People logging out mid fight
So this is happening more and more often these days almost 1 in 4 fights results in the enemy logging out at low hp or in downed state. I’m sorry but this is unsportsman like and quite frankly pathetic behaviour.
I won’t name and shame the servers coz you already know who you are or have seen your buddies do it.
Please put in a mechanism that stops the enemies character from disappearing if it’s mid fight in WvW/PvP so we get the reward for beating him/her regardless of wether not he logs out.
Seriously people just stop being mad and admit you got beaten, you’re not 12 years old and most of you are “adults” start acting like it.
Ok tantrum over? good, now lets sit down like adults and talk sensibly without the verbal garbage.
Im sure they could throw the same accusation back at this post. Its a game. Its one or two kills out of possibly thousands. If you want to take anything positive out of this go away proud in the knowledge you scared them away. Now give yourself a gold star and carry on the good work!
I want my loot from thier cold dead corpse.
fairly sure if someone logs out or alt + f4 while downed then you get the kill and the loot
fairly sure if someone logs out or alt + f4 while downed then you get the kill and the loot
You do, it’s the /laugh and /sit/sit/sit that OP can’t do if they log out.
I’ve done what OP describes, it could have been OP for all I know, but I got ganked on a guild raiding build and was left in a downstate while they sat there /laughing, so I logged off, switched toons to a mesmer and kindly repaid the favor.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
No loot dropped when they do this and no kill. Always been like this.
Depends do you use some lamer roaming spec against real WvW players.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
The fact they have to log back in from scratch is already rewarding enough for me. If i want some loot ill go kill some pve instead, much better quantity then a spike or a random blue/green, if lucky.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
No loot dropped when they do this and no kill. Always been like this.
This is a factually false statement.
Pretty sure I have “logged out” whiLe in combat because my que popped to the bl I really wanted to be in appeared…..
You do you get loot and XP soooo who cares?
Personally, necro here, the ones that run from roaming fights after you light them up are the most annoying….you know the classes I’m talking about
It’s not logging out.
Someone has said that they press B and click the Leave the Mists button on the bottom right of the window, they leave the borderlands and do not leave any loot for the person who took them down.
It’s low and petty, and the act of a spoilt brat. But what you gonna do, unless Anet fix it you just have to live with the fact that there are soar losers in the game.
It’s pathetic behavior, yes.
I’ve had I happen to me more recently in wvw. People can’t seem to 1v1 so they either log out or call in their guildies to come wipe you and proceed to dance or laugh on your corpse.
Same goes for avoiding a totally un-fun ambush. Of course I’m going to avoid a 6 man group chasing after me… No need to laugh and taunt. Jeeze.
Yup as Orochimaru said, using the WvW screen to "leave the mists" doesn’t leave loot or kill. Same if you get accepted in a queue to another map or something.
If you Alt+F4 (and I believe if you change toon) you’re considered dead, give kill and loot as per normal.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
I have had enemy players log before but I have also had them dc and their toon be stuck against a wall or other obstruction running. When they are a victim of lag or dc I will not kill their toon, rather unsportsman like if you ask me, but I am sure their are a bunch that complain about the loggers that will stake an enemy when they are lagged without a second thought. If they log big deal you won the fight and its one less freaking junk drop that you have to dispose of. Laugh to yourself and move along to another fight. And if you have them down and stand back and laugh or dance well you are just a kitten player and you deserve to not get a drop.
So really all they have to do is make the “leave the mists” button act like alt F4.
Generally if you are known to do this sort of thing in a match up that’s what causes people to sit and laugh on you while downed from my experience. I know certain guilds on my server will do it to anyone who repeatedly leaves to deny to kill and the loot.
Is it mature? Nope, but then neither is leaving.
So really all they have to do is make the “leave the mists” button act like alt F4…
Anet, is this so hard???
Give me my kitten loot bag and the chance to obtain the precursor that might be in it!
Thank you!
Lol, the people defending this kind of thing are funny.
Mind you I’m not exactly in support of whining about it either. If someone logs out mid-fight big whoop. Laugh about their pathetic existence and move on with your life.
I was once in a roaming party with someone who was doing this and I didn’t realize it for a while. Once I figured it out I disbanded and told him to go back to blobbing.
Seriously it’s a game. You’re gonna get ganked, mocked, buried with blueprints, it happens. Don’t take it so seriously. I’m usually on a nike Warrior and I get mocked pretty hard when I die because of it, lol.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Loot doesn’t drop if they log out… but seriously?
If you’re killing so few people that these one or two bags even matter then you might want to re-evaluate your approach.
I find it more laughable that they even care about that single death enough to waste the time logging back in. It doesn’t save them the death even because they log out in WvW and log in to town dead.
If Anet is actually going to spend any amount of time working on WvW related issues… lets make them count towards something that actually matters.
Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis
if Anet can determine that they in fact used alt+f4 or Leave the Mists button, just slap them with a deserter debuff like in other games (no idea for how long tho, 15 mins? an hour?), that might deter the lame ones for abit, maybe also have a three/five strike debuff kicking in if they do it repeatedly with a longer debuff
Is there a way to differentiate between an Alt+F4 and a power failure or hardware failure though?
For example
-Computers deciding they need to update randomly and force stopping all programs to reboot.
-Brown outs.
-Full on Power outages.
-Network failures in the Modem that don’t result in a time out.
-Software issues
-Fatal errors.
If there is a way for Anet to actually track key strokes (which could be dangerously creeperish) then I could forsee a dishonorable status… but largely I think the concern here is less punishing those who are intentionally bailing out of a fight, and more unintentionally punishing those who didn’t intend to.
I think implementation of something to that degree would end up hurting more people than it would end up punishing the guilty.
Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis
Is there a way to differentiate between an Alt+F4 and a power failure or hardware failure though?
For example
-Computers deciding they need to update randomly and force stopping all programs to reboot.
-Brown outs.
-Full on Power outages.
-Network failures in the Modem that don’t result in a time out.
-Software issues
-Fatal errors.If there is a way for Anet to actually track key strokes (which could be dangerously creeperish) then I could forsee a dishonorable status… but largely I think the concern here is less punishing those who are intentionally bailing out of a fight, and more unintentionally punishing those who didn’t intend to.
I think implementation of something to that degree would end up hurting more people than it would end up punishing the guilty.
Yes, generally it will take you more than 5 minutes to get back into the game. I know my slow PC can take 15mins or more to get in a working condition to play GW2 if I get a blue screen. In which case if I had got a 15min penalty that counted down server side from the time I crashed I would still be in the clear to go back in and not unnecessarily suffer either.
I don’t care if they log or not. As long as I get my loot, it is a win for me.
I can’t believe people are actually complaining about this. Must be a slow day.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Yup as Orochimaru said, using the WvW screen to “leave the mists” doesn’t leave loot or kill. Same if you get accepted in a queue to another map or something.
If you Alt+F4 (and I believe if you change toon) you’re considered dead, give kill and loot as per normal.
Well, that’s definitely something that should be fixed, just for the sake of consistency.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
So this is happening more and more often these days almost 1 in 4 fights results in the enemy logging out at low hp or in downed state. I’m sorry but this is unsportsman like and quite frankly pathetic behaviour.
I won’t name and shame the servers coz you already know who you are or have seen your buddies do it.
Please put in a mechanism that stops the enemies character from disappearing if it’s mid fight in WvW/PvP so we get the reward for beating him/her regardless of wether not he logs out.
Seriously people just stop being mad and admit you got beaten, you’re not 12 years old and most of you are “adults” start acting like it.
This is from almost 3 years ago…
Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you’re fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.
They’re talking about people pressing B to exit the map and avoid dying. Not Alt + F4.
Reading this thread you will notice there are a raft of opinions on what is right and wrong in WvW.
For me; You control the actions of just one person. It would be nice if each person was happy with the buttons they personally choose to press. If it is the report button, so be it.
IMHO, The primary evil is in thinking that any one person dictates the actions of all others.
Naw Gromit has a point. If you engage in a fight and decide, oh crud, I’m losing, time to press B and exit map — well it’s kind of silly. And lame.
Reading this thread you will notice there are a raft of opinions on what is right and wrong in WvW.
For me; You control the actions of just one person. It would be nice if each person was happy with the buttons they personally choose to press. If it is the report button, so be it.
IMHO, The primary evil is in thinking that any one person dictates the actions of all others.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Naw Gromit has a point. If you engage in a fight and decide, oh crud, I’m losing, time to press B and exit map — well it’s kind of silly. And lame.
I think most would agree. IF that was his point that they were leaving WvW. Unfortunately that is not what he said. What he said was:
So this is happening more and more often these days almost 1 in 4 fights results in the enemy logging out at low hp or in downed state. I’m sorry but this is unsportsman like and quite frankly pathetic behavior.
Notice how “logging out” was specified. That was where the discussion became problematic.
meh. sometimes you have what you think is a good fight and some guy disappears on you. i look at it this way:
A) The person logging out is thinks they are too good to die to X class, and thus are so humiliated by their loss that they need to ragequit. This is better than a normal win!
B) No victor is actually mad about losing out on vendor trash. They are mad because they are the type of player who has to play cheese to win and then jumps on / sits on / laughs at the victim. When a player disappears, they are really just upset about losing the chance to further insult that player.
If more people were respectful winners, there’d be less of this crap. had a good fight? /salute and move on. had a bad fight? just move on. if i have an excellent fight, i often back off after the person is downed, and maybe fight them a few more times if they seem interested, or invite them to group and ask about their build.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
(edited by Raven.9603)
This thread is all bs…ofc some peoble lock out when they meet a superior UBER overrated this unbalanced game …why the f..wait to get wiped in 1 sec.
and this is not PvP so most peeps have WvW builds ..and all theese lame PvP build naps comes in WvW to feel the are something …usually they are no good PvP loosers.
so bacically PvP builded UBER Anet loverboys stay out of WvW…
and yes i have play all classes with and without pvp gear
I’m not sure what the outrage over this is. If someone elects to leave the mists by using the ‘B’ button, they lose all guard stacks, they lose all sigil stacks, and more importantly, they are off the enemy team for a period of time.
This to me is even a greater win for your server/self than getting some leather strap drop. The only thing i can see where this would be unacceptable is if people want to humiliate folks they beat. In which case maybe that portion of the game should be removed.
For the ones insisting that dc’ers for what ever reason need to be punished, then to make everything equitable, players who on wining (almost said whining lol—oh well whatever) duels and taunt should be punished accordingly.
— Laughing at corpses, temp ban as your infringing on their civil rights.
—Jumping on corpses, temp ban as you have no taste.
—Dropping siege blueprints on corpses, temp ban for wanton littering (keep it tidy). —Whispering insulting remarks longer temp ban as your a nubcake and should know better.
One thing anet can take away from this, don’t do open world pvp, unless you want forum meltdowns!
You should only be able to exit borderlands if you’re not in combat. That would be also consistent with how WPing works. Get out of combat first before you move maps or game modes.
I think you have to be aware that you observe 2 completely different situations in an identifcal way:
fairly sure if someone logs out or alt + f4 while downed then you get the kill and the loot
This should be the case if someone logs out, alt-F4’s or (unfortunately not so rare) crashes/DCs..
No loot dropped when they do this and no kill. Always been like this.
I think this happens, if someone is in queue for another WvW-map and gets and accepts the transfer opportunity while in combat.
And I think this is adequat as the player cannot decide when exactly he gets the offer, and it’s not really nice to fight with such a dialog in the middle of the screen.
Then there is also a third thing. The exit button in the WvW-Dialog. This seems to be a bug to me. While the map-buttons are dimmed and are not usable during combat the exit button remains usable. I think it should be dimmed and unusable during combat like the map-switch buttons.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I want to add something to the mix here.
Some of game skills use f4 skills, yes?
Ok, under your left palm on most badly made keyboards is the ALT key.
Many times lately I have palmed over the ALT key while using my f4 skill and VIOLA, game over.
Anet is the issue, their logic about keyboard layout and use is abysmal
If they want people not to seemingly purposefully abuse alt-f4, they should change it immediately to a combination NOT in the rotation of a skill use.
ALT-F4 should never have been used to “end the game” in the first place._*
(edited by atheria.2837)
I want to add something to the mix here.
Some of game skills use f4 skills, yes?
Ok, under your left palm on most badly made keyboards is the ALT key.
Many times lately I have palmed over the ALT key while using my f4 skill and VIOLA, game over.
Anet is the issue, their logic about keyboard layout and use is abysmal
If they want people not to seemingly purposefully abuse alt-f4, they should change it immediately to a combination NOT in the rotation of a skill use.
ALT-F4 should never have been used to “end the game” in the first place._*
You replied to a 4 month old thread to say that? “Alt f4” closes every program on your pc. It’s not controlled by anet. If you don’t want it to do that in-game, re-map it yourself. I personally don’t use alt as a modifier. And I don’t use the fuction keys either. My ele attunements are 1234. My g-15 keyboard also lets me disable the left windows key easily.
The easy answer to the Alt-F4 issue is to run AutoHotKey and remap Alt-F4 to F4 in the GW2 window. I do this with the Right Click on my mouse as I use it for dodge and GW2 doesn’t allow that configuration (or at least didn’t).
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Meh this shoukd not even be an issue. If a player runs away when he is defeated, I and she/he knows that I defeated him. And he, like a pathetic snotty little thing, ran away. He knows it. I am perfectly happy about this fact. He can not escape from himself. He cares and uses dirty tricks. Just laugh and move on. Your opponent probably got an ego scar and did that.
I think it’s more pathetic that when you see this happen, that you go off to anyone and everyone about this cool story on this noob ragequitting in front of you. And perhaps you do a little dance to show you owned someone.
I’m pretty pathetic, I admit.
However, I can’t see how this is a hard fix. Just kill everyone that leaves the mists in combat.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Wait, are you telling me there actually are people in WvW?
In Elite:Dangerous people who combat log and get caught either get suspended or get banished to a shadow server where they only get to play with npc’s. In addition if you log out legitimately your ship is still there for 15 seconds so your enemy can still get the kill. I don’t know how hard it would be to implement something like that in WvW but it would be nice.
i bet 80% of the ppl that do this realize they are going to lose so they relog in frustration to respawn faster.
I want to add something to the mix here.
Some of game skills use f4 skills, yes?
Ok, under your left palm on most badly made keyboards is the ALT key.
Many times lately I have palmed over the ALT key while using my f4 skill and VIOLA, game over.
Anet is the issue, their logic about keyboard layout and use is abysmal
If they want people not to seemingly purposefully abuse alt-f4, they should change it immediately to a combination NOT in the rotation of a skill use.
ALT-F4 should never have been used to “end the game” in the first place._*
Best thing I’ve read all day.
Turns out the Alt-F4 command comes from the truncation of mainframe keyboards for use with personal computers. Didn’t have an F16 key anymore, so the Alt key was used for higher functions, and thus the command to close an application became Alt-F4. I suppose that means this combination has been used for around 40 years.
In Elite:Dangerous people who combat log and get caught either get suspended or get banished to a shadow server where they only get to play with npc’s. In addition if you log out legitimately your ship is still there for 15 seconds so your enemy can still get the kill. I don’t know how hard it would be to implement something like that in WvW but it would be nice.
They already do something like this for when you log out normally or change toons. Try logging out right next to some npc’s coming against you in wvw (used to get this a couple of times with the skritt in the alpine BL at NWC). You log out or swap toon, just as the skritt come and attack you. Log back in and your toon is dead at some random place in tyria.
The problem is when people uses other means than “log out” or “change character”. The “Leave the Mists” button on the WvW panel does not follow the same rules as the others.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
I want to add something to the mix here.
Some of game skills use f4 skills, yes?
Ok, under your left palm on most badly made keyboards is the ALT key.
Many times lately I have palmed over the ALT key while using my f4 skill and VIOLA, game over.
Anet is the issue, their logic about keyboard layout and use is abysmal
If they want people not to seemingly purposefully abuse alt-f4, they should change it immediately to a combination NOT in the rotation of a skill use.
ALT-F4 should never have been used to “end the game” in the first place._*
Anet didn’t put that in, it’s a Windows feature.
You may be able to work around it:
~ There is no balance team. ~
I didn’t think you could “Leave the Mists” while in combat or downed. Almost ashamed to admit I tried it just now, and yeah… I popped up in LA dead, after leaving while downed. This should really be fixed.
p.s: Apologies to the DH group that downed me after you took Necropolis! I owe each of you a spike drop or a loot bag.