Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Seriously……killing 2 people 3 times each and having them res each other before I can get a stomp off each time is moronic..

There is no reason a single person should be able res someone faster then another person stomping them…No reason..sure..if you want to play the stupid system of giving everyone a res I can somewhat understand multiple people ressing someone..but 1 person? really?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


I lack skill and I am a PVEr coming to a pvp area and I expect to kitten! Don’t remove the downed system! That way me and my friends can zerg all day till wvw becomes even staler and people leave the game.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Or you can bring skills to help you deal with downstate.

Or use your wolf to fear them off of the res because your a ranger and rangers have that option.

Also after the first down, the second down cannot be ressed faster than a stomp without using a res utility.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


If you didn’t spike, you didn’t kill them

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I lack skill and I am a PVEr coming to a pvp area and I expect to kitten! Don’t remove the downed system! That way me and my friends can zerg all day till wvw becomes even staler and people leave the game.

That pretty much sums up the downsystem right there.

I can understand it in SPVP.. but in WvW…Gut it, hell remove it flat out.

Game already over rewards bad player zerging without an entire res system dedicated to it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I still never understand the complaints around this. I down people, and then I stomp them. What is the issue?

The only thing that needs to be changed is Eles in mist form. They should not be able to suicide outside of gates, and then be able to mist form back inside.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I still never understand the complaints around this. I down people, and then I stomp them. What is the issue?

The only thing that needs to be changed is Eles in mist form. They should not be able to suicide outside of gates, and then be able to mist form back inside.

The issue is anything past 1v1.

2v1 you’re not only outnumbered but you have to deal with a rez system that favors the person who’s outnumbering you.

I’ll use an example, if i’m fighting a Mesmer/Thief duo…I can down the Mesmer all day long, and the thief will run up and stealth him and res him..Nothing i can do will ever change that…Despite outplaying those 2 people..I cannot win because a system that caters to people having more then 1 automatically gives them the win.

If i go for the thief (which is never the best option, as he can simply stealth and run at any point) the mesmer can also Stealth him as well…..Not to mention the mechanics of their downed state also limits stomping capability. Its why its always better to just damage the thief, because the time you wasted downing him you could of just did damage instead.

Ele’s of course are powerful next to keeps of course…

If you don’t have stability you won’t be able to stomp some players before they’re ressed, and you can’t stop the person ressing if they have stability..I mean I can somewhat get it in SPVP, even though down system is actually NERFED in SPvP….but in World vs World.. where the only true display of skill is soloing and fighting greater odds..Rewarding the scrubs zerging even more is just silly.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


I strongly disagree
I am getting tired of people wanting to tailor WvW from themselves. Down State is fine in WvW. It might not be good for your lone ranger style of play but down state has diminishing returns if they are dying fast enough (which you are not doing from your post). Face it WvW is not a place to test your solo skill. You have lots of noobs kitten it around in WvW or players in zerg/group specs which fail vs roaming spec and because you come along and want to pwn them for your livestreams is not an respectable reason remove Down State.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I strongly disagree
I am getting tired of people wanting to tailor WvW from themselves. Down State is fine in WvW. It might not be good for your lone ranger style of play but down state has diminishing returns if they are dying fast enough (which you are not doing from your post). Face it WvW is not a place to test your solo skill. You have lots of noobs kitten it around in WvW or players in zerg/group specs which fail vs roaming spec and because you come along and want to pwn them for your livestreams is not an respectable reason remove Down State.

So you think rewarding a blob of bad players PVDing is much more acceptable..Not actually rewarding skill.

Also, I’m going to bring up the not killing fast enough, you realize that penalty goes away after a minute right….Oh wait..You no..
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


What needs to be changed with the Downed System is the fact that one person on your team dying has no cap on the amount of people they can rally on the opposite team. It’s very frustrating to have all of your efforts negated by one person dying.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Uttar.2341


What needs to be changed with the Downed System is the fact that one person on your team dying has no cap on the amount of people they can rally on the opposite team. It’s very frustrating to have all of your efforts negated by one person dying.

Bingo. While I’m not a fan of the downed system and wouldn’t shed any tears if it was removed, can we AT LEAST make it so that one death cannot rally more than one player?

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

Seriously……killing 2 people 3 times each and having them res each other before I can get a stomp off each time is moronic..

There is no reason a single person should be able res someone faster then another person stomping them…No reason..sure..if you want to play the stupid system of giving everyone a res I can somewhat understand multiple people ressing someone..but 1 person? really?

Why do you hate control so much? If you want to DPSDPSDPS maybe you should join a CoF1 speed run group instead of WvW.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


WvW is about the blob and players of all skill level. WvW is not balanced around 1 vs the world but a team effort. I am sorry you can’t finish off players fast enough but to removing a core mechanic for group play so the lone ranger in gimmie specs can roam around WvW all day. LOL!

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Sanny.1270


it really is the worst idea i have ever seen put into a mmo, let alone a mmo who claims pvp superiority over any other.

Second To God ~ 80 Warrior

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Seriously……killing 2 people 3 times each and having them res each other before I can get a stomp off each time is moronic..

There is no reason a single person should be able res someone faster then another person stomping them…No reason..sure..if you want to play the stupid system of giving everyone a res I can somewhat understand multiple people ressing someone..but 1 person? really?

Why do you hate control so much? If you want to DPSDPSDPS maybe you should join a CoF1 speed run group instead of WvW.

I have no problem with control…Giving you the ability to res in combat with no downside or hell.. even having to spec for it is pretty silly though, cause it leads to the current system of rewarding baddies outnumbering people.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


What needs to be changed with the Downed System is the fact that one person on your team dying has no cap on the amount of people they can rally on the opposite team. It’s very frustrating to have all of your efforts negated by one person dying.

how about that random animal that died that resses the guy you were about to down….that’s lovely.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


WvW is about the blob and players of all skill level. WvW is not balanced around 1 vs the world but a team effort. I am sorry you can’t finish off players fast enough but to removing a core mechanic for group play so the lone ranger in gimmie specs can roam around WvW all day. LOL!

WvW shouldn’t be balanced around 1v1 or 1vX, I didn’t say it should..

However rewarding the Blob with a res mechanic that favors them is pretty silly.

Here is how you know the downed system is bad in pvp, they nerfed it in SPVP.. where it honestly is akittens most balanced.

PS. i’m sorry you want to smash your head in the keyboard all day long spamming SB1 on people and think mechanics should be designed around that sort of player..I however think a PvP game should be designed around people who actually PVP..

Also before you say “I PvP” you don’t…..Zerging in this game isn’t was PVP in DAOC, it was PVP in Warhammer, hell it was PVP in rift.. this game though I can close my eyes… and spam 1 button.. and hit people long as i’m zerging.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


it really is the worst idea i have ever seen put into a mmo, let alone a mmo who claims pvp superiority over any other.

I’ve yet to meet a single person who’s play any other MMO’s to date and PvPed in them, think its good…

The only people i’ve met who think its great is PVD zerglings, and PVEers
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


I enjoy the down’d state.

What I don’t enjoy is once you stomp and get the kill, they can be rez’d.

THAT needs to be removed or add a “Death Timer” of 5 minutes, before they can be rez’d…. just enough time for the battle to end and the victor’s to rez thier dead before they move on ….

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


The only people i’ve met who think its great is PVD zerglings, and PVEers

Or… you know, actual PvPers:

But way to generalize based on anecdotal evidence to fit your bias. Where would the world be without such broad statements I wonder…

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Faulye.8357


I dont mind if they want to keep downstate, but change it to ‘’no skill while down’ if someone rez them its ok! BUT allow ppl to deathblow the player downed with a right click while standing at mellee range. Not a god kitten animation that takes forever

oO Vizunah Oo

(edited by Faulye.8357)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I just wish they would fix the ranger downed state. Unless you have multiple cooldowns up when he goes into downstate you can’t finish them because they can stun you and fear you and that’s all the time they need to res. In an evenly balanced fight with a ranger, you lose.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only people i’ve met who think its great is PVD zerglings, and PVEers

Or… you know, actual PvPers:

But way to generalize based on anecdotal evidence to fit your bias. Where would the world be without such broad statements I wonder…

You do know Downstate was nerfed in SPvP right?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


You do know Downstate was nerfed in SPvP right?

It was balanced (ish), which is not along any lines of “everyone hates it, it should be removed!”.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Breytes.6901


Getting rid of the downed state or the ability to rez anyone that has been stomped would gut group mechanics completely. There are no dedicated healers in this game to rez the fallen or top off health bars. There is a penalty to stopping to rez a downed player, it makes the rezzer unable to defend himself or attack the enemy this leaves him/her wide open to anything the attacker wants to do.

You as the attacker need to pace the fight so that you have either spike abilities off CD to complete the kill after your opponent gets downed, or utilities off CD to secure a stomp. That is part of the fight this is the mechanic that takes the place of having a pocket healer in other MMO’s.

I play WvW as better part of half of my game time and I run a very, VERY bunker guardian. I hit like a wet noodle and am slower to get to a battle than a snail in the depths of winter. While roaming or if I hook up with a small group or zerg I make certain to pace my stability CD just so I can secure a stomp or if not me my team mates can.

The point of the PvP in this game is to NOT allow instagibs to rule the battle field. You are not supposed to be able to roll up on someone and hit 3 buttons in 2 seconds and they have no chance to react. As it stands now you need to roll up hit 5 buttons in 8 seconds (depending on class you are and class you are facing) while making sure to retain enough resources for the kill, and that kill is the stomp.

This is chess, battle chess, or for you Harry Potter fans Wizards Chess. You and your opponent are meant to engage, feint, draw out your opponent into a mistake and then strike. There are a plethora of videos on youtube showcasing roamers both solo and small groups that put larger odds down and each video shows the same thing tactical use of your resources, proper amount of pressure applied to get the enemy incapacitated (downed) and then the reserves pulled out to secure the kills.

TLDR: L2P the system as it is presented. Do not play the system as you want it.

Breytes Rondoure 80 Guardian of the Blood Legion

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


Hey, I like the GS 1 skill! Evade on third swing its nice when I am rolling around in the blob getting loot bags. One day they will fix the skill lag so I can get my heal off.

Anyway, I like zerg battles and that is what WvWvW is about. The rally mechanic is interesting during big fights because if you dead complete you are going to rally the enemies in down state which can turned the tide of the fight. Downstate is a serious penaly in competitive tier zerg fighting which you don’t understand because you don’t zerg.

What I am saying is I don’t want WvW to be catered to roamers. They have there place in WvW but removing downstate would only catered to experienced roamers who are mainly fighting against noobs and zerglings (in zergling specs).

(edited by AydenStar.4216)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Yukabacera.2307


I have the feeling that this is more because ranger sword and pets suck at attacking stealthed players, thus being unable to attack stealthed rezzers as effectively as other classes can with melee autoattacks. Thief down state is normally favorable in 1vX because of its low damage, lack of CC, and ability to force longer than average rez times. Mesmers using mass invis to rez was just really unlucky on your part.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Getting rid of the downed state or the ability to rez anyone that has been stomped would gut group mechanics completely. There are no dedicated healers in this game to rez the fallen or top off health bars. There is a penalty to stopping to rez a downed player, it makes the rezzer unable to defend himself or attack the enemy this leaves him/her wide open to anything the attacker wants to do.

You as the attacker need to pace the fight so that you have either spike abilities off CD to complete the kill after your opponent gets downed, or utilities off CD to secure a stomp. That is part of the fight this is the mechanic that takes the place of having a pocket healer in other MMO’s.

I play WvW as better part of half of my game time and I run a very, VERY bunker guardian. I hit like a wet noodle and am slower to get to a battle than a snail in the depths of winter. While roaming or if I hook up with a small group or zerg I make certain to pace my stability CD just so I can secure a stomp or if not me my team mates can.

The point of the PvP in this game is to NOT allow instagibs to rule the battle field. You are not supposed to be able to roll up on someone and hit 3 buttons in 2 seconds and they have no chance to react. As it stands now you need to roll up hit 5 buttons in 8 seconds (depending on class you are and class you are facing) while making sure to retain enough resources for the kill, and that kill is the stomp.

This is chess, battle chess, or for you Harry Potter fans Wizards Chess. You and your opponent are meant to engage, feint, draw out your opponent into a mistake and then strike. There are a plethora of videos on youtube showcasing roamers both solo and small groups that put larger odds down and each video shows the same thing tactical use of your resources, proper amount of pressure applied to get the enemy incapacitated (downed) and then the reserves pulled out to secure the kills.

TLDR: L2P the system as it is presented. Do not play the system as you want it.

A. I have no problem with ressing, as in you res someone after the fight, or even abilities can res people in fight.

B. I do have a problem with random mobs rallying baddies, Random Zerging players ressing people, and in general just terrible players being bad, dying because they’re bad…but getting a get out of jail free card because they other baddies near them. I esp dislike any sort of mechanic that doesn’t actually reward doing well in PvP, but just simply outnumbering your opponent and relying on others to do PvP for you.

C. I don’t run an instagib build..I actually don’t think instagib builds should exist, But if you’re getting instagibbed in a fight its probably your fault more times then not…Either you’re glass cannon, or your positioning sucks, and you should die. I understand if you’ve never played DAOC, and know what positioning is, but trust me..Its important.

D. Most videos you see of people taking larger numbers come down to 2 things..The people not actually ressing people downed, or the other..the person is a Thief.

E. This is just a note, Rangers have access to 1 stability….Rampage as One, our elite… and you still won’t be able to stomp fast enough to get by 1 person ressing…So yea.

F. L2P would be what you tell all those people out there who rely on outnumbering their opponent, and then arguing against changing a system that rewards them for being bad at the game..which the downsystem does….Like you said though, you tend to zerg..So nerfing the down system would probably make it kitten you, might actually rely on player skill instead of numbers.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hey, I like the GS 1 skill! Evade on third swing its nice when I am rolling around in the blob getting loot bags. One day they will fix the skill lag so I can get my heal off.

Anyway, I like zerg battles and that is what WvWvW is about. The rally mechanic is interesting during big fights because if you dead complete you are going to rally the enemies in down state which can turned the tide of the fight. Downstate is a serious penaly in competitive tier zerg fighting which you don’t understand because you don’t zerg.

What I am saying is I don’t want WvW to be catered to roamers. They have there place in WvW but removing downstate would only catered to experienced roamers who are mainly fighting against noobs and zerglings (in zergling specs).

You want WvW to cater to people who zerg everything and don’t put any thought into how they play..gotcha.. ..The WoW generation has ruined MMO’s
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


You do know Downstate was nerfed in SPvP right?

It was balanced (ish), which is not along any lines of “everyone hates it, it should be removed!”.

Im fine with it staying in WvW, but it needs to be balanced. Try killing me on my ranger with less than about 3 players whilst in water. Its near impossible.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I have the feeling that this is more because ranger sword and pets suck at attacking stealthed players, thus being unable to attack stealthed rezzers as effectively as other classes can with melee autoattacks. Thief down state is normally favorable in 1vX because of its low damage, lack of CC, and ability to force longer than average rez times. Mesmers using mass invis to rez was just really unlucky on your part.

You can attack stealthed players as a ranger, but you do virtually no damage with it that would stop them from ressing.

You could maybe if you’re berserker gear ranger..but then you wouldn’t be solo at that point, instead you’d be humping the zerg talking about how great the down system is because random bunnies dying resses you cause you have bad positioning and the concept of prekiting is foreign to you.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You do know Downstate was nerfed in SPvP right?

It was balanced (ish), which is not along any lines of “everyone hates it, it should be removed!”.

Im fine with it staying in WvW, but it needs to be balanced. Try killing me on my ranger with less than about 3 players whilst in water. Its near impossible.

Yea, you’re not killing a ranger underwater solo.

need 3 people
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Yukabacera.2307


You can attack stealthed players as a ranger, but you do virtually no damage with it that would stop them from ressing.

You could maybe if you’re berserker gear ranger..but then you wouldn’t be solo at that point, instead you’d be humping the zerg talking about how great the down system is because random bunnies dying resses you cause you have bad positioning and the concept of prekiting is foreign to you.

That’s.. kind of what I meant, but not due to lack of raw damage. Ranger sword sends you flying everywhere hitting a stealthed player and pets cannot attack with a target. With your build in particular Bonfire (and pet f2 if applicable, but I’m not too familiar with all of them) is your only option for attacking downed stealthed players/rezzers, which doesn’t quite cut it alone. A berserker ranger would only do marginally better if they used greatsword.

Meanwhile most other classes would have had better tools in this situation. Like my engi could use supply crate, blowtorch, and toolkit autoattack without problems in this situation, and have 2 downed enemies coming out of stealth seconds later. A lot of stealth interaction with rangers, pets and sword autoattack in particular, need some adjusting.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Downed states are fine. I just stability and stomp people, no big deal. #Guardians

What bugs me more is that you can sit there dead and spy on everyone. While a good tactic it’s annoying too. They should set a timer on people dead. After about 2-3 minutes they get sent to the nearest waypoint.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


WvW is about small tactics teams and organized ZERGS! Thats how Anet wants it and so do I. Just buy a custom arena and have a kitten blast. WvW is a PvX environment where players can have an unique experience doing both. You want to test your skills doing 1vs (whatever) do spvp.

I understand that zerging is not for everyone but WvW is about PvD, its about small tactical teams, its about large tactical battles, and does not center around solo play. You accuse me of having a WoW mentality towards WvW? No! I want WvW to be the place it was meant to be and not this place where kitten gimmick specs that can kill 1vs many. What a joke….

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Lower the hp on downed + put a DR on extra ressers. Problem solved. Don’t know why they haven’t done either yet.

I also agree with shortening the time you’re able to just stay dead, but that’s minor imo.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Assyrian.4827


here is an idea from GW1.
every class in GW1 was able to rez using a skill but he needed to recharge that skill in order to use it again by killing a boss.
for WvW every time you enter, you can rez someone but in order to do that again you need to kill a player to recharge your rez ability.

(edited by Assyrian.4827)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Im fine with it staying in WvW, but it needs to be balanced. Try killing me on my ranger with less than about 3 players whilst in water. Its near impossible.

You’d have trouble killing a downed ranger (assuming wolf on rotation for kd/fear) on land too without stability/elixir s/mist form, but that’s how they are designed. The underwater issue is from a lack of finishers and should be rectified.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


WvW is about small tactics teams and organized ZERGS! Thats how Anet wants it and so do I. Just buy a custom arena and have a kitten blast. WvW is a PvX environment where players can have an unique experience doing both. You want to test your skills doing 1vs (whatever) do spvp.

I understand that zerging is not for everyone but WvW is about PvD, its about small tactical teams, its about large tactical battles, and does not center around solo play. You accuse me of having a WoW mentality towards WvW? No! I want WvW to be the place it was meant to be and not this place where kitten gimmick specs that can kill 1vs many. What a joke….

You’re the type of player that assumes WvW means Zerg vs Zerg..

WvW means just that… World vs World..It includes all forms of PvP, be it Zerging, small manning, solo ect ect…. Just like Realm vs Realm did in DAOC..

The difference between the two games is Anet over rewards the least skillful form of PVP in the game, and gives it virtually zero disadvantages…..Its why no one takes this game seriously anymore as a PvP game….Hell…things like the downsystem is why no one takes the game seriously as a Esport either….
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Xom.9264


Agree the speed of rez is far to fast and down state health is far to high.

Its gives greater numbers a even larger edge.

The second down within 20 seconds should be automatic death.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Yuhi Mortel.2609

Yuhi Mortel.2609

One kill, one rallie.
No more.
Actually, one kill = infinite rallie… so, zerg nobrain win.

But, rez vs stomp it’s ok. No suppose win 1 vs X easy.

(edited by Yuhi Mortel.2609)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


WvW is about the blob and players of all skill level. WvW is not balanced around 1 vs the world but a team effort. I am sorry you can’t finish off players fast enough but to removing a core mechanic for group play so the lone ranger in gimmie specs can roam around WvW all day. LOL!

It is not only a problem for solo roamers. It is also a HUGE problem for 10 people fighting 20, and so forth. Any type of outnumbered favors the zerg, therefore it is BAD and needs to be changed or removed. And the only reason to disagree with this is not because you are a team oriented player or any bull excuse like that, but because you are afraid better players might just beat your mindless zerg.

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


What needs to be changed with the Downed System is the fact that one person on your team dying has no cap on the amount of people they can rally on the opposite team. It’s very frustrating to have all of your efforts negated by one person dying.

how about that random animal that died that resses the guy you were about to down….that’s lovely.

Yeah, when there are animals around the group that gets downed first actually gets the upper hand, because they are the ones who will get ressed by the animals, the group that doesnt go down first wont have that luxury :P

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Down system is fine.

Rallying from random krait/skelk/deer etc isn’t fine.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


The downed system really hurts servers who are severely outmanned. Fighting 15v70 knowing anyone you down will just be instant res’d/rally’d is not fun. Mobs should not give rallies nor should 1 person dying rally more than 1 person.