People trying to GvG in WvW
Occasionally people just want to have “fair” fights with ~even numbers in open field without siege to mess it up.
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)
Yes this happens all the time on my server and i dont care its just a bit of fun, with fair compeititve fights, If that commander wants to avoid people jumping in/disrupting the fight perhaps he shoudnt have his mark open…..nobody on my server has there mark open while doing this for that obvious reason.
I don’t particularly care that it was GvG but he really should turn his commander tag off so that randoms don’t join in. Poor planning on his part. But they definitely should add GvG, it’s been over 6 months and I don’t think it would be that hard to implement.
Ävia – Asura Thief
Overseer of Hired Assassins – Sanctum Of Rall
Actually this is a brilliant idea. People should organize more GvG matches like that, even the tournaments. I approve of this 100%
I think it was intended more like this:
- guilds spread on the map and take towers/keeps/supply camps
- guild that claims tower/keep stays near/in that tower and provides support for it/defends from attackers, runs dolyaks from camps to get supply etc.
- when other enemy force comes to attack your tower then your guild defends it; the enemy force would be ofc another guild.
There you have Guild Wars, guild having battles to take control over map. Unfortunately the big guilds just run zergs, meaning 30 or more ppl, (probably not all but most that I have seen), while the small ones are just spread all over the map or have not enough members to do any much (however they could, for example ally with bigger guild and get a task: destroy enemy supply caravans or take enemy camps or destroy enemy siege and so on). I think this would be a lot of fun and not neccesarily mean babysitting your tower for hours – if you feel that it’s well secured then it’s time to attack while leaving few defenders inside.
I really wish it worked like that, but maybe guilds need something more than displaying their logo on banners hanged all around the tower, that would make them actually have some more “bond” with it than just adding points to the total server score. As for the GvG – probably the only way to actually have a fight between members of ONLY 2 guilds, even in zergs there are some random ppl (so called pugs lol) and if 2 zergs clash then you know what happens after (forum warriors come crying how they lost/won cause other zerg had tons of pugs!
Long post inc:
The people in charge of GW2 had a vision of GW2 becoming a massive E-sport. I’m guessing to them it was a matter of pride and to some degree also money.
They seem to have decided at some point early in development that trying to amalgamate the MOBA style gameplay, that has gained massive popularity in the E-sport scene thanks to DOTA and LoL, with classical MMO gameplay and with a dash of FPS was a good idea. Despite multiple GW1 guilds involved in alpha telling them it was a bad idea (according to what I’ve heard at least) they continued with it until release. As predicted the GW1 sPvP never really picked up speed and is now just another (probably the smallest part) part of the game, instead of one of the main draws.
The consequence of this frenetic focus by some of the leaders on making GW2 sPvP an e-sport, has lead to WvW being added as an afterthought. In many of the pre-release interviews they talk of it as a way to “bring people who wouldn’t normally do PvP into it”. The main task of WvW as far as these people are concerned, is to get people to do sPvP. Or at least get them interested in it. Whenever they mention PvP they actually mean sPvP. WvW is never really considered PvP by the developers. It’s to them a place where casuals go to mash the keyboard when they get bored of grinding dungeons.
HOWEVER several guilds disagree with the developers of GW2. They enjoy the basic framework provided by the game, (the mobile combat, the synergy of combofields, etc.) but dislike the “arenas” in which the game is intended by the developers to be played. For this reason they have decided to take matters into their own hands and fight each other under pre-determined conditions. The developers fail to provide a service, but at least allow the customers to provide it themselves, so to say. Given the option, I feel confident any of the guilds doing “GvG”, would do it in an “arena” separate from WvW, however that option is not there and thus the second best thing is chosen.
It’s a fair bet there is a decent amount of resources required to provide this “GvG” arena which is probably why we don’t have it yet. Just as we don’t have a proper Raid UI. It’s just not something Anet prioritizes.
The command tag is usually used because of culling. A commander whose squad you have joined is less likely to cull out.
I fail to see however how you “Can’t play WvW” just because some guilds are “GvGing”.
They just need to add an extra WvW zone that is completely empty and doesn’t affect the overall score at all. Then guilds could do this without affecting the WvW objectives. I can’t imagine that would be very hard to implement.
It may not be difficult to implement yet there will be consequences. I believe Anet’s vision for WvW was a fairly casual battleground and what they got were many highly organised, competitive guilds taking it quite seriously.
On a server like Piken Square, the addition of a GvG zone would pretty much end WvW. Many guilds, including my own would transfer their main focus to the new GvG format. It would be awesome although at the same time cripple Anet’s baby..
We couldnt get any good fights since the begining of the week , so i guess that why Meow decided to GvG, idk i just logged when i came from work and joined the 10v 10 team for the fight.
Even the odds were the same more or less , they got wiped in 10s .
In search of more blood next fight was Server v Server on FA BL where FA chickened out , but we got our fight at their Garrison , Nice fight, lots of bages =3
lol GvG; where the carebears go to fight..I’ll take random encounters and unfair fights any day.
GW2 is not a competitive game, but the player-base wants it to be. The game was designed to be casual… which is disappointing. GvG is popular because it is the closest thing to competitive PvP we have.
GW2 is popular cause its buy to play…..This game would of died in the first 3 months if it was subscriber based
As for the OP, How about you don’t interfere and go do something else, Those two guilds realize that the World vs World ranking system is nothing more then a population ranking system and want to do something different.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
i guess OP never heard of GvG in WvW before…. yup it is normal in every match up….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
sounds like fun, maybe the developers have any idea in the future
GW2 is not a competitive game, but the player-base wants it to be. The game was designed to be casual… which is disappointing. GvG is popular because it is the closest thing to competitive PvP we have.
Wish i were at the ANet meeting for this conversation:
Dev 1 “I know! Let’s create a game and market it as being skill based to attract players who are more interested in player skill than gear differences.”
Dev 2 “Yeah! and let’s make is super casual too. Everyone knows that players that value skill LOVE super casual gameplay.”
LOL OP!!!! We were not in voip with the guy(called getting trolled hard). We invited the commander to our party to say good job on finally taking 4 people down in pangless which we held forever. Then he ask for a sort of gvg and we accepted it. If you look at some of the other matchups they do GvG all the time.
i guess OP never heard of GvG in WvW before…. yup it is normal in every match up….
Actually what I got from the OP was "Hey Anet, how can your game be called “GUILD wars”, but require guilds to go to WvW in order to have GvsG? There should be a feature so guilds can have GvsG without having to go to WvW!"
In no way am i saying this is wrong or shouldn’t be happening, I just think there should be a better place to do this sort of match up so others like myself early in the morning nobody on looking for something to do… “Oh look a commander tag” so i get there and they were pretty rude about me showing up to see whats going on…
In no way am i saying this is wrong or shouldn’t be happening, I just think there should be a better place to do this sort of match up so others like myself early in the morning nobody on looking for something to do… “Oh look a commander tag” so i get there and they were pretty rude about me showing up to see whats going on…
I would have stayed and killed enemies.
Very simple. New map. The arena. It’s under the WvW panel. It has no value to WvW other than a testing ground. Most times (after the initial griefing period), it would probably stay empty. But if 2 guilds from different servers wanted to have at it, they could meet up.
Or they could add 30 v 30 sPvP, and other common variations.
I would LOVE to see the equivalent to Aggramon (some of you will know what I mean) added in. With land bridges from all 3 BL and EB leading to it. (The separate queues could be managed by having a zone in portal.
No waypoints on the island. You’d have to do the “walk of shame” to get back to the battlefield. (Immunity for 15 seconds after zoning would prevent portal trolling)
On a WvW map, Red is Dead.
That is the only rule.
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
Not a fan of GvG but that is just me. I hate any predetermined battle where one side knows exactly what is coming and when. BORING! I don’t mind if Anet implements this feature in a totally different zone (like sPvP) but keep it out of WvW. Braveheart type throw downs are the best. I want to blow through as many waves of enemies as possible.
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you
I find GvG pointless because it really only showcases 1 part of what makes a true wvw guild good at…wvw. Much like the difference between a duel and simply stumbling upon a 1v1 in open world pvp. That being said, I see this as a server community issue and not one Anet need to delve into any more than jumping puzzle farming. If guilds feel they can relax on the ppt drive a bit and do some GvG then thats what they should do, who am I to tell them not to.
Got one remark. The worst place for GvG) Why not Hero’s lodge or similar 0600 hrs supply camp? EB always has queues so why do u occupy a slot while server borderlands are usually easier to get to? =)
Anet doesn’t realise that they can’t just walk head in the clouds chasing for their “visions”. They have to realise that people do not want to play the game the way Anet wants them to play. People want to play the game the way THEY want to play. If people want to do GvG, make it possible and they are happy.
Adding a semi-neutral wvw area as someone mentioned, would be good enough.
ps. They can, but it’s not good for the game or the community.
I don’t know that a pure GvG would ever have the kind of sustainable appeal to make it worth adding to the game. I think the draw comes from offering a chance to develop skills for WvW, in my opinion playing straight-up GvG every day would get stale pretty soon. WvW offers a lot of unpredictability as well as longer-term objectives, some time spent with GvG might be a nice complement but I don’t think it’s something that can maintain the interest of players or serve as a draw for guild recruitment.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Well if they add GvG it will be some kind of silly sPvP game mode. I don’t like some 10 vs 10 fights in small map. ZvZ is for real men.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Anet needs to realize WvW >>>> sPvP+tPvP
With the proper attention WvW and good PvE will carry this game for 10 years
If you put GvG in a sPvP format then you would get a lot of these people not going. All I ever read about is how people get good drops in GvG. I mean really I wish Anet would do something about people killing each other then letting them res so they can do it again.
If you put GvG in a sPvP format then you would get a lot of these people not going. All I ever read about is how people get good drops in GvG. I mean really I wish Anet would do something about people killing each other then letting them res so they can do it again.
Until they give us the same number of build options in sPvP as we have in WvW, it will never be a satisfactory substitute.
Yeah if only their was a game that had a mode specifically designed for GvG battles.
It wouldnt focus on little 5-10person team PvP or try to make some wierd MOBA hybrid.
It wouldnt create overly huge maps with up to 166man teams that are entirely focused on encouraging everyone to just fight in one huge group at 3FPS only using autoattack because of skill lag.
It wouldnt have a point system that does little more than reflect which servers have the most players playing most of the time and actually should discourage GvG because they are all ppl how are not benefitting the gamemode that they are playing in, the same as ppl how want to 1v1 duel in hotjoin matches.
No it would have smaller better focused maps designed around GvG battles 20v20,30v30…etc.
These maps would promote teamwork and strategy along with providing opportunities for full scale battles.
It would be called GuildBattles or WarforGuilds or Guildwarfare………………..hmm………..I know there has to be a better name for a game where Guilds goto War……………………………GuildClub
Iam a fan of GvG and all types of WvW/RvR really, and would be nice with some more tools from aNet to improve it further. Just wanna say that Iv done GvG and watch alot of GvG and when I saw screens and the text “plz go away” and in the Background saw the fights takeing place in front of Stone Mist I laughed… you couldnt find a worse place to hold a GvG ? seriously
Servant of Dhuum
I would <3 to see GvG in a more structured way in WvW, like an arena setting where people from different servers could go and literally take their toon to watch.
Pure GvG would get boring except for the most dedicated. I’d <3 to see GvG incorporated into WvW without distracting (to much) from the current match up, big ask I know.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I’d rather see them implement some beneficial things for owning and defending a tower or a camp as a guild.
At the moment there is no reward in defending a tower (unless you have heavily invested in upgrades); you benefit more from flipping it
Somehow I think that this game is not what ANet advertised, but considering it does not require a subscription I am OK with it; when a real RvR game will appear, I’ll make the switch, but until then GW2 will have to do.
I’d rather see them implement some beneficial things for owning and defending a tower or a camp as a guild.
At the moment there is no reward in defending a tower (unless you have heavily invested in upgrades); you benefit more from flipping itSomehow I think that this game is not what ANet advertised, but considering it does not require a subscription I am OK with it; when a real RvR game will appear, I’ll make the switch, but until then GW2 will have to do.
The problem is there will NEVER be another RvR game. No one is willing to copy the formula exactly as it was presented in DAoC. It’s just the sad fact that with MMOs being mainstream now, there are more “casuals” than “hardcore”. Back in DAoC’s prime, MMO gamers were a tiny subset of gamers and nearly 100% could be calssified “hardcore”. If given the chance to make beaucoup money or make a game with merit….companies will always pick the money.
Definitions related to this post:
Hardcore – players willing to put hours into creating a build and practicing it, who value something they have to work their kitten off to accomplish, making the accomplishment more important than the reward
Casual – players who’d rather something be easy to master, who don’t see the value in having to work to improve and would rather just be given a “reward” without having to really work for it
Idk why anyone here is complaining about how they don’t like the idea of a GvG addition. Don’t like it? Don’t participate. Why would you argue against something you just won’t use?
“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”
I’d rather see them implement some beneficial things for owning and defending a tower or a camp as a guild.
At the moment there is no reward in defending a tower (unless you have heavily invested in upgrades); you benefit more from flipping itSomehow I think that this game is not what ANet advertised, but considering it does not require a subscription I am OK with it; when a real RvR game will appear, I’ll make the switch, but until then GW2 will have to do.
The problem is there will NEVER be another RvR game. No one is willing to copy the formula exactly as it was presented in DAoC. It’s just the sad fact that with MMOs being mainstream now, there are more “casuals” than “hardcore”. Back in DAoC’s prime, MMO gamers were a tiny subset of gamers and nearly 100% could be calssified “hardcore”. If given the chance to make beaucoup money or make a game with merit….companies will always pick the money.
Definitions related to this post:
Hardcore – players willing to put hours into creating a build and practicing it, who value something they have to work their kitten off to accomplish, making the accomplishment more important than the rewardCasual – players who’d rather something be easy to master, who don’t see the value in having to work to improve and would rather just be given a “reward” without having to really work for it
I’ve got 2 things to disagree with here. Even UO had ‘casual’ players. Even by your definition of ‘casual’ which is incorrect.
Casual means a player who can or will only dedicate a limited amount of time to a game.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Casual does not mean ’doesn’t care’, ‘wants things easy’, ’doean’t practice’ in it for cheap rewards and no commitments. Casual means “I only have an hour tonight because the kids are screaming, the wife is sick, I need to finish the taxes, so let me get in and do what I can before I am forcefully torn away from the game.”
And casuals do NOT invest money in the game. hardcore do. The 10 hour a day player is who they target. And they use data to guide them. Players all want different things and we all assume what we want is what the majority must want. We tend to back that up with people on forums saying it. But the majority of players will never post in a forum and probably want just as many varied things as a normal subgroup in a demographic does.
In short, MMOs populations have always been a mix of the curious beginners, the ‘casuals’ without enough time to play, and the hardcore player.
Casual players are not lazy, or greedy, or non caring people, nor are they less deserving of consideration. And they do not make up the ‘taget demographic’ that the designers follow.
TBH, the problem is that PvE tends to be much more popular than PvP in ANY form among most gamers, and always has been. Remember when UO split the shards? That was because 80% of their paying population who would spend hours grinding didn’t want some PvP ganker to take their stuff.
If you could look inside their data numbers, I am willing to bet that even in the beginning, about 80% of players spent their majority of time ( a WIDE majority) in PvE. Only 20% of us in almost any game are ‘hardcore’ PvP. That’s why guilds travel from game to game together because it’s so hard to find enough PvP folks.
Until PvP becomes MUCH more popular, we will never see a true RvR game, true. But ias little to do with casuals, and there aren’t any more casuals than before.
Who GvG’s in front of SM? That’s a terrible spot.
I’d rather see them implement some beneficial things for owning and defending a tower or a camp as a guild.
At the moment there is no reward in defending a tower (unless you have heavily invested in upgrades); you benefit more from flipping itSomehow I think that this game is not what ANet advertised, but considering it does not require a subscription I am OK with it; when a real RvR game will appear, I’ll make the switch, but until then GW2 will have to do.
The problem is there will NEVER be another RvR game. No one is willing to copy the formula exactly as it was presented in DAoC. It’s just the sad fact that with MMOs being mainstream now, there are more “casuals” than “hardcore”. Back in DAoC’s prime, MMO gamers were a tiny subset of gamers and nearly 100% could be calssified “hardcore”. If given the chance to make beaucoup money or make a game with merit….companies will always pick the money.
Definitions related to this post:
Hardcore – players willing to put hours into creating a build and practicing it, who value something they have to work their kitten off to accomplish, making the accomplishment more important than the rewardCasual – players who’d rather something be easy to master, who don’t see the value in having to work to improve and would rather just be given a “reward” without having to really work for it
I’ve got 2 things to disagree with here. Even UO had ‘casual’ players. Even by your definition of ‘casual’ which is incorrect.
Casual means a player who can or will only dedicate a limited amount of time to a game.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Casual does not mean ’doesn’t care’, ‘wants things easy’, ’doean’t practice’ in it for cheap rewards and no commitments. Casual means “I only have an hour tonight because the kids are screaming, the wife is sick, I need to finish the taxes, so let me get in and do what I can before I am forcefully torn away from the game.”
And casuals do NOT invest money in the game. hardcore do. The 10 hour a day player is who they target. And they use data to guide them. Players all want different things and we all assume what we want is what the majority must want. We tend to back that up with people on forums saying it. But the majority of players will never post in a forum and probably want just as many varied things as a normal subgroup in a demographic does.
In short, MMOs populations have always been a mix of the curious beginners, the ‘casuals’ without enough time to play, and the hardcore player.
Casual players are not lazy, or greedy, or non caring people, nor are they less deserving of consideration. And they do not make up the ‘taget demographic’ that the designers follow.
TBH, the problem is that PvE tends to be much more popular than PvP in ANY form among most gamers, and always has been. Remember when UO split the shards? That was because 80% of their paying population who would spend hours grinding didn’t want some PvP ganker to take their stuff.
If you could look inside their data numbers, I am willing to bet that even in the beginning, about 80% of players spent their majority of time ( a WIDE majority) in PvE. Only 20% of us in almost any game are ‘hardcore’ PvP. That’s why guilds travel from game to game together because it’s so hard to find enough PvP folks.
Until PvP becomes MUCH more popular, we will never see a true RvR game, true. But ias little to do with casuals, and there aren’t any more casuals than before.
Casual is an incredibly subjective term that means many things to many different people. This is why I provided definitions (similar to what you’d see in any legal document) of EXACTLY what I meant by the term. This in no way invalidates your personal definition or understanding of the word. It just applies a context of the idea I’m trying to convey.
GvG is the only thing that’s fun to do in GW 2 large group WvW because of the massive skill lag / rubberbanding involved in most larger fights.
I’d rather see them implement some beneficial things for owning and defending a tower or a camp as a guild.
At the moment there is no reward in defending a tower (unless you have heavily invested in upgrades); you benefit more from flipping itSomehow I think that this game is not what ANet advertised, but considering it does not require a subscription I am OK with it; when a real RvR game will appear, I’ll make the switch, but until then GW2 will have to do.
The problem is there will NEVER be another RvR game. No one is willing to copy the formula exactly as it was presented in DAoC. It’s just the sad fact that with MMOs being mainstream now, there are more “casuals” than “hardcore”. Back in DAoC’s prime, MMO gamers were a tiny subset of gamers and nearly 100% could be calssified “hardcore”. If given the chance to make beaucoup money or make a game with merit….companies will always pick the money.
Definitions related to this post:
Hardcore – players willing to put hours into creating a build and practicing it, who value something they have to work their kitten off to accomplish, making the accomplishment more important than the rewardCasual – players who’d rather something be easy to master, who don’t see the value in having to work to improve and would rather just be given a “reward” without having to really work for it
I’ve got 2 things to disagree with here. Even UO had ‘casual’ players. Even by your definition of ‘casual’ which is incorrect.
Casual means a player who can or will only dedicate a limited amount of time to a game.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Casual does not mean ’doesn’t care’, ‘wants things easy’, ’doean’t practice’ in it for cheap rewards and no commitments. Casual means “I only have an hour tonight because the kids are screaming, the wife is sick, I need to finish the taxes, so let me get in and do what I can before I am forcefully torn away from the game.”
And casuals do NOT invest money in the game. hardcore do. The 10 hour a day player is who they target. And they use data to guide them. Players all want different things and we all assume what we want is what the majority must want. We tend to back that up with people on forums saying it. But the majority of players will never post in a forum and probably want just as many varied things as a normal subgroup in a demographic does.
In short, MMOs populations have always been a mix of the curious beginners, the ‘casuals’ without enough time to play, and the hardcore player.
Casual players are not lazy, or greedy, or non caring people, nor are they less deserving of consideration. And they do not make up the ‘taget demographic’ that the designers follow.
TBH, the problem is that PvE tends to be much more popular than PvP in ANY form among most gamers, and always has been. Remember when UO split the shards? That was because 80% of their paying population who would spend hours grinding didn’t want some PvP ganker to take their stuff.
If you could look inside their data numbers, I am willing to bet that even in the beginning, about 80% of players spent their majority of time ( a WIDE majority) in PvE. Only 20% of us in almost any game are ‘hardcore’ PvP. That’s why guilds travel from game to game together because it’s so hard to find enough PvP folks.
Until PvP becomes MUCH more popular, we will never see a true RvR game, true. But ias little to do with casuals, and there aren’t any more casuals than before.
Casual is an incredibly subjective term that means many things to many different people. This is why I provided definitions (similar to what you’d see in any legal document) of EXACTLY what I meant by the term. This in no way invalidates your personal definition or understanding of the word. It just applies a context of the idea I’m trying to convey.
Actually, ‘casual’ is an industry term used by gaming companies to describe the demographic I outlined. It is an accepted definition when talking about gamers.
Casual has many meanings, like casual dress, but not all ‘personal definitions’ are appropriate when applied in certain settings. Your definition of ‘casual’ is upsetting to a gamer who considers himself, in correct game industry parlance, to be casual.
Stick to a neutral definition when ‘defining’ groups of people. Casual players are not lazy or not serious about playing the game at the highest levels.
GvG organized X vs X, and 1 vs 1 fight clubs happen a lot in Maguuma’s fights. It’s usually prearranged on forums but can also be spontaneous. In the case of 1v1, if you meet someone on the field, bow before combat, and they bow back that generally means its a duel. You fight and at the end, don’t finish your opponent.
Like the previous replies, WvW accommodates types of PvP that was never added into GW2. The only problem in the case of the OP is that the commander left his tag on.
The definition of ANY word is totally dependant on it’s context and INTENDED meaning….this is why words change in definition over time as more people feel a word means something different than it previoulsy did.
But if it makes you feel better, just replace “casual” with “lazy”, “unwilling to work” or any other term within my contextual meaning.
You’ve done nothing but argue the meaning of a silly word yet shown no evidence that debunks my theory on the evolution of video games in the past 1.5 decades.
The definition of ANY word is totally dependant on it’s context and INTENDED meaning….this is why words change in definition over time as more people feel a word means something different than it previoulsy did.
But if it makes you feel better, just replace “casual” with “lazy”, “unwilling to work” or any other term within my contextual meaning.
You’ve done nothing but argue the meaning of a silly word yet shown no evidence that debunks my theory on the evolution of video games in the past 1.5 decades.
I’m not trying to refute your theory. I’m trying to help tighten up your arguement. I don’t disagree with the general premise. Like I said, I had 2 things to point out. You have considered them. Whether you make any adjustments in light of my feedback is your call.
Something has gone seriously wrong with PvP gaming in the past decade. This is true. But saying it’s the industry pandering to casual gamers more now than before isn’t what the problem is. Monetization and big business of games over the past, say, 5 years have gone haywire.
Honestly, I don’t think the game companies know what players really want. I don’t think game companies have the guts or the vision to make a niche PvP game with good RvR, even though it’s so freaking obvious it’s a sure fire money maker if done right.
Maybe what you’re saying is that the overcommercialization of games to try and be the next World of Warcraft, trying to cater to main stream players of other games and first time video game and MMO players, is causing this.
Like I said, I totally agree with the general idea, I just think it’s not the casual gamers they’re catering to. I think they’re catering to upper management and marketing folks pressuring them to make a flashy commercial game.
I think its a couple of thigs. Too offen AAA titles try to be everything to everybody. This game is a great example of that. Secondly companies are hellbent on designing PvP with new or pve focused players in mind assuming people who enjoy PvP will be perfectly happy with anything that has keeps and rams in it.
People need to understand that PvP is built around combat systems and incentives/bragging rights. Not omg huge battles and trebuchets.
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
I think its a couple of thigs. Too offen AAA titles try to be everything to everybody. This game is a great example of that. Secondly companies are hellbent on designing PvP with new or pve focused players in mind assuming people who enjoy PvP will be perfectly happy with anything that has keeps and rams in it.
People need to understand that PvP is built around combat systems and incentives/bragging rights. Not omg huge battles and trebuchets.
I agree. To a PvPer, recognition for his skills is the ultimate reward (especially on the rare occasion that even your opponent admits to it). We care little for flashy armor/weapons or other things that drive the PvE crowd. This entire WvW system was designed to minimize embarrassment of players by being so anonymous, but also has the side effect of minimizing accolades to the few that do truly deserve them.
Essentially, not deterring players from just being one of the herd. It does not drive them to become better than everyone else; after all, who’d even notice?
In my opinion and as stated in above posts, a simple “arena” map for GvG would soon turn boring and stale.
I think the key would be to introduce smaller maps, with objectives and strategic gameplay where it is possible to “challenge” a guild and do a proper GvG with equal numbers, in an instanced environment.
This way, guilds would be able to chose if they want just a royal rumble or if they want to play the map as such.
GvG in WvW is bad in some situations but acceptable since there is no GvG system.
IMO they should release Guild Halls with an open field Arena like in GW1 (an instanced area restricted to the guilds, “their house”) where each guild could invite other Guild to their home to fight. This being only for fun/training and bragging purposes, no rewards attached. At the same time they should tweak WvW as much as possible, making it the main focus of the game, so everyone can play, solo players, small guilds, big guilds.
That is what i think would be best for us and the game…