Possible change to WvW - Discussion

Possible change to WvW - Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: SugarSnap.5704


**Moderators this is being posted here so more people will see it, but if you must move it to WvW section then go ahead.

My proposed change:
The Eternal Battleground (and other realms Border Lands) can only be accessed if your realm has control of a majority of their home Border Land map.

Well for a few reasons that I will try and explain here.
You login and see your home BL map being over taken by the enemy, so instead of fighting the zerg or defending keeps, towers, camps, you take your guild/zerg to another map. One that isn’t being invaded and begin to zerg it and take all the keeps, towers, camps. Okay so you essentially avoid fighting, but with the system in place could win your week long match by controlling more keeps, towers, camps.

Every fight feels VERY one sided. I either see myself getting steamrolled by the enemy zerg or it’s the other way around. With my proposed solution of making each realm own a majority of their BL before entering Eternal Battlegrounds or another BL would create epic battles. It would force people who are online at the same time to band together and actually fight the war! Instead of avoiding the enemy’s attacks and just take the easy route for realm points.


Possible change to WvW - Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: EvilExE.3460


This wont work, simply because the actual player numbers allowed to enter WvW will be divided by 3, players would need to wait for the players in the home borderlands to gain control, and whats to say that they even could gain control, for isntance both other servers enter huge zergs into one servers home, and just punish them at a player ratio of 2 to 1.

Every person makes error’s, all that matter’s is how they fix them.

Possible change to WvW - Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: xeph.8410


Reducing the number of maps to fight on when there is already a always queue on T1 servers on weekends to get into WvW isn’t a good idea.

However, if we introduced an attractive (in terms of loot, rewards etc) WvW only zone that you only had access to if you were winning in WvW …

(edited by xeph.8410)