[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Riverside
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
defending SM with 40 people against 2 entire severs with them having trouble getting in the lords room is so much fun, and when we are overrun by a 80 man zerg with 5 defending, and after 30 minutes recapping it with about 10 people without AR even noticing it is so much fun.
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
As it seems both sides have foolish people;-)
I dont wanna steal your Illusion, but you kitten an totally random Zerg of 60 people which was on training day………respect;-)
If you wanna some GvG call me ingame next matchup see ya.
Greets Myrmi
As it seems both sides have foolish people;-)
I dont wanna steal your Illusion, but you kitten an totally random Zerg of 60 people which was on training day………respect;-)
If you wanna some GvG call me ingame next matchup see ya.
Greets Myrmi
There is one problem mate – I still can count like every single XT member easily 80 people. I noticed that you called for some more from other borderlands/guilds after we started to treb your t3 tower ^^ before you could have 40-50, I can agree.
Still there were some really awesome fights, I really enjoyed it(still 30vs30 would be even more awesome – skill delay is awful). Check your in-game mailbox
Mh running with 40 ppl over ONE on Piken BL and then stand next to him and laugh. the whole zerg. wtf this really shows Piken mentality poor guys ^^
Yeah my voice was heard, I’ve got my permanent Rabbit-Finisher <3!
Hey guys, how are ques on Piken Square?
The only lootbags Piken are getting from RS are from holiday schoolkid random Zerg’s.
you funny, i eat you last
Hey guys, how are ques on Piken Square?
The queues have unfortunately gotten quite long on Piken Square (maybe an hour or more to get into Eternal Battlegrounds – sometimes 10-20 minutes if you are one person, and you are lucky, was in queue around 1-2 hours yesterday, but I could have been unlucky), in the daytime and the evening European time.
After midnight European time, we usually don’t have any queues, or only short queues (less than 10 mintues), except from friday night, where the queues are long.
(edited by Haworth.4561)
Hey guys, how are ques on Piken Square?
at russian guild’s primetime queues at 15-20 minutes, eternal always on queue. Usual situation but not big problem
Any non-rp, WvW, NA guilds on Piken?
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry
Any non-rp, WvW, NA guilds on Piken?
Lol that’s very specific query . It’s basically all yes, except for the NA part.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Just another day on Piken…
AR border lands, our “zerg” is about 15 people (only commander on the map). We run towards Dawn, there’s 40+ AR there. We withdraw towards Stargrove, there’s 30+ AR there too. We back out of Stargroove, the 40+ AR previously mentioned start pouring down from the hill. We withdraw south towards hill and a third group with 15+ AR engage us coming up from the bridge.
I am surprised AR didnt call in 40+ reinforcement from the north before engaging us?
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
I don’t know who you’re fighting then lol. You sure it’s not just a dream you had after dying so much? It is understood that dreams often contain fragments of the previous day so you learn/get better at what you were doing. Sounds like you wanted to win in WvW so badly that you possibly came up with such a crazy dream.
Lets check who is really dreaming.
Start the game. Log in with ur character. Push B
See the score and cry like a baby
I think that such ammount of lootbags is not a reason to cry Higher numbers are not equal to gameplay quality, sorry mate.
Happy Easter everybody and hf during incoming week
Great showup from all 3 servers at reset, had some good fights over the night! Very tired now
Gl everyone this week!
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
I don’t know who you’re fighting then lol. You sure it’s not just a dream you had after dying so much? It is understood that dreams often contain fragments of the previous day so you learn/get better at what you were doing. Sounds like you wanted to win in WvW so badly that you possibly came up with such a crazy dream.
Lets check who is really dreaming.
Start the game. Log in with ur character. Push B
See the score and cry like a baby
Lmao, you’re a funny man. I don’t even have to try to diss you. You diss yourself for me. Just check any of the recorded raids (check signature for link) for proof of your ignorance.
Im not home, so I can’t check the score, but Piken has +320 and RS +175. So why would I cry? Why would I cry even if our score is worse than yours? I’m not like you that I would cry over something so meaningless.
You obviously haven’t fought Nugos and many other guilds on Piken. Every day we face groups of much higher numbers and always fight. Saying we run away is literally a lie. We even jump in zergs of 60 when we only have 15-20 ppl to see how long we can survive. We know we’ll most likely die, but we want to try anyways. What I just described and what you described contradict eachother. 1 of them is wrong. I have the daily recorded livestream to backup my end, what do you have?
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
You’re a boring troll.
I meant the total score not the current +value.
RS won the last matchup so get the facts straight.
Stepping into the trollmine here so bare with me everyone reading and facepalming.
Mr Daniel and everyone else who thinks their server is best and greatest because of the scores should consider the following wich is especially true in this matchup on the past week.
Generally the fighting style of riverside is as follows: Run around in a borderland in a group that consist of everyone currently on a border. Only attack if victory seems certain and otherwise run to nearest fortified keep. Never fight on open ground because thats where they loose.
After saying that the best fights have been against the massive hordes of riverside usually just before going to bed 00.00 – 01 am gmt +2 . Holding the serverwide cowardzergs before having to logg off, only to see that during the nights everything gets taken with 0 opposition and thusway generating amount of pointlead that is not able to be catched.
Now note that iam not complaining about night capping because it is fine. What annoys me is that there are these arrogant campaigners that think their server to be superior when infact they get rolled by proper guilds while confronting them. Sure you can massively outnumber and sometimes win proper guilds by surrounding / massing them, wich is fine btw. But atleast have the ability to look at your doings objectively and see whats happening.
LAST NOTE: The point system means nothing. It only measures wich server has the greatest average coverage and knows the basics of defending / attacking. Wich in a nutshell is building as many arrowcarts / rams / catas / golems as possible and nuking the ******** out of everything.
Suggestion: make something that measures killing opponents or improve the point system in away that awards points for kills, but still preventing the warcamp farm for points.
ps. perhaps it was riverside that “won” but you sure as **** donated a ton af lootbags while winning
Generally the fighting style of riverside is as follows: Run around in a borderland in a group that consist of everyone currently on a border. Only attack if victory seems certain and otherwise run to nearest fortified keep. Never fight on open ground because thats where they loose.
This is basically the generell fighting style of all upper tier servers. This is fact. Sometimes you have an equally big zerg on your map, and sometimes you dont and will get destroyed. Its not only Riverside with this problem. Its Augury Rock, Piken-Square, and so on.
Never fight on open ground? Well, if we are outnumbered, i would often run too. Maybe outnumbered 1:2 is ok but only if i’m with my guildgroup. Then we take on fights til 1:4 (and no we dont win every time – this is not a brag). And we saw many people at Piken and Augury which run away although they were in superior numbers. So there are people on every server like that.
We like to defend, its so much fun and you get many badges. And i dont know why all servers brag about winning badges anyways, its nothing special.
All your accusations to Riverside, i see at every server in every bracket i was in.
Thank you for understanding.
(edited by knyy.6427)
We should stop generally saying that Piken is this and Riverside that……..
To be honest Piken is by far the best Server we faced on open Field.
I think some Riverguys are mad cause of the false accusations about cheating and hacking so the react a little narrowminded;-)
My opinion is that your Server has 2 “problems”, lack of knowledge about siege mechanics and coverage beetween 00.00-06.00.
Without that you would definitely play way higher, not really know if you would like that on the other hand:-].
Your playstyle is somehow different from ours, but as i said we dont have many guilds which can throw your manpower and organisation on the Battleground.
I hope that we remain T3 cause i like to fight you, have a lot more to learn from some of you.
Greets Myrmi
You’re a boring troll.
I meant the total score not the current +value.
RS won the last matchup so get the facts straight.
And? Everything I wrote still applies and what you said is still false. But oh! mr Riverside won a matchup, he is so proud now he gets blinded by joy, how cute!!
Big whoopty doo. You’re only replying to my comment about the income value rather than the overall score (which is really insignificant and the least important part of my post), because you know everything else I said is true.
Everyone thinking and saying their server is the best really need to think again, because they’re not. It only makes you look shwag when doing so.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
Hi all:)
First of all i wanna thanks Piken for your warm welcome….FG feels really at home with you all…….and on the match up …lol that was alot of fun….fighting double and sometimes triple our numbers……..RS and AR thank you for the fun….will see you all soon on the battlefield.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Piken Square = home of the losers.
say it every time when you teleport to bl waypoint after you will be wiped by pikens
I farmed 400+ badges during sparta raid on eternal bl. Thanks Augury and Rivers for this
Piken Square = home of the losers.
If saying that after getting wiped makes you feel better, that’s fine.
Hi all:)
First of all i wanna thanks Piken for your warm welcome….FG feels really at home with you all…….and on the match up …lol that was alot of fun….fighting double and sometimes triple our numbers……..RS and AR thank you for the fun….will see you all soon on the battlefield.
Welcome to Piken. Hope you’ll enjoy your stay
I also met some from [NoE] yesterday (they also transfered) and they seem like very nice people. I won’t be that active ingame till tuesday, but I’m sure we’ll meet ^^
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
Hmmm I think we’re missing someone. Oh right Augury Rock
So quiet. Just to add to the compilation anyone got anything negative to say about them too? Preferably positive, cause I’ve had some great battles with these guys
Hi all:)
First of all i wanna thanks Piken for your warm welcome….FG feels really at home with you all…….and on the match up …lol that was alot of fun….fighting double and sometimes triple our numbers……..RS and AR thank you for the fun….will see you all soon on the battlefield.
Oi FG and thx for nice cooperation last night
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
The same way you care about the score?
Just tag up so I know when we roll over you out there.
Talking with brain-damaged people is like talking against a wall.
We’ve got so much bags. We’ve got currently so much +value.
Who cares xDPeace out
Do you have DID/MPD?
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Nice reset, loots great fights last night at RS border, that was pleasure getting down your ultrazergs over and over. Keep coming guys
Welcome FG to Piken Square well done last night!
I suggest to ignore him and his disrespectful Speech.
I apologize for him.
Greets Myrmi
Hello PS,AR and RS. Just like to introduce myself, I’m Jue the guild lead and one of the main WvW commanders for our guild Forsaken Gamers [FG]. We have recently migrated over to Piken Square and were on the Riverside borderlands lasts night from reset.
I’d first like to thank the AR and RS that stayed in the borderlands to fight us rather than leaving for another borderlands. I don’t remember all guild names we faced but I believe [NR] and [BLAK] were two guilds that came over half way in to support their server. Thank you for fighting us in the open field and thank you for your determination. It is much respected and we hope to meet again.
Secondly, every server has flaws in every tier. I’m not too sure why players from both servers are bickering over something so little, please do not derail this thread. It is a heaven send compared to the T1 thread which is full of hate. So leave it and move on guys… If not do it over PM’s. The aim of this thread is for players throughout this tier to discuss in an adult and friendly manner the fights they have had and to share where credit is due.
I also just wanted to point out to the person who said T1 gameplay is running in out and keeps. This isn’t a fact and its defiantly not how T1 is played. Those tactics belong to one server that has been in T1 for a long time, it works for them but 9/10 the other two servers do nothing like this. Hope that clears things up.
Anyway It’s Saturday and our most active night so I hope everyone will be back out on the field again and fighting in game rather than over the forums.
Generally the fighting style of riverside is as follows: Run around in a borderland in a group that consist of everyone currently on a border. Only attack if victory seems certain and otherwise run to nearest fortified keep. Never fight on open ground because thats where they loose.
This is basically the generell fighting style of all upper tier servers. This is fact. Sometimes you have an equally big zerg on your map, and sometimes you dont and will get destroyed. Its not only Riverside with this problem. Its Augury Rock, Piken-Square, and so on..
U clearly have never played at top tiers sigh
We played in Tier2 against SFR and JS and i do not remember them EVER running and hiding in a fort. They will ALWAYS stand and fight u out in the open and they NEVER run if they are outnumbered…
What ‘upper tier’ did u play on and witness your enemy running away into forts every time u met them?
Only today i was in EB and we were defending AR keep (Overlook) against a massive group of AR. I saw Batereika take SPRT into a fight they were massivley outnumbereed and he won, approx 20 SPRT against 40-50+ AR. Sure it was in the range of the keep but he did not sit and hide inside the keep like RS always do.
Datsuni is correct to say RS will only attack when they know they outnumber thier enemy and therefore are sure they can win the fight. This is a new week so lets see if RS will dare to fight an enemy they are outnumbered
NOTE: i did not see a single RS guild team running the last week. We only ever saw RS blobs with mixed guilds. Even DTK r not running as a guild, the only DTK ive seen is in amongst the monsterblobs.
(edited by Endemonadia.8593)
Ye game on tonight …..FG will go to RS border meet ya there.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
welcome to you FG, you seem to be respectful and less arrogant than the usual piken guilds. We are not a big guild but i will be happy to fight (and die ^^) against you when you will come on EB
Ye game on tonight …..FG will go to RS border
meet ya there.
Was a good run so far, good luck the rest of the evening
welcome to you FG, you seem to be respectful and less arrogant than the usual piken guilds. We are not a big guild but i will be happy to fight (and die ^^) against you when you will come on EB
I think harsh posts are often just the result of people being annoyed by other people. If someone from server A says something incorrect or accuses someone from server B of something, then ofcourse they will reply to that. Also don’t forget that it’s impossible for everyone in the world to share the same opinion on everything. So sometimes heated discussions occur.
The back-and-forth hate on these forums is actually normal human behaviour: “Us vs Them”, even when the 2 sides are actually the same. You can see it everywhere in human history, even now. It’s stupid and irrational, but it can’t be changed overnight. Admitting to ones mistakes is also one of these “flaws”. You see people here accusing other servers of doing X and Y, when every server does this, even their own. Again, pointing fingers and the “us vs them” mentality.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
welcome to you FG, you seem to be respectful and less arrogant than the usual piken guilds.
unfortunately … thats exactly my impression of one week in T3-forum with piken! sorry for my bad english.
This evening we where about 5-6 people ram bashing on the SW door of Garrison in the AR borderlands I believe… Defenders knew it. 3 of them had been running inside. We knew that at least one more was inside.
Did they attack? No.
Did they defend? Not really, they made weak attampts at slowing our progress from the walls.
Some 10 minutes after we started, 40+ came veiled out of the door and pretty much instakilled us.
Hilarious. I bet they where proud of pwning us. Pure skillz! Well it wasnt exactly a surprise, lol.
Otherwise, good fights. At least it wasnt all zergs, there where some smaller groups roaming as well.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
VII had a great time last night in PS borderlands. Thanks for the fights guys, we love the challenge that you guys lay out for us.
Incidentally, I noticed very nice coordination from MoS with their relatively small numbers. Good stuff.
Necrosis been running around Eternal BL last night and early in the morning.
We were a small team of 10 often providing a vanguard for the commanders in charge there.
Some awesome fights in SM..we always had our hands full,but the double teaming is getting a lil annoying..ofc this is war so i won’t complain any further.
Augury Rock,why were you guys doing rounds on SM outer wall?
You were just breaking a wall and then just started doing rounds and when your numbers died you just fell of the wall…share with us your tactic
Server-Piken Square
Augury + Riverside Teaming up again today, Is that the only way you can get things done? Should be ashamed of yourselves.
Once again, I can’t speak on behalf of anyone but myself, but I’d like to apologize to the respectable members of AR and RS for having to endure such amounts of QQ.
Please don’t take any of it seriously, and from what I’ve seen so far, none of it is coming from long time Pikeys or respecatble guild members.
Good luck, have fun, and cya on the battlefield!
Actually i have no idea why everyone is crying that much about getting doubled on Piken.
It should be a honour for us that they think we are so strong to fight 2 servers
(btw we can do that)
and the 2nd good thing is the big amount of lootbags and WXP
So yeah hold it up and have fun. See you on the Battlefields.
Augury + Riverside Teaming up again today, Is that the only way you can get things done? Should be ashamed of yourselves.
Stop with the childish behaviour already, you’re making yourself and the entire server’s pouplation look like crybabies.
Once again, I can’t speak on behalf of anyone but myself, but I’d like to apologize to the respectable members of AR and RS for having to endure such amounts of QQ.
Please don’t take any of it seriously, and from what I’ve seen so far, none of it is coming from long time Pikeys or respecatble guild members.
Good luck, have fun, and cya on the battlefield!
I’m with you on this one. So much QQ from which seems to be a very small group of Piken. The majority is still enjoying the matchup and even if our opponents outnumber us, most of us seem to view it as a nice challenge. It only makes the victories more satisfying.
GG RS and AR keep up the fights.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
tonight’s EB was awesome fight in dredge. after we capt Golanta, we went to the dredge to cap speldan, but bumped into an AR zerg which we wiped, after which we bumped into a RS zerg, which wiped as well. I dont know how many times the zergs wiped/regrouped before we wiped, but it was enough to get my bags full and gave us a good fight.
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
I only got in a quickie tonight on Piken border due to excessive queues, but it was fun, hehe.
Seriously AR, how many did you think we where inside? O.o
You could have just steamrolled us but alas, the disadvantage of being a rabble. You basicly handed victory to us, lol :p
It was a cold evening on Augury Borderlands… All our allied guilds had already called their raids and [Scnd] was the only one left badged up. We actually attracted a big number of friendlies. Then we saw some yellow swords and decided to check it out
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay
It was a cold evening on Augury Borderlands… All our allied guilds had already called their raids and [Scnd] was the only one left badged up. We actually attracted a big number of friendlies. Then we saw some yellow swords and decided to check it out
That was an ugly fight from us (AR), no one stick the commander… I’m disappointed by our fights, which are far away from what we can really do.
See you on battlefields!
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
I’m really sorry to have to dirty this topic with a hacking report. As soon as I’m able to right-click-report the scumbag, I will. As a public service, so the rest of you can watch out for it:
Hacker: a Riverside ranger in Piken BL.
Type of Hack: teleport
Date/Time: Monday, 01 APR 2013 08:00-09:00 CET
Details: The hacker is targeting dolyaks on both of the north-south roads that start at the northern camp (Spiritholme). Hacker manages to port to different elevations while hitting the dolyak, despite physical impossibility of reaching those elevations. When I pursue him, he fires off multiple ports in quick succession such that I have no hope of catching him.
Now listen closely, please, Riverside: I am not calling out RS as a “hacker” haven. This is the first time in our matchup that I’ve seen any RS player cheat. The rest of you (and there are admittedly a LOT of you!) are playing the game the way it’s meant to be played. Rest assured, if I see a Piken player doing this to you, I’ll report him. Please do the same and let’s keep the game clean, eh? :-) Many thanks.
It’s best to just report the hackers to ArenaNet. Posting these on the forums does more harm than good. ANet doesn’t read them on the forums, only players do, who can’t do anything about it anyways. It only increases the chance of flamewars.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
NOTE: i did not see a single RS guild team running the last week. We only ever saw RS blobs with mixed guilds. Even DTK r not running as a guild, the only DTK ive seen is in amongst the monsterblobs.
That´s because usual Guild Teams on Riverside are ~5-10 people. Unfortunately in this matchup it is impossible to run alone in such numbers because the mega zergs from each server will just instantly eat you. DTK runs a a guild, for example yesterday i did see them. dw tried it yesterday, we were around 10 people but we ran constantly into blobs or sometimes organised guild groups of 15-20 people or more when they teamed up with other guilds. I don´t like that at all but there is nothing we can do about that as along as arenanet is encouraging the zergy playstyle that much.
TLDR version:
My server’s private parts are bigger than your server’s private parts.
That why you run away / wipe / zerg / QQ all the time.
Next time please post in that order:
1. thinking
2. writing
Zergs are neither a problem of riverside nor piken or augury. Zergs are a problem of guild wars 2 because this play style is very effective.