Please Help Me Decide

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: SingleDoubt.6047


Guys (and fellow gals),
I’m sitting here trying to decide who to transfer to for WvW. I played PvE for quite a while before delving into WvW, and I’ve pretty much found my calling…only I’m on GoM, and I’m just feeling like I could have a better experience on a different server (as much as I have had good experiences on GoM—I just want MOAR). I love the constant change-up I seem to get on my current server, but I’m sure that with the new changes happening, this is going to go from not super active to completely dead. I’m ready to try a different server. I’m not exactly wanting one of the top three, though I probably guest to TC for PvE content more than I play anywhere else. Just looking for a different perspective to help me decide since my guild is all home-based with a few exceptions. I’d really like to get to a server where the battles are balls deep in back and forth bloodshed and excitement.

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Invest in Gems, then go to JQ.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Are you looking to pay gems for transfers? Or waiting for the free transfers coming soon to a handful of servers?

Going to any server in tier 2 would be a good move as you’ll be assured to be immersed in battles 24/7 when leagues start.
Tier 1 will be tough to transfer to soon. BG and JQ are already full, and TC will probably be full soon.
If you wait until March 18th, you can transfer to tier 5 for free (HoD, CD, NSP), which would be an upgrade from GoM.
Hard to say right now how many people will go to tier 5, but a safe bet it will be enough to push those tier 5 servers up to at least tier 4, even tier 3.
History has shown bandwagoners aren’t very loyal and tend to transfer again when the going gets tough, so what goes up usually comes down. Keep that in mind.

~Tarnished Coast~

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: SingleDoubt.6047


I’ve got transfer ready and waiting right now. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while for various reasons and not a decision I’ve made lightly as I did delete my characters to do it (with three level 80’s). I look at it like this: I’ve never made a transfer, so at this point in my game playing, I’ve realized what kinds of mistakes I’ve made in creation of characters and in playing them. I’ve guested to many servers and see the personality in each of them. I don’t feel my current server is quite the right fit for me for a lot of reasons when I’m in other servers. I’ve stuck it out here for a while now, so when I make this switch, I can assure you, I won’t be transferring again because I won’t spend the irl cash to do it, and I would never save the gold just to transfer either. I was one of those players starting out who said “Gate of Madness—that sounds kitten cool” without knowing what importance my server would play later on and have wanted to transfer for a while now.

Penguin—I actually have some friends on JQ, but it’s full most of the time I check it. As an aside, I’m on EST and play late at night/during the day when my kids are in school. I don’t know if it matters, but I’d hate to go to a server that isn’t active when I’d be on.

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Come to TC, we have lots of friendly people around, great commanders and a relaxed WvW community. Not that we aint taking WvW seriously, but we aint as “hardcore” as you may think we ought to be, given we are in T1

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Bucket Lips.5017

Bucket Lips.5017

I suggest coming to FA. This will help balance out T2 with Mags and SoS. In my opinion T2 is the best place to be for balanced game play, minimal lag and action most of the time.

Bucket Lips

Fort Aspenwood

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Stay in GoM, best chance for rewards (if you don’t want to pay for your transfer). After the league is over, then transfer.

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I suggest coming to FA. This will help balance out T2 with Mags and SoS. In my opinion T2 is the best place to be for balanced game play, minimal lag and action most of the time.

FA will actually get worse rewards during the season than GoM would. Unless FA tanks the next few weeks in order to rule silver league (they already have a history of doing that). Then, in that case, pay the 2400 gems (30 dollars, right?) to transfer.

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Ashadow.6874


I suggest coming to FA. This will help balance out T2 with Mags and SoS. In my opinion T2 is the best place to be for balanced game play, minimal lag and action most of the time.

FA will actually get worse rewards during the season than GoM would. Unless FA tanks the next few weeks in order to rule silver league (they already have a history of doing that). Then, in that case, pay the 2400 gems (30 dollars, right?) to transfer.

Not if all the bored WvW Guilds server transfer to the 13, 14 and 15th place servers when the Free Transfers go live and wreck FA’s face for tanking.

#SAB 2014 plx


Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Given that you say you play late at night and during the day in EST. I believe those correspond to the oceanic and european prime times rather than the normal NA prime times. In which case, I’d say you might want to go to tier 1 since there would never be any of the problems normally associated with tier 1 ie skill lagging and queues during those times. In addition, there is much less of the ghost capping prevalent in lower tiers since I believe all of the tier 1 servers have decent coverage during those off hours whereas I think in lower tiers, 1 server tends to dominate during off hours due to the lack of coverage of the other servers and subsequently no one wanting to oppose the dominant server even if they are awake. A few weeks ago I transferred to JQ after not playing the game for about a year and have had plenty of fun playing at all hours although I’m sure the other tier 1 servers are also fine.

If you do decide to go tier 1, then I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


There is always IoJ, and we will be in silver. (I think silver… What do I know, I’m a duo roamer…)
It’s pretty balanced at the moment to be honest.
Though, what are you looking for. More large scale battles? Zerg-a-lerg trains? Roaming?
You defiantly want to leave GoM though, that ship isn’t going anywhere pal.

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

(edited by bokkieskitten.8023)

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Last league doubled the WvW population on Gate of Madness. This league is going to boost us, not kill us.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

Gate of Madness

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

Go to HoD it’ll be free… save your gems for scarlet items in the trading post.

& take all your pve friends from gom w/ you.

i’d really like to see #gommernation stay consistent in wvw through content releases.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: serapheles.5409


I’ve only ever played on TC, and most of it has been rather recently, but from what I’ve gathered from others is that each tier is a bit different than the others, so large tier gaps mean the experience is quite different. If I was looking for a new server with WvW in mind, I would ask a couple people from each tier what WvW is like on their server (what the guilds and commanders are like, when people are active, frequency and depth of queues, et cetera) and try and find one that appealed to me beyond “we are doing well (and by extension you will too)”. Also, don’t dismiss a server’s PvE reputation (or anything else you find out about them), as it can be a helpful decider once you select a tier that appeals to you.

The Random Number Gods are nothing if not predictable.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Why transfer for PvE? Just guest.