best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”
Pay2Win via booster?
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”
To my knowledge, it does still work in WvW, but not in sPvP. (source:
It’s definitely an advantage, but easily off-set by guild buffs or orbs. Or you can just hit them with siege instead. :P
Guild buffs don’t stack with the boosters?
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”
If you are buying boosters enough to make a difference in WvW, then you’re losing…. not winning.
Face fact that GW2 is pay to win and move on. Pay gems to buy gold so you can purchase siege/upgrades/junk on TP. Then buy boosters to be better than others in the cash shop ftw. Lookin at currency exchange, gold is becoming more and more worthless everyday. Kicking myself for not buying more gems when they was at 18 sil.
At this point, I would rather pay a sub than this.
Knew I bought those gems for a reason! Thanks.
I cannot believe that there are people that think gw2 is pay to win, i have full exotic armor, buying dyes, boosters and food for wvw, and i never payed any real money, you can get around 1g from 2h intensive combat in wvw and marks for siege weapons. gem shop is absolutely best way to support developers. And btw whats the point to pay money for wvw victory ? who cares what server won, no one even know what guild or people brought victory, main reason for wvw is fun. And even if some guild decide to buy some boosters and siege weapons, how op is 5% damage boost ??
1g in 2hs? False -.-
Pay2win? I dont think so
Where do u see the rated comments?
It’s 5% damage against monsters. Totally gamebreaking.