Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: memphis.8470


I see so many cmds around each bl just making peeps confusing and dividing peeps not to focus where to go and who to follow….

IN each bl we just need One decent cmd or 2, One havoc squad or 2, some scouts…

I’d like to suggest some here to solve these problems.

1. Allow more than 20ish peeps to make party in WvWvW
2. Allow only who can make 20ish party permitted to Tag cmd on in bl.
3. Allow less than 20 peeps party leader to tag on platoon leader tag…. Anet need to make platoon leader tag in advance.
4. Allow less than 10 peeps party leader to tag on squad leader tag too.

5. Let peeps participated in WvWvW evaluate leaders who is qualified in these tags. These system will prevent both unqualified cmds zerging around with no porpose and mindless pugs around messing up all battles in WvWvW.

6. Everyone can be cmd just buying cmd tags but we need qualified cmds in WvWvW, so peeps who wanna take charge in bl must have some evaluation periods. Make systems allowing peeps evaluate their cmd, platoon leader, squad leader by improving party system… ie, after each battle before party members log out, let them evaluate their leaders.

Everyone can be cmd but we need qualified cmd in WvWvW!!!

also i’d like to advise one more advice about minimap. through minimap let peeps can see whole bl instantly without dragging it. map reading in bl is very important in battles.


(edited by memphis.8470)

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Anet clearly said they are not planning to increase the party size in WvW or add squad functions. The arguments were totally unconvincing – something like “it would increase the lag” and “the UI would become too complex, we don’t want you to play watching the UI but to play watching the game”.

The truth is – they want WvW to be “all inclusive” just like all the rest of GW2. The game is built for casuals, who just join WvW, pick a commander to follow then leave because Jormag is up.

For people who finished the PvE side then got bored and decided to buy a tag and see what happens. (whenever I see a commander tag that also shows the star for map completion I know that’s the kind).

It’s part of the game core values to make everything available for everyone and not exclude them. Having parties of 20 will probably make casuals feel excluded – not going to happen.

The problem is that many WvW players are hardcore PvPers and they want some minimal sort of population control and coordination. This game is not for them – yet. They plan to go e-sports some time late this year.

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: Atrophied.8725


For people who finished the PvE side then got bored and decided to buy a tag and see what happens. (whenever I see a commander tag that also shows the star for map completion I know that’s the kind).

What about those WvW commanders who wanted a legendary and so did map completion (that really only takes 2-3 days if you’re a fully geared 80)?

Xandra – 80s in all classes – Ele/Guard mains – [TL] – NSP

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


For people who finished the PvE side then got bored and decided to buy a tag and see what happens. (whenever I see a commander tag that also shows the star for map completion I know that’s the kind).

What about those WvW commanders who wanted a legendary and so did map completion (that really only takes 2-3 days if you’re a fully geared 80)?

I never said that a Commander with a star is a bad commander. It just provides info on his interests and priorities – he’s either a PvXer or really wanted a legendary (nothing to be ashamed of). He can be a great leader – the only way to find it is to follow him.

However, when I see a commander tag I do not know, from a guild I do not know having the star and yelling at commanders I know to let him lead … it all adds up.

I think the only Commander on SBI having a legendary that I saw was Cohh. A darn good commander for sure – but even his guildmates were making fun of his GS

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: Nidome.1365


For people who finished the PvE side then got bored and decided to buy a tag and see what happens. (whenever I see a commander tag that also shows the star for map completion I know that’s the kind).

Actually, you don’t know anything of the kind. You speculate that is the reason, however you are incorrect.
Personally I don’t have a commander tag, although I would not entirely rule out obtaining one in the future although funds may be a problem as I spend virtually everything my character earns on site upgrades and blueprints.

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


Squads are useless at the moment. The only time I heard of it being used is hide pins on the map.

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


i think the only needed change is the possibility to see target for guild members.
when i choose a target, only party members can see it. it would be nice if guild members could also see it. it will help when you have 1-2 ppl out of the group.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Party system need to be improved in WVWVW

in WvW

Posted by: Delegat.8790


Some for of warbands (4 parties grouped together) would be really nice. And yes, squads are useless

Anemia Deathwhisper → The Bulgarians [BG] → Seafarer’s Rest