Player name showing at all times

Player name showing at all times

in WvW

Posted by: Moric.8467


One problem i’ve encountered while playing WvW is that when you, as a single player, try to hide from a larger mob behind really large rocks, pieces of mountains, down hill, etc, they will still spot you, no becouse you show, but becouse over your caracter there is big red letters “Blah Blah Blah Invader”. This letting the larger mob spot you and kill you while you’re still proud over that you found such a awesome place to hide.
This feature is allways nice: that you can see the enemies and allies even if you don’t see them becouse of too many folks on the screen at the same time (you can still see the names).
I do not have a smart solution, or even a dumb solution to this matter, I just want to get it out here on the internet, as many people who aren’t beeing heard (not pointing fingers at anyone, just a general observation).

Player name showing at all times

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


In WvW, I found that scouting has its drawbacks. If you see more than one enemy who also sees you (very easy to do), you are already dead. In my case, it’s usually 5 or better and I last about 5.6 sec. Even popping my elixirs (B and C) only help a little. Mostly, I think, because immobility/stun/cripple + stack upon stack of negative effects + warrior’s greatsword attack = wipe. At least this has been my experience.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Player name showing at all times

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Problem is, without the name plates certain races (asura) would be able to hide very easily, while playing other races would be a hinderance. It has to be balanced, and the name plates do that.

It’s too bad though, because hiding and scouting would be fun.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

Player name showing at all times

in WvW

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Hitbox is and always should stay the same size no matter the size.

you want to scout, send out the right classes like thieves and mesmers.

There is NO advantage to racial size for hitboxes and that makes 100% sense

Player name showing at all times

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


i’ve always been a very big supporter of environmental stealth, instead of needing to rely on mechanical stealth. i’ve done a great deal of studying on the topic, i’ve even taught lessons on it. as such, i know that there is a solution possible, whether it would ever actually be available is rather doubtful. people tend to rely too much on buttons.

the solution, however, is a “ghosting” option. allow players to turn off the giant neon sign over their head, to stop the chat spam via their emotes, and to not be targeted by by someone simply elbow dropping tab. to keep this balanced, allow mouse clicking to still target them, allow this to only be possible when they’re out of combat, and allow anything that would put them into combat remove the ghosting ability. then have the ghosting ability go on a relatively long cooldown. 5 minutes seems like a good length of time. they could even be set to take 50% extra damage while “ghosted”, so that if they are spotted, they’re an easy kill.

without a doubt, however, people will cry about something like this if it were ever implemented, because as these and other MMO forums show, people will cry about pretty much everything.