Possible Solution to Arrow Carts/Camera
Or just remove Arrow Carts completely….or reduce there power by 75% and make them do no damage to certain siege……
Should players that have field of view/vert maxed out have a distinct competitive advantage to players who prefer the old settings? Right now, it’s obvious that they do.
If so, we’re all going to have to get used to barely being able to see enemy animations right next to our character…
If not….this needs to be fixed.
Or just remove Arrow Carts completely….or reduce there power by 75% and make them do no damage to certain siege……
- Let mesmer feedback and other “reflect projectile” skills work vs arrow carts. It doesn’t need to damage the ac. Deflection is enough.
- Add new siege types:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantlet A mantlet is just a wooden (somewhat portable) wall with a slit to see through. Could maybe make a cool sylvari umbrella tree or some asuran construction that shields against arrows for x amount of damage.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavise The pavise is a very large shield a crossbowman would put down and hide behind.
- Maybe lock the person on the ac into first person view mode or similar
- Or do nothing and let the hellfire rain down upon them
@Shufflepants: If i understand it correctly, you want the arrow carts to force a specific camera setting, right? By proposing this you effectively want to limit the advanatge of additional FoV to the multi monitor crowd and those who simply put GW2 into windowed mode and squint the window to aspect ratio of 2:1 or greater in order go obtain a higher FoV. I´m asking you, is that more balanced than allowing EVERYONE to legitimately achieve the same FoV by just dragging an options slider to the right? If you dont like it, don´t use it, simply put. There are far more viable options to change the way arrow carts work.
That being said, i don´t really get why all people are upset and say “defensive siege isnt viable anymore”. Any arrow cart placed outside of your keep able to hit your arrow cart inside your keep may be able to be hit as well. Adapt to new placement strategies where your usual placement locations won´t be able to hit arrow carts directly to the feet of your walls for example.
@Fenda: Truthfully, something should have been done about the FoV multimonitor/windowed mode thing a LONG time ago too.
But what would that cause? They would have to alianate triplehead-gamers in order to cater towards the non-triplehead gamers. They way the engine behaves to render the game in different aspect ratios is incredibly good because it adjusts the FoV depending on the aspect ratio. No part of the game gets distorted ever, if you overlook the problems with UI scaling. Nah, ArenaNet should further improve the FoV settings and general camera mechanic and instead fix the arrow cart problem by mixing LoS restrictions with range restrictions, meaning you can only ever target an area with x amount of structure within LoS. Example would be an arrow cart, placed directly at the feet of a wall, just able to target the top of the wall but is disallowed to target the ground. Make heightened ground matter, thus allowing higher placed arrow carts a more LoS independent range of valid target surface. Something like that… but dont ever mess with the FoV because now that its here it should never go away.
Everyone did notice that the Camera settings have the word BETA there, right? We are all familiar with the concept of a beta I hope, so give it time to be worked out.
Funny, I have not found any videos of an AC against the wall targeting the ground beyond a wall. Anyone??
You don´t need a video for that. As long as the target location is 600 units (i believe – don’t know the exact minimum range right now) away from the arrow cart, counted in a straight line, you can target whatever is within your (=the camera’s) line of sight and you’re not limited to the arrow cart’s line of sight. So you may not be able to shoot right onto the opposite side of the wall, but you may hit the opoosite side a bit further away from your location to the left or right since technically there are no line of sight restrictions. Whatever you can click at will get pierced by arrows.
I suppose I was not aware that it was possible to achieve the same FOV previously.
Was it also possible to adjust the camera height?
Perhaps there are better solutions. Perhaps no solution is even necessary. I merely presented one that seemed reasonable and reasonably easy for Devs to implement.
Arrow carts have no line of flight. This makes the changed FOV so OP. You can protect your siege weapons with obstacles against siege weapons with line of flight but not against AC. The only alternative is to leave the range of ACs directly placed at the wall. In the old towers is no place to hide. ACs can cover everything.
Everyone did notice that the Camera settings have the word BETA there, right? We are all familiar with the concept of a beta I hope, so give it time to be worked out.
Funny, I have not found any videos of an AC against the wall targeting the ground beyond a wall. Anyone??
Someone linked this the other day —-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMocOT_O6ig
Or just remove Arrow Carts completely….or reduce there power by 75% and make them do no damage to certain siege……
So you want them to shoot wet spaghetti then? They need to help the defenders too you know.