Please don't fix what is not broken.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

I crawl the forums a lot, it’s easy to do from my mobile while doing other things. World vs World vs World has been a ton of fun and I see only potential for it to get better. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot suggestions by people who are losing to give them an edge, to fix the game because their losing must mean the game is broken. I would hate to see things go in a direction that rewards me more for losing than winning, because… at that point, why bother the relentless struggle to the top?

1. Night capping actually makes the game more fun for a lot of people. How? It’s not all that fun to run around a map you dominate for four hours, waiting for the enemy to get a supply camp to take. Night capping means there is an entire map’s worth of enemy points to capture, kill and otherwise raid.

2. Orbs. When losing, it sets a clear objective for the map. People complain about the winning server having all three orbs, but it’s been also as clear when the winning server with 3 orbs is attacked by two servers, they cannot adequately defend both fronts. The balancing mechanic is fine. Fixing this does not help the game overall, it helps those who refuse to work to win… or don’t know how to work with the other server without some sort of steady stream of communication.

3. Guards. It’s important to allow small guilds and people who aren’t looking to jump into a group of 50 to have something to do in WvWvW. NPCs are strong enough to give those small 5-man parties some annoyance but still have the ability to take a capture point, they don’t need to be buffed to fight off a zerg—- siege equipment and defenders can do this quite well. Cannons, arrow carts and ballistas can turn a team of 10 into a team of 30 in strength when defending.

TLDR; the game is fun, let it continue to be really fun.

(edited by Scorpio Shirica.1286)

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Hrist.8972


Really agree with the orbs. If they were not this powerful, there would be no point in fighting for them at all.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Enigo.3472



Having something to fight for sounds good. I’d say lets have Orbs on at a sliding rate. If a server is ahead by, let’s say 50k points, then the bonuses from Orbs is less for that server.

Orbs still provide enough of a buff for the winning server to want them, but helps losing servers even more, giving more incentive to get them.

Bottomline: As is, in a very close match WvW works and is fun. In a clear winner match, things need to be done to make things more interesting for everyone involved.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


I disagree on the orbs. I’m not saying remove them but their problem is they are a clear objective for the map. Thats the downside not any upside imo

I dont really understand 3. I can take a supply camp by myself as I am sure many other can too. The guards should get buffed up so it takes at least a group to take a supply camp right now getting a supply camp flipped by one person is kinda silly.
I have taken towers with 3 people granted not NA primetime but its been done

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


This sounds like an argument against somebody else’s suggestion and not a suggestion itself. In any case, Night capping makes the game unbalanced, should we punish night players? absolutely not. Should Anet step in and coordinate a method to balance the servers? Absolutely.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


I agree with the OP as well. The only issue with the orbs is the fly hacking and breaking the altars. That needs to be addressed.

Otherwise leave things as they are. When our server has lost it’s because we were outplayed. The older generations understand losing. Not everyone in life is a winner regardless of what the current public education and culture is attempting to tell you.

When your favorite football/baseball team is winning, should a one of your players be removed from the game to make it fair to the losing team? Of course not!

I get pretty tired of the “make things fair when were losing” threads.

I hate to break the news to you, but life isn’t “fair” either.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


My server steamrolled 2 other servers this week. They basically gave by Tuesday so I didn’t even bother to go play WvW the rest of this week. What’s the point of going to a battleground and fighting against nobody? The game should be better balanced to give servers falling way behind a fighting chance. It ruins the competition for everyone if there is nobody to fight against.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Unfortunately life is not black and white. Those are just your opinion on the topic. Myself personally I would rather keep things competitive rather then keep handicaps and advantages in pvp. Already have enough ways to gain the upper hand in WvW(Levels,Gear,Population). The more advantages/handicaps are allowed in a game mode reduce the value of having the individual player skill to compete. But this is also just a opinion based purely on very competitive ideals.

Dragonbrand Server

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


Remove the scoring. It can be hidden from the users and still used to match servers, but don’t show scores. Just show territory held.

Bingo, people stop using the score as a factor in deciding to queue or not.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


I don’t believe many people are concerned about night capping, but rather the gigantic differences in population that occur throughout a day (whether that be night, midday, or morning makes no difference). There needs to be a mechanic that either balances populations or allows lower populated realms to adequately participate. As it stands, realms that do not have 24/7 full representation will lose to those that do. WvWvW success should not be based solely on population/representation.

The bonuses from orbs give too much of a bonus to an already winning side. I’ve been on both sides of having all three and none, and the difference is quite noticeable. There have been a number of alternatives suggested that would make orbs desirable and not overly detrimental to those without. I think they are nice addition to WvWvW (similar to DAoC’s relics), but they need to be properly adjusted.

Guards need to scale based on the size of defender/attacker ratio. Someone made a very nice post about “event” scaling. If guards were scaled properly, guards would be able to provide a challenge (serve their purpose) regardless of the size of the attacking force.

WvWvW has a lot of issues at the moment. Not everything is broken, but I fully expect Anet to make plenty of changes to the mechanics that are simply not playing out well now that thousands of people are in participating in WvWvW.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


OP, I hope you understand how many people are going to vehemently disagree with you. I am not one of them, I am 100% in agreement (especially the first 2 points), but the MMO player base is so used to dumbed down, over simplified, hand holding mechanics that we have what you see here, on these forums. Short sighted shallow players who insist that everything be made nice and neat for them rather than realize that the game is actually about them over coming these things themselves.

These forums make me very sad sometimes, not just for GW2, but for MMOs in general. Now I am beginning to see why it is so hard to make a good one. Thankfully, I still have Eve to play when the crying around here gets to be unbearable.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Tyrshar, in a way it is scaled, just not adjustable. Its not scaled to the amount of opponents in the area because that would be unfair to opponents. A supply camp is not a military point, its loggin, farming, etc. The amount of force brought to capture it has to come out of the personel budget of the attackers. The amount of defenders needed to defend a farm from an invading army should be roughly the same as the opposition. The point of guards is to prevent free caps. Guards, also provide an opportunity for upgrades to the point. This is investing supply and silver instead of manpower.

If you make them scale to opposition you change the dynamic of resource budgeting. All of a sudden camps become bunkers. 5 People shouldn’t be able to defend a supply camp against 30.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Kam.8109


Night capping is fine. And as they’ve said many times by now, ANet isn’t doing anything about it so might as well forget about it.

Orbs are OP. In a game where everyone is relatively equal, even a 1% bonus is huge. And orb bonus are higher than that. Coupled with the fact that the reason the winning server has all 3 orbs is usually because the population imbalance is in their favor… then you have an enemy that outnumbers you AND they have a huge bonus. They need to rework the orbs completely.

They could make it so the orbs are for score only. Or maybe you get the buff for having 1 orb, but capping other orbs doesn’t give you an additional buff, just takes away the buff from that orb’s server.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: BleedOrange.6073


Night capping is fine. And as they’ve said many times by now, ANet isn’t doing anything about it so might as well forget about it.

They literally said the opposite of that. What they DID say is that any fixes would be timezone agnostic, and would instead function off of the population differential at ANY point in time.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Gaslov.9164


I personally would like to see an increase in guard health and an icon indicating that a guard is under attack to give defenders time to react.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: nvidia.3765


I agree that new mechanics that reward people for losing is not a good thing, however, there is other ways of looking at it. For example, you say running around night capping is fun for those doing it. The only reason it is even possible to do in most cases is because one server has a higher population than the others. Having said that, I don’t think Anet should punish a server for having a high population. I new mechanic like increasing the value of the ounumbered buff MIGHT help with night capping.
As far as orbs go, I do think the current system is rewarding the highest population servers or put another way, is rewarding zerging. Again, I do not think it is appropriate to punish high population servers. A new mechanic to reset the orbs every few days would help with this I believe. Also, it will make things more dynamic even for the higher population server. I love when it is server reset time and you get a fresh start. How about a orb reset time that happens once every 2 or 3 days. That would be fun.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

I understand my opinions won’t be popular on the forums, at least not as far as the three in my original post. However, I did want a thread that wasn’t complaining or asking something to be fixed. Most those who agree with me are likely playing the game, or waiting for the match reset like me.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


Disagree with orbs and nightcapping. Don’t have a stance on the 3rd one. Orbs and nightcapping throw off the balance for some worlds, and really just ruin WvW. I’d just like to see some balance to keep things competitive and not give the winning world unstoppable momentum while crushing the morale of the losing worlds.

My world has gone from a mid-rank competitive world to a low-rank world where WvW is dead most of the day and people on my world would rather camp jumping puzzles than compete with our opponents.

(edited by neoxide.7320)

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Isila.2574


When the game decides its matchups using a relative ranking system (meaning the servers that get put together are of similar ‘skill’), and yet one team ends the week-long matchup with 3, 4, 5 times as much score as both of the other teams COMBINED, the system is flawed.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


When the game decides its matchups using a relative ranking system (meaning the servers that get put together are of similar ‘skill’), and yet one team ends the week-long matchup with 3, 4, 5 times as much score as both of the other teams COMBINED, the system is flawed.

Hence my proposal to eliminate the display of any scoring mechanics to the player base.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: Isila.2574


When the game decides its matchups using a relative ranking system (meaning the servers that get put together are of similar ‘skill’), and yet one team ends the week-long matchup with 3, 4, 5 times as much score as both of the other teams COMBINED, the system is flawed.

Hence my proposal to eliminate the display of any scoring mechanics to the player base.

Sweeping the problem under the rug doesn’t fix the problem.

Again, these is not cases of the best server in the world versus the worst server in the world. This is three servers that are relatively close in the overall scoring system, meaning they should be fairly close in relative skill level, yet one of them scores absurdly more than the other two. This is because WvW is broken. It needs to be fixed.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


And you don’t see the correlation between people checking the score and the number of people who queue on the losing servers?

I do. Others do.

Please don't fix what is not broken.

in WvW

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I guess you enjoy camping the losing teams spawn?