Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Ramic.2346


1. Not even 1 guild joined Elona till today, the only thing we might have goten are randoms and thats it. The bigest reason we are winning with such a Pointdifference is that almost the whole Arborstone Orga dissapeared and we only need to fight Kodasch

2. I cant believe u even try to talk about a balance wich u destroyed already one time(Ruin recrutation) and tried it a second time wich didnt work that well. How isnt it fair that we get new players on our server just because we dont need to spam the forum with recrutation threads? U think u have the privilege for new players? U think it isnt a struggle for us to compete almost every weak against a new server who got his 3-4 big guilds from another server and when we think oh well they are now t1, we wont seem them against another 3-4 guilds join another server. Since months we must play against Servers like Blacktide, Desolation, Seefarers. Just to see how they split apart again and just to fight a new “Super” server who got their Na-guilds or whatever. And thats why we respect Vizu, they might not fight as good as Seafarers but they stood for months in t1 with their OWN power and not asking for guilds. Thats it and i will be HAPPY when the transfers wont be free anymore, there will be 2-3 international servers on their own tier and i wont need to see them every week again after they cant keep up against Vizu. Thats it

And next time try to inform urself before u create a thread.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Deso never recruited RUIN. They just, came. We never asked them, infact i dont think there was any active recruiting from other servers/regions going on at that time at all. Saying we did recruit them is just flat out lying.
Hilarious that you then accuse someone else of not being informed before posting.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


The announcement of paid transfers will be the final nail in the coffin of competitive WvW. Heres to another 3 months of messed up tiers.

As opposed to having the tiers messed up every other week because some guild got kitten they lost that weeks matchup. The only messup was allowing free transfers to begin with. Well that and announcing when they are stopping free transfers.

Free transfers should have never been allowed and almost every other MMO ever released knew better. 2 weeks ago 1000 or more players, 3 or 4 guilds deserted their servers and moved to Kainang in one shot. That single example threw at a minimum of 3 tiers into some disarray. Then it starts to snowball and all the fair weather unguilded or guilded players that could care less about their guilds start flocking to the new FoTM server or servers. Further mucking up other servers and basically making the ranking system redundant. Why have rankings when 1 large guild can get pissy and desert to any server they choose because they lost a matchup or the rest of the server wont kiss their butt or any number of other reasons equally selfish imo?

The free transfers did not just mess up a couple servers it is mucking up the entire ranking system. It is about time this happened. Is just too bad some servers are becoming ghost towns WvW wise. But those servers should take solace of the fact that at least those who initially deserted them probably were not worthy of carrying that servers tag anyway. Look at it as a new start and if your particular server lost a bunch of players well they were going to abandon that server sooner or later anyway.

The game is still relatively new and they had to stop these massive desertions if we ever want to have a fair ranking system and as close to even match-ups as is possible.

Just think about it. With free transfers a server can lose a matchup and one or more guilds get mad and decide to join that weeks winners competition the following week to exact revenge. maybe they don’t accomplish it and they all move servers the next week to try again. It really is quite dumb such massive transfers were ever allowed in the first place. Not to mention, does anyone even know how much time it takes for the ranking system to accurately rank servers after such transfers.

I would be interested to hear any actual good reasons for allowing such nonsense to continue. If any exist that is.


Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: EternalNub.2078


Deso never recruited RUIN. They just, came. We never asked them, infact i dont think there was any active recruiting from other servers/regions going on at that time at all. Saying we did recruit them is just flat out lying.
Hilarious that you then accuse someone else of not being informed before posting.

well said +10 =)

My Elephant Goes[TOOT]

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Busko.7408


Well Anet kittened up again they say they couldn’t do pay transfer yet etc etc because they had to iron out some bugs tho they could have change the CD on transfer. They should have change it after after a month the game was out to around 30+ days This will pretty much have prevented server hopping at the very start.

Sadly with our Full tag we wont get much WvW peeps so we can fill the maps better

Im a Kitty Cat rawr
what what what….

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


Gotta say given the situation of the paid transfer stuff, if guilds are planning to move for a more WvW, Id recommend Whiteside Ridge, most on there are WvW players here than PvE’s. Currently holding off two more populated servers yet coming 2nd place in points ;O)

(TNC) – Tooth ‘N’ Claw PvE/sPvP –
(WBC) – We Be Chilling – WvW
Whiteside Ridge(EU) Needs you!

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


The NA side shouldn’t take too long to adjust. Next week, the 10 strongest servers (SoS/JQ/BG/SoR/TC/CD/FA/DB/Mag/Kaineng ….listed by current ranking) will take up the top 11 spots. SBI which might still be in T2 but should be in T7/T8 will take some time to go down. IoJ will be in T5 next week when they should be in T8 so not a long trip down. While it’s unfortunate that SBI and IoJ had an exodus as they are both respectable servers, the long term stability of WvW required paid transfers to come.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Ramic.2346


Deso never recruited RUIN. They just, came. We never asked them, infact i dont think there was any active recruiting from other servers/regions going on at that time at all. Saying we did recruit them is just flat out lying.
Hilarious that you then accuse someone else of not being informed before posting.

If its true then i am sorry, i was pretty sure that u recruted them but seems that i remembered wrong.But same goes for Offski then he flat out lied and made a thread about it. And its still doesnt change anything on my post.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Shandolum.9420


A lot are saying its a bad thing with the new paid server transfer, but it really isn’t. It will effect servers yeah, but even before this, guilds were moving around making a mess of things (though not as much, but they could do it every week if they pleased), and after 1 month of paid transfers, everything will have settled down and every server will have found their rank.
I’m sorry for the servers that will take the fall, but it just comes to show what community there is, and I know there are a lot of good people on those servers struggling still.
Paid server transfer was thought about from the very beginning though, and the only reason it wasn’t included yet, is because guesting wasn’t ready yet.

Asuran Thief, Karuto [WvW], Gandara
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Every week and every month, guilds left server X for server Y for various reasons, including being bored with balanced competition or bored with unbalanced competition. The introduction of paid transfers didn’t change that, it just provided a specific urgency.

In 4-5 weeks, after WvW reaches a new equilibrium, we’ll see that most everyone is better off. Massive guilds will be unable to move on a weekly or even monthly basis and although small guilds might afford it, that won’t have much of an impact.

It was inevitable that any change to the system was going to create chaos, but only for a few weeks. I don’t see any cause for concern. (In fact, ANet probably should have allowed people to switch daily until the 28th, so that no one gets accidentally stuck on the wrong world.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Yes it’s a massive messup BY THE PLAYERS.
Good decision by, announced long ago now finally going to be implemented.
I’m on FS since the 1st BWE and not considering leaving, not even now it’s my last chance to do so for free.
The migration going on would’ve happened anyways, a bit slower yes but with the same end effect. It’s not like people now transferring off you server would’ve stayed if they would’ve stayed free.

(edited by holska.4127)

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Toggles.1783


It’s only a huge mess up because of how long it took.

If paid transfers were locking in back during one of the last ‘huge messed up brackets’ things would be fine by now.

A one day announcement or stealth nerf could have worked too. Giving people weeks was too much time for scheming.

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior