Pip Afk Farming
welcome to BG.. home of the aszhat
You have to have tier 3 participation in order to get pips. If you stop participating, your participation level drops, and you stop getting pips. If they ARE trying to get pips AFK, it won’t last long.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
You have to have tier 3 participation in order to get pips. If you stop participating, your participation level drops, and you stop getting pips. If they ARE trying to get pips AFK, it won’t last long.
you need to do 1 random thing every 10 minutes
that is almost afk farming
people watch movies while standing around in wvw and just tab back into gw2 tag something and go afk again…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
It is sad considering that you can “afk milkfarm” your pips when your finished with active playing without Problems in Obsidian Refugium, as the rewards are correctly applied there.
ya I just afking after I’m done playing tonight, idc because idk.
A lot of times it isn’t just farming but not wanting to go back into a really long q while a player eats dinner or some other outside of game task. Sure plenty of farmers as well but the q’s certainly aren’t helping that situation either.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
get ready to see the Turret Engies AFk farming mobs for pips.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
er…. I actually log out after the raid and when I log back in the next day I got the rewards for my participation anyways. So there really isn’t any need for afking on the first place.
Ruin humpers are the real issue…..
Stop making lfg squads for ruin camping….. ruins shouldn’t give participation if this keeps going on, those are wasted queue spots for people who really want to play the game instead of standing on a spot to get a crappy reward and then leave the game mode because it takes forever and it’s boring to do it.
get ready to see the Turret Engies AFk farming mobs for pips.
The engi turret GvG? xD
Turrets and wrenches only~
get ready to see the Turret Engies AFk farming mobs for pips.
The engi turret GvG? xD
Turrets and wrenches only~
Meet on Desert BL in the jungle, kill the pocket raptors. Lol.
Watch now… someone will do this.
Couldn’t even get in last night on GoM due to the long queues. Hate to think I lost my evening of WvW to AFKers.
Funny I made a thread about this method of acquiring GoB, and the “veteran wvw” players, berated me, insulted me, flamed me, and if they could they would have hanged me for it. How interesting this board is now full of threads of people complaining about the afks.