Players switching servers to grief.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: Takato.4976


So when is this going to be relevant enough to get fixed ?

Players swapping servers, wasting supplies on plans in a worthless area to drain X keep of Y supply.

Players swapping servers to simply listen to conversations and hand over the information to their rightful server in order to get a huge advantage.

These things really need to stop, it’s dumb.

Remove the free transfers already so things stabilize a little more.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


you people are so incredibly paranoid. Deliberate griefing can be reported. It really seems like a majority of the time players using a supply in a keep just sets people into some kind of x-files conspiracy rant.

Big brother isnt watching.

There are no spies.

People wanted to get exp for repairing a wall / arrow cart / whatever. Relax.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


you people are so incredibly paranoid. Deliberate griefing can be reported. It really seems like a majority of the time players using a supply in a keep just sets people into some kind of x-files conspiracy rant.

Big brother isnt watching.

There are no spies.

People wanted to get exp for repairing a wall / arrow cart / whatever. Relax.

hacking must not be happening either.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Players should always be able to transfer freely to servers of their choosing. This provides a much nicer experience (although perhaps a less financially successful one for ANet). So considering that I think a more elegant solution would be a temporary restriction of WvW access upon a server switch.

It also seems to me that griefers who mass pointless siege often haven’t transferred anyway.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
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Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Players should always be able to transfer freely to servers of their choosing. This provides a much nicer experience (although perhaps a less financially successful one for ANet). So considering that I think a more elegant solution would be a temporary restriction of WvW access upon a server switch.

It also seems to me that griefers who mass pointless siege often haven’t transferred anyway.

I’m fine with making it free with a 3 month cool-down.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: Papyrus.5276


Please stop asking for a higher free server transfer cooldown which is punishing many PVE-players with friends scattered across the servers. Ask for a temporary WvW restriction after changing a server for X days instead. It’s much more elegant as it is minimally invasive.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: Kitrick.1967


Server transfer should be once a month. “Friends scattered across the servers” is a BS excuse, if you are a guild or friends then you should preplan it, and it should be remedied by a one time switch easily. I doubt you need to do it once every day unless you decide to leapfrog through the servers alphabetically for no good reason till you hit your friends server.

Make people feel like they belong somewhere, give them a sense of having a home server worth fighting for. No one cares about orbs and castles if they can just switch tomorrow when they are losing.

It’s bad enough I can’t see the names of people I’m fighting, nor them I.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: nikko.1908


The biggest Zergs are the ones you can’t see, thanks to the new patch…

Scarr Lionstride
Mortis Umbra (MU)
charr necros ftw

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Please stop asking for a higher free server transfer cooldown which is punishing many PVE-players with friends scattered across the servers. Ask for a temporary WvW restriction after changing a server for X days instead. It’s much more elegant as it is minimally invasive.

Doesn’t punish them.

Clearly if you can’t all transfer to one server together you have another issue all together.

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: Papyrus.5276



Doesn’t punish them.
Clearly if you can’t all transfer to one server together you have another issue all together.

I’ll explain to you how non-WvW players would be punished by an even higher free server transfer CD: There are people out there with multiple circles of friends/communities across different servers. And this isn’t really their fault, as different communities have picked different servers etc. Or are you saying every community in the world should pick the same server?

The underlying problem is guesting not being active yet. If it were, nobody would have a problem with a higher transfer cooldown or paying gems for it.

Also, explain to me why this solution would not solve exactly the same issue with WvW as the higher server transfer cooldown?

Players switching servers to grief.

in WvW

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Easy solution, take the PvE elements completely out of W3 – restrict player transfers to once a month – remove achievements (been there, done that) from W3. Add in a system that detects hacks, patch all exploits and then W3 will be playable.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
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