Please enlarge the WvW zones
I agree here, would love to see the maps bigger so that there is more of a roaming feel to it. As it stands now you run, hit tower, run, hit supply camp and then do it all over.
I would say no, cos the size was made to be perfect for 150 a side. Any bigger and they really have to tune A LOT of things, it’s not as simple as adding 50% more players = 50% bigger map too.
Sea of Sorrows
Its far far far from perfect, where did you come up with that lol?
Strange, why do people complain about run times so often if it’s too small.
I agree that GW2 WvW doesn’t have the same sense of epic scale to it that DAoC had. In many ways it’a more akin to Battlefield than RvR.
I think this is partially due to the relatively small map size and the dense concentration of objectives. I mean it takes about 1-2 minutes to travel between two objectives…..hardly an epic scale.
But worst of all I find the fact that WvW is drawn out across 4 “different” maps. That just totally undermines the sense of our server vs. the rest.
I really dont like 4 different maps eighter. A big continuus map would be 10x better but its too late for that i guess.
The EBG is nice in that it has a lot of objectives. 10-20 people can sneak behind enemy lines and take a tower. But Every tower/keep can siege any 2 (sometimes 3+) holding from within. It gives the map a very cramped feeling, you are constantly throwing rocks at your neighbors house from your bathroom window…
The Borderland maps… I like placement of holdings on the borderland maps, but I don’t like the terrain layout. The terrain forces a flow to the map for zergs. It’s Supply Camp -> Tower-> Keep. Every path you take, you will hit a supply Camp, then a tower, then a keep. It feels very “on rails” to me. It’s very difficult to sneak past enemy lines unnoticed because of how small the map is in conjunction with the flow of it.
A simple stretching of the map would do wonders for me personally. After playing in WvWvW for a couple weeks straight now, the maps feel very small and very cramped.
I wouldn’t mind larger maps.
I remember back DAoC going on scouting trips in the lakes.
Not really the room to do that here.
Agree, the maps are small. Some keeps overly big. Specially SMC. And the 3 copies of the same map for borderlands is outright boring. DAoC did alot better in this regard.
Its like Anet got extremely lazy when making the WvW zones.
Its like Anet got extremely lazy when making the WvW zones.
I wouldn’t call it lazy, but rather technical limitations.
For some reason, the GW2 engine can only display a limited number of things at once. Hence we have disconnected zones, each with its own loading screen, unlike WoW, which could load an entire continent at once.
The same applies to WvW. Considering the amount of detail, the size of the map was always going to be limited. They must have realized that this map-size wasn’t going to suffice for entertaining more than 100 or so players per fraction, so they added the Borderlands maps.
Also, more than other MMOs, GW2 requires a solid FPS and lag-free environment in order to be played correctly. Another reason to reduce the taxation of client systems to a bare minimum.
Capaturing a camp with 5 people is a much more efficient use of manpower than retaking said camp with 40 (the zerg).
While bigger might be nice I think the maps could simply be reshuffled to make better use of the entire area. The borderlands have massive amounts of wasted space. Make the home team portal area smaller and shove it in one of the northern corners. Shove the orb in the opposite corner and defend it better. Ditch the centaurs and skritts. Fill in the lake, now you have room to move around.
The borders are a very poor use of space. The entire northern section of the map is largely empty of fighting. Underwater fighting is not popular enough for people to want to utilize the lake for the amount of area it covers.
As for eb I think you could make it better by eliminating stonemist. that huge keep takes up an area which would make for a great no man’s land in the middle of the map. Even better just make eb into a ruin. Remove the doors take out all the npc’s and just let people fight in and around the castle.
I think the map should be enlarged and Guilds should have a waypoint to their keeps .. so it balances the size of the map and gives a fort that is 2 far from ur major waypoint more capable on defense
Its like Anet got extremely lazy when making the WvW zones.
I wouldn’t call it lazy, but rather technical limitations.
For some reason, the GW2 engine can only display a limited number of things at once. Hence we have disconnected zones, each with its own loading screen, unlike WoW, which could load an entire continent at once.
The same applies to WvW. Considering the amount of detail, the size of the map was always going to be limited. They must have realized that this map-size wasn’t going to suffice for entertaining more than 100 or so players per fraction, so they added the Borderlands maps.
Also, more than other MMOs, GW2 requires a solid FPS and lag-free environment in order to be played correctly. Another reason to reduce the taxation of client systems to a bare minimum.
I dont see it as a technical limitation. Other maps are bigger for example. And I actually want a reduction in size for some keeps. But maybe more towers/keeps added and more useful space around instead of mountains and such you only jump over.
Size is one of the reasons daoc never had as obvious a problem with one side dominating, even without caps on players in each zone.
Dying caused you to return to your own “borderland” if you released, so if one side began to push to take over everything, the further they got the longer it took for people to return to battle and they ended up facing two far away fronts against two realms, who had much shorter trips.
Combining the maps, and only being able to respawn at your borderland unless you have a keep with a waypoint might help. To get to other borderlands, the entrances/exits can be in eternal battlegrounds.
Perhaps only be able to add waypoints to keeps in your own borderland and Eternal, so that one dominate team cant get a foothold in both enemy borderlands and hold easily. The downside is obviously slightly longer run times but I think it would be worth it.
Even if they have to keep them as different zones and just add portals, it would feel a lot more like one large war instead of four different maps with their own disconnected battles. Portals would become a problem with things like camping though.
The main problem with combining the zones in such a way is that it will become very hard to push past eternal battlegrounds and into an enemies zones, so you would be fighting over the same area a lot more than now.
I believe Arenanet stated that the WvW maps are the largest maps possible.
Although I do agree it would have been nice to have more than, essentially, 2 WvW maps.
Eternal Battlegrounds is fun but it’s very dense. You can hit one structure with a trebuchet from another structure. It’s a good design but sometimes I’d like to get away from that into something a bit more sparse.
Borderlands are a bit more sparse but they’re very hilly. Again, it’s a good design but again, sometimes I’d like to get away from that into something with good space, but not so many annoying cliffs (and without a giant lake).
Basically I wish we had 4 different maps rather than 2.
Planetside launched with 10 maps, from icy cliffs to pleasant plains to swamp to jungle to blasted crater. All very large maps. Planetside had its faults but lack of map variety wasn’t one of them. I’d love to see more WvW maps here, to give us that same sense of variety.
A game that’s 100% WvW
Only defenders in their homeland should be the only ones to get ports to keeps. Everyone else should have to walk. Linked maps would be cool also.
I wish they would have made the maps bigger aswell, WvW is just a zergfest and the map size just reinforces it.
I think the size of the maps are fine, but as another posted mentioned, ArenaNet could make use of the vast empty land around the outside and push bases apart from one another.
It is kind of disappointing that battles rarely happen between locations. Rarely do two traveling armies encounter each other in the middle of an open area where there are no strategic points in the wide vicinity to defend or take.
The spawn areas could be much smaller too. Seems silly that they cover so much land when they’re not takeable.
Everyday I play I realize how bad this game is. What a disappointment.
:( queues for wvw lol. Bad bad bad.