Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Basicly it is like the using the runnig around a corner with a loot of characters bug just to the max . While you can play around the other bug by doing a slow siege and tapping to see if you get a enemy into tap, this totaly breaks the encounters. You can spawn a hole zerg into the enemy and they won’t even see them till they unleashed all there AoE spells.

I know you work on it A-net so pls just disable the skill in WvW. I play Mesmer myself and I rather loos a skill then to see players go down to such a low level when they lose it is just a shame.

Btw. The issus is manily used atm by Kodash and Seafarer’s rest I don’t know about the other servers or other ppl even on my server ( elona reach) but I am certainly bugged by this.


Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071



honestly speaking the only time mesmer portals get used is to
1. get to otherwise unjumpable spots to put sieges down
2. glitch the engine where you’re dead from invisible enemies

disable mesmer portals in wuvwuv until you fixed the invisible problem AN

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954


“As we have stated, this is no exploit so far but another tactic that players can use in their gaming experience.” lol

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: LaronX.8079


wait so focing the server to not load all models in time is a tactic?

edit: I mean not that the Mesmer portal is the problem it is the not loading just to make it clear. When the sort out the problem with the loading they can put it back in but in the current state of the game, with all the loading issus in WVW, i is abused more then used.


(edited by LaronX.8079)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Huh? Using a surprise tactic and not letting your enemy see you coming straight at them is now frowned upon? Maybe they need to add a “red-rover” style gameplay so it will all be fair?

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


“wait so forcing the server to not load all models in time is a tactic?”

Well, doh. If the likes of EVE Online have taught me anything, it’s that there are people who will use the ugliest possible tricks to win.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Huh? Using a surprise tactic and not letting your enemy see you coming straight at them is now frowned upon? Maybe they need to add a “red-rover” style gameplay so it will all be fair?

He’s talking about the technical issue, not the gameplay issue.

If you load a massive number of players into a portal, the GAME will not LOAD those players onto enemy screens for sometimes multiple minutes.

It is a technical bug that is causing mesmer portals to grant AOE stealth (which doesn’t drop via combat) to an infinite number of allies for a super long duration.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


“wait so forcing the server to not load all models in time is a tactic?”

Well, doh. If the likes of EVE Online have taught me anything, it’s that there are people who will use the ugliest possible tricks to win.

If it’s in the game, it’s intended to be used…

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


Group swiftness can also cause the game to lag/graphics culling. Should we disable that next? How about Shadow Refuge? AE graphics can sometimes cause Melee to lose sight of their target. Should we disable spell effects?

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


I can’t actually believe this is a thread…

“Take away peoples skills until you fix a render issue.”

Really? No. Deal with it until it’s fixed.

Play smart, keep your eyes open instead of afking on Siege waiting for enemies to appear in front of you.

Oh and don’t get mad when they appear on top of you. ;]

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Huh? Using a surprise tactic and not letting your enemy see you coming straight at them is now frowned upon? Maybe they need to add a “red-rover” style gameplay so it will all be fair?

He’s talking about the technical issue, not the gameplay issue.

If you load a massive number of players into a portal, the GAME will not LOAD those players onto enemy screens for sometimes multiple minutes.

It is a technical bug that is causing mesmer portals to grant AOE stealth (which doesn’t drop via combat) to an infinite number of allies for a super long duration.

Considering that is doesn’t happen every time, I don’t see a problem with it, at least as far as ‘disabling’ the ability. If your tactics depend on server lag then you are playing wrong. If it happens during a normal battle, well it goes both ways, so until they can remedy it, its just going to happen sometimes. The good thing about this game is they have a thing call a way point that people can respawn at and the game doesn’t end.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


“wait so forcing the server to not load all models in time is a tactic?”

Well, doh. If the likes of EVE Online have taught me anything, it’s that there are people who will use the ugliest possible tricks to win.

If it’s in the game, it’s intended to be used…

Heh. Right now, even free transfer to opposing sides to waste their supplies on uselessly positioned siege is “in the game”. That doesn’t make it less distasteful, tacky, or cheesy.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: LaronX.8079


At all oit works 100% of the time with a total amount of 100 players or more and with the current zerg tactics( which pretty much will stay if DAoC is anything to go by) it means if you sige anything you will get kitten over by this.


Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


Also, people assume that the people using the portal never lags. In big zergs the graphics lag for everyone. You can portal in a spot and it can take a second for everyone to load. It’s pretty balanced to me. As long as you have awareness, you can get the jump on people using portals.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


two points:
1) (questionable) does the mesmer himself load? if so then there is a simple counter-tactic. Kill the mesmer.
2) (pretty certin) the portal itself will load in. so, if you see a portal, either A) start AOEing the portal, or B) run away.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


At all oit works 100% of the time with a total amount of 100 players or more and with the current zerg tactics( which pretty much will stay if DAoC is anything to go by) it means if you sige anything you will get kitten over by this.

Wot? If all you did is zerg in DAoC i feel bad for you. The only time i was in a zerg was relic raids. Even then, most of the relic raids that happened my 8man or small man group would run around picking off people running to defend.

This right here is a technical issue on all front. One, it can be used to get to normally inaccessible area’s. Two, it causes the zerg invisibility because of their craptastic culling code/netcode. Sadly, turning off abilities because their code isnt up to par is really really unfair to the player. May as well just turn off PvP until everything is fixed thus killing the game out right. i agree there is a huge issue but this is not the solution.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954



You can see four enemy “names”(not even fully rendered), while there were at least 20 [Nug] players.
You can see most of our raid death or downed, while we barely can see anyone of them. And now think about it, how long it takes to kill a player+ his additional health bar during his downed state. 10 of our players are death, while 4 of their players are partly visible( just the “far shiverpeaks” above their heads, not even the character models)

The small lags for the exploiting side are negligible, because we cant see anyone of them for 10+ seconds. And the big difference is. Our character models are fully loaded, so they can see us from the beginning, while their character models are appearing bit by bit.

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

(edited by Scryar.2954)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


You don’t just “kill” a mesmer. They have four stealths and a blink.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


You don’t just “kill” a mesmer. They have four stealths and a blink.

you don’t have to necessarily have to “kill” the mesmer. just keep it away from the center of your group. and there is a reason I said that that way was questionable meathod.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


You intend to keep and invisible, swiftness running, 1200-distance-traited blink player “from the center of your group”? Not going to happen

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


You intend to keep and invisible, swiftness running, 1200-distance-traited blink player “from the center of your group”? Not going to happen

so keep an eye out for the portal itself. if you see a portal “appear” then react as if there is a zerg pouring through it RIGHT NOW.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


The client limit is what? 30-40 people? It simply cant render more. In big battles you sometimes wonder where the enemy is. There was a nice screenshot from another person only showing alot of AoE effects and such. But no players.

And thats not in a new battle or anything, that was a continual siege.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247



As we tried to retrace the so called “exploit” with the mesmer portal spell on our testing server (with a group of 5guys vs 5guys) we couldnt find any abuse of such a tactic.This tactic works as intend and has verfied as quiet weak as you can easily throw area of effect damage on the mesmer portal.
Your Fake-GM

i wonder if Anet a) plays on far shiverpeaks or b) never played wvw on a public server before.

this statement is punch right into the face for every honest guild/group out there.
I kindly hope that there will be a different statement from Mike soon.
I am afraid that we will find ourself in a Mes vs Mes from now on.

May the team with faster connection and superior hardware win!

GW isnt item based? From now on it is, unfortunatly not virtual items, but very real ones.


Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247


so keep an eye out for the portal itself. IF you see a portal “appear” then react as if there is a zerg pouring through it RIGHT NOW.

yes IF you see a portal. about 90% of the zerg wont even see the portal at all (special when the mesmer is cloacked).

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812



honestly speaking the only time mesmer portals get used is to
1. get to otherwise unjumpable spots to put sieges down

If it’s an unreachable spot then how did the original Mesmer get there? Portals work like this. Mesmer lays a portal then goes somewhere else and lays another portal and Blink doesn’t work if the axis is at too great of a height differential.

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

They wont see the portal because they have tunnel vision of the door they are banging on. Always have someone watching the roads or sides…

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


I play a lot of Mesmer in WvW.

95% of the portals I make don’t move big zergs or golems around. You could AoE, but going full overkill AoE on each and every mesmer portal will certainly leave you at disadvantage too.

You only get to choose how to lose.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


Maybe we should just take away all skills from the game and just have auto attack. It would make the game easier then actually learning tactics to overcome feats. The game might be less fun, but hey… If one skill goes, they all gotta go.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618



As we tried to retrace the so called “exploit” with the mesmer portal spell on our testing server (with a group of 5guys vs 5guys) we couldnt find any abuse of such a tactic.This tactic works as intend and has verfied as quiet weak as you can easily throw area of effect damage on the mesmer portal.
Your Fake-GM

i wonder if Anet a) plays on far shiverpeaks or b) never played wvw on a public server before.

this statement is punch right into the face for every honest guild/group out there.
I kindly hope that there will be a different statement from Mike soon.
I am afraid that we will find ourself in a Mes vs Mes from now on.

May the team with faster connection and superior hardware win!

GW isnt item based? From now on it is, unfortunatly not virtual items, but very real ones.


Actually superiour HW or connections doesnt help at all. I can sit in a huge battle getting 60FPS with a GTX680+i5-3570K in 1920*1200 and still not see people. Both new and people that have been there for a while.

Looking at Anets response, I have a bad feeling its a limit of the client/engine they cant fix.

Another good example is the Claw of Jormag. Try go there with alot of people and see. You never see all people, far from. Just the animations with no visible people when the character count goes beyond 30 or 40.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690



honestly speaking the only time mesmer portals get used is to
1. get to otherwise unjumpable spots to put sieges down

If it’s an unreachable spot then how did the original Mesmer get there? Portals work like this. Mesmer lays a portal then goes somewhere else and lays another portal and Blink doesn’t work if the axis is at too great of a height differential.

Aye, its not a portal issue but its being abused. Player lags up a wall or flies up (nice z hack there) and drops a portal. People go though, bam, in an inaccessable place but didnt cheat themselves. Porting in a zerg and having them invisible isnt a cheat either. Just poor coding.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Mug.9403


You intend to keep and invisible, swiftness running, 1200-distance-traited blink player “from the center of your group”? Not going to happen

so keep an eye out for the portal itself. if you see a portal “appear” then react as if there is a zerg pouring through it RIGHT NOW.

And then AE it so you can hit 5 of them. (oh wait, that rules out any targetted AEs)

To be clear for everyone else, the actual issue is a server issue. They should fix it. When they quoted this was “ok” on the other thread, you really have to believe that they had no idea what was actually happening is a server issue. They think it’s some magical tactic.

This will work 100% of the time with enough people on both sides total.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247


i mean doesnt care anet the compatitive part in the game at all?
spvp and wvw, both are just handled so carelessly.
i wonder how gw1 which primary lived so long because of HoH (later HA) and GvG can be forgotten as a part to be focused on in gw2.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Smokesacks.1084


The issue isn’t the mesmer’s portal, but that free transfers are still up. Any kind of actual WvW playable value is nonexistent if players can freely transfer out to another server to populate it so others from that actual server can’t get in or screw around with supplies and orbs. Until free transfers go away, WvW will continue to have major playability issues.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Zergball is exploit too because i can’t see enemies in big fights.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


You can see four enemy “names”(not even fully rendered), while there were at least 20 [Nug] players.
You can see most of our raid death or downed, while we barely can see anyone of them. And now think about it, how long it takes to kill a player+ his additional health bar during his downed state. 10 of our players are death, while 4 of their players are partly visible( just the “far shiverpeaks” above their heads, not even the character models)

The small lags for the exploiting side are negligible, because we cant see anyone of them for 10+ seconds. And the big difference is. Our character models are fully loaded, so they can see us from the beginning, while their character models are appearing bit by bit.

Stop this useless butthurting already and man up.
We have the same issues with rendering every single kitten time. Why we are winning? Because we are heavy relying on our scouts, and your brainless Riverside zerg never ever trying to move away if they see a mesmer scout incoming (I’m not even saying about “noticing” 40 ppl group incomes – everybody bashing gates then dying, no scouts).
Here’s how I see rush on Riverside zerg from my current perspective (yes this is 2 seconds after portal warp btw):
I can see only loot bags when they appear and dead bodies after 10+ seconds.
But please proceed with all this stupid conspiracy. Instead of improving you prefer to whine like little mädchen.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


“As we have stated, this is no exploit so far but another tactic that players can use in their gaming experience.” lol

Yeah, that moderator is misinformed about the game Guild Wars 2.

In WvW situations the players coming through the portal in fact do not render for several seconds (this is not a stealth related issue), so mesmer portals are problematikittenil they fix their server.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


Why we are winning? Because we are heavy relying on our scouts,

(Can’t edit my post above to include this so I’m double posting)

I am not on either of your servers so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but come on, despite the loading affecting both sides, you know full well that the people porting in have a huge advantage. You may be scouting nicely but that is almost certainly not why you win fights where you port your zerg into the middle of their zerg with load lag.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


where you port your zerg into the middle of their zerg with load lag.

And we have the same load lag when we move in the middle of the zerg.
So what do you implying? That suffering from the same issue, we have only one advantage left – advantage of sudden attack, which can be easily mitigated with scouts (and our whining enemies from Riverside dont have any). RS should at least learn from Vizunah – they have good scouting and probably server wide voice comms for coordination (and also good portal skills and counters).

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Why we are winning? Because we are heavy relying on our scouts,

(Can’t edit my post above to include this so I’m double posting)

I am not on either of your servers so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but come on, despite the loading affecting both sides, you know full well that the people porting in have a huge advantage. You may be scouting nicely but that is almost certainly not why you win fights where you port your zerg into the middle of their zerg with load lag.

Yes i hate those players too who try to get advantage. Real warriors stand in line and spam auto attack.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Yes i hate those players too who try to get advantage. Real warriors stand in line and spam auto attack.

Turn-based auto attack like in real gentlemen fights!

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I challenge you to a duel with wet newspapers!

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247


Here’s how I see rush on Riverside zerg from my current perspective (yes this is 2 seconds after portal warp btw):
I can see only loot bags when they appear and dead bodies after 10+ seconds.
But please proceed with all this stupid conspiracy. Instead of improving you prefer to whine like little mädchen.

noticed that aoeing a mes portal dmg 5 guys? but dmging from the portal into the outstanding group will hit much more area?

noticed that even the mesmer portal isnt visible for most of the players?

noticed? even you keep exploiting like hell you still cant dominate riverside in any major way?
800points different after 6days with 2 major guild of your server exploiting heavily (your included of course) and you talk about unorganized noob on riverside-server?

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Here’s how I see rush on Riverside zerg from my current perspective (yes this is 2 seconds after portal warp btw):
I can see only loot bags when they appear and dead bodies after 10+ seconds.
But please proceed with all this stupid conspiracy. Instead of improving you prefer to whine like little mädchen.

noticed that aoeing a mes portal dmg 5 guys? but dmging from the portal into the outstanding group will hit much more area?

noticed that even the mesmer portal isnt visible for most of the players?

noticed? even you keep exploiting like hell you still cant dominate riverside in any major way?
800points different after 6days with 2 major guild of your server exploiting heavily (your included of course) and you talk about unorganized noob on riverside-server?

I don’t know what you have noticed or not, but any normal human will notice that I have turned on my Plague and rushed into “possible location” of gate bashing walking-loot-bags, leaving my group and rest of the income behind. “Mesmer portal isnt visible” – because it’s behind of me you silly.
I’m not surprised that players from are blinded by rage because they are losing to FS again (fourth time in the row iirc?). But their false accusations are really childish.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


The load issue has nothing to do with mesmer portals.

Its a server problem. The server can’t handle everyone loading at once.

Mesmer portals are just another tactic and a good one at that. Stop crying about the wrong things.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


This is a personal favourite of mine in terms of culling.

I am still trying to figure out how to use it tactically. And how it improves my gaming experience. Just cant get my head around those 2 parts. But hey, ArenaNet must know their game better than me,


Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Hargrik.8672


I play a Mesmer and I agree with the OP.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Furienify.5738


As do I. It’s laughable when people try and brukitten off by saying ‘hurr durr just stop the Mesmer form getting in to your group’. I can stack upwards of ten seconds of invisibility and I have a 1,200 ranged blink, along with two forms of invulnerability on-demand and a 25%-health contingency invisibility.

You are not going to stop me.

Edit: Brukitten? The hell? Brush the problem off. What an aggressive word filter.

(edited by Furienify.5738)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


Please disable the all the skills that other classes use to attack me because when they kill me it makes me sad.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


bump this one a million times.

Mods anet whoever look at this screen shot… No response to this?

They’ve already responded to this. It happens. I’m sure they’re working on optimizing their code (in fact Mike has said they are making architectural changes and will have an update in a couple of weeks).

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Arson.4189
