(edited by Iblon.3582)
Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)
Beyond game breaking, I’m sick of doing WvW because I’m dying and losing currency due to not even having a fair shot at surviving. I thought this was the best start to a game since, well, ever! But at this point this is my all time worse release to a game I’ve ever witnessed hands down.
You cannot do PvE without being punished
You cannot do WvW without being punished
You cannot even do dungeons without getting pimp slapped.
Maybe it’s time to fix actual issues and test them before you make them worse.
Ilumn aftertaste anyone?
I keep thinking that WvW will suffer the same fate.
Cloud.7613 , let me ghuess, you running full bers set of items and crying about surviving now? And btw you get much more funds from 3W than you lose if you die, all those mats, whites, blues, bags etc. ofc if you killing someone, and those point caps give good amount of silver too. So you really doing smth wrong.
(edited by Bubasparks.7829)
Cloud.7613 , let me ghuess, you running full bers set of items and crying about surviving now? And btw you get much more funds from 3W than you lose if you die, all those mats, whites, blues, bags etc. ofc if you killing someone, and those point caps give good amount of silver too. So you really doing smth wrong.
LOL for starters, I’m richer then you, better geared and I’m very sure I have more WvW accomplishments right now so moving on from that, It was an example of how game breaking this is, you’re probably one of the players who actually benefit from this, let me guess, a thief? But no really, please don’t even respond to forum posts till you understand the issues at hand.
When i read game dev posts.. i was like.. “lol”
Ho how they deploying patch without testing it?
Make some PTS, come on. Ahh nvm, people will eat it anyway.
A decent portion of my guild stopped playing in WvW. Without a good RvR sysytem, I fear it could lead us to other games soon.
I’d like an update on this. Fine, you’re working on it, but we haven’t heard anything about this issue for a couple of days now. I’ll forgive mistakes, most people will, but lack of communication, that’s a problem.
this game have a serius rvr problems, too many lag issues and various imbalances. I m here only for WvWvW, like daoc, i hate spvp.
(edited by Sarnind.4053)
Update? Silly end user, anet doesn’t give updates, that would imply they care.
LOL for starters, I’m richer then you, better geared and I’m very sure I have more WvW accomplishments right now so moving on from that, It was an example of how game breaking this is, you’re probably one of the players who actually benefit from this, let me guess, a thief? But no really, please don’t even respond to forum posts till you understand the issues at hand.
You can be better geared only if you have legendary weapons And no, I’m not Thief. I understand the issue with invisible players, i had bad experience with that yesturday, but its not a reason to come here and bash the game. Noone force you to join WWW while it has this game braking problem. Just w8 till problem solved. Its not like you losing time you paid for in p2p games.
At this point WvW needs to be taken down until you can fix this issue.
Sadly, my entire guild left wv3 last night because it just isn’t playable in the current state.
Any ETA on a fix?
Same thing happening here. It wasn’t happening previous to the last patch (even while others were having a similar issue).
Looks like a client issue. It has nothing to do with server reporting. The players are reported and displayed in the game but no sprites or models are rendered for them.
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos
Only reason why i play tis game is WvWvW and now its kittened up tis invisible bug ><
I only play for WvW. And its close to unplayable.
Any fix inc?
I’m having issues with this all too. I usually had no problems rendering when others did, but this recent patch has brought me down to other people’s levels, and I now find myself throwing what AOEs I have into an area that I think enemies are in.
what up anet
I thank the gods that Dishonored is already out, maybe they will fix this problem before i finish that game, because WvW is basicaly the only thing i do in GW2 and getting ganked by a group of 50 ppl when i was suposedly all alone isn’t fun.
Actually, it’s gotten worst. As I’m fighting thieve’s in particular now, they seem to have perma invis. I timed on of them and he was invis for a very very long time(over a minute). Then guess what? I get shot through a big kitten mountain and the ground. You can see his shots coming through the god kitten walls as if they weren’t there. Also NO he did not just play well and have invis timing down, I even cloaked myself 2 times and teleported (Mesmer) yet he still shot me wherever I appeared instantly.
LOL for starters, I’m richer then you, better geared and I’m very sure I have more WvW accomplishments right now so moving on from that, It was an example of how game breaking this is, you’re probably one of the players who actually benefit from this, let me guess, a thief? But no really, please don’t even respond to forum posts till you understand the issues at hand.
You can be better geared only if you have legendary weapons
And no, I’m not Thief. I understand the issue with invisible players, i had bad experience with that yesturday, but its not a reason to come here and bash the game. Noone force you to join WWW while it has this game braking problem. Just w8 till problem solved. Its not like you losing time you paid for in p2p games.
While nobody ‘forced’ people to join WvW it is the main reason some of us play this game because this game promised WvW.
And if the game suddenly can’t support what it was supposed to – people will bash it. Even if it is ‘free to play’.
So while it’s good to have patience, the game is still now broken for many people and exactly because it’s ‘free to play’ there’s not the same attachment to the game as if you were stuck on a 6 month sub plan; and so if something else pulls you away – chances are many will then stay away, like in all the other MMOs before it.
The fix can only come too late and I must admit that I was looking for a bit more feedback/communication from ANet regarding this.
Last night I was dissed and spiked without ever seeing the guy who killed me. I don’t even know what he looked like or what class he was or what he was hitting me with. I was just taking damage and firing wildly in every direction. Finally, once I was disabled, the trap I laid down was triggered and I saw a damage number but he never showed up.
So much for them not seeing us too, I guess.
The thing is, this may be a memory leak issue. I noticed the problem get worse and worse over the course of the night until, finally, I couldn’t see anyone; friends, enemies, or NPCs. When I began the night, I wasn’t having any problems….beyond the whole limited distance thing, that is, which I still abhor.
The fix can only come too late and I must admit that I was looking for a bit more feedback/communication from ANet regarding this.
Honestly I am (more or less) content with the amount of communication and feedback they’ve given us. I don’t need a daily update telling me nothing has changed and they are still working on it. The unfortunate part is that I don’t think they took it too seriously until now. This bug has been in the game since day 1 but it hasn’t been so bad that they needed to address it immediately…or else!
Whatever fix they attempted to make made it a catastrophic game-breaking issue. If this get’s them to finally fix the whole shebang, I’ll be happy it got worse :-)
[CO] Cryptic Omen
(edited by Judas.5432)
ArenaNet, next time a patch completely fubars the game can you please please please roll it back immediately until the problem is resolved?!
A rollback at this point presents a lot of challenges for them. Because of the amount of features and other fixes that went into the Oct. 7 patch, it isn’t realistic for them to just roll back the entire thing.
So to roll back just part, they’d have to first identify the changes that are likely causing this new behavior, which sounds easy but isn’t always easy, then they’d have to roll those back and thoroughly test the whole thing to verify that (a) the problem really is gone, and (b) they didn’t introduce new problems, which can happen when you’re talking about using bits of code / assets from different times. This all assumes that none of the new features / changes depend on the actual changes being rolled back.
In cases like this it’s often easier to just plow forward and fix the problem than it is to frankenstein up a new build. It’s not a good situation to be in though, and this is why it’s common to make separate patches for features & improvements versus performance / under-the-hood type changes.
It’s also why potentially high-risk changes are best patched in their own patch, so that you can just revert the entire thing back to a known and tested build if something does go horribly wrong. This of course assumes that there is a process in place that can reliably assess the risk of changes being made.
Note that I am not trying to make excuses for ANet on this one, it should never have gone out this busted and now it’s taking too long to address.
Also had this bug a few times since the last patch.
happend to a friend(Oct 9 in WvW),~2h no problems then in the middel of a keep raid everyone gone invisible for him(exept me,guild+grp member)
relog fixed it for him(full game restart)
It’s seriously unacceptable that this hasn’t been addressed. Then again, they have our money already, so no rush.
Okey, just played this afternoon (still acceptable) And now. (See screens)
Seems this is becomming a major problem, things realy getting worse by the day when Primetime. Was it yesterday invicible zergs with name tags. Today it is nothing at all.
Picture 1 rezzing my imaginary friend.
Picture 2 Dead by air. (no ep, lets say no nothing at all, except the repair bill for the ? time)
Picture 3 Hurry need an upgrade? huh! (stood there for 15 minutes)
Picture 4 My favorite these days, guys!! Where is the action I see arrows, fireballs but realy where are you guys!!
So by having a bit fun with this I can amuse myself still. But Anet > please keep your customers (your paycheck so to say) informed of the progress and expected release of a hotfix. The way it goes now GW2 will lose all the credit it build up from the beginning.
Sincirely A pure WvW player
Had this problem even before the patch… the patch just made it worse
Only way I can know someone is around is just tabbing like mad and looking for the red arrow ;(
Only started happening after the recent patch.
I have the same issue. Something is however interresting:
I have the skill which reduce the damage and trigger the smoke when falling down.
After half an hour, every foes became invisible, then, few minutes later,
I became invisible too (I mean no texture).
few minutes later, I fall down and auto trigger the smoke, then all my textures came back instantly.
It was like a changing status had reset the texture correctly…
i’ve been face stompped into the ground while standing alone and not had a clue what killed me 10 secs later i see the backs of 30+ enemy walking away.
frankly no responce from anet will be good enough untill it is fixed.
i had to pay 65s in repairs and mostly for deaths i couldn’t even see coming, why should i pay anything if i can’t even see what is killing me.
game went from being fun to just plain annoying.
i’m done with pvp in guild wars untill it is fixed pointless waste of energy and time right now.
There is a technical issue within the rendering engine beyond just “culling”. ANet needs to fix their kitten ASAP before comparisons to SW:TOR begin emerging…
It’s impossible to take a defended position when NOONE can see anyone. It’s much easier for defenders to defend a garrison lord room because people have to be in the circle to cap, meanwhile invisible defenders rain down AOE death from unknown locations above or on the side.
A lot of people are taking days off here until they see a fix, it’s just too frustrating otherwise. Hopefully there’s some progress post made by A-net by WvW reset day or it’s going to be an absolute disaster.
My issue seemed to have resolved its self after i re-logged. Not sure if it will happen again. Hope not! :/
To those saying that they aren’t communicating, what do you expect the PR people to say? They’ve said they are working on it and all they can say past that is the same thing. If you’re curious, though, the WvW developers were in-game all of Monday and Tuesday, shouting to the whole map in WvW for people to explain their status. The people who need to be doing something are doing it. I can only hope they give us something tonight.
Now, looking at the problem and having gotten a few more days with it, I’d say its almost exactly like a bad memory leak. Its like they tried to iron out the memory usage (probably working on the culling without telling us about it) but ended up introducing a leak. I say this because I start the day (first hour of playing) seeing more than I remember seeing in the past be it in WvW or in PvE, but after an hour or one big zerg, I then see nothing. Its as if the game has not cleared out the stored information of past encounters and, when new ones pop up, has no idea what to do with and no where to put the information. The problem is made worse for the developer because its not a simple error that occurs consistently across all machines, everyone has had the problem at different times (as you can see in this very thread some people took a while to notice an issue). If this does fall down into a memory issue (and I think it will), I wouldn’t be surprised if their machines are running a very large amount of memory (why wouldn’t they be?) and as such testing for this would have been far outside the bounds of what anyone would have or could have expected. They likely fired up their tests as normal, simulated a few hundred connections and players, and tested it for an hour. Which, for their machine, probably wasn’t reaching the memory caps. But for you and me, who don’t have 32 gigs of RAM stashed away, this problem quickly appears in an hour or two or even less.
[Eon] – Blackgate
I would just like to say that this situation is bad. A lot of people came to this game just for the WvW and it is now completely borked and it has been borked for a lot of people in this way since launch. I thought the flyhack and orb hacking were bad enough, this is literally game breaking.
My machine has 16GB of RAM. And three SATA3 SSDs. And a Sparkle Calibre GTX580.
I see the problem within about 10 minutes.
Even if they are running with 32GB of RAM on their test systems (which, in the case of development systems might be the case, but definitely not in QA, where they’d want to test on a range of hardware approximating end-user systems), it would’ve shown up well within the test window you described, particularly if they bothered to simulate the majority of a map population in one area (akin to a zerg-on-zerg battle). Which they would, since that’s a typical worst-case scenario, and automated testing of this type wouldn’t just be compliance and functional, but also performance and stress testing of exactly this sort.
The problem might be as simple as: nobody watches the automated tests as they run; they just examine the numeric results (or pass-fail status) of the test results, which likely wouldn’t indicate a lack of character model rendering.
Still no fix. It is pretty annoying
My machine has 16GB of RAM. And three SATA3 SSDs. And a Sparkle Calibre GTX580.
I see the problem within about 10 minutes.
Therein lies the problem, its not consistent. I run this game, usually, on a paltry 4 GBs on a five year old Phenom II, and some old fashioned hard drives, and the problem was only particularly bad on Tuesday (I was borked from the moment I loaded into Frostgorge and the Claw). I was in WvW all of Monday night and the problem was not immediate, heck I didn’t even notice it (or start to) until our commander said something about it. Maybe, I had been walking by invisible hordes all that time… (but certainly the defense of Cliffside, which was an on going affair for over an hour, never had any loading issues aside from the usual culling). I don’t even remembering anyone complaining about the issue on Monday on our server until later into the night.
But anyway, just look at the posts in here. There’s no consistency to it aside from “eventually” or “after a while”, and all of it seems to wash out with a restart of the system. Seems like an almost textbook memory leak and differing machines will reach that limit at differing speeds.
I’m not defending Arena, they messed up (and they’ve messed up in the past with GW1 too…), but I can see how something like this can get missed in standard testing on a development machine.
[Eon] – Blackgate
of course it can get missed in testing, I think what bugs people is that it’s such a gamebreaking bug that it’s ruining the time’s when they do play.
my realm is now dead in wvw most transfered out, winning a supply camp is a bloody good day on my realm right now and trying to hold a tower is a blessing and thats on our own map.
we go out in a group and come across 40+ zerging us yet we only see 10-15 until it’s way to late, everyone says the same thing it’s not random it’s not like someone just didn’t notice the other 20+.
it’s not ruining the game it’s breaking it, less people go to wvw now at least on our realm and most are at their wits end with the other issues the game has as well.
if it was just a bugged skill point or 2 and the odd bugged quest then do you think it would be gamebreaking? this is a major feature and one of the reasons many got the game and it’s not working.
Is this going to be fixed soon? especially before the next matchup? Just roll back everything you tried to fix since couple days ago.
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie
Hey everyone, I wrote a letter to ANet regarding this issue. I know this is an already existing thread but if we could continue to bump both of these. I think a lot of us think that this is a huge issue and want it resolved promptly.
Would appreciate the help and support
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)
Maybe they should have an open beta server like WoW to test patches before releasing them, that way they have a huge sample of people playing at once, instead of whatever in-house testing they might be doing.
I don’t understand why WvWvW hasn’t been shut down until it’s fixed. It’s a joke at this point. I look forward to relaxing and playing this game after a long day of work, and now it has become as aggravating as being at work. The frustration level is 10/10. I realize that this may not be an easy fix, but the longer it goes on, the more player will just wash their hands of the game, and get involved in something else. I hope this gets resolved before the weekend.
Lil Bowpeep 80 Ranger
Urban Legends [UL] Sanctum of Rall
This wasn’t a problem in beta testing was it? Unless there was less players in beta. It almost seems like a bandwidth issue, but not sure.
Hi, this WvW invisible zerg’s and players is nothing new. It has been going on for a month, and this is the 20th forum post about it. Yes it is getting worse, and yes WvW is becoming almost unplayable and yes in several of the other posts Anet rep’s have made statments that they are looking into it. But I thought i would throw in my 2 cents worth anyway. The shear number of people complaining of this invisibility in WvW in game is staggering. And the statements that its not a client side issue seems spot on the money. My system is top of the line, I7 core, ATI 7970, 8 gigs Dual channel DDR3 Patriot matched gamer ram, and a hi end SSD. This system has played Rift and Tera both with out this “culling” issue during large fights. My system also has a 9 rating from Tom’s Hardware system test for playing GW2. I have attempted every setting adjustment in game graphic options, with my graphic card driver settings, and my over clocking utility to fix this “culling” issue with the amount of players loaded during fights, to no success. I know Anet is looking into this issue from the rep’s previous posts and I would like to thank them for doing that. I would like to ask if at all possible for there to be an update on the progress of this investigation so that we who are paying to play this game primarily for WvW can have some reassurance. Or maybe we the community can help with feedback. Thank you.
Whatever it is, just fix it. Or simply roll back the changes they did last patch.
I can grudgingly accept that culling will never go away but I cannot accept what is happening now. It is near unplayable and even effects PvE too.
This is really really impacting WvWvW on a whole. Zerg servers are fully exploiting it to gain ground knowing full well that no one can see them. It also is making people not even que.
My only thought is this is a two part problem: there is a mem leak for sure (restarting client to clear it proves this) and bandwith/servers are not up to par to handle larger amounts of players….
(edited by fixit.7189)
ANet, we need a response on what your teams are doing. People are getting progressively more frustrated with both the game and your company. I would say to nip this in the bud but it is already beyond that stage.
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)