Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Riverside
I had some great fun in RS BL today
Really great fun in RS Borderlands tonight (GoW) specially liked the fight vs ODA pm me ingame for GvG. Also Echo but never really face you on your own, maybe next time.
Servant of Dhuum
Had a fun night on Piken BL today, props to both AR and RS for fun fights, also a shoutout to the AR guild BLAK (if I recall the tag correctly), you were good and fun to fight against.
Is all Germany playing GW2? Cause it sure seems that way.
i have no second commander for splitting, im kinda sry :O
I have a brilliant idea for u: what about turn off commander’s mark and run with your guild warband only? Its possible when u’re in TeamSpeak/Ventrilo/etc.
Looks like DTK have good numbers for running out of blob
I’m sure in this situation suddenly some other Marks appears.
But not sure, what that give us the same challenge…:\
(edited by Maniffik.4678)
Piken Square vs Riverside blob 27.03.2013
welcome to the jungle
Piken Square (unofficial
HoB had fun on Piken borderlands last night, lots of fighting to be had. My first WvW experience since the culling was removed – very very impressed!
Looking forward to more of the same this evening.
Piken Square [EU]
You need to be aware of the different approach monolanguage servers tend to have.
There are literally no language barriers, allowing people to unite under one commander. It’s easier to play together when you know the dude on the other end will understand everything you say. There is much more focus on a strong community on these servers, atleast in WvW. [DE]/[FR] servers gather up hundreds of people in one teamspeak, coordinating with each other. These people are not in special guilds, often have some friends who they PvE casually with and/or looking for a place inside the community.
Of course this is not an excuse for megablobs, but it’s an explanation why servers like Vizunah Square, Elonas Reach or Riverside are more likely to “zerg”. From what I’ve experienced, there are more small/big guilds on EU servers, which tend to do their own thing, but the community aspect across the server is not as big.
Piken Square vs Riverside blob 27.03.2013
welcome to the jungle
Oh boy, not rly good ingame footage for showing an enemy blob :< You ran in same amount of players or even more arround. Looks like a PS blob vs RS blob. If you keep complainin’ about blobs pls dont fraps it :D:D
We all blob, even piken. Our blob in EB yesterday afternoon was a monster.
[Re] Rerolled
Piken Square vs Riverside blob 27.03.2013
welcome to the jungle
Oh boy, not rly good ingame footage for showing an enemy blob :< You ran in same amount of players or even more arround. Looks like a PS blob vs RS blob. If you keep complainin’ about blobs pls dont fraps it
do u have eyes?
RS – 80+ ppl in one teamspeack channel
Piken – 50+ ppl (russians – 20 or less, XT – 10, DT – 15-20 )
Piken Square (unofficial
(edited by insanesu.3965)
Thanks for awesome badge-festival Augury Rock and good job for whole Piken for holding 480+ points for so long on every map!
ITT: Zergers crying about zergs. Funny stuff.
Any leadership of the VR guild from Augury Rock that I can get in contact with about hacking?
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Thanks for awesome badge-festival Augury Rock and good job for whole Piken for holding 480+ points for so long on every map!
yes it was a very hard time well played XT ^^
Really great fun in RS Borderlands tonight (GoW) specially liked the fight vs ODA pm me ingame for GvG. Also Echo but never really face you on your own, maybe next time.
Nice fights that’s true. We liked it too.
We had some mains players in queue through..
We can’t wait to meet you again …maybe tonight
Ok for GvG
Chef – Fondateur du Nouvel Age [NA] et [ODA]
(edited by Heretyk.1249)
O feel bad now … I heard we killing RS Kids on holiday break form school
Piken Square vs Riverside blob 27.03.2013
welcome to the jungle
Holy Motherkittening kitten!!!
This video wins the prize for the best clip of this weeks lockout… congrats to the russians! lol
@the guys who clearly cant count… at the start of that video its around 20 (MAXIMUM 30) Piken against 60+ RS. As the fight unfolds id estimate approx 40 Piken at the point when RS split up and hit themk from 2 sides… both RS zergs r EASILY 30+ and id actually guess more like around 50 per zerg. Thats around 100 RS hitting 40-50 Piken and RS lose lol
(hint: count off the map in the bottom corner)
Rs r truly kidding themselves if they think Piken play like this… i can assure u that Piken have created their biggest blobs theyve ever created this week, and thats for the sole reason that its the only way to compete against this RS monsterblobbing.
Blob discussion aside i really wanna congratulate our Russian comrades for playing so well, u guys r really kicking some serious butt out there. If we all continue imrpoving at this rate we might get back to the good old days before 300+ Piken WvW players all left our realm for SFR
NOTE: great Rammstein remix too btw :P
(edited by Endemonadia.8593)
Rs r truly kidding themselves if they think Piken play like this… i can assure u that Piken have created their biggest blobs theyve ever created this week, and thats for the sole reason that its the only way to compete against this RS monsterblobbing.
Please stop making a fool out of yourself. Zerging has a long tradition on Piken as on any server in higher tiers. Your statement is ridiculous.
Is it true that several guilds are moving from SFR back to Piken, or is it some weird form of trolling?
This made me lol
Taken from the T1 thread…
Rs r truly kidding themselves if they think Piken play like this… i can assure u that Piken have created their biggest blobs theyve ever created this week, and thats for the sole reason that its the only way to compete against this RS monsterblobbing.
Please stop making a fool out of yourself. Zerging has a long tradition on Piken as on any server in higher tiers. Your statement is ridiculous.
you seem to know us and our traditions.
btw they dont teach you maths in your school?
Sounds like someone is bitter. Piken is looking for guilds as it stands Red Guard heading back there this week! come and join us.
posted 2 hours ago…
Good fights today at RS border good challenge
Me and friend wanna transfer for an EU server with no/small queue but with a reasonable number of population.
How long is the queue in Piken
Me and friend wanna transfer for an EU server with no/small queue but with a reasonable number of population.
How long is the queue in Piken
Hop Hop guys, tell us ur queue:P
We are born and created at sfr but wanna get out as soon as we can…faking 3 hour queue here since patch
Augury what’s wrong with you? Why did you run away from us? After you ran only 30 people lol
Been in que for last 2hours its the same on all servers. I hear RG moving to US server!
Please tell me it’s not true, are Red Guard (the ultimate elitist server hopping guild) heading back to Piken Square? I really, really, really hope not.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
hop guard guild )
Piken Square (unofficial
Like moths to a flame…
Forum trolling aside,Necrosis had a very bussy afternoon in Piken BL.We were getting double teamed all the time..Literally didn’t know where to go.Riverside blop wiped us many times but there were these epic fights in open ground that truly showed the backbone of Piken players!Mighty fine job from Piken Commanders of GG and Necrosis directing our armies against a huge enemy!We had a blast!
Server-Piken Square
A lively evening in EB, with Piken’s majestic keep holding out against both enemy teams working together.
We were backed up to the lord room numerous times, with Riverside trying to get through the broken gate and augury trying to push through two holes in the wall.
And we killed each and every one of them. Perhaps 4 times, over the space of an hour.
Then after a heroic rally, we kicked them out, retook our holdings and took stonemist for good measure. A glorious display of the old style piken spirit.
today was a bit of an odd day, after sparta aquired SM, GG sieged it up massively (as was seen by AR and RS). we held out in the first battle for about 10 to 20 minutes I guess during a golem rush, and noted that our siege wasn’t placed 100% correctly.
after that RS started trebbing SM with about 6 trebs in total, from which I took down quite a few counter trebs with my own before it fell down, after which AR rushed to their trebs giving us the opportunity to take down the RS trebs.
after that, the inner north eastern gate went down, and we had a miraculoud fight at the lords room, having both the entire AR and RS servers pushing in multiple times and with minimum siege inside.
spamming our guardian skills, me and rahkesh and other guardians kept the lord alive for the entire 1.5 hour battle, after which Billy managed to repair the inner gate, and we had beaten the AR and RS servers, after a 1,5 hour server vs server vs server battle. (I would like to point out that the amount of skill lagg wasnt nice, and rumor goes that it even caused lagg in PvE?)
too bad, after this, AR and RS seemed to started doubleteaming us, after which we almost lost our keep in EB, but its still upgraded and still standing.
btw, RS… please explain how you AoE inside our towers please?
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
Great fights on ARBL tonight! Nice all servers run smaller sized groups all over the map. Had a blast! Great 3-way fight in Garrison aswell.
Had a blast, more of this next week(s)!
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
Thx Guys for good fights at RS tonight, sorry if WvW cap limited your forces maybe next time 30-50 more give you chance fight PS.
To keep up good tradition some screens … zerg before and after
Good job XT, Nug, SU and all PS players fighting tonight.
(edited by Khrums.3765)
btw, RS… please explain how you AoE inside our towers please?
again a standart siege tactic the piken boys do not know, just die silent
greez Edana
DTK | Die Technokraten – Guild Leader
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]
Please tell me it’s not true, are Red Guard (the ultimate elitist server hopping guild) heading back to Piken Square? I really, really, really hope not.
I hope not, that would make want to kick my own balls.
Couldnt think of a worse thing for PS server.
Reset is going to be interesting
So my first post on the gw2 forums.
Had like always a lot of fun tonight in WvW. Even when the enemies were like 2 times more. It was fun and I learn everyday a bit more about fighting against much bigger enemy groups.
Lets see how this free server transfer to medium population servers is working out.
I hope for some night shift players/guilds.
btw, RS… please explain how you AoE inside our towers please?
Oh deary me… yet more accusations of RS hacking and cheating…
Will Anet ever investigate this?
Whats wrong with you?
With every post you making a bigger fool of you……….
I suggest you to learn a little about game,siege and skill mechanics…….so funny^^.
Greets Myrmi
Whats wrong with you?
With every post you making a bigger fool of you……….
I suggest you to learn a little about game,siege and skill mechanics…….so funny^^.Greets Myrmi
would give more, but have to do with 2 thumps up
(edited by Elvicof.8263)
btw, RS… please explain how you AoE inside our towers please?
Oh deary me… yet more accusations of RS hacking and cheating…
Will Anet ever investigate this?
I do NOT accuse anyone of hacking. if I would, I would simply report the person through the ingame report system, and NOT accuse them on the forums to create server drama. what the guy in the screenshot shouts is just random and his opinion, and I am simply too lazy to edit screenshots
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
Nice fights on PS bl last night. We had to avoid the infamous RS starcruiser… but the whole prime was fun exept that point
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]
AR, for real, golemrush on Klovan, while SM is from riverside?
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
btw, RS… please explain how you AoE inside our towers please?
Vayle,that is normal ac in front of the gate tactic wich is probably known even in t8.You can see trough the hole above the gate and target the ground inside the tower.Hope that answers the question for you.
Sorry to bash your thread old mateys.Salutes <3.Miss those epic siege wars agains riverside when i was trying to lead in EB. / bow to them too
(edited by graverr.6473)
Tag up Daniel. So far only two guilds in RS have bragging rights for anything from my experience. If those guilds are not around the situation is, well, like last evening in AR BL…
Augury what’s wrong with you? Why did you run away from us? After you ran only 30 people lol
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
The only lootbags Piken are getting from RS are from holiday schoolkid random Zerg’s. Congratulations for that u whiny trolls. We’ve got many many new PVE-Player’s which wanne try out new WvW functions.In the last days I’m always seeing Piken instantly running away
from our real Raid-Zergs.Our last Matchup Enemys had some Balls at least and fight like men.
But you guys are just ridiculous.I prefer fights with AR. These fights are more exciting. Too bad that they are often giving up so fast and changing to a different homeland.
Cry me a river Piken!
So where was your almighty zerg last night?
So how did you like the blob war Riverside at Augury Rock borderland? Won at least one battle? no? blob more!
Thanks for awesome drop, 80 people are not enough to stop Piken