truce can’t kick DB to tier 3 anymore?

I didn’t missed the point, I know what OP means, and probably better than you do. That’s why I mentioned “stabilize”.

This is only the first week. Why not give the new rating system a chance and see how it actually works out.

Edit: Wait, you are on SoR… Alright my bad, ignored what I’ve just said.

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Drakh.3128


It appears none of you even understand what really changed. Glicko is still the same, ratings are still the same. The only difference is a random rating variation added at the end to allow for different matchups. Scores are still based on how well you do against the other servers with ratings used to gauge how well you should do. If you do better than expected (note you can still loose but do better than expected) you will gain raiting. If however you take the week off and get no points whatsoever, you of course loose rating. The variation added is only for the matchups and does not affect the true ratings and their of course limits in place to keep servers close to their original tiers.

Bottom line, if you have a much lower rating than servers you are paired up against, you are expected to loose, by how much is up to you and doing better than expected by Glicko will result in a good gain in rating and loss for the top rated server (even if they “win” the week).

- Drakh (BT)
- Blackgate

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


2 as well. The first system became much to stale of a match up, no one was ever moving anywhere it seemed. Plus the random factor allows you a new match up and color every week, i would like to remind you all that is was PvE players that pushed for the new system more then then WvW players.

Isle Of Janthir

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


I am having a hard time counting the votes, but so far I have counted around 50 votes for #1
I think something like this should have been better.

I tried to do a tally, but it’s hard as you said. This is what I have based on people who actually cast numbered votes. There are some that are obviously opposed to #2 based on their responses to others votes/comments, but they never did mention a number explicitly, so they could very well be 4. I also didn’t comb through for duplicate names, so if someone voted twice for something then they got counted twice.

  1. = 4
  2. = 47
  3. = 12
  4. = 17

I don’t actually understand what option #3 is, but a couple of other posters referred to it as WULD, so that’s how I counted it.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864



Ok anyone with half a brain can see that the OP created this poll while it favored the old system or at least any system that isn’t the new one. Its not even 72 hours yet.

You have to give it time then make the poll not 48 hours after a big change like this. That only benefits you or others who are like minded. You tried to make it sound like you are being fair and impartial but you are not by presenting the poll this early.

With that said my vote goes to 2.

It will still serve its purpose if they do look at this thread they can see how the votes changed over time.

So heartseeker, heartseeker I mean 2 is my vote

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780



I like getting to meet guilds from upper and lower tier servers^ ^~

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: ich.7086



I Am An Intruder – War 80
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


1, because the competitive scene of WvW is gone in 2. Because when my server is suckin, people don’t say we are going to T2, they say there are no tiers.

Nobody will be considered the best server anymore, no more tiers with the new system. The complete e sports feeling is gone as well. I thought GW2 was suppose to be e sports, this new system is going the opposite direction of e sports.

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


1, because the competitive scene of WvW is gone in 2. Because when my server is suckin, people don’t say we are going to T2, they say there are no tiers.

Nobody will be considered the best server anymore, no more tiers with the new system. The complete e sports feeling is gone as well. I thought GW2 was suppose to be e sports, this new system is going the opposite direction of e sports.

Unless I am missing something my general feeling is nobody except people in Tier 1 care about the server that is number 1.

Also e-sports is s/tPvP not WvW. I don’t even know how you would e-sport WvW rofl.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


1, because the competitive scene of WvW is gone in 2. Because when my server is suckin, people don’t say we are going to T2, they say there are no tiers.

Nobody will be considered the best server anymore, no more tiers with the new system. The complete e sports feeling is gone as well. I thought GW2 was suppose to be e sports, this new system is going the opposite direction of e sports.

WvW isn’t esports. The servers are still ranked by rating, so there is a #1 server (are people in tier 1 so clueless?).

Edit: I like the 2nd one. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about how stale and boring the matches were. This has drummed up a lot of excitement.

Gate of Madness

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Option 2, the new RNG system. Well chosen Anet!

Should we do the tally every 5-6 posts to show the trend ?

Also please take note of the multi posters and ensure their opinion, just like all others, is counted only as one vote regardless of their 5-6 posts to a poll thread.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

(edited by elkirin.8534)

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

Having a blast with 2 at the moment but would probably prefer 3 – but not having tried option 3 then 2 is certainly much better than 1.

We might be losing the numbers game but in terms of skill we are probably a little ahead of FR and UW.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Topix.6974


They should just get rid of scores altogether and just have random drawings every week. Then everyone wont be saying anything about getting blown out and it will be all about the fights and not just zerg from one thing to another.

Mentally On Call – 80 Elementalist
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


The fact that SBI and SoS are getting blown out and still gaining points is a problem. When this system ‘stabilizes’ the top server will be around 1850 rating and the bottom server will be around 1500 rating. Making a T1 vs T8 match up very much possible.

Depends on your definition of a “blowout”. I wouldn’t call the current SoS match that.

Rating rises for SoS, SBI and CD proves the old system needed to change. The way it was before you had weeks of SoS winning against these two with no chance for SoS to move up or SBI to move down, which was frustrating for all three servers. See T5 thread (Ebay/AR/BP) who are still stuck together with the same (pre-determined almost) result – they’ve been together for two months despite Ebay’s “blowout” wins.

Sea of Sorrows

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Mausler.3748


[about WULD = winner up, loser down]

  • The next match-up is “earned” rather than determined by RNG; in many cases this means a tense fight for the result until the very end of a match (this could also be achieved by publishing the RNG values for the next matchup early(!) during the preceding match-up)

My own tier, EU T5, is a perfect example of this right now: At the current scores (142K, 152K, 145K), the sever’s ratings will change between -14 and +12. With the RNG, that means very little for next week’s match-ups, so the battle is quite relaxed.

With WULD, there would likely be a tense battle about who ends up first/second/third in this tier.

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: urzen.7096


ArenaNet, please listen to us…those who play WvW and want competetive, engaging, and fun gameplay.

GW2 WvW Players, please review the WvW Ranking options below and respond with your preference on how the WvW Ranking system should be implemented. Please use this thread as a constructive and informative discussion on our desire for the WvW Ranking system in GW2. Reply with your preference # from below and any pros/cons you would like to provide as to why you would like that particular Ranking system implemented in GW2.

  1. Original glicko system that was in place since launch.
  2. New randomized glicko system that was implemented May 31, 2013.
  3. Promotion/Relegation system. (Similar to how European Football ranks their leagues.)
  4. Other system not discussed before. (Provide a detailed description of a ranking system not mentioned before.)

Please ArenaNet, take the thoughts and opinions in this thread seriously and adjust the Ranking system the way we want it to be…your customers.

Thank you,

4. reduce number of wvw servers and then totally random – you never play the same two servers twice until you have played every combination

Sanctum of Rall

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


4. Some other system. See below with a promotion/demotion system.

The most frustrating thing for me is losing because of coverage. Anet should have separate battle groups for NA, Europe, and Oceanic. Merging those into a 24hour server isn’t working. The key to victory is a mismatch with your weakest link. You gain more by trying to recruit people to solve your coverage issue than you do by actually honing tactics.

Define 3 periods

Midnight-8am = period 1
8 am to 4pm = period 2
4pm to Midnight = period 3

When period 1 closes, the board is frozen, people are booted from WvW, and the period 2 matchup initializes with the period 2 servers added. Rank would be determined by time period, and each time period would have a different matchup.

Thus if your server was highly competitive in period 1, but dead last in period 2, you would still face appropriate competition by period. If all that mattered to you was WvW during your highest rank period, you could PvE or whatever in the other periods.

This would hopefully eliminate the need for endless recruiting to solve coverage issues, and get better match ups. I think more would participate in WvW if there was a window for it opening, as it would be like reset night every time the period came up. There would be some strategic talk in the off periods on what to do next push, and overall the game would improve because of it.

There is nothing more frustrating than knowing the main reason why you are losing points is because of the action that is taking place during your normal sleep period, and you can do nothing about it except pay for a transfer.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle

POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019



And I’ll wager all the new system fanbois in here change their minds in a few weeks, too.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.