Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


Here we go for a second week have fun and keep it clean….. DING DING FIGHT!!!

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


Good to see more Piking have nursed their Xmas hangover and back on the battlefield and some good fast paced action on Piking BL from all sides

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


I have a feeling Piken will do well this week. Think their nighttime empty keep fighters are back with a vengeance this reset.

All is vain.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Please, every server will have those. Infact i personally sent screenshots/videos to exploits@arena.net from the last weeks matchup from both piken and augury exploits.

Best is you do the same, playing high and mighty with ‘you exploit,we don’t’ doesnt accomplish anything.

All is vain.

(edited by Moderator)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


There was actually a mesmer hiding because I made sure I found out they hadn’t glitched in before using the portal :P Sooooooooooooo as someone from GG told me in the last thread, don’t be so quick to accuse people of glitching just cause you lost 4 golems

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


I don`t exploit, if I see a person from my server exploiting I`ll report him as well. This does not change the fact that Gandara is constantly exploiting hills ^^

@Tortun yea mesmer hiding is nice. Tho we did a swipe like 30 minutes ago when we took it first. Anyway don`t want to go into a pointless discussion.

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


You lot on Piken are fond of the old Golems aren’t you.
Was a good night, felt like we were starting to carve out some territory and close the gap but then the golem armys came and pushed us out of PS bl and our own bl
Ah well, early days. See you tomorrow


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Snowstorm.3897


PS is still under strength most guilds still not back up to full strength for at least the state of this week. Good luck to all 3 servers

Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Yeah, Piken Square is the only server with less people playing during Xmas.. Haha! Oh god, you guys are cracking me up.

Most Gandaran guilds barely had any people online last week. We, [Dius] rolled with 50% or less of our normal player attendance. I thought the match was fun tho. The score reflected that.

Let’s see what will happen this week. I just checked that screenshot. From what i remember, Tortun is also part of [smug] (iirc). I also see some [Yak] tags in there. Hmm.. Didn’t expect such low play from known Gandara guilds. I expect those members to be kicked instantly and maybe a better recruitment process is neccesary for those guilds aswell. Keep us updated with screenshots! We’ll try to do the same.

I’m not accusing anyone here btw. Just sayin’!

Good luck to all three servers. Play fair and have fun!

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

(edited by IDarko.4709)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Zardar.7508


Ok boys and girls i think that in this round Gandara and Augury have a chance to win. Reason???

—>’’I’’<— m not playing right now,thats why!

I know,i know…A failed new year’s joke!!! :P
Nevertheless,have all the fun u can get my dear fellows!!!
Oh and dont forget to go out a little and have some real fun!(back to the realm after that though )


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Eugenides.1274


Ok boys and girls i think that in this round Gandara and Augury have a chance to win. Reason???

Gandara won last week’s match against Piken and Augury.

Attolis – Beyond the Wall [Crow]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


iDarko, Hills WAS NOT exploited I made sure of that before I took the portal. You’re not accusing anyone yet you named me and two guild then said you never expected such low play?

That seems like an accusation to me. I spent last week tracking down exploiters when I was told about them by a friend on Piken and reporting them, so please don’t put me in the same boat as folks cheating their way to the top.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Zardar.7508


Gandara won last week’s match against Piken and Augury.

Isn’t obvious why?→‘I’<- was missin also from the previous week,thats why!

You hurt my feelings though….. No gifts for you on new year by Santa

Kidding :P its nice when someones counters my cold jokes…

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


Grabbing popcorn.

To be fair I did not see Gandara players exploiting. Someone on TS/map said so considering the full sweep done ~20-30 minutes ago, it is normal to assume it was exploit. Based on your previous posts and some other info I will believe you this time. Lets say this time Hills was not exploited.
Now all go to bed and leave the map green and shiny

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

(edited by Cal.1985)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Zardar.7508


Off to bed now!!!!Chop chop!!Lets keep the santa spirit true!! hoho

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


TUP are pretty vicious, really enjoying running in to them. Hit like trucks though.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Finally we got that nw tower

ps. Thanks for lending us your zone for the night and before people say infamous night capping or zerg… we took it with the > outmanned buff against us < we then took ar’s then we took gandara’s again… and if we had enough manpower we would of took AR’s again…

Cheers for the fights guys, atleast a couple of pretty decent fights like 4 or 5 tonight amongst the skirmishing

so lol @ night time empty keep fighters comment… far from it it was just one medium guild group in that zone.

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


Grabbing popcorn.

To be fair I did not see Gandara players exploiting. Someone on TS/map said so considering the full sweep done ~20-30 minutes ago, it is normal to assume it was exploit. Based on your previous posts and some other info I will believe you this time. Lets say this time Hills was not exploited.
Now all go to bed and leave the map green and shiny

Sounds like you missed this Mesmer’s hiding spot to me…

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Tough night, not sure what happened to the Gandara guilds tonight…. there were maps without commanders and some with three…. Must have left for the New Year’s Break so we’re totally not fighting with all our big support

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968



Gandara …


Comon guys, just because you’re losing doesn’t mean you need to hax. Wall jumping past first gate into Hills… ahahahah!!

Oh well, we’ll continue to kick your kitten despite your leet haxing skills. roflmao

First of all, don’t blame a whole server for cheating when it’s a minority doing so.
Second of all, I’d report anyone the same instant I saw anyone doin just that regardless if they play on the same server or an enemy server.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Butsu.9482


iDarko : I wonna say that Gandara won this round without exploits from the [YaK] guild, I , for one , was involved in the action and I wonna say that it was NOT exploit.
I can speak in the name off all the yaks that we firmly deny this acquisitions and that we are really upset by you letting us look like hackers. Just wanted to let this know.

GL this week to all

[YaK] – Gandara
chippy di dippidy

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortitudo Probo.2598

Tortitudo Probo.2598


Gandara …


Comon guys, just because you’re losing doesn’t mean you need to hax. Wall jumping past first gate into Hills… ahahahah!!

Oh well, we’ll continue to kick your kitten despite your leet haxing skills. roflmao

Oh my… Someone is mad they ended up in last place


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Spitjaw.2987


I managed to keep myself away from this discussion last week but…
It is so funny to see this much kitten from PS after,what can only be described as,prety big embarrassment with QQing and that fail alliance " fun experiment".

Basicaly you guys managed to make open alliance with AR,ruin your server reputation(well…at lest for me) and finnish last in that clash.
I congrat you on that wonderous achievements…its not easy to fail like that.
On the other hand,much love for Gandara folks,which came up victorious in those circumstances.

Spitjaw The Punching Bag Guardian Of Judge Legends[JDGE] @ Gunnars Hold EU

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


Are you playing for the points? kitten it sux to be you in that case. The servers finished in what 9k points difference? And you think there is a clear winner?AR and gandara pushed hard all friday and thursday. Kudos to them for finishing 1st and 2nd. Congrats they won… nothing??! Yeap that is right they won nothing. In addition a WvW match during major holidays cannot be used to measure anything. Its funny to see people like you who thinks points really mean something.
And the stupid alliance again between few commanders that no one knew about (besides their guilds maybe) before it was posted on forums. Keep the QQ on the forums i`ll continue with my popcorn.

@Saturn L O L
Simple logic – you finish first the others wanna take you down. Btw I had to fight french all night on piken no idea what alliance you are draming about. Please read above about the “win”

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

(edited by Cal.1985)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Saturn L O L.1406

Saturn L O L.1406

Congratulations on your alliance AR and piken, ofcoruse were getting steamrolled, 1v2 gg

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


I take double-teaming as a compliment – it means we are a threat.

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


Guess we might see some double tag team on Piken if they continue to rack up points each night.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Shandolum.9420


Yeah, we were steamrolled right off the bat. =)
Can definitely feel that there is no alliance, and that this is just because you 2 are taking us more serious this week.
After your alliance last week I personally played a lot more than normal, and I think a lot of other gandarens did as well, and I am happy you 2 did not win.

This week however I don’t really mind losing, cause that only means we can go down a tier and have more fun. But will try having fun this week as well though.

Regarding the alledged exploit, there was none, I was not there but I trust those guilds completely to avoid using them, and especially Tortun.

Hope we will have a good fight this week, though we are already far behind. Expect some fierce zergs coming your way to take the entire map again. =)

Asuran Thief, Karuto [WvW], Gandara
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Spitjaw.2987


Hello Cal,

I will answer your first question and i want to apologize in front,bcs it will render rest of your questions totaly irelevant.
The answer is……(insert random drumroll)……no.

Have a nice day.

Spitjaw The Punching Bag Guardian Of Judge Legends[JDGE] @ Gunnars Hold EU

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Raeyne.5086



Gandara …


Comon guys, just because you’re losing doesn’t mean you need to hax. Wall jumping past first gate into Hills… ahahahah!!

Oh well, we’ll continue to kick your kitten despite your leet haxing skills. roflmao

You failed a mesmer sweep, got caught out because of it, and now you proceed to rage onto the forums and simply make yourself look bad. Im glad you seem to be the only one, don’t bring your server down by shouting “HAX” every time you get caught out.

Aside from that, looks like Piken have picked up momentum and are fighting well. I hope we can get more in the battle field and give you a proper fight throughout the week

Commander Taranius Vier – Guardian
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Riselight.3695


It’s sad, the week just began and Gandara is accused for using exploits by Piken. Mad that, even with your alliance, you have lost?

Riselight [WvW] – Elementalist
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: browolf.3825


Did Gandara loose some wvw guilds? I’m surprised by their current lack of points and their weak performance in eb last night (at least in first couple of hours I was there).

Piken Square forever

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sjet.7092


We had some good fights last night. TUP are mostly around for good fights. Hope we get more during the week. Have fun menz!

Macharial | The Unlikely Plan [TUP] | Aurora Glade

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


Did Gandara loose some wvw guilds? I’m surprised by their current lack of points and their weak performance in eb last night (at least in first couple of hours I was there).

We have lost a lot of WvW regulars due to Christmas/New Year stuff, I guess it is just more obvious in this reset then before. Besides, I can’t recall a reset after which we were in the lead – this is our usual situation even with more people on battleground.

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


kitten at everyone saying there’s an alliance between PS and AR. That is all.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sjet.7092


Good mesmers can be missed, even if you check a keep. It’s impossible to tell what happened, so this discussion is pointless.

Macharial | The Unlikely Plan [TUP] | Aurora Glade

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Maiden Of Shadow.6139

Maiden Of Shadow.6139

Just wondering if any other Pikens or Gans have had a problem with an AR Necromancer from [Ldf] (silvari race i think) that does between 1k-1300 bleed damage per tick (so 10 bleed stacks = over 10k per second)? A few times today I’ve been killed by this necro in the blink of an eye from all these bleeds (have 18,000 health and condition removal upon stealth). My thief has 1800 condition damage (full condition based gear, exotics) and when might and other variables are going my bleeds tick at max for 150 per stack. So I’m curious if this is either some hak, exploit or if necros can make their bleeds this powerful.

(MoS) Maiden Of Shadow – Piken Square

(edited by Maiden Of Shadow.6139)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


No but the Necro in the Piken Night capping guild TUP made me bleed like a ripper victim last night, time and again but thanks to the two guardians he was very difficult to scratch with all that might n stuff

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Sorry if i offended anyone. My thoughts were based on the screenshot . I know Tortun would never do anything like that. I simply do not expect such play from well known Gandara guilds, so it seemed awkard. Glad it was simply portal play. I might have worded that post a bit wrongly tho! :P I was tired! =]

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Yeah!! shakes fist

I always make sure my portals are 100% official and since I know the person the portal came from it was very much trusted. I do know of guilds that think exploiting helps us but it only tarnishes the server

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Lol, so many trolls.

Firstly for people still living in a bubble and crying alliance… far from it… last night on reset AR was strong in Piken BL and EB… stonemist flipped ownership a few times.

TUP took Half of gandara’s zone last night… then took all of AR’s zone… (yeah our allies facepalm what were we thinking) Then we took all of gandara’s zone…

Like someone said the french are quiet on forums, and so attract alot less attention, plus you guys “won” last week so its to be expected.

So explain to me if we are still in this make believe alliance which was between 7 people from AR & PS… which PS was very open about it btw, it was no backroom stuff… Why was AR in PS BL? and why Did PS Cap their entire zone?

AR Started strongest, Piken then overtook for awhile, Gandara was pinned in. You had numbers for awhile too, I saw a bunch of bunny smugglers

As for exploits, the burden of proof is too hard to prove in this game, unless you fraps someone wall jumping or in a place they shouldnt be… screenshots and everything still could have legit reason. But from experience, there was alot of exploiting on reset, pretty sure it was more AR than GD, but everyone has bad apples including piken and to act otherwise is crazy. I.e I noticed AR people inside a keep, which had never been breached cough wall jump cough… and no they wasnt there when we capped it and waited alot of time then started attacking…

But to prove it beyond question is too difficult, and bannable for name and shame. So instead of throw too much QQ just kill the scrub exploiters and make them leave game, the sooner the better (lol @ people who exploit and still die) I have no sympathy for any piken caught exploiting and hope they get farmed hard by our enemies… as i know one very small guild that does it and they are not part of our WvW community, forums, meetings etc Can I prove beyond 100% they are exploiters nope, but the amount of times they have been caught in dodgy situations and reported by our enemies…

Every server has bad apples, the holier than thou attitude don’t work, reporting people that exploits barely work to ANET or to othersides WvW community… Unless they are from a respectable guild that wants to play by the “rules” i.e Fair (which are unlikely to be caught cheating in first place then probally kicked from said guild)

Keep up the good fights guys and remember to kill all the bunny smugglers

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Krato.4729


the Piken Night capping guild TUP

We also do morning, afternoon, primetime and Bar Mitzvahs. Initially at reset the lakes seemed empty, so we had to resort to golem rushing untouched zones to get attention. This didn’t work either, so sadly anything we came across got devoured by our hungry hippos. Apologies.

Looking forward to some decent guild vs guild action this week, see you in the lakes.

TUP Nubbin

Kratoon – TUP Officer/Warband Leader

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sandro.3694


Like someone said the french are quiet on forums, and so attract alot less attention, plus you guys “won” last week so its to be expected.

So explain to me if we are still in this make believe alliance which was between 7 people from AR & PS… which PS was very open about it btw, it was no backroom stuff… Why was AR in PS BL? and why Did PS Cap their entire zone?

What is the point for us (French) to come add some drama on this nonsense ?

You pretty explained all the kittenry with your last sentence.

But keep going that way, and forget about us :p French frogs can’t be serious players meh ^^

Dungeon Gaming – http://getdungeon.com

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sjet.7092


TUP Night Capping. lol. 10 People after 3am gmt against over twice our number, and we are night cappers, obviously.

Macharial | The Unlikely Plan [TUP] | Aurora Glade

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968



Am a bit curious about [CHOC] guild on your side, are they a big part of your w3 community?

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


If a squishy mesmer can take down three pugs, a group of seven including an organised guild can take down ten defenders, easy. Which is why I often found myself alone destroying your siege, hoping to inspire the scaredy cats on the wall to do the same

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sandro.3694


@Phule.1968 I can’t answer to that since we’ve moved on Augury Rock 1week ago and i don’t know all the guilds present here.

edit: apparently they are a small structure, but keep in mind that all the guild present here work as one ;p

Dungeon Gaming – http://getdungeon.com

(edited by Sandro.3694)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


TUP Night Capping. lol. 10 People after 3am gmt against over twice our number, and we are night cappers, obviously.

It wasn’t meant as an insult so don’t take it that way.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Axle.5182


Ok can we this week put the PS /AR alliance of last week to bed the piking community voiced it’s opinions last night before reset and i got the impression most agree and are now against such actions being repeated or supported by the community in the future. The original formation of this so called alliance was implemented by a few commanders over xmas period where WvW attendance was possibly not ideal.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Piken isn’t the only server to celebrate the holidays I get the feeling these commanders thought Santa was only out on Christmas to visit them.

Hopefully it is the end of it all. I’m gonna be playing less this week. Although I said that last night and stayed up till 9am to hold what little we had

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue