Potential Change to Reset Time
1) Yes, I would still like resets to be moved back to Friday
2) 18:00 UTC Friday is perfect for EU
(edited by Avoid.2807)
Yay for Friday
Friday fits my schedule a bit better than the weekends. 6pm PST works perfectly fine for me as well.
1) Now that you guys have settled around Saturday resets, do you still want resets changed back to Fridays?
Yes, change it back to Fridays.
2) What time do you propose that you believe would please a greater percentage of the community, while still not overlapping with our hotfix window?
EU resets on 11AM PST Fri (19:00 GMT Fri.)
(edited by rbbthole.9074)
Im all for changing it back to fridays.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
+1 for good old Friday resets!
Guildleader of Kalevala [Kale] – Farshiverpeaks
o7 reperting in for friday resets plz, gives us Australian based players 2 full days to WvW with the NA guilds instead of just 1 before reality hits on Monday.
+1 for friday reset
Yes, please change this back to Friday. The community overwhelmingly did not want the saturday change, so it should be the obvious choice to move it back.
I cant remember a “hot fix” happening at all during friday night since HOT launched anyway
I dont care for the exact time of the reset as long as its on a friday.
I dont mind wvw-downtimes caused by patches/hotfixes, even if it were for several hours – as long as the reset is on a friday.
Friday night reset roaming and early saturday morning roaming were just my favorite playtimes until hot came along.
Yes! take it back to friday!
For Europe:
I’d prefer saturday as I’m almost always busy friday evening.
Friday-saturday midnight UTC (which, if I recall correctly, was the original time) would be slightly less good but still a nice one.
Friday evening is the worst for me as I’ll rarely be able to play at reset.
Then again, I am on a dead server, so until population issues are fixed you might as well disregard my opinion as I’ll barely be playing WvW at all.
Friday sounds better to me.
Friday would be nice! It sets the mood for the weekend.
Friday is definitely the way to go, please do this!!.
#TeamFriday !
So we can finally be back to our normal Server WvW Schedule !
WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
(edited by Luna.9640)
i am fine with friday reset as before.
18.00 utc for eu seems reasonable and yes bring it back to friday
I want Friday reset back plox! Anet make it happen!
Aurora Glade
1) Now that you guys have settled around Saturday resets, do you still want resets changed back to Fridays?
- NA resets on 6PM/7PM PST/PDT Fri (2:00 UTC Sat)
- EU resets on 10AM/11AM PST/PDT Fri (18:00 UTC Fri.)
2) Do the above times seem reasonable to you guys?
Thanks for asking, Tyler, your questions are indeed very much appreciated. Please allow me to answer your thoughtful inquiry with a heartfelt: Kitten YES, omg, please yes yes yes, for the love of the Eternal Alchemy, yes, do it, do it fast, do it now, just do it, yes please, i want this, yes this, yes, yes, the answer is YES!!!!1!
Please also allow me to congratulate you to your wise decision of considering reset times independently for NA and EU. This is, in fact, a splendid idea for giving the communities on both sides of the Atlantic the best experience possible. My Kudos to you and the whole team.
Yours faithfully,
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
Please no. We do guild mission before reset on saturday. Now we will just get in a way of people that actually play WvW.
FRIDAY RESETS??? CAN IT BE TRUE? Yes I vote for resets on Friday again, 8est would be nice.
PB Officer
please do it
good old times
Please change it back to the original reset time on Friday
professional WvW rallybotting since 2013
Please no. We do guild mission before reset on saturday. Now we will just get in a way of people that actually play WvW.
So you don’t actually play WvW but you do your guild missions there. Why should your opinion matter? And how is you doing guild missions in WvW getting in the way of real WvWers? You’re in WvW doing objectives – nothing useless about that.
A return to Friday reset has my vote too.
+1 for changing resets back to Fridays.
Thanks for the communication + questions, always great to see, much appreciated.
Yes Friday! also switch to Alpine maps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
Any later than 1 hour after reset, which is what it used to be on a Friday, is too late. A lot of people go to sleep a couple of hours after reset as it is so you would only be giving them 1 hour of play?
(edited by Clemy.8290)
Another +1 for Friday
+1 for friday, implement ASAP please
+1 Friday.
Msg body 15
Change it to Friday. But most of all change it so that it isn’t as early in the eventing as it is now (EU).
Resets used to be these short (well 3-4 hours) intense days that then turned into a slow drunken fun night shift.
Having it as early as it is now just makes people not care. Its too long and slow and tiresome.
(edited by Enizoom.5697)
My personal “vote” would be for:
For US folks that would “be”:
FRI 23:00 EST / 24:00 EDT
FRI 22:00 CST / 23:00 CDT
FRI 21:00 MST / 22:00 MDT
FRI 20:00 PST / 21:00 PDTI think this would be the best “in between” for both those of us who want it changed, and those of us who do not.
Me personally, I couldn’t care less. You could make reset WED @ 17:00 UTC/GMT and I still wouldn’t personally care. I look at it this way, it’s going to reset once per week anyway, so what does it much matter WHEN this happens! I gave my answer as to what I believe would be the best business decision to make
That and I have OCD so, 0300 (or 3 hours) is an exact 1/8th of a day >.>
Oh, and for the EU servers, I propose my “vote” for:
For US folks that would “be”:
FRI 11:00 EST / 12:00 EDT
FRI 10:00 CST / 11:00 CDT
FRI 09:00 MST / 10:00 MDT
FRI 08:00 PST / 09:00 PDT
(to be the ‘polar opposite’ of NA servers)
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
+1 on EU Friday Reset!!!
If i can give an hint 18 UTC is to early for many guilds, it will end up being a pug blobfest, if you want to have a more balanced reset move it to 20/21 UTC
thanks to start listening to the WvW players, that s a nice start.
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2
Bring back Friday reset party night.
yes please, back to friday!
I can understand the “too late” or “too early” argument. However, bear in mind “it’s always noon SOMEWHERE” What may be good for you, isn’t going to ‘bode well’ for someone else in another time zone, and visa versa.
That’s why the “logic” I’d like to see followed is either A] that the server resets at 00:00/24:00 UTC/GMT – which makes sense because it’s a brand new day (UTC/GMT). Or, B] that (in the case of the “NA” servers) they “reset” at 00:00/24:00 during EDT [04:00 UTC/GMT], the “first midnight” to hit the US of A. Granted (of course) individual time zones and accommodation for standard/daylight savings time will vastly alter what time reset will be for “you”, it would be occurring at the first possible midnight to hit the US time zones. I do also think that EU servers should remain the exact “polar opposite” that of the NA servers. So if reset for NA was 00:00/24:00 UTC/GMT – then EU reset should be 12:00 UTC/GMT, or B] if reset for NA is 04:00 UTC/GMT [the first US midnight EDT] – then EU reset should be 16:00 UTC/GMT [the first US noon EDT].
Just my $0.02 (FWIW)
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
There is no need to consider any new times.
Just reverse it to pre-HoT fridays reset, period.
Its amazing that we even need a thread for it.
Yes! Friday! Thank you! Hope to see more threads like this, engaging the WvW community for positive changes the majority wants to see, this is very much appreciated and hope to see more of it in the near future!
This is a good first step to start revitalizing WvW, keep going!
Yes please, back to fridays! We will never forget the pathetic reasons for reset change.
Yes Fridays Pretty Please with Sugar on top. LOL Bites Tongue
Yes please! Reset back to Friday would be great. Times look fine. I can enjoy WvW on Saturdays again
Friday but back to the normal time people of about 7/8 pm reset
Friday reset all the way, saturday is very inactive untill reset and it feels like a big waste of time to play over the weekend.
Guilds: [TDS] The Desert Squad-Retired, [bM] Badmash, [BoRP] Bunch Of Random Players
Always looking for fights gvg’s etc just hit me up!
I want to get it back to friday evening (EU) as it was before it changed to Saturday.
As it is now, fridays are just useless because the mu is mostly already settled and all are tired of it and want a new mu. Especially here in EU were we have different mu every week. Saturday evenings are also mostly dedicated for family stuff, gf/bf, going out with friends and so on, and Fridays was easier to attend to then Saturdays because of this.
(EU reset)
100% pro Friday.
Reset on Saturday evening made Saturday afternoons boring.
My favorite would be 8pm CET (7 pm UTC), for both, summer and winter time.
(edited by rdb.9258)