People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Anatax.3905


Hello, I really enjoy this game. I spend about 50 hours a week playing WVW on the Darkhaven server. Three times this week I have noticed Orbs getting hacked out of keeps illegally. First one was Crystal Desert getting hacked on day one by a Yakk’s Bend player. The Yak’s commander was so emberassed he convinced his entire map to allow CD to take back the Orb no harm no foul. An incredible display of sportsmanship. Today an orb on the Crystal Desert Map about 6:30 pm was hacked by Yakk’s Bend again. After reset Darkhaven retrieved Orb from the North pedastal and brought it to Shadaran Hills. minutes after we placed it the Orb was hacked in Shadaran. The Hackers strat is to teleport in break the pedastal drop the orb and leave it so it respawns. Anyhow with the Orbs being the most valuable thing in WVW being hacked so easily it ruins the entire WVW experience. Which means the number one thing in your game that keeps subs playing past 80 will upset players due to hacking and you will see less people logging into wvw and then your game. Please do something about people hacking your game in WVW.

Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: ShookOne.7386


I personally was on patrol in SH keep when this happened today, noone entered keep, no swords came up on map, orb said it was resetting and showed no movement or orb on map, then popped up in CD garrison. WvW is all i play for, and stuff like this makes it all seem worthless…

EDIT – CD garrison was/currently is held by (Yaks bend) Server

(edited by ShookOne.7386)

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


I didnt even know there was a hack like this, I saw a teleport hack on another pages teleporting to get supplies very quickly to build siege weapons but I didnt know it could be used to attack orbs. Both need to be prevented from happening since it actually does ruin the fun of the game even if you dont know its happening for your server or against.

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


We’ve been hit a lot more in this match up than before on our server; and while it might not ruin WvW (graphics issues are a much larger threat) – it can quickly remove peoples willingness to go into the fray if some random jerk just removes the effort of a server by exploiting the game.

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Anet needs to look into this asap. This is akin to a hockey player picking up the puck, skating to the opponents net and throwing it in.

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


I do not think anyone is hacking you, I think you are describing the bug where enemy veteran orb protectors are spawning in keeps and even the garrison. They break the altars and the orb falls.

If you place a gaurd you can catch this happening and repair the altar before it is destroyed. If no one is there to repair it and it gets destroyed, there is no way to repair.

Hills is especially buggy. We never even try to use it now.

There are a few threads going around now about this. if you stay at the orb about 10 minutes or so you will see them spawn. Usually 2 in a row about every 5 minutes.

It is not the other servers hacking you though.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

(edited by SpaceLord.4590)

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


This has been an issue almost since day one and it’s progressively gotten worse since launch. In some cases it is a bugged enemy veteran guard that spawns but more times than not it is a hacker. ANet should just disable the orbs until this is fixed or purposely make them unmovable from their altar, so each realm has 1 orb and it stays that way until this is fixed, but they won’t, they’ll let the problem get worse until they decide to fix it through a patch instead of disabling broken content until a fix is implemented.

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


I disagree. 99.9% of time it is the bugged enemy veteran guard. At least on our servers matchups. We know because we always place a human player gaurd to make sure.

The bug has gotten a lot worse the last week.

This is also why you always have the crossswords on your keeps and garrison even when you cant find enemies outside.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


The bugged veteran orb protectors typically spawn in East Keep around 3-4 minutes after the keep has been flipped. Don’t place the orb until you’ve verified that the orb protectors spawn friendly.

I’ve seen the same at Garrison, although quaggin lightning also breaks the orb there.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


now I have to wonder if the veteran guard is not a bug and is anets way of keeping anyone from holding the orb too long O.o

you would think with how quickly they send out patches, it would have been fixed weeks ago.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Noldat.7018


I was on that map too, and i don’t know if it was hacked or bugged but either way, it really ruined the fun for many of us

Noldat Rassom <Echo>

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


OR they will make a server so mad that they ROFLstomp them and their bandwagon ways.

Zibzab [sOLo]
SBI Thug

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


if anet made a wvw server for just anet employees and competed against players, who’d win ? O.o

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


Yeah… that’s a bug. It’s been happening on the Ferg/Devona/Kaineg fight for 2 weeks now. What’s happening, is enemy orb defenders are randomly spawning, and destroying the altars.
You can literally sit in a lord room that has an orb and watch them spawn. No one is hacking you.

Balidor [Envy]

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590



I am just glad our servers figured it out and stopped blaming each other

Our fights are too good to have things like that get people upset.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Quaggans lightning strikes can destroy the altar as well.
I don’t know if this is intended or not, but be sure to turn them over to your side.

Red Guard

Edit: Just saw that this has been said… oh well… move along then.

Red Guard

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


It already ruined WvW bud, and ArenaNET has not done a SINGLE thing to put a stop to it.

I still see players fly-hacking Orbs and Wall-Exploiting. ArenaNET is too busy banning Bots….and twiddling their thumbs. (this company doesn’t care anymore, they did PR just before the game went live to push sales numbers. Once those numbers came in, that was the end of their PR)

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


The guard bug is common, though there are still some cases of hacking. Usually this is obvious, because the orb won’t just drop and despawn.. it will appear at an enemy keep almost instantly.

In any case, orbs really needed to be temporarily disabled a long time ago. This issue has been killing player morale and fueling hatred between servers instead of healthy competition. Plus we all know that orb bonuses are exacerbating the severe imbalance with current matches.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


The guard bug is common, though there are still some cases of hacking. Usually this is obvious, because the orb won’t just drop and despawn.. it will appear at an enemy keep almost instantly.

In any case, orbs really needed to be temporarily disabled a long time ago. This issue has been killing player morale and fueling hatred between servers instead of healthy competition. Plus we all know that orb bonuses are exacerbating the severe imbalance with current matches.

The top servers contain ArenaNET employees — we’re stuck with these Orb buffs, and no bottles of KY Jelly.

People using hacks to break into orb rooms will ruin WVW

in WvW

Posted by: ShookOne.7386


We are well aware of the server bug and this was not the case. Orb dissapeared, showed no movement on map, then appeared in green keep..