North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
So we’ve been having discussions about a 3rd borderland map and note from Tyler that it’s possible a new map could be worked on if the players vote for it down the road. If we will even be able to do that, depending on how things work out after the current mess of decisions for the abl and dbl.
Anyways thought it would be fun to throw up this thread on map suggestions. We’ve seen suggestions for forest types maybe like Caledon Forest or Auric Basin, and I just saw one for pirates and ships and islands so maybe something like Bloodtide Coast. Alpine is like Timberline Falls, and desert borderland is more like Silverwastes, while ebg feels like Kessex Hills or Queensdale, eotm is… eotm lol.
If you could pick one of the maps from GW1 or GW2 to set as the theme for the next wvw which would it be? and why?
My pick: Southsun Cove minus the karkas, I like beaches, beaches are good!
Oh man since you brought GW1 into the mix…
Shing Jea Island.
The Monastery as the home Keep.
That would be so awesome. I’d spend all my time there. And play the Factions music when in the Citadel.
(edited by Johje Holan.4607)
Naw, Southsun with the karkas. Karka guards, karka sentries, karka scouts and karka queens as every lord. Also, the cannons shoot karkas. And instead of picking up supplies, you pick up karkas to build flamekarkas and catakarkas.
I would like something with a fiery volcanic theme, like Ring of Fire Islands, or a map with different themes would be cool to.
I would like something with a fiery volcanic theme, like Ring of Fire Islands, or a map with different themes would be cool to.
I would love to see ^this.
But players will QQ about lava paths pve stuff… effort, cant karma swarm cause lava and fire touch my toon.
I’m just going to copy paste what I posted in the other thread since I don’t know the gw2 pve maps well enough to suggest any and the only thing I would really love to see brought over from gw1 would be fort aspenwood as a pvp game mode.
I really don’t like the jungle suggestion people keep making. Sounds way too closed in.
Maybe something like a tropical island instead with some(not overkill) jungle, mountains and caves in the middle of the map, and real shallow water (that you can run through) and small connecting islands around the outside.
You could throw in beach shacks and shipwrecked boats for LoS obstacles, and at least one of the keeps would need to be a pirate fortress made from old ship parts.The mountain and jungle in the center could hold the shrines that offer buffs (nothing ridiculous like the dbl gimmicks) and provide the type of terrain you could hide from zergs in, but it would be slower to cut across the map because the paths aren’t as direct. I don’t mean make it ridiculously convoluted like the dbl was where you had to travel a mile to the left to make a right turn. I’m thinking more like the ruins which provide enough twists and turns to make a zerg lose interest but you can still move in a relatively straight line without hitting dead ends.
You could use the caves as short cuts to cross under the center of the map to get to objectives quicker. Make most of it above the water line but maybe include a few underwater passages with a current that moves you along at +33-50% speed (depending on size of the map).
Oh man since you brought GW1 into the mix…
Shing Jea Island.
The Monastery as the home Keep.
That would be so awesome. I’d spend all my time there. And play the Factions music when in the Citadel.
The rest of Cantha – especially the ugly City on Stilts were horrid after experiencing this gem. Sort of like Ascalon pre / post-searing….. Shin Jea was my favorite zone…
A waterworld. No land at all. Only water, and boats.
Regent River Valley, perhaps with Fort Ranik as the garrison.
Shing Jea sounds great, but it would be a second Alpine – I’d rather have the existing Alpine given a bit of a facelift to match the Shing Jea theme.
I would love northern snowy forrest theme as complete rework for the Alpine Map, call it Alpine 2.0
And then as new 3rd borderland map I’d love to see a tropic island/sea – (Atlantis) theme with increased focus of underwater combat and naval battles, because that would be thematically somethign completely new and different, while giving this game finally that back, that made it unique, the underwater combat plus Anet would get finally a reason to fix underwater combat and rebalance it finaly plus giving it their own traits and working on it finally, that no class should have any skills, that aren’t useable also in changed form in water.
Any skills that Anet can#t rework to be usable also under water isn’t worth it to be kept in game and should immediately be replaced with a new designed skill, which can work everywhere!!
Easy ….,, super adventure box style!
They won’t make a new BL for a long time if they scrap dbl.
They won’t make a new BL for a long time if they scrap dbl.
They told you this personally or are you just fear mongering?
Definitely an option with more underwater features would be fantastic. There are a lot of theme areas that could be put into the WvW with features that aren’t game breaking yet still amusing. I was just thinking of something along the lines of the costume changes that happen when you put on the goggles and swimwear for the diving achieves. What about something along the lines of an area in Alpine where players can become polar bears? Duke it out in a costume battle. I see this as a polar bear NPC you can talk to on the side of the map. Something innocuous. Same thing on a beach, you get into your skivvies and have shades on. Limited duration obviously.
Arial platforms? Heck even the ability to build a platform that goes over the wall would be interesting. It would have to be expensive and not easy to pull off.
Forest area of the map, much more than the southern area of Alpine. Islands would be entertaining given the fights in the water that would happen naturally.
Underground options.
I’ve also always wanted to see a day/night cycle implemented. Where it actually got dark enough you had to use torches or some form of light. Similar to the part in OS where it is pitch black. That would have to rotate pretty quickly though due to players being in so many time zones.
Those are very random ideas and I’m sure have big gaping holes for implementation.
Caves, but not the closed in caves you’re thinking of. more like the big might-as-well-have-a-sky caves they did in EOTN.
The towers could each control a cave entrance, the keeps would be completely underground, and the supply camps would be on the surface. Then, add in some avalanche areas like the desert borderland barricades. The barricades would be floor on the surface, but when destroyed would open up a cave entrance and CLOSE a cave path where they caved in, creating a secondary barricade below. if you timed it right you could pancake an enemy force by dropping that avalanche on top of them from above.
The towers would be the main access points, with stairs going top to bottom, and the yaks would need to use those stairs to deliver to the keeps.
They won’t make a new BL for a long time if they scrap dbl.
They told you this personally or are you just fear mongering?
I just came back from the future. Oh and I can see the friction between the player base and anet. The polling is obviously a pr move to alleviate it. Makes little sense to increase it with another map when people are clearly not comfortable with change.
They won’t make a new BL for a long time if they scrap dbl.
They told you this personally or are you just fear mongering?
I just came back from the future. Oh and I can see the friction between the player base and anet. The polling is obviously a pr move to alleviate it. Makes little sense to increase it with another map when people are clearly not comfortable with change.
People are fine with change…. as long as the change isn’t complete garbage.
For example, people were very happy with hardened gates stopping blobs from PvD’ing. People weren’t happy when they reverted it so that players could once again damage gates.
One was a good change, the other was kittening stupid and makes no sense.
The last changes they did to the dbl before removing it were overwhelmingly supported, however they weren’t nearly enough to make the map playable in WvW.
A new map without a bunch of PvE gimmicks that encouraged fighting would be welcomed by the majority of the community, and it makes a lot more sense at this point to start fresh rather than redesigning the dbl over and over until it’s basically a completely different map anyway. 3 of the biggest complaints about it are the terrain, keep/tower designs and objective locations. Addressing those complaints means completely redesigning the map.
Anet can’t even fix the WvW issues let alone implementing a new map.
They won’t make a new BL for a long time if they scrap dbl.
I’m with you on this. They have a budget. Can you imagine trying to sell a new map to the moneymen, if all the $$ on the previous map were as good as flushed down the toilet? They will opt to work on something else (and I wouldn’t blame them)
This thread is suppose to be fun, not about complaining, we got enough other threads to complain about the maps.
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