Please just make it a log out timer.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Navzar.2938


WvW is the most d/c heavy area in the game (at least for me), and people are punished for it. A 10second log out timer would do the same job of stopping people from closing the client if they’re about to die in combat, but if they d/c or log out in a situation when they wouldn’t die, then there won’t be an extra penalty on top of having to queue up again and having to walk back. It’s stupid that you’ll get killed if you d/c while attacking a door with 50 people v 5, or storming a supply camp. I understand its only around 3s for warp and repair, but its just the concept of undeserved punishment that’s annoying. Log out timers have always worked fine in other games, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be a better solution here either.

…Besides, I d/c and die as often as I die in combat (maybe once a night for each), so it practically doubles my losses :p

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Catalin.5341


I agree. I remember in Lineage 2 if I quit the game then I was kept around for 30 more seconds and then logged out. All mmos have this. It needs to be in gw2 too.

EU Seafearer’s Rest, Guilds: [AR] [tD]
Catalin Puf (Human Elementalist)
Catalin Elf (Sylvari Thief)

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


NO. In every other MMO the logout timer gets exploited and will be even easier in GW2 (cuz u can get easier out of fight by running)…
I play WVW a lot since beta…and I dont have any D/C issues at all. Since release i got kicked maybe once or twice?
Clearly the problem lies on your side.
1. Kick WLAN out of the (RL^^) window… serious gamer dont use WLAN after all, guess why…

2. Do some Speed Test on your Inet connection.

3. Optimize your Network/Router connection (i.e. via TCP Optimizer)

4. Do some SpeedTest again

By default you mostly dont have the best connection with a “fresh” windows plus “not-quite-right-for-your-ISP” configured router…

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


NO. In every other MMO the logout timer gets exploited and will be even easier in GW2 (cuz u can get easier out of fight by running)…
I play WVW a lot since beta…and I dont have any D/C issues at all. Since release i got kicked maybe once or twice?
Clearly the problem lies on your side.
1. Kick WLAN out of the (RL^^) window… serious gamer dont use WLAN after all, guess why…

2. Do some Speed Test on your Inet connection.

3. Optimize your Network/Router connection (i.e. via TCP Optimizer)

4. Do some SpeedTest again

By default you mostly dont have the best connection with a “fresh” windows plus “not-quite-right-for-your-ISP” configured router…

I don’t get this, how would a timer make it easier ? typically if you move from the log out position the timer disables and you have to start all over. It would be rediculous to think they would add a log out timer that allows you to run away as it ticks down.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Also to note, run the game client as administrator, right click, run as…

some of the nightly d/c issues (on another thread), were resolved with the help of support in this manner. Many people, especially those d/c between maps in wvw but also just the d/c

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Elochai.1280


Its punishing you for having an inadequate computer, inadequate internet connection, or for not fixing your computer. Those are the only reasons anyone gets disconnected often.

Elochai Rendar 80 Warrior/Anskar Rendar 80 Necromancer/Rylea Rendar 80 Thief/Kento Rendar 80 Ranger

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Yeah and what about us who live in remote connections and it’s impossible to fix our internet connections because its the only one possibly available? Should I move just because of these features? I don’t think so; I think a timer would work perfectly.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Elochai.1280


You chose to live there. I have nothing against people living here or there. However, it was your choice to live there. Not everything runs well on a bad internet connection. That’s how it is.

Elochai Rendar 80 Warrior/Anskar Rendar 80 Necromancer/Rylea Rendar 80 Thief/Kento Rendar 80 Ranger

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Blame the kids that ruined it for you. Yeah, it sucks that you DC and die but it sucks even more to spend a few minutes fighting or hunting someone down only to have them log out.

Noobs scared of dying are why we can’t have nice things. God forbid you spend 3s on armor repair…

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Yeah it would suck even more to have people log out, but that’s why other games use a timer- it’d still solve the issue. How exactly do people exploit a log out timer?

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Eastevil.1534


You chose to live there. I have nothing against people living here or there. However, it was your choice to live there. Not everything runs well on a bad internet connection. That’s how it is.

lol i love this. Bad connection in gw2? WTB new RL location.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Erebus.7568


just do like eve online did, when you logof your char stays there for 10 sec, if it is attacked it stays there untill its not under attack for 10 sec, or dies, in which case it dies and is then logged of.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


once I decided to switch characters while in wvw, only to have a treb shot hit me at the exact second I clicked “character selection” :C

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I was having internet issues a while back and dc’ed during fights fairly regularly. Not fun compounding the frustration of a dc with repair costs. :|

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


What back alley internet providers are you people using? These aren’t the dial up days.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

The best way to deal with this is to completely remove armor repair costs, then there’s no reason to log out and no penalty for those with a bad or poorly performing connection such as satellite. Not everyone in the world lives in a big city or in a remote area where cable and telephone companies decide it’s cost effective to provide a high speed service to a few customers. In most cases, ISPs will not provide a high speed service to remote areas (that really aren’t that remote) unless there is a certain guaranteed positive profit to be made or where housing growth is predicted or in the works.

By removing armor repairs, the QQing thieves can get their usual useless rewards and maybe a badge or two for every 5-6 kills. Seriously, the rewards are pretty much useless and badges, at this point, are more or less inventory fillers since there’s no real good gear to spend them on.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1