Pls bring back machup threads

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: Kenadas.9680


Why u removed them? Im pretty sure that the community needs threads where they can discuss the matchup even if they flame each other but in my opinion thats part of the WvW.So pls Anet bring back matchup threads.

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: XacTactX.6709


Not all the people on here made accounts, however most of the entertaining ones did.

Anet likely didn’t want to remove the armor stats entirely because…well,
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: Vyx.8607



Henge of Denravi – Denravi Alliance [DA]
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Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: kaltastic.3146


Why u removed them?

They gave a reason why they did it

Too much overhead to moderate toxic and abusive posters. Looking at the new w2www forums that replaced it I kind of see ANET’s position. Many of those match-up threads are just 20 pages of nerd rage and hate.

We share apocalyptic views, how comforting that we see it too.

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Why u removed them?

They gave a reason why they did it

Too much overhead to moderate toxic and abusive posters. Looking at the new w2www forums that replaced it I kind of see ANET’s position. Many of those match-up threads are just 20 pages of nerd rage and hate.

If they took the time to balance their gamemode, people wouldn’t be so hateful and full of rage. But that is too much work, so screw it.

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617



Entertaining? I guess that’s one word you could use….

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


They won’t bring them back despite the mistake of deleting that area. Open forums (even those filled with nerd rage) are a cornerstone of a healthy internet product. A moderator should move controversial topics to an opt-in area and ban hate speech, but censoring the forum-base for a product just makes a company look like obvious shills rather than an attentive upfront company.

A far better approach IMO is self regulation where members of the forum community are placed as moderators with the power to move a topic to a controversial area of the forum and community mods can nominate a player ban allowing company mods to enforce said action.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Hi Kenadas, most of us are now on the forum which have even been suggested by Anet.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: kaltastic.3146


The matchup threads were not about gameplay, balance or even ArenaNet themselves anymore than the replacement threads are about these things. This sub-forum only had one acceptable topic in the first place which was WvW matchups. Look through the match-up archives and point out some examples if you say otherwise.

ArenaNet was not stiffing open discussion about their product by closing the matchup sub-forum. Not saying that a heavy hand is used or not used in other forum sections but to use that argument in this case doesn’t make any sense.

We share apocalyptic views, how comforting that we see it too.

Pls bring back machup threads

in WvW

Posted by: Mark Katzbach

Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager

As was mentioned earlier in this thread, we have already given our reasons for removing matchup threads from the forum.

You can read about our forum changes here: