Possible Squad Fix

Possible Squad Fix

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I think some changes to how the squad mechanics work would be helpful to make it useful.

1.) Squads should be not be a manual process, you should auto join whatever commander is in proximity to you (You can adjust range accordingly)

2.) If multiple commanders are within that range, you are in both squads automatically, but should be able to choose a squad manually if you like. However by default you are in both

This way….anyone in range of the commander can see squad chat…it doesn’t clog up team chat or map chat…we don’t have to spam everything in say as well and we won’t get suppressed since squad chat will never suppress you, you will accurately be able to see everyone’s supply (Sort of like supply info now in a way) and you can still select the one squad you want to follow (if your following a specific commander). I’m not sure how hard this would be technically but I think it would make squads actually useful for what they were intended for..

Underwater Operations – [WET]