Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: chronometria.3708


I wanted to let the WvW community know some facts about what is happening on Piken Square. If you are still wishing to transfer here under a false impression of what is going on, then I wish to give you a clearer picture so that your time and our time is not wasted. There is no point in politics or deception, as we now have nothing left to lose and time has come for a change of community on the server that must not be held down by old baggage or by clueless guilds arriving.

Things to know -

1. Redguard and TUP guilds have left or are in the process of leaving the server. Redguard is heading to seafarers rest. We are at a time where bandwagoning and queues did exactly as we suspected. Our community fractured and some of our best moved on. If you wish to come to piken, expect to endure losses, to be outnumbered and to be dealing with a community that is currently unstable as it attempts to reforge itself for the future.

2. Our organisation is in tatters. With the loss of TUP, we no longer have a chairman for our meetings and we no longer have reliable meetings that everyone can agree on. There is no longer a server voice and the guilds who would lead us chose instead to move away to established communities. If you do come here, don’t expect a good welcome, or even a bad one, for you may find that the building is empty and nobody even notices that you have come.

3. The server is now moving down in tiers and will likely drop a few tiers before it is stable. If you come here seeking to get into a high tier for cheap, you are wasting your transfer money. TUP predicted that we would be the new blacktide and they were our leaders, so they were in the best position to know. The loss of Redguard, TUP and possibly others compounds this even more.

Piken will rise again, but it will be a very different server, run by different leaders and with a different ethos. If you are prepared to take a hand in that, then perhaps you would have a place with us, but the Piken of Old is gone and I want the community to know that this change is taking place.

We need a line drawn under this chapter, so that we can start writing the next one.

Be aware.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


I dont know much about TUP, but i can tell you, not having red guard will not be as big a deal as u make out to be, they have moved so many servers, and i really doubt that any server would actually lose a lit without them.

they are an open field guild, they cannot help u with points, which WvW is about.

i dont think you will fall below tier 3 in any case.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


You must be in operations because you’re definitely not in recruiting.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Tup Tup salute o/ One of my favourite guilds
Good bye and good luck Friends !

Rg Thx for help and good luck

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


Hope you will survive like many servers before you PS

Build up and take your time for it.


WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


Posts like this are exactly what is killing off Piken Square you’re right the community is gone and so is BOON laters.


(edited by Moderator)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


>3< you will survive. Just don’t use points as your reason to play. Have fun.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Hecksa.7140


I dont know much about TUP, but i can tell you, not having red guard will not be as big a deal as u make out to be, they have moved so many servers, and i really doubt that any server would actually lose a lit without them.

they are an open field guild, they cannot help u with points, which WvW is about.

i dont think you will fall below tier 3 in any case.

Someday I’m gonna make a video of a nights worth of RG objective capping or something. Not sure where the “RG don’t cap points” thing came from, but it’s not true. Lately we’ve been capping a tonne of stuff during our raids. Sure, we find capping pretty tedious, but that doesn’t mean we don’t do it.

Also, really don’t see why this thread got posted. Can’t Piken drama stay in the Piken forums?

Not Matter (Mesmer) – [RG]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Wompage.4586


Really Chrono? Really?

For someone who seems to claim to have Pikens interests at heart, you sure are the first one to whine about everything in the community

Soulorai – http://www.youtube.com/soulorai

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


I dont know much about TUP, but i can tell you, not having red guard will not be as big a deal as u make out to be, they have moved so many servers, and i really doubt that any server would actually lose a lit without them.

they are an open field guild, they cannot help u with points, which WvW is about.

i dont think you will fall below tier 3 in any case.

Someday I’m gonna make a video of a nights worth of RG objective capping or something. Not sure where the “RG don’t cap points” thing came from, but it’s not true. Lately we’ve been capping a tonne of stuff during our raids. Sure, we find capping pretty tedious, but that doesn’t mean we don’t do it.

Also, really don’t see why this thread got posted. Can’t Piken drama stay in the Piken forums?

i don’t mean to offend you, a big fan actually, i just meant your play style is more focused towards actual fights rather than the points game that others guilds play,
which is actually a good thing,. you should know what am talking about( hint: our opponents have been VS for a while now).

btw, the current WvW is quite stale imo, tier 1 or 8 doesnt matter really, u don’t get anything out of it anyway, good fights on the other hand and getting to learn from guilds like urs is what keeps me interested atleast.

i dont really know why some people take tiers too seriously though.

(edited by salluks.6017)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Toxic.9214


We only lost 2 good guilds, but Piken is full of great guilds. So I don´t worry about our server.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Hecksa.7140


i don’t mean to offend you, a big fan actually, i just meant your play style is more focused towards actual fights rather than the points game that others guilds play,
which is actually a good thing,. you should know what am talking about( hint: our opponents have been VS for a while now).

Not offended in the slightest, don’t worry – I’m just a bit confused about how everyone seems to be saying we don’t cap much/at all. Sure, you won’t catch us sitting on Trebs in Durios taking down SM walls, but we still take plenty of objectives.

Not Matter (Mesmer) – [RG]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


RG worst Treb users in all of Tyria.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: SabreWalrus.8647


Wtf. Just wtf.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Great job turning WvW into a soap opera.

Zacharus, Warrior.
Second Law.

(edited by SabreWalrus.8647)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Jomg.9061


I just have 2 question :

-Why RG is leaving this time ? Piken we’ll go down so you won’t be able to face your old serv that much..
-Where is TUP going ?

Anyway, i hoped this kind of transfer, which ruin ladder balance, was over, i guess i was wrong..

Pervx [DEX]

(edited by Jomg.9061)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Elwin.2583


LOL drama, P{S is full of guilds and dont need RG … we climbed up the ladder without them.
Tup is already on AG

Elwini lvl 80 Guardian of Kwisatz Haderach[KH]
Piken Square 28 August 2012 – 10 february 2013
Tarnished Coast since 10 feb 2013

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


I guess RG wants to face some guild in T1 and SFR is the way to do it.
The real answer….only RG knows;)


WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


From PS Boon is a real good guild( good eye for tactics)…hope if they plan to go to another server….to check Desolation:)


WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


RG worst Treb users in all of Tyria.

Haha it can be boring but i just like the sound of the trebs that launch a big ball of doom against the enemies walls/gates.

WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

I dont know much about TUP, but i can tell you, not having red guard will not be as big a deal as u make out to be, they have moved so many servers, and i really doubt that any server would actually lose a lit without them.

they are an open field guild, they cannot help u with points, which WvW is about.

i dont think you will fall below tier 3 in any case.

I agree, RG are good but not designed to WWW. If they are thinking they are coming to SFR to go fast to T1, they are wrong, atm we know we can’t compete with VZ (and maybe Deso is out of range to), we simply don’t have night crew.

But VZ are not only night crew, at present they are the most challenging server in Europe, and because of that its funny to play against them, the problem is during the night, we simple don’t’ have numbers.

If RG is coming I’ going o give you one sample watt is the spirit in SFR. Last night I disconnect from WWW wen one commander brag about 1000 kills during the night. Why? He previously stayed defending a paper SM, and we lost Klovan (T3) because of him. There was other commander (the best we have in EB) on, that ordered to all go to Klovan, that noob stayed and we lost it.

WWW it’s for the server achieve victories, not people, or guilds. Is RG is coming with other agenda, they are not welcome. If they want to join, to play along with us they are welcome. But they have to prove them selfe, because with no doubt we have very good commanders and guilds in the server now.

Mighty Ice Arrow
“I Love GW1 and GW2 from the start”
Lev 80 – Ranger –Guild [PT] [Os Lusitanos]
Seafarer’s Rest Community

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: defrule.7236


Piken Square? Good times over? What nonsense is this?

We may be scarred but our resolve has never been stronger. We will fight the world if we have to because we are PIKEN and that is what we do.

Pikeneers! UNITE!

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


well, VS actually was weaker at nights than Deso for the last few weeks until we had KAZ, maybe it will change soon, the problem is VS has people every single time of the day, and no other server has, which is fine with us.
The annoying part is they dont come out and fight and jsut sit in their towers and arrow carts during the eu primetime when others are online.

i think RG wants to fights GH on deso, they have shown the interest for quite sometime and SFR is their only hope to get that fight.

if SFR does make to tier 1, it would be nice to see some good gvg between iron,gh, zds and RG, WL,

ofcourse we will get wiped but it would be more fun than fighting arrow carts.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


On one hand that’s a shame as Piken make T2 interesting – without them its someone like Kodash who are far from T2 quality and Jade Sea who melt faster than butter in a blast furnace.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Jomg.9061


If RG is coming I’ going o give you one sample watt is the spirit in SFR. Last night I disconnect from WWW wen one commander brag about 1000 kills during the night. Why? He previously stayed defending a paper SM, and we lost Klovan (T3) because of him. There was other commander (the best we have in EB) on, that ordered to all go to Klovan, that noob stayed and we lost it.

I was the leading commander on JS for this action, that’s was quite funny, even Sin got in the tower while we took it, but SFR didn’t.
Not to mention you lost BP really soon after that ;p

Pervx [DEX]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


>3< i remember my short visit in sea fearer. The people there are very World oriented. Great players.

Though I did block one commander there for being too vocal with his sermons. But it was a great experience seeing strategy/numbers (before the paid server transfer came to pass).

As for pikens. Your remaining loyalists will make your World strong. Reminds me of Crystal Desert, where I am now. Many jumped shipped with the diseased paid transfer plague came to pass. But the remaining kids are – strategy wise – better. Though we can’t really stay strong at all times due to lack of man power.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I agree, RG are good but not designed to WWW.

You wrong, it’s not because Intigo mastery treb as its Elem that RG is not designed for WvW !

You don’t need to take keep or ravi to be useful in WvW, killing enemy trying to make this is very useful to, and in this way, RG is very effective.

Sad new for Piken, but you have lot of good guild so it should not be a problem.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


lol its hardly all doom and gloom, business as usual still fights to be had off of PS we’re not going anywhere this post is way off the mark.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Heru.5427


I heard RG cannot into keeps…

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: playandchill.3908


Is SIN moving too?

[LANI] Multi glad pewpew


Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


The good times are over?

2 “over sized Ego” Guilds jump ship and they seem to think the server will collapse LOL. Yes we may drop a tier or 2 but “The Good Times” are Definitely NOT over.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: zagaraad.2780


IMPORTANT A guild moved to Piken for a few weeks and left again. IMPORTANT

We need an Emo Pug filter to prevent this type of nonsense.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Ok I’ll fess up. I’ve been sending you bandwaggoners to annoy the good guilds into leaving and maybe come to GH.

Everything is proceeding according to my design.

Yes, I’m ready for my pills now doctor.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


The good times are over?

2 “over sized Ego” Guilds jump ship and they seem to think the server will collapse LOL. Yes we may drop a tier or 2 but “The Good Times” are Definitely NOT over.

Note it’s other people saying the server will collapse, not the guilds who left.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Please do not bring TUP into this… we have already talked about it at the meeting and on PS forums. People in the community know our reasons, others might assume different. 2 “over sized Ego" guilds… you clearly don’t know TUP very well then mate.

It depends how the rest of the community handles the situation and how many leave… t3-t4 is whats most likely to happen… unless kitten really hits the fan…

not like Piken will drop back down to tier 8 days unless everyone and their mother leaves on masse.

Wasn’t easy choice to leave, good luck resolving issues and hopefully we get to fight sometime

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: zagaraad.2780


The good times are over?

2 “over sized Ego” Guilds jump ship and they seem to think the server will collapse LOL. Yes we may drop a tier or 2 but “The Good Times” are Definitely NOT over.

Note it’s other people saying the server will collapse, not the guilds who left.

Note it’s one unguilded player saying the server will collapse, not the guilds who left or the guilds loyal to Piken.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


The jury is still out on whether Mighty Ice Arrow is a worse poster than Tagnut.

Stay tuned for further development.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: TheWizard.3719


That’s the definition of FOTM I guess, in german we say
“Wer hoch fliegt, fällt tief”

Seafarer’s Rest [EXT] Exterminatus
Comatose Vigil (Ran) – Lysergamid (War)
Nunbarshegunu (Mes) – Abstract Genesis (Nec)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Baladir.2736



WWW it’s for the server achieve victories, not people, or guilds. …….

Mighty Ice Arrow
“I Love GW1 and GW2 from the start”
Lev 80 – Ranger –Guild [PT] [Os Lusitanos]
Seafarer’s Rest Community

lmfao. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when someone plays the game they get to play it how they want. I think you know what I would think you could do with your opinion if you felt you could approach me in game and tell me I was not playing “your way”.

(edited by Baladir.2736)

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: zamalek.2154


Good luck for the future guys. I hope you achieve your former glory and prove to be an incredibly annoying and educational server for us in the future.


Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: FearSeven.6357


If you feel to good for this server, then get the F out.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: toastygstar.4267


Grugnug felt appropriate to share this post


-Sanity is attained by a long journey on the road of insanity-

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


The jury is still out on whether Mighty Ice Arrow is a worse poster than Tagnut.

Stay tuned for further development.

I’m special.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Role players are so weird.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


The jury is still out on whether Mighty Ice Arrow is a worse poster than Tagnut.

Stay tuned for further development.

I’m special.

I remember you. Didnt you have another account? pedrst or sonething… /ponder

Edit: alcohol kitten yeah

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


Role players fought their way to Tier 2 im sure that’s a GW2 first

On another note there’s still plenty of us willing to fight unfortunately we endured a rather long server meeting prior to reset leaving most mentally exhausted and asleep on our keyboards so apologies for the poor turn out lol

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


Actually Tarnished Coast (RP server in NA) fought their way to Tier 2 slightly before Piken and is still here going strong but we have mad respect for Piken for achieving the same feat as well.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


If you left can you stay gone this time please? Thanks RG and Tup!

Guilds like GG and KA who have been on this server for a very long time seem to keep showing up with no drama.

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


We love our community. Probably we are going to change the game to other one title without culings and lags I hope together

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


IMPORTANT A guild moved to Piken for a few weeks and left again. IMPORTANT

We need an Emo Pug filter to prevent this type of nonsense.

QFT. But really, trash like this is what destroys forums. OP should be banned from forums, period.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

Piken Square News - The Good Times are Over

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


If you left can you stay gone this time please? Thanks RG and Tup!

Guilds like GG and KA who have been on this server for a very long time seem to keep showing up with no drama.

Really? please get your facts right before you make things up

This is first time we (TUP) have left Piken Square, been on it since the start… and with attitudes like this towards us hardly surprise now is it.

Please refrain from bringing our guild into this.

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)