Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


It’s stupid, even now, on a friday night, everyone gives up and even stops queuing in. Nobody likes losing to sheer numbers walking out of their base to the slaughter. We have the outmanned buff right now at peak hours on a friday! It’s a joke how this server always has so many more poeple.

I’d like to enjoy WvW again, not step outside my spawn point to have a pointless slaughter of them pushing us back in there.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: LazyCanuck.4157


JQ is ranked #2 only behind HoD, its simply a matter of putting #1 against #2…there really isnt much else to be done about it. We dont really like it on SBI either but thats just how it is when you are the top 3 servers

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Well, its based on ranking, so being placed against a top server should be a good thing. You can always lose to drop down and make it easier but what fun is that!? You can always try a different map if you feel like you can’t get going in another, but I would advise to group up and get into some battles and have fun.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Haiku.2690


If you looked at the rankings that were posted, you’ll notice that Henge is up ahead alone, and then the servers after that are close together in twos rather than in threes.

Thus, the matches are alternating all the way down, with one server either pulling way ahead of the other two, or two servers being relatively equal with the third one getting stomped by both. Pretty much every match up is dealing with this right now.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


The ranking system is the glicko system which is similar to the ELO system if you aer familiar with that. At one point, my server (Blackgate) was constantly match against Henge and some other server as well. We kept getting rolled and people left the server, and now we’re dropped quite a few rankings. Not much else you can do.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Faeldan.8296


Last i looked JQ was 4th on the ranked list.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Faeldan.8296


Ok I was looking at last night listings my bad!

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


i don’t know why but this thread cracks me up bigtime

the top servers complaining of having to face each other?

come on man

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Faeldan.8296


they should put all the ranked 1’s against each other ranked 2 and so forth down the line. That way it will always be different.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


I’m only sick of henge, we’re ALWAYS outnumbered. It’s not even a battle. You step outside and you’re done.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Wait, how do we have the outmanned buff AND a queue???

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Velron.3729


The OP was made like 30 minutes before WvW rematches and the start of 1 week match.

Not unusual for WvW to become fairly empty in that time frame.

Now you’re trying to queue like 15-20 minutes AFTER reset. When everyone rushes to WvW the most.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

they should put all the ranked 1’s against each other ranked 2 and so forth down the line. That way it will always be different.

Isn’t being ranked 1 mean that you are #1 as in the top as in there can be no other #1 since you are the number 1 in the sense of being the first place and thus there can be no other first place since that breaks the entire fabric of reality?

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Faeldan.8296


I mean for after each match up ends and the new ranks come out. I know there can be only one true #1, but what I am saying is that for each 3 worlds there is a #1 at the end of it and move those into a formula that will match them against each other. If you use the formula of 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 again and again it should work out of putting the top slotted 1’s against each other the 2’s against each other and finally 3’s against each other. That way we will not always see HoD, SBI and JQ always fighting it against each other every other week. with that many in the formula it should work out.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Zizos.2058


Then you are talking about putting Henge against 4th and 7th place…That just seems like a blowout. If your server is #2, you should have the opportunity to take on the champion Henge. You shouldn’t get to face off against 5th and 8th place for a free win.

Tell your server to come in third place so you fall quicker in the rankings so you can take on some other servers. Every other server faces this problem every other matchup atm

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


Nothing you can do, hf, do jump puzzle, etc

I took an arrow to the knee

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Grace.6074


I agree it’s a bit ridiculous…#1 always creams #2 and 3, #4 always creams #5 and 6, and so on…but I don’t what they can do to solve it except maybe adding some kind of debuff for the top ranked team in each bracket or buff for the two that will inevitably lose.

Or if the HoD queues really are 4-8 hours a piece because the server is full…heck..split the server in half and make a new one or something. O.O

Aerre – Sylvari Elementalist

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: ageNtreachery.2164


Not much you can do about it OP except move server or ignore WvW for a week and hope to drop enough in the scoring system.
ELO rankings only work if there is heaps of people in them. When you have just a hand full of servers with major disparities between them it fails hard.
Your next week probably wont be much fun either as you will be doing to other servers what HoD do to you.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: maddbomber.2176


I played some wuv wuv this afternoon and I want to say it was JQ and SBI, anyway…. (I am an occasional HoD player).

Anyway in the JQ battleground we were pushed back to having only 1 tower and being attacked from both sides. It was like this for about an hour it seemed. We would keep retaking supply camps and pushing one server back and then having to push the other server back.

Edit: There was no Q during this time as it was a few hours before a match reset.

Short point there, HoD (not due to me, much) may be on top, but there is still great pvp to be had.

Second point, you got spawn camped? At all 3 exits from your camp? I’ve seen the front exit camped before, but I’ve not had issue in my limited experience slipping out one of the two side paths.

Last point, we were just having a conversation about how we always get matched against one of the same 3 servers… The same points were brought up, #1 vs 2, 3, 4; but….

I see your point. It is nice to face different people from time to time, but I don’t see a way to program this in.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I think its funny you are complaining about this because when we versed you, you guys sat outside our spawn point 24/7. Enjoy karma What goes around, comes around my friend.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


didnt knw they JQ did that too.. and now they are complaining

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: nysta.6713


i don’t know why but this thread cracks me up bigtime

the top servers complaining of having to face each other?

come on man

they want to fight the weaker teams so they can steamroll and claim great skillz.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


A challenge is quite a bit different from getting facerolled. We’re getting facerolled by an exploiting #1 server. I’m sorry you guys are on a server that have been facerolled as well. This shouldn’t happen. Every once in a while for matchmaking purposes yes, but not constantly like we are getting placed up against HoD.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Well Maybe JQ will get smart, and attack HoD when HoD is busy with SBI.
Then again, they’d rather attack SBI.
So go figure, SBI can’t take 2 servers, once JQ and HoD hit all of SBI, HoD turns and steamrolls JQ.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


How are you outnumbered > seems very strange to me – anyway in time the populations will sort themselves out – this is still the first month of the game… be patient.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Dekoi.1076


The Titan Alliance on HoD is complete overkill. They want to be competitive, but with 16 (yes SIXTEEN) big guilds from North America, South America, Europe and Oceanic, they have 24/7 coverage of WvW while the other servers have their downtime as they sleep, its just a faceroll.

The fact that they talk trash and pat themselves on their back on gw2guru forums is what is more annoying. Now all the servers they are defeating are losing their “fair weather” players because they are transferring over to HoD. I hope something changes to prevent this WvW monopoly.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


post screenshots where we talk trash please.

Do it.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Dekoi.1076


You realize half of those posts are deleted for derailing and trolling the threads. And if you think I’m going to take the time to go through all the threads, you’re crazy. I will admit that members from [SYN] haven’t been complete idiots on those forums though.

What’s going to suck is when server populations drop due to MOP hype and HoD is still gonna be rolling with Full population because there are just so many people wanting to get carried by the 16 guild faceroll. Send a guild or two to JQ and SI and make it competitive ;P

Oh and who were the tough guys in your Teamspeak saying they “need to teach Stormbluff a lesson.”?
What a joke!

(edited by Dekoi.1076)

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


Lot’s of times even in JQ teamspeak leaders will say teach them a lesson. It’s more in reference to when one side takes advantage of us while we’re assaulting another keep. So we say we’re going to teach them a lesson by taking our crap back.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Windtalker.2609


There has to be a population bug. Whoever is #1 or #4 has more players on the maps.

Until Anet looks into it and confirms there is not a pop bug, I will believe there is.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: aeroh.8930


There was a bug in beta that allowed players to circumvent the queue and population cap. It was supposedly fixed, but maybe not.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: DeLLy.1897


All I have to say that would POSSIBLY, not guaranteed, but POSSIBLY fix this is to disable free transfers to HoD. HoD is so full it is ridiculous. Doing this may cause people to transfers to ET, JQ, SI, BG, etc who need more coverage in certain areas.

Right now it seems the majority of transfers go to HoD because of all the winning, no one wants to be 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc…

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


to the best of my knowledge, 3 full guilds have xferred over to HoD since the ranking was released.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


It isnt the numbers it is the organization. SBI has numbers but organization sucks. HoD has guilds that can get in and then actually have enough people to do something. SBI has a bunch of mindless zerglings running around without a clue. So we lose stuff while HoD has groups just wasting people in the ‘right’ spots.

How SBI got so high in the rankings is a mystery, we really must have been facing some really empty servers, because the common sense on our server is zero.

Or they got so used to running around an empty map they never really learned how to play. Either way SBI is just full enough and just decent enough to stay in the top 3. When we go down and face the next group we totally bury them. So if guys are sick of queues and want to help some servers that could move up the charts the ones ranked from 4 to 6 or 7 would probably be good choices.

SBI has massive queues too, and even if there were to be some sort of organization those guys usually cant get in because of the no lifers who dont sleep and stand around in the citadel at the merchants all day. That probably goes on in other servers as well but it is pretty bad on SBI.

It will eventually get there but for now you have to take it and wait. I am sure HOD will lose people once they stop being able to get in whenever they want.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


which brings to mind, today we (SYN) took Quentin to ease the pressure off SM which was held by our militia. SBI dedicated about 40-50 players and quite a fair bit of resources (2 trebs, 3 catapults, 3 ballistas) to taking it back, and we kept it held for 30mins or so, even with 2 walls + gate down. it was a exciting battle on our end nonetheless, 15 vs 50ish, but we felt you guys ended up getting the short end of the stick tactically.


[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: maddbomber.2176


As a HoD player who occasionaly does PvP, organization maybe is what is missing?

When I log into a borderland on HoD, there is very little [T] speak. I would say someone posts something every 20-30 seconds.

What is posted, is typically 1 or 2 players who are saying things like, Guild 555, take Green supply back.

I’ll see, large force coming from behind, Ascalon Keep Northern Wall at 50%, 2 Trebs on north supply run.

I’ll see have we taken those treb’s out yet? No, 10% left we need another wave.

Granted, its not super organized, but the culture is there. Some random person is giving basic guidance on what needs to be done, and all the mindless zergers are following the direction.

I’ll still see after a wave clears the front of the keep the ‘leader’ will request a small force of the zerg go take back supply, and then the full zerg takes back the supply and has to come back to redefend the keep….

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Kezia.7836


I saw this thread listed elsewhere, pointing to how we (JQ) would prefer to beat up lesser skilled servers to feel better. I didn’t post there, because I’d have to make a new account, I’ve been a lurker and would hate to be called a troll. :P All new accounts are trolls, right?

Anyway, I would hope that people wouldn’t think some random person speaks for a whole server. Yes, some random guy wants the matchup to stop. Maybe even a few.. but most people don’t.

Even when HoD is beating us by a lot, it’s a learning experience, seeing things I might not think of, a chance to talk with guildies, offer suggestions, work on improving.

I played wow for many years ( don’t hold it against me ) I loved AV, but hated what it’d become, the zerg mentality. I learned that while I couldn’t control my whole team, no one listened and just wanted their free fail honor.. That I could take small victories. I could hold that tower, recap, at least slow the other team down.. if enough people were interested wipe them, use choke points.

The point is, even if you’re losing the overall war, there are still victories to be had, battles to be won. Those small victories add up. Not only in score but in hope. If people are ready to give up and stop queue’n.. GOOD. Stay out of my battle, I don’t want you in there. Someone is always going to be smarter, stronger, more determined, that doesn’t mean you give up and lay there. You fight, you get smarter, you grow and give it your best.

This is a battle. Fight to win, or get out so others can.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: DeLLy.1897


maddbomber if you did more pvp you’d see lots of organization. TA is very organized and tries to organize the HoD militia. Though TA does most of its organization inhouse or over teamspeak.

While I’m sure it lacks sometimes, there would be very little chance of HoD being undefeated if the server wasn’t coordinated.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: forever.6908


When a server is winning, more people will queue up for WvW, when a server is losing, less and less will queue. As simple as that. JQ has the numbers, but no organization. When against HoD, JQ people tend to get demoralized and eventually give up. When against #5, #6, JQ does very well and more people will queue to do those PvE stuff in WvW and have some fun stomping those other servers.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: forever.6908


maddbomber if you did more pvp you’d see lots of organization. TA is very organized and tries to organize the HoD militia. Though TA does most of its organization inhouse or over teamspeak.

While I’m sure it lacks sometimes, there would be very little chance of HoD being undefeated if the server wasn’t coordinated.

I’m pretty sure maddbomber meant organization was missing from other servers, not HoD. How TA can get majority of their members in each map and all in teamspeak totally amazes me. Yesterday the JQ public teamspeak channel has about 20 each in red and green borderlands and few to none in other two maps. I see many JQ players running solo and many first time WvW players asking basic questions like where to buy blueprints. JQ is ranked so high just because of numbers and player instincts with almost none organization. I would say JQ is less organized than both ET and SI.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Zelthios.5902


Jade Quarry crying about getting slaughtered? This is rich., Let me ask you something…how do you think we feel on Isle of Janthir when we constantly fight the loser from the top 3 match ups and have literally no chance.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Click.5123


HoD exploited in WvW the first few weeks, out-gearing and out-leveling most other servers.

They also have a huge alliance of 16+ guilds taking shifts 24/7.

Nobody wants to play against HoD… not even other zerg servers like JQ who are used to dominating other servers with overwhelming numbers.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Zelthios.5902


You’ll have a hard time finding sympathy from any of us JQ

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


love how bads toss the word “exploit” around so much.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Kezia.7836


Love how people come here, bash a whole server based on one person’s post.. Yes.. We all nominated him to speak for us. Thank you so much for respecting his opinion as the opinion of the whole server.. It makes you sound so wise when you speak.

rolls eyes It’s good to know that when whiners come out, they speak for your whole server too. Or when jerks ride your coat-tails.. and act like they’re the best in the world. That it means they speak for you and you’re all arrogant jerks..

I love how you guys feel the need to paint a whole server with a wide brush, by a couple posters. While there are a few who do the same to other servers, they are wrong too.

If TA was exploiting, with all the people saying it, whining about it.. don’t you think Anet would have banned them? Are people really that clueless? They used tactics that we might not like, or not have thought of.. but you know what that makes them?? Smart. Organized.

While I don’t like some of the jerk posters from HoD, I understand they don’t speak for the whole server. They don’t speak for TA, unless they have a TA tag. Stop whining about TA/HoD. They deserve to be first, when another server beats them, they will deserve to be first.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Hopefully as the game settles out a bit, servers will begin to realize that there is a reason its a three way battle, and the importance of that point. Work together with the other server.

~ AoN ~

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: bluescape.9176


It is rather funny to see people that want to get carried, roll from server to server. SBI won, and we went from heavy pop to full, now we’re getting hurt by HoD and they’re full we’re back to heavy. I’ve even seen people declare how they’ll be a better player by going to HoD as though you get better by fighting easier opponents rather than tougher ones. I’m sure Mike Tyson honed his skills on kindergartners.

Really though, IMO we’re fine in the talent department, that’s why we roll over other servers during peak times (although I have had a queue and then gotten in and gotten the “way outnumbered” buff, so there may be an issue there), but of course what we’re lacking is the organization that HoD simply has over us right now. Personally I like the challenge. Personally I’ve been running around looking at where good treb points might be, and my guild leaders have been looking into creating larger alliances. There is something to be said when I step into a WvW and see only two guild tags making up the entire HoD team. I’m looking forward to the upcoming battles and now that we’re not on 24 hour rotations, I’m actually willing to purchase keep upgrades and siege equipment again.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


i can attest to you guys buying siege equipment lol.
i just counter trebbed 16 of your trebs in the last hour.. WTF 16?!
you guys must really want Stonemist.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


i can attest to you guys buying siege equipment lol.
i just counter trebbed 16 of your trebs in the last hour.. WTF 16?!
you guys must really want Stonemist.

nice orbs you have too

I took an arrow to the knee

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


kitten bugs iam bugged in the forums delete this

I took an arrow to the knee