Please make Proofs of Heroics Account Bound

Please make Proofs of Heroics Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: sirjarros.4107


The chest they come in are account bound. WxP is account wide. So the proofs should be too.

With the random amount of proofs in each chest we have no idea whether to save them or give them to your other characters. And we have no idea how many chests you need to open in order to have enough proofs to unlock your next elite spec item.

Worst of all, I foresee reaching a point where we’ve unlocked our entire elite spec line — all 400 hero points — and have a few proofs left in our bags, useless and wasteful, which by all rights — because WxP is account bound — should be usable on our alts. But they’re not.

Please make them account bound.

This would align Proofs 100% with the WxP mechanic, remove the current complexity, keep it simple, usable and reliable (actually be able to plan how much effort for how much gain) so that RNG doesn’t control our progress but that we do by our direct efforts.

Thanks for listening!

(edited by sirjarros.4107)

Please make Proofs of Heroics Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

You can but Superior siege blueprints with extra ones. Seems weird the chest is Account bound and the item is Soul bound.

In before they changed the chest to Soul bound :P

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Please make Proofs of Heroics Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I also agree with if we keep soulbound, the chest should give a set amount.

It is oddly hypocritical to suggest that one should work for something (okay, sure) but then make it so that the equal amount of work is rewarded unevenly, which defeats the purpose.

RNG can add excitement and flavor, but that only has value when you’re dealing with commodities that are intentionally scarce, like precursor drops. It could also be used to trick people into testing their luck making -Expected Value decisions because if they get lucky, they may continue to do it and lose out in the long run. But this aint poker here; I’m not here to trick bads into thinking they’re good so I can win a profit over them over 100,000 hands. But I don’t respect anyone for having a precursor drop because there was no work or skill involved beyond doing random actions. Furthermore, the random factor is very high (between 2-4), meaning two people could gain a wxp level, and one person gets rewarded twice as much. That doesn’t add any flavor; just frustration. If we take the average levels to be gained to be 150, and someone could take as many as 200, that’s 33% more effort karma training required!

My point is in this manner, RNG is the very antithesis of making people work for something by devaluing effort through random chance. And don’t give me “well, if you do 10 billion wxp levels it evens out” Imagine if a Maguuma skill point gave you 8-12 points, or if you had to do between 2-4 dailies to get dailies done. That’s just randomness for the sake of it. Don’t take this as an argument against RNG, but against RNG factors that make such a big difference when it really has no place to be.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Please make Proofs of Heroics Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: sirjarros.4107


oh cool. didn’t know we could buy supers with these. that’s great. thanks

still…..since WxP is account bound — and thus each rank point is usable by every single character on an account — the proof itself should be usable by any character. the point of the proof is to unlock hero points. not buy siege.