Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


lol please stop the embarassment Gandara… thisisgandara forums so much slagging off Piken and AR < … the double standards which only a few Gandarans can honestly admit. Keep trying to troll, when ive tried giving you some helpful advice which it seems you clearly dont want… like i said i feel sorry for some of the gandarians who have to put up with that daily… the bile and lack of maturity by some which spoil your server and tarnish gandaras reputation. (See post quoted)

Some of Gandara want to lose, some dont want to lose… some of gandara want to hate everybody… some of them are respectable… Gandara your server seems like one big contradiction… you guys need to be united but are at each others throats or “the enemy piken/ar” always looking for others to blame when something goes wrong… instead of what could I be doing different or better… Why do not more people step up and command?

You go from one extreme to the other so fast… i.e we can relegate these “arrogant dogs” and now the shoe is on the other foot that we are back to full strength… oh its better if we get relegated… if its better if you got relegated why fight so hard on friday evening?

Its really hard to take you guys serious with the amount of wannabee trolls you have… but then you have players like Missy and others who despite getting a bit of the information muddled(fair enough) are respectable and deserve better (RG was originally PS not BT Guild) Alot better than your servermates tarnishing your servers reputation and you being lumped in the same bracket as them by generalisation.

Where did all the sensible Gandarians go from the last thread that was making progress? is there like some kind of rotation… one week troll, one week mature

Its like your Wannabee trolls have snapped (cuz they can no longer go on about the score its important to them) lol because Piken came out of the blocks and built up a early lead (which can be easily caught) as proven in the other matchups so far.

Thanks for the fights, it will be shame to see a lack of the Gandara fighting spirit this week which we all know exists (friday evening perfect example) if you guys have already given up score wise on this week (big if btw)

Kind Regards

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Cymru.3942


So as soon as Piken start to win again the Arrogence comes back ten fold.

In addition the only way that you could beat us was the recruitment of a night time server to get cheap caps and old guilds that moved on a long time ago coming back

Quite a sad story actually…but lifes too short to worry about such trivia. This will be my last post in this matchup forum I tried to add a bit of humour previosuly but I can see that people would rather flex muscles, troll, bad mouth etc I have better things to do tbh

Gandarans we can hold our heads up high, suggest we leave PS to troll the forums and don’t get involved


Ghiho of Gandara (WvW Guild)
You snooze you lose

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

ps: what the holidays proofed to you Piken is that you guys have a weakness: your randoms have not as good as an organiciation behind them as with us on Gandara or as on Augury Rock.

It is funny since all that proved the exact contrary about piken’s randoms.I remember Ar had a huge lead because of their new player transfers and xmass night getting them a big boost ,and while piken was 90% of the time outmanned by you guys we still hold our own pretty well and the week ended almost a tie between Gandara and Piken.These are just simple facts and it actually proved to the guilds that randoms have an equal part on our server.Also for everyone’s information Piken’s EB was always 90% randoms especially since GoodGame started exploring the other Bls and i don’t think that being a random is by any mean an insult to anyone on my server.

As i said,pretty funny that you claim that Piken’s weakness is it’s randoms when in fact they actually held you guys back for 2 weeks so glamorously.

Also funny how the same poor weak randoms held EB and your keeps all night and capped your keeps the other nights last week.


With half of your normal W3 guilds gone, your randoms could only match up with AR and Gandara. We are almost completely relying on them. That means to me: they are just as strong as us, but the people commanding them are not doing well enough ( they do well, but not good enough ). The problem that you wil get yourself into if you don’t better yourself is that in a higher tier your randoms wil not match up like they did against us.
It’s ok now in this tier. the W3 guilds are ready for 1 tier higher. Are you sure that your commanders are up for commanding the randoms in that higher tier? Because i think they might be close but close won’t do it…

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


While all ya’ll are busy arguing, I fought this super-cool Mesmer guy:

Any other players on Gandara up for some 1on1’s?

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Oh dear…. Oh dear.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Shandolum.9420


Gandarans we can hold our heads up high, suggest we leave PS to troll the forums and don’t get involved


I so much agree, had the exact same thought tbh.


we’ve got a lot of gandarens adding fuel to the fire, more than Piken, though you Wamgor, you are adding so much with every post, though you might not mean to.
Currently the biggest winner in this forum is Augury Rock, since they haven’t really posted anything (might be because they are french, dunno).

This will also be my last post in this matchup in here =) and hope every last fuelbomb here would do the same and keep the flaming to their respective forums. And keep the “was a good fight at bay”, “wow that guild was good”, “who was that asuran thief that killed all our dolyaks?” posts for this forum where people can chat and have fun.

edit: Intigo, would be happy to try some 1v1, time and place plz =).

Asuran Thief, Karuto [WvW], Gandara
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’

(edited by Shandolum.9420)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Tortitudo Probo.2598

Tortitudo Probo.2598

And the kittenstorm continues… Grow up will you, it’s a bloody game, we’re new to this tier and we never claimed to be better than servers who have been in higher tiers since the start. I won’t be playing much this week, facing the same opponents every time is getting too boring, and apart from a few nice guys from [WeGe] for some duels and JP fun on PS, most seem to think their crap smells of roses anyway. Time to drop a tier, at least there the people were more respectable.


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: killimandros.5087


Dont boast too much Pikens :-) You know RG are going soon, as they did already. Wamgor was always (in WAR) a big mouth with little to less to show for it, so id ignore him. He is by no standard Piken Square.
We are still gonna roll up our usual days, avoid the zergballs Red Gaurd and Syndic (where did your guild go btw Syndic?)- Fin. please respond to messages??!-
Were gonna try finding those good gvg fights (HoB, VII, TuP minus Wamgor to avoid the whining. Funny how things never change. Was gonna put up some forumposts from WAR where the whining from Wamgor about RG was immense, but nevermind. People who remember know).

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


omg guys, I think I gonna give the forums a miss this week, you guys really need mellow out, the match up is a clear mismatch now everyone knows it so chill for a week and let the server rankings rebalance them on Friday.

Make love not war…. ok I been on a RP server too long now…. <3


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


We are still gonna roll up our usual days, avoid the zergballs Red Gaurd

You are more than welcome to fight us in a GvG with equal numbers, if you feel we ‘zerg’ you too much.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: siniaq.5628


Now this tread looks like some teens got the opportunity to troll themselves with mud and other ugly stuff just because they can.
Keep your kitten tight, gather your forces and fight the best you can. Leave this forum for trolls and others kinderpunks.

Dviella Kwiatuszek [INC]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


4 of us just held your Faithleap camp for over an hour, losing our siege to trebs and up against a larger and steadily growing group of Piken, finally we lost it when about 20 AR decided to enter the fray. Thanks for the badges!

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Jal.5894


Looks like this is going to be one boring week. PS have managed to get plenty of ZvW-oriented guilds, so once everybody is tired of wiping to their invisible (yay culling) zergs (which seem to be everywhere) there will be nothing to do. For all 3 servers, actually. I really wish A-net were able to desing WvW to be more about strategy and not simply ‘who has most zergs on 24/7’ but oh well. It was fun the first two weeks.

Good luck everyone.

You are aware most of Piken’s guilds (the main force behind Piken in WvW) run with 15-25 right?

Yes I am. Add the puggers and it’s 25-30. Hardly not a zerg. And when you have a couple of those on every map there’s really no incentive to do anything. I mean, what are you guys going to do once the entire map is green, dance in SM for the rest of the week? That’s quality WvW entertainment right there

That’s hardly a zerg – and culling affects everyone

I wasn’t saying culling didn’t affect everyone, it’s just that it makes zerg warfare, as bland as it is on its own, even less competitive and less fun.

I can sort of see your point – but I think it might just be frustration at the culling that’s providing this, and in that I can empathise.

The thing is, would you rather fight:

a) 4-5 groups of 25 in a map that are doing thier best to roam
b) 2 50+ blobs, with maybe one guild group of 20?

Now culling aside, I think most people would rather want to fight (a) – certainly being part of an organisational force that runs on that structure is more fun for me.

I think here the issue is, if you can’t even see the group of 25 due to culling etc, then being bombed by each of these groups around the map can get frustrating as it’ll seem as if you’re constantly being zerged by countless invisible enemies. That being said, fighting against (b), this will happen less often as there are less “blobs” about.

Either way, as I’ve said, based on the above I can see your point, but I think you’re doing a diservice to the organised Piken guilds that are doing their best to roam by referring to them as “zergs” – from my understanding, zergs in this game tend to have a playstyle more like (b) than (a) – karma trains if you will.

Anyway, enough sensible discussion, let’s let the trolls from both servers have their topic back.

HoB – Aurora Glade (EU) [ ex- Piken Square (EU) ]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Arkaos.4502


It was clear piken was not the real piken last weeks (athel loren > Karak norn !!§!!! ^^).
And fighting for the third time a heavy alliance focused server is quite exhausting for the 2 other servers.
Have fun, keep cool with the score, and don’t forget your forumwar piken vs gandara

@sorry bad english
Roubi [LdF]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Jesus guys everyone is acting like fools again this week! We had a clean thread last week why has everything boiled up?

Reset night? In case you didn’t realise but Gandara actually came better off as the night went on so Gandarans whining about that, your being fools. Piken has always had a strong reset night. As someone who has played on Reset every week, you should have seen that by now. (aimed at Gandarans here)

And the last point I’m going to make: I saw someone posted that they hated Gandara because of exploiting accusations of respectful guilds. We covered this two threads back, that happened to both servers. It’s sad but it’s getting to the point that you have to fraps every mesmer portal —> Keep because otherwise people throw the words hacks and exploits around. This makes me sad Anyway, please don’t hate the server, (Although I don’t actually blame you after some of the things that have been posted in this thread already) Hate on Anet for not fixing them pesky exploits yet.

I for one had fun last night. Outrunning Piken guilds and killing stragglers made me giggle. Taking camps like a guerilla warfare person only to be munched upon by that large BOON control group near astralholme.. :P

I also have to say that I’ve enjoyed fighting Piken guild groups and have been learning lots from them, I’ve been drilling home some methods in which to increase the likelihood of a nice fight/not get steamrolled. They’re not foolproof depending on how you guys switch it up, but they do certainly help.

I will personally make nout but peaceful posts and ones which probably won’t reply to any other from here on out.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


LOL this is better read then Pierun and the last days of Warhammer.

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: siniaq.5628


Well i must disagree Ravezaar. There will be no one better than Pierun and his…ehm…forum skills.

Dviella Kwiatuszek [INC]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Numbers.4621


Just for you guys.

Shame on people who gloat when they are winning, possibly the worst trait ever.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Screenager.7804


Wow, this threads amazing entertainment but really some of the attitude thrown around. … just bad bad bad

Guys on AR and Gandara dont get put off by PS attack at reset. It’s pretty common knowledge we do hit hard on reset and try to string it out until dayshift arrives . From the looks of things this afternoon you’re giving it a go so hopefully we will have some decent fights this evening

hope to see ya there

Executed [ExE] – Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: carnivorum.5038


I kindly ask Gandara to name all the brand new guild tags they’ve seen upon reset (all the countless Blacktide warbands).
For instance, guilds present in PS BL upon reset were Heresy [HRSY] and Champions of the Gods [COTG] both being Piken. And friendlies.

Piken Square
Ram Built Yoda Need [GG]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Rampage.7124


I’m not used to post much on this forums but in this occasion I think i’d like to say my 2 cents about the server pairings on this week.

I don’t wanna flame anyone, i’m not native english speaker so, if i even happen to say something that “sounds” offensive i apologize in advice for it as i’m not meant to be offensive nor flaming.

I’ve read a couple of replies from piken square players here and screenshots and complaints about beeing “the worst server ever met”.
No offense but if this is the third week we are paired together there must be a reason, and actually during the past two weeks both the reset night as well as the whole week were pretty fair and scores were too.

This means that definitely something happened this friday that screwed something up.
I’m not saying it’s piken square fault but seriously i didn’t start playing wvw yesterday and i can at least a bit read the situation, when a server has an entire guild sized group that can be dedicated just for holding each supply camp, that means other servers have no chance of getting anything.

so, well done for piken square for being able to organize themselves in a such steaming way, but please reconsider saying gandara is the worst server ever met, because the previous 2 weeks prove you wrong.

that said, i assume that pairings are gonna change next week (hopefully) and time will tell if it was only a matter of native PS guilds effort or not.
As for myself i had a chance to notice a bunch of new tags that i never spotted earlier but the situation on a server is dynamic so, good luck for the next weeks with higher tears.

oh.. only one thing, about sportsmanship, i don’t think showing up in other servers’ teamspeak channels with nicks like “we pwned you” “for the lolz” and such, can be considered fair play.

oh.. only one thing, about sportsmanship, i don’t think showing up in other servers’ teamspeak channels with nicks like “we pwned you” “for the lolz” and such, can be considered fair play.best regards.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: zodn.4327


Im going to add my 2 cents to this…


As you can see Piken has pretty much improved from week to week only dipping down at xmas. People posting from Gandara think we aren’t hit harder at xmas than other servers ill give alittle insight to why Piken is and why its actually bad for our server.

Most of the www players are in a medium to large guild that focuses on www only, Piken is a medium pop server which means a lot of time during primetime hours we dont have all maps full which means we only have ~400 players in www, other servers will have all 4 maps queued which means something like 600 players + another 50-100 in queues. So when something like xmas happens lets saying every server loses 50% of players that leaves piken with 200 in www and other servers with 300-350. This means Piken can only cover EB and home map at best.

Add to the fact that there are very few guild groups running which means we lose a lot of organization which is a problem Piken needs to fix in the future.

Now if you go back to the image you see Gandara have pretty much stayed the same overtime which is Gandara’s problem. If you guys really want to improve all i can say is maybe you guys need to form more larger organized guilds because from what i can see its mostly commanders + smaller guilds

Sorry i forgot: Yes we’ve had RG rejoin the server this week and SiN joining the server last week but as you can see the server evolution clearly shows Piken dips at Xmas and Gandara peaks over xmas

(edited by zodn.4327)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


I for one had fun last night. Outrunning Piken guilds and killing stragglers made me giggle. Taking camps like a guerilla warfare person only to be munched upon by that large BOON control group near astralholme.. :P

Yeah sorry about that, once the map was under control, BOON camped Cragtop / Astalhome, TUP Sunnyhills/Faithleap, and Tainted the French, lock down mode and we just called in back up on any Breakout event or big push.


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Just for you guys.

Shame on people who gloat when they are winning, possibly the worst trait ever.

I can see how it was taken as gloating over our lead. But it was actually meant to highlight the fact that you have that many people online at 3 in the morning (that screenshot doesn’t even show the people that were over by the breakout catas to the north) and own 1 supply camp, maybe split up rather than put all your eggs in one basket. And if you’re not going to split up and go for multiple objectives when you have those numbers, then you have no right to complain about us running as “zergs.”

(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: dangerdoom.3862


Just for you guys.

Shame on people who gloat when they are winning, possibly the worst trait ever.

I can see how it was taken as gloating over our lead. But it was actually meant to highlight the fact that you have that many people online at 3 in the morning (that screenshot doesn’t even show the people that were over by the breakout catas to the north) and own 1 supply camp, maybe split up rather than put all your eggs in one basket. And if you’re not going to split up and go for multiple objectives when you have those numbers, then you have no right to complain about us running as “zergs.”

You must be kidding, right? On the screenie you can just see a bunch of randoms and some Yaks (I think 3-5?) We got harassed by those ballista campers who were there for 4 hours straight and when we finally got people there and started to build something like a ram some major guild (of the 3 that were roaming our bl) would come in and overrun us. If we took a camp it wouldn’t take 1 min or it turned green again.

It certainly feels that this advice is just some more bashing from your part. Or trolling, must be trolling…

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


Did not expect that much drama… anyway please continue, I`ll go get someting to eat

[NOM] 10x for the fights last night in Gandara BL and sorry for the sandwitch at Hills N door

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Sandro.3694


I would never expect to see TUP people high talking and badmouthing everyone… it’s a shame but there is beginning for everything, this all looks like they where many kitten thoose previous weeks…

As for the guilds hoping onto PS … we’ve saw severall new tags on PS ( except RG an SiN), so please stop dreaming about the fact you’ve had the same roster on your server that’s not true.

@Cal thx for the evening, thoose severall days are though for us, they are not so many guilds on AR, and sometimes it kinds of feel lonely.

Cya later

Dungeon Gaming – http://getdungeon.com

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Just for you guys.

Shame on people who gloat when they are winning, possibly the worst trait ever.

I can see how it was taken as gloating over our lead. But it was actually meant to highlight the fact that you have that many people online at 3 in the morning (that screenshot doesn’t even show the people that were over by the breakout catas to the north) and own 1 supply camp, maybe split up rather than put all your eggs in one basket. And if you’re not going to split up and go for multiple objectives when you have those numbers, then you have no right to complain about us running as “zergs.”

You must be kidding, right? On the screenie you can just see a bunch of randoms and some Yaks (I think 3-5?) We got harassed by those ballista campers who were there for 4 hours straight and when we finally got people there and started to build something like a ram some major guild (of the 3 that were roaming our bl) would come in and overrun us. If we took a camp it wouldn’t take 1 min or it turned green again.

It certainly feels that this advice is just some more bashing from your part. Or trolling, must be trolling…

The screenshot was posted to show that you’re not actually lacking numbers contrary to what alot of the posters from your server seem to believe. You were actually attacking cliffside on the other side with another breakout event at the same time. It’s not our fault alot of our numbers are in guilds whilst yours arn’t, I think I speak for most on Piken when I say that we’d love you guys to form some more dedicated WvW guilds such as Yak/Dius etc with the people you have, it would make it far more enjoyable (looking forward to seeing CNTK and DL, any news about them joining you yet?)
Apologies if my screenshot was taken as gloating about the lead, it was not intended to be taken as such and it was my mistake for being very unclear in my first post, it was aimed at the few who were complaining about being zerged by huge WvW guilds. Personally, I don’t see it as ‘being zerged’ when the group that ‘gets zerged’ is quite a bit larger than the group that does the ‘zerging.’

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


My god, I must restock on my popcorn and salt. Seems we’re in for a proper flamefest this week.

Buckle up folks, we’re in for a bumpy ride at the dirt(y) fields of borderlands and battlegrounds.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


I would never expect to see TUP people high talking and badmouthing everyone… it’s a shame but there is beginning for everything, this all looks like they where many kitten thoose previous weeks…

As for the guilds hoping onto PS … we’ve saw severall new tags on PS ( except RG an SiN), so please stop dreaming about the fact you’ve had the same roster on your server that’s not true.

@Cal thx for the evening, thoose severall days are though for us, they are not so many guilds on AR, and sometimes it kinds of feel lonely.

Cya later

Yes we have had quite a large influx of people who did not make themselves known to our WvW community and just joined ‘under the radar.’ We are still seeing new guild tags pop up all over the place aswell, and most are not very happy about it as our queues at prime time have reappeared this past week or so and sometimes they can get quite lengthy. And yes, anyone from Piken that still says we’re winning despite having a smaller WvW population is deluding themselves.

(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: EnoLive.2367


Ahh time for a bit of R & R whilst picking up the pieces of 17 guild members quitting the game.
Ho well at least I can work on some PvE shiz to replenish my stocks for a week, was running quite low with the good hard fights of the previous weeks, as well as having time to chew the fat with peeps in chat for a change.
Good luck to you Piken hope you gain everything that you so hardheartedly worked for in your rise to stardom, as I have no doubt that the other servers will be reading about your shall we say endeavors for nicety sake with great interest.

Co Leader & Founder “Privateers Uk” [PUK]
Eno Live (Ele)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Please keep the drama coming! :PThe overall WvW experience is so steril this is the only way to spice it up a little. Without any drama, the points mean as much as the arbitary luxons-kurzicks line did in Guild Wars 1…

Nice to see Intigo, that you recorded our fights! They were some good duels. It was interesting to see how the fighting looked from your side.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: climbatize.8729


Oh my i missed a great nite, due to my fever i logged off early and missed all that!!

Personaly i dont care if someone is in the lead by 100k points if i’m out in the fields i’m there to fight , even if we have 5 people in our raid.
Dun care about the forum trolls and all the shizz here , just waste of time, you could be caping a camp instead of writing that wall of text xD

I just mind one thing its the word “zerg”. Id prefer if people on gandara wouldnt use it, and instead at least try to give proper info.

Now i hope i can get rid of this fever so i can join up for some fights!

ps: hey twinkle , was fun fighting you guys even if we dont have the numbers i liked it!


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: IDarko.4709


I expected this. PS is not a T4 server and we knew that beforehand. Atleast we had 3 weeks of fun tho! Now they are back in full power and we might as well lay down our weapons and take a break. There is nothing we can do with the current Gandara guilds/organisation.

But we are improving! And we will try reduce the hit we get. We try to drop in T5, and have one week of fun play again with new tactics, guilds and organiation. And then when we are back in T4, we will be stronger than ever.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Hey Climb Yer would be nice to meet you guys with more equal numbers.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Please keep the drama coming! :PThe overall WvW experience is so steril this is the only way to spice it up a little. Without any drama, the points mean as much as the arbitary luxons-kurzicks line did in Guild Wars 1…

Nice to see Intigo, that you recorded our fights! They were some good duels. It was interesting to see how the fighting looked from your side.

Haha, yeah – good fights, we’ll have some more later. I have a feeling it’d be a lot better for me to play S/D vs that, even though it’s been a while.

Oh and, to keep in line with the thread; your class requires no skill which is fortunate because YOU’RE SO BAD AT GW 2.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


T´was in the dark of the night, on that reset eve. I heard a sad little sound coming from tower of longview, so sad it made my heart ache. Closer i moved, as close as i dared, for the evil had claimed it, and red banners flew over. There, i heard it again, undoubtedly it was the feline in distress, the cat had been sighted.
I gathered my wits and courage, i could not let the evil have it´s way with our precious friend. Alone i took my tools and started to build in the black of the night, hammering away, running for more supplies, hammering away. After a while the engine of war was ready. Out of wood, rope and metal it was created, and could fling stones size of myself. One stone, then another, they came crashing towards the tower wall, i feared i may bring the wrath of evil men upon me, but thank the eternal alchemy they slumbered.
My deed was halfway done, but then i heard the sound of the horn, calling me to keep our forces held, besieged by forces of evil. I had to head there, lest my friends be overwhelmed, but first i had to dispatch evil man out for my blood. I arrived to besieged keep, sneaked in and joined my brothers in the fight. Situation seemed grim, but we held on and as we were despairing, help arrived. The keep was saved.
After i was released from defence duty, i immediately headed back for the tower i had bravely sought to bring down, for i had not forgotten the cat, it´s shiny fur, and gracious gait. Misfortune had come to greet me when i arrived there though. Through some foul sorcery the adversary i had previously beaten, had revived and destroyed my catapult. BUT, i was not going to yield, bravely i took up my tools again, hammering, running and hammering i built another, and started to pelt the walls with rocks. This time there was nobody to stop me, and the wall came crashing down.
As i stormed the crumbling wall, i was joined by an ally, and we rushed to search for the cat. Evil men inside the tower tried to stop us, but soon they fell to our blades and spells. As we were fighting, a slowly moving host had also appeared, lords of sIN came in walking, and claimed the tower, i humbly handed it over to them.
And there we were, we sought the cat and heavens behold, there it was, in all of it´s glory. We basked in the radiance of it´s being, but as we were cheering, crying and kneeling, something vile happened. In a poof of smoke the cat vanished. No doubt spirited away by evil. And therefore my guest continues, i will seek our cat, and will knock down any wall or foe that seeks to hinder me.
I will save our feline friend!

Just sayin, one asura was enough to bring down a tower, but aguess that´s zerging too.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


Yeap we are definetly on an RP server.

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Besides sIN (last week) and originally PS guild RG coming back… only one other guild ive see that im aware of being recent xfer to piken and that is Balkan guild.

Besides that, i haven’t seen others… i know we got alot of random roleplay guilds which might be encouraged to come out as we are doing better… we know we dont need anymore… we are full now.

Our biggest issue will be que’s and no internal drama.

Im pretty surprised that Gandara still doesn’t organise itself better for server reset… We have met servers that have hammered us score wise (even though we are strong on reset) its quite possible with the fall of other servers for Gandara to end up regathering/organising and getting into tier 3… and those other servers would hit you hard too on reset.

Our blitzkrieg tactics worked too well, as like some said having guild groups to defend supply camp is a bit overkill. Alot of our guys logged cuz we are use to alot more action (we did have our biggest turnout expecting alot of action as reset is usually very busy) then it got better later on as we was more stretched with lower numbers.

Me and a guy from Boon even stalled you taking back gandara garrison for awhile using all that 500 supply was alot of running back and forth lol.

Kinkywarrior seems like a voice of reason from Gandara… you have to understand that this is a grudge match, Piken is fed up of the trolls (yes it can go both ways) and all the X alot of gandara players have said about Piken as a server… guilds or players…

Personally i dont need motivation to kill X server… but this just makes it alot easier when it comes to which zone to choose Gandara or Augury Rock… mmmmm let me see which server doesn’t bad mouth us and which one talks alot of X about us on their forums and wants to relegate us.

Its not like we havent focussed AR in the past either, and we still hit them from time to time too when possible… I mean LdF & Nom provide probally the best fights this tier have to offer, although yak and others are pretty good fights too.

Its funny that morale and momentum play such a huge part in a video game… your momentum peaked (for now) and was stopped… while Piken regathered and reorganised… we took everything you’ve thrown at us and we come out fighting. In a few weeks shoe could be on other foot again while we dip you maybe pushing. All in all game is about having fun, the battles and epic moments that we play for. Less emphasis should be placed on the score IMO and more about enjoyment.

I see one guy from SN(ele usually) who plays alot like me, always dying for the realm to burst down catapults over and over, or leading the fight back… I respect that alot, looks like he enjoys being a team player.

I know TUP’s enjoyment is from big battles(and fing around), fighting greater numbers… or organised foes… we dont want to spawn camp you but game mechanics make that necessary then the fight is on with the breakout event trying to maintain all. I enjoy non stop fighting, from the big scale to the small scale, coming across enemies you see over and over.

Gandara you have guilds like TDA which are pretty good at small scale, you just need a bit more organisation and tactics at big scale then i can see you dominating tier 4 maybe holding your own in tier 3 if other servers collapse.

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Sjet.7092


lulz strang! Roleplayaaa!!

Macharial | The Unlikely Plan [TUP] | Aurora Glade

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


it reads so much differently from… you solo cata’d longview… you killed defenders who attacked your cata then hills got attacked, we went and stalled hills with me you dave + random friendly… vs 15 + gandarians… then called in the “sIN lords” who dealt with them as inner was almost breached… then fully rep’d up…

you came back and cata was destroyed so repeated cataing longview… I joined you from slacking @ garrison(drinking beer and reading)… I know you wanted to solo it, so was going to ease off, then sIN Arrived so i thought we would blitz it… we rushed in duo’d it as turn around looking at the ramp sIN was toggling walking up it lmfao… ah the roleplay as effected them already Then i saw a sIN member with “the Piken cat” who dissappeared into the night before i could get to pet it. Good times

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


Yes we have had quite a large influx of people who did not make themselves known to our WvW community and just joined ‘under the radar.’ We are still seeing new guild tags pop up all over the place aswell, and most are not very happy about it as our queues at prime time have reappeared this past week or so and sometimes they can get quite lengthy. And yes, anyone from Piken that still says we’re winning despite having a smaller WvW population is deluding themselves.

Same for us (large influx of randoms), mostly over christmas. Haven’t seen a q in wvw in months and it’d never be for more than the 1 map. Last week we had (brief) q’s on all maps at one point. Typical gandara a couple of days later we couldn’t even fill our home bl, let alone get any sort of force on any other map, our population has always been really inconsistent (wvw wise).
Can’t say i’m a fan of many of the new players as the general mood and attitude of the server has gone downhill in recent weeks. I kind of hope some of the bandwagoners move along because their attitude is lousy (theres certainly exceptions in there so dont take it too personally if you’re new).
Re. the ‘holidays hurt us more’ guys – I think most of us realised it (i did anyway) its just not particularly nice to have it pointed out repeatedly. We felt proud of beating you even if it was a weaker version of you, discrediting the win as opposed to a simple gz grated a bit. A win is a win at the end of the day and the fun, points, ranking and everything else gained were as real over the holiday week as they are any other.

Anyway after fighting you over recent weeks I dont expect to see you again particularly soon. I really dont see anything stopping you from reaching tier 1 as your guilds are better than the vast majority and your offpeak numbers seemed quite high towards the end of the last week.
We’ll probably bounce between this tier and one or two below for a few weeks.
Developing the guild squads is definitely an important part of us growing and competing but i think we should remember what got us where we are – good commanders making clever use of the pugs that will always be knocking around the maps and just generally good communication and scouting by the players on the server. Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
We had a solid base of players who dragged us up the tiers, so theres something to work with on the server. The next few weeks are going to be a transitional, it’ll be interesting to see how the server develops.

we’ve been weak at reset for a good while, we tend to push hard in the last couple of days. If we can keep in arms reach of the 1st spot till wednesday / thursday we’ll often drag ourselves in front for the end of the week – which probably tires us out for the friday reset. Its a different strategy but i dont think its a weaker one than trying to build a massive lead at the start of the week so you cant be caught.


(edited by Caid.4932)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


There was a fun forum topic on polish sites about T1. Blacktide guys were so proud that they achieved T1 (before RG was there). Now they are crying that the server is falling down quickly cause some guilds moved somewhere else.

Thats weird, because before RG joined, BT never was in T1. We joined in Week 42 during the Riverside/SfR/Blacktide matchup (T3), in which BT was rank 2, on a Wednesday.
To be honest, the server is falling quickly, because the spine of the server, namely Xaoc, moved to another game (before any other guilds even thought about leaving the server), during week 48 I think it was.
But, well, thats another topic; just setting the facts straight…. carry on.

Edit: Corrected the date we joined BT. ¬¬.

Red Guard

(edited by Pannonica.5378)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Darque Intent.1674

Darque Intent.1674

Note to Gandara.

Don’t be disheartened there are alot of good players on your server, and when they are on it’s a nice experience to get into WvW. Sadly you are out numbered by elements that make play frustrating and leave you wondering why you bother.

PS guilds have you at a slight disadvantage because most of you aren’t the “do enything to win” crowed. If you post 1 or 2 look outs (that you trust) well away from the action you should see their guilds balling up somewhere to “zerg” in. I would suggest you limit yourselves to either hitting objectives very quickly or not at all, because crosses are shown and intel is sent.

Beyond mittigating their “zerg”/“guild” play style, that seems to revel in roaming, you could well have people who are a little too competitive in their ideas of competition representing Gandara in name only. In short watch your back, and this week if you decide to play, take as few risks as possible and concentrate on communication and split defence.

I’ve moved server this week to see if I enjoy, and to see what the difference is on a higher ranked server (I’ve wondered since head start if Gand was the right place for me.).

Good luck to Gandara and A Rock, you’ll probably need it.

All hail Emperor Anet, and their new clothes!

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: drongas.4189


im blind or i rly saw, how ps and ar run together and dont fight with each over? :O


I’m kill you’r bessies

(edited by drongas.4189)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


If you were blind, you wouldn’t have seen anything. ^^.

Red Guard

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


T´was in the dark of the night, on that reset eve. I heard a sad little sound coming from tower of longview, so sad it made my heart ache. Closer i moved, as close as i dared, for the evil had claimed it, and red banners flew over. There, i heard it again, undoubtedly it was the feline in distress, the cat had been sighted.

Quite frankly, I’m more impressed by the fact that Gandara managed to take Longview in the first place, which is on the far side of the map for us but literally 20 seconds from your home BL spawn point, than I am that you could kill its one defender and a bunch of NPCs

Great persistence nevertheless, though I heard of a guy who tried to solo one of your keeps.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


If you want persistence, we had a Gandaran auto attack a gate single handedly until it was 5%…. It wasn’t during any of our matchups but since the theme switch to matters of persistence I felt like sharing xD

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


If you want persistence, we had a Gandaran auto attack a gate single handedly until it was 5%…. It wasn’t during any of our matchups but since the theme switch to matters of persistence I felt like sharing xD

If only you’d sent someone to keep him company.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Darque Intent.1674

Darque Intent.1674

I’ll have you know I singlehandedly, with a golem once broke down the outer gate of one of the borderland keeps. Nither side cared….

All hail Emperor Anet, and their new clothes!