Player cap in WvW NEEDS to be lowered.
It doesn’t benefit anyone, least of all a zerg.
Id agree with you bro, but in higher tiered servers, the queue times would be much longer :c
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior
Yeah as Ross said, definitely does not benefit zerging. If the cap was lowered it would just increase queue times, and might not even guarantee 0% skill lag. (unless numbers were decreased DRAMATICALLY)
Tarnished Coast
I agree also but you you can keep making these threads and they will continue to sink to the bottom of the pile. This problem is something they will keep saying “We are aware of this and can assure you we are working on it” But it will never get fixed.
What we need is an update from Anet to tell us where exactly they are up to with it.
Id agree with you bro, but in higher tiered servers, the queue times would be much longer :c
1 free transfer for all accounts. It’s worth it for the health of the game to not have dumb skill lag.
“We are aware of this and can assure you we are working on it” But it will never get fixed.
Ppl said same about culling.
Virtually no instances of skill lag or queues in the lower tiers. Not an optimal solution, but a reminder that one does already exist.
I was told that one of the problems with this is that the cap is not calculated evenly between servers. It is a definite problem.
Also, as l’ve posted before, it’s not only the number of players, it’s all the weapon/skill animations. Anet needs to provide an option to reduce this as they have with armours. However that won’t please many with their shiny legendaries….
Very easy, make the population cap for each map 1/2 of what it is and just copy paste all the maps twice and reduce points from each structure by 1/2. Given that borderlands are just a copy of each other a bit more of copy pasting would help the game greatly.
Very easy, make the population cap for each map 1/2 of what it is and just copy paste all the maps twice and reduce points from each structure by 1/2. Given that borderlands are just a copy of each other a bit more of copy pasting would help the game greatly.
While I would mind having even more recycled WvW maps, I guess I’d prefer this over the massive amount of skill lag one gets, when blob hits blob hits you.
I would however suggest to leave some of the maps with the current population cap so that the people who want to suffer through skill lag for the ‘epicness’ of pressing the 1 button until the smaller blob has vanished can still have that.
I’d be happy to leave EB for the blobbers and have what the person I quoted suggested on the BL’s. Or better yet, create 1 new map and copy paste-it thrice instead of copy-pasting BL again.
upgrade ur rigs …. not down grade the game
If you don’t want to suffer lag don’t blob up. It’s been known for ages that the more people in a certain area causes lag. So if you have a 60 v 30 fight the guys with 60 are gonna have far more lag than the 30. People bring it on themselves by not splitting up into smaller groups. If everyone ran in groups of 20-30 you’d get no lag apart from when you get a 3 way battle(even then if it’s small groups it’d be minimal lag).
The power to fix the lag is in your hands.
p.s. I know some peoples answer is gonna be “but they blob up, so we have to”, no you don’t, they blob up you still have 2 roaming forces doing the work, plus you’re 20-30 man group stands more of a chance of using skills than the blob.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
Maybe Anet can consider setting a different cap for each tier. For example:
Tier 1 – 80
Tier 2 – 70
Tier 3 – 60
Tier 4 – 50
Tier 5 – 45
Tier 6 – 40
Tier 7 – 35
Tier 8 – 30
If you don’t want to suffer lag don’t blob up. It’s been known for ages that the more people in a certain area causes lag. So if you have a 60 v 30 fight the guys with 60 are gonna have far more lag than the 30. People bring it on themselves by not splitting up into smaller groups. If everyone ran in groups of 20-30 you’d get no lag apart from when you get a 3 way battle(even then if it’s small groups it’d be minimal lag).
The power to fix the lag is in your hands.p.s. I know some peoples answer is gonna be “but they blob up, so we have to”, no you don’t, they blob up you still have 2 roaming forces doing the work, plus you’re 20-30 man group stands more of a chance of using skills than the blob.
upgrade ur rigs
…. not down grade the game
You two do realize that your statements are not correct right?
First, for Sire Killem All: So you want to tell me my PC is too weak when the lags occur. Ok, then tell me please how in hell shall my PC be responsible for skill lag when i am as far away from the zerg battle as i can? You have to differentiate actual lag and FPS stutter! lag is when actions are not responsive because of high latency. FPS stutter, wrongly called lag, is when your PC is too weak to handle all the action on screen. FPS stutter =/= lag.
Second, for Saint Scarlet: You share a similar point of view with Sire Killem All. But you as well forget one single fact: The fact not everyone is in the blob. Those who are outside of it experience the exact same lag problems as those inside the zergfest, no exceptions. Those inside the zergfest may have the additional problem of their system being unable to handle the action at 60fps. So, long story short: You may decide to not blob up, but if everyone else does, you will still have the lag problem because this affects the whole map, no exceptions!
Do you understand? While its of course in ArenaNet´s hands to finally install real servers instead of amigas, its still in the hands of the players to just stop idiotic zerging. 1vs1 causes the server work for 2 units. Two players who only see each other in battle and themselves.. Easy one. But now look at a 2vs2. The server now has to process data for 12 units. Positioning, direction, action, all of this has to be calculated and transferred to 4 clients separatly. Now imagine the famous zergbattles of 40+vs40+…
So, there definitely has to be something done to strongly discourage zerging, although i was under the impression that the possibility to cause huge lag for everyone would be discouraging enough. Although the lag is what benefits zergs the most – individual players have no chance to do anything.
Bad ideas, queues on my server are already long enough.
If you decrease the amount of players per map, you should introduce new WvW maps in order to not significantly increase queue times. Make the amount of maps dependant on how many players servers in a tier can field around primetime, and it should work pretty well.
I think introducing new maps is one of the few viable solutions to it, except for maybe A-net upgrading their servers. Not sure which one they’d rather go for.
They should buff arrow carts some more. That will fix skill lag.
upgrade ur rigs
…. not down grade the game
^ This
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI
Funny thing is they did this a couple months ago because people asked as you are now, and that resulted in even more people complaining due to the que..etc. (And yes there was still SOME skill delay when all 3 servers met)
upgrade ur rigs
…. not down grade the game
^ This
A-net has confirmed the issue is server side, so getting new PCs won’t help you much. I’m not sure about your WvW population, but here on reset evenings EVERYONE has skill lag, regardless of how slow or fast their PCs are.
I suggest trying to be a bit more knowledgeable about the subject rather than immediately posting nonsense in the topic.
upgrade ur rigs
…. not down grade the game
^ This
A-net has confirmed the issue is server side, so getting new PCs won’t help you much. I’m not sure about your WvW population, but here on reset evenings EVERYONE has skill lag, regardless of how slow or fast their PCs are.
I suggest trying to be a bit more knowledgeable about the subject rather than immediately posting nonsense in the topic.
Since i see you posted before me that this is directed at you right? Read the OP, and think….maybe A-Net should upgrade their Rig . As if “You” could downgrade the game. I suggest you get some knowledge in reading comprehension.
Easiest way to deal with it would be IMO to make it so the second the server detects that it’s about to have a significant slowdown due to lots of skills going off at the same time, to just shut off all the heavy skill animations. Would this make it harder to tell what you’re being hit with? Yes, but if you guys want this fix, you may need to sacrifice knowing exactly what the hell is hitting you.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
It doesn’t benefit anyone, least of all a zerg.
I disagree in almost every case Ive of skill lage Ive been in. Let me explain it this way. Zerg A consists of 1 player and Zerg B consists of 7 players. The server cannot figure out what skills are being cast and randomly picks one. Zerg A has a 1 in 8 chance of casting a skill or attack and Zerg B has a 7 in 8 chance of casting a skill or attack. Essentially this is the case in every SMC skill lag fight. The zerg with the largest numbers gets a bigger roll at doing the most damage and usually does. The only exception is when there are 3 zergs involved, but even then the results are often the same. Skill lag punishes skilled play and rewards zerging.
If they did this, maybe people would move to less populated servers just so they could queue.
It could help balance the population a bit.
Add additional maps when the WvW pop exceeds a certain limit.
A wild bonus map has appeared.
Like an overflow map for people waiting in queue.
Since i see you posted before me that this is directed at you right? Read the OP, and think….maybe A-Net should upgrade their Rig
. As if “You” could downgrade the game. I suggest you get some knowledge in reading comprehension.
Knowledge in reading comprehension? Anyone who’d look at that post would think you’re suggestions for players to upgrade their rigs instead of A-net ‘downgrading their game’ by reducing the number of players on every map. Maybe it’s the way you’re phrasing things that’s the problem rather than my reading abilities. If you mean Arenanet, call them by their name, using ‘your rigs’ seems to be referring to anyone replying in the topic before you.
You solve skill lag by fixing/upgrading the server, not reducing player cap. WvW is supposed to be large scale pvp.
Since i see you posted before me that this is directed at you right? Read the OP, and think….maybe A-Net should upgrade their Rig
. As if “You” could downgrade the game. I suggest you get some knowledge in reading comprehension.
Knowledge in reading comprehension? Anyone who’d look at that post would think you’re suggestions for players to upgrade their rigs instead of A-net ‘downgrading their game’ by reducing the number of players on every map. Maybe it’s the way you’re phrasing things that’s the problem rather than my reading abilities. If you mean Arenanet, call them by their name, using ‘your rigs’ seems to be referring to anyone replying in the topic before you.
I thought it was fairly obvious he was trying to save face and making BS up. He genuinely thought the lag was client-side. As do some woefully ignorant people are in this thread. Eeep.
Triple zerg fights rely on who has the most people with potent auto-skills. I realized that after switching from Mesmer GS to Guardian Staff. It’s a shame that it devolves into, "Okay, which character has the easies “1” skill I can spam?" More over it’s kind of sad when you’re in a situation where you know for a fact your face should be a nasty smear on the floor but it’s not because no one can cast on you. I love my ’zerker Mesmer in the middle of two enemy zergs and not dying.
I thought two zergs was bad until I experienced my first triple zerg. It just killed the game for me after my amusement at not dying because of a “lag shield” finally diminished.
(edited by UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420)
I could be wrong but it seems to me the dc / lag problem started right after the last patch. Apparently they screwed something up. It is making it so I dont even wanna play wvw anymore and thats pretty much all I do on this game.
I found maps are queued mostly on reset time, not usually during the week.
Note that not everyone going into WvW map is there to play WvW. There are also a good number of pve people making use of WvW map for short travel to LA, access storage, crafting, etc. So lowering queue cap will actually prevent the real WvW players from playing because they cannot enter map as often. :P
It’s not the pve people’s fault to take advantage of what the convenience the WvW map is offering. It’s only natural people play efficiently once they learn tricks for any game.
Worst ideas in terms of skill lag: EB and SM. At least in the lower tiers, both of these (respectively) funnel the numbers that produce the lag. (EB is the map of choice, SM is the point of choice, therefore the place where we have seen the lag the most frequent has been at SM)
Personally I like EB, less running and the aforementioned funneling of players makes it where the most action tends to happen.
But the way the maps/game is designed creates the problem, or rather creates a prime environment for the problem to occur.
(Disclaimer: I have no idea on how it is on the higher tiers, just stating from the perspective of the bottom half)
The server cannot figure out what skills are being cast and randomly picks one.
No. This is completely wrong.
You solve skill lag by fixing/upgrading the server, not reducing player cap. WvW is supposed to be large scale pvp.
Optimizing poorly written and designed code does wonders too.
The server cannot figure out what skills are being cast and randomly picks one.
No. This is completely wrong.
So elaborate…