Plead for help.

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Boomheadshot.7054


I dont have a level 80 yet, I like wvw. Problem is, level 80>>>>>>>low level in wvw. Even stacking power and crit i hit like a wet noodle, and if i stack vit/toughness so i dont die to arrow carts or players in .3 seconds i hit like a soft breeze in spring time. I feel useless. like im just taking up someone elses spot that could contribute more to the team. Am I doing something wrong? Ive tried bunches of classes. I upgrade gear at every level tier with full runes and sigils etc. Im doing my combos right (in my eyes.) Like my thief. 12k hp. I pop CnD Assassins signet and steal then backstab for like 1200 LOL then i run away and hope i dont die. I play warrior stacked with 29K hp and full toughness/vitality gear, but get bursted down by thieves in like oh i dont know 5 seconds. Does anyone have any advice as to what the hell to do. Other than the obvious shut up and level. I would rather avoid pve as much as possible.

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459



As a solo PUG (or a PUG zerg) you will get overrun by others. I (as a full exotic 80) take our guildie lowbies out and get them some badges in small skirmishes. A group of 5 can run away from large zergs, but can do a lot of damage in small run ins.

If you are only concentrating on dominating in WvW, then shut up, lvl and farm.

If you want to have fun in WvW, then find a group of people/guild who you can roam with until you lvl up to 80.

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Boomheadshot.7054


I do play with a guild but at the same time I see other people doing stuff that makes my jaw drop, I cant even come close to the dmg output. Its frustrating as hell.

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


there are things that need to be done in wvw that any level can help, building sieges, running the sieges in times of defense. being a scout for zergs and informing your map where the zergs are so they can respond quickly, taking out yaks, repairing walls while your level 80’s fend off zergs, keeping an eye on the map and letting your server know when important locations have been capped and suggesting strategies.. ….all these are important things to do that is not the best job for a level 80 who is needed on the battlefield. There are tons of things you can do while you level up to help your server immensely. Doing this will also train you to be a great leader as you play the support role and gain understanding of what is needed in battle when you get there.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


Less frustration and more research and learning. While we still have an exploit to see the other people’s IDs, sometimes I’d whisper the other side and kindly ask for their build or advice after they trash my face into the ground.

See how people play their awesome characters, how they build them and what gear they use and then you can judge it if it works for you or not. Only you on the receiving end know which build works or not.

Sometimes I get my jaw dropped as well and like I said, I am full exotic and a crap load of vit and toughness.

Don’t get angry and just research and see. Most people are more than happy to share their master pieces and get noticed for their builds.

A few times I rolled over a few invaders, got the same whisper back to ask for help. I msged them back and met in a quite place to practice on the battlefield to the downed stage.

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Kiado.9362


Don’t go in expecting so much. If you aren’t 80, you aren’t going to hit like an 80 with gear. That doesn’t mean you can’t contribute in the slightest. Run a “Support” build type which most classes are capable of doing. It helps you by you helping your teammates. If you have a Warrior, whip out your banners and slap them down as much as possible. I also tend to take on duties such as running supplies for repairs and things like that since I am not quite 80. This is a team sport, so work within the team and you will go farther. Find out if your server has a mumble or teamspeak. This helps spread knowledge and WvW learning to whole new levels.

Lujan Storm – Maguuma
The Pangolins Den [PANG]

Plead for help.

in WvW

Posted by: Brome.7036


Just buy some gold and craft. Takes 4 hours to get from 0-80